Monday 3 March 2014

Diary 3rd March 2014

Well today was my day for Psychotherapy. Twas intriguing. However am finding that i may have to quit it, as there's nothing really worth talking about. LIke I have gotten everything outta me system. However that said, I got da vibe from him that he mightned let me go that easy when I expressed to him, that I may have to attend therapy if my homophobia is rehashed while I'm in the States. However one positive did come out of this when he attempted to ask me, what can he do to jump the hurdle. I described to him if there was a way I could be the M1 motorway that bypasses Enfield. In other words whenever I'm with the folks, to forget about the memories of the homophobia when I'm there with the folks. He then went onto say "There has to be something you remember that was good with him(Paps)". Something to that affect. And I said now that you mention it, yes there are actually. Whenever am wit me Paps, i'm always talking in Irish(Gaeilge), talking Politics ie asking him what is this mean, what that mean etc., etc., then the gardening. I did say to him that I respect me Pops for keeping his mouth shut(He mighten agree with my sexuality - nothing can be done about that), but my Mom she just doesn't shut up. I explained to him(psychotherapy), that Men tend to keep their feelings inside and not like women.

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