I hadn't had a dream after a long time. Here's the latest dream I had last ngiht. I'm on a road walking, along in Ukraine, to be precise Donetske. The road then subdivides. Then you'd swear I was in a war zone or something.
I have noticed that something by means of a pattern. In that if i'm under stress, or i'm upset about something then I dream. Well as you can gather, my sis' condition doesn't help(although she is improving), added ontop of that my ex cheating on me, as I found out yesterday, then there is the little matter of the stigma that is rampant of Hepatitis B. Put all that into a pot, I bet you all it will get burned. Thats quite hella of lot alrite.
My first port of call was to go ahead to a meetup group known as DIGs(Dublin International Gays) in the Morrison Hotel on Dublin's Ormond Quay. Was great to see some familiar faces. Some were delighted to see me. Others NOT so much. But hey whatever. ahahaha.
So then on the way back, I called up to my folks. On the way, I encountered a work fence wide opened. Funny thought came by to me. In that continuously looking at my cell phone and I unwittingly walk in the a dead end hence why the work fence is put up int he first place. I laugh outrageously and splitting my sides from laughing. So then I arrived at Mom and Dads. WE chatted for a bit. I borrowed my Dad's Roof fire device. It allows to burn the Roof covering to the actual roof. I had a bit to eat. Mom left me down to my sis.
Twas wonderful to see my sis. I told her of my ex's infidelity. I asked her to define the term: "Cheat". What she said was quite remarkable. In that Offline Or ONLINE. From what I understand, if there's any "touching" to another guy, that classifies as cheating. So am assuming that when my ex's met up with his date Friday(the day he told me was shopping and he was up with his few "friends"), that would have hugged or at least kissed each other, private or whatever.
SO when I got home from my sis, I began to use my Dad's tool that he lent me. I took everything out of the fridge AND the freezer sections. Cause I was getting fed up of the shelvings in the freezer not being able to move. Although I did manage to get two of em out during the week. The last one was being a bitch to me. So I set things up as follows. I filled my shower full of water on the basin where you stand and blocked the shower so that the water wouldn't go down. Little did that work thou. The reason I did so, was to keep all my fridge aspect cool. I had my fridge contents ie Milk etc., in the sink. However with the heat of the Roof device, I had to transfer em. So that I did. However that didn't work at all, as I tried several items. The water kept going down the shower. So I was fretting as to how am I gonna keep my fridge items intact. Then The same went for the fridge. As I had to refreeze(which is not the best for some food items - so wish me the best of luck that I don't get the runs, when I go to eat em later on). This took a full hour. SO after an hour, I was delighted with the results. Its all sorted now.
I went to get my lunch(I know, I know: the time - whatever. hahahaaha), I made my pasta(the premade one where you but boiling water and put it on the hob). I went to get my alcohol drink of Smirnoff Lime. Now here's me thinking I don't need a mixer(ie OJ, Coke etc.,), I just poured myself a full glass of the stuff. Well by jasus I was not expecting that alrite. So strong. So I just throw it out. As I hadn't any mixer.
Sunday, 31 August 2014
Morrison's Hotel, Ormond Quay, Dublin
Well I traveled along to the Morison's Hotel in the nearby bar. While I appreciate that the staff members were quite under pressure, considering there were only two to serve a large group, I was quite taken aback by their mannerisms. By that I mean, that when I ordered my Green Tea as below, I asked what flavors do they have. And his reply was quite rude. He merely says "Green tea is Green tea Sir". Well it ain't. I can re-assure you. Its a family name. In the end, when I got the tea, I was treated to a lovely presentation. Lovely bikkie(Biscuits) might I add, and also the tea itself was a loose tea kinda thing. However the tea was so strong, I simply could not finish it. The price was so extraordinary and ridiculously expensive. 3.80 for the tea alone. When I saw the staff member coming over with a tray, it only occurred to me that the tea came from a different area. I could have gone over myself. He could have told me that teas etc., are served in a different area(across from the bar).
Diary 30th August 2014
Well what a day its been. As I said yesterday. I was looking at TV throughout the day. When all of a sudden there was a loud bang in the sky. It was actually a Jet engine ie an Aeroplane. I've never heard of such thing ever happening. It must have been flying really low or something.
Then I started my next section of tidying the bottom of my bed. This is the result of the flood back in August Bank Holiday weekend. The same weekend I was with Daniel and Brendan O' Farrell. While doing so, I decided to look at my fella's Facebook page, which he's on my sex account.
Boi was I not expecting such. The first thing that appeared was that some guy had posted and tagged Christopher(my baby) saying that he enjoyed the DATE. Now only one word spells out to me. CHEATING. I was totally distraught. Only for my puppies and Inflatables, I wouldn't know what would happen. And Christopher replied to his apparent fella now, "Awww thanks sweetiexxxx". So I immediately in a fit of rage, Shouted at him by means of text and said the following: Firstly i said: "I don't think we're gonna work out. Best wishes in the future". He replied why? I then proceeded to shout at him by means of text: "Cause I just saw your FB and you cheated on me. Even thou we never met. Still hurts Like A BITCH". He replied saying He didn't cheat, we never met up. Bottomline, is you don't start saying in the chats on the Internet, "I love you" etc., exchanging roses etc., and then to say I didn't cheat. etc., etc., I proceeded to say to him, that I had to drag stuff outta him. I actually brought this up with Brendan yesterday. I mentioned to him, that Christopher is looking for a bf. And that's very shy. ie HE can't open up to people. Yet he can go up to Dublin(He's from Co. Meath) and make out in the middle of the city. Now what does that say to u.
So I removed him from my Viber, WhatsApp and as a Contact. Now my heart is breaking, but not as bad as the time with Keith. Afterall I was with him for 9months. With this fella for a week or so. I was beginning to develop feelings for him. BUT when he started to distance himself. He had asked me to be his bf. But I felt, that it should take things slow. Apparently he wanted it to be quick. SO I ain't sure. Another thing is that he's NOT begging. So apparently maybe he was a fake. Searson did try and warn me. While O' Farrell wished me every happiness. Sure look where that got me. hahaah
I also removed Mark Henry too the guy from Louth. On the foundation of him accusing me of cheating on my ex(Keith). He don't know me. So he had no right to say such. He saying that it ain't normal taking pics of guys on TV and in a chipper when I took a pic of the cute lad. mmmm. Even showing his undies. Now that's' hot. But anyways, the point being, is that he didn't like that I was doing so. As well as coming onto me INAPPROPRIATELY. So I decided to remove him too
So as well as to contend with guys stigmatizing me over Hepatitis B now I've to contend with this. I can honestly tell you guys and gals my viewers and reader of the this blog, that my future Husband to be is over in America. So I'm gonna try a suggestion. That I put up on ALL my profiles that I have Hepatitis B. Give a brief understanding.
So bottomline, I have my Puppies and Inflatables who'll NEVER leave me. My sis is living in a hospital these days. The two Brendan's have their own lives.
Donald Tusk of Poland has just been voted as the newly elected EU Counsel President and Italy's' Federickee Margarini has been voted as EU's Foreign Policy Chief.
Penn State and University of Central Florida(UCF) started their Supebowl Season here in Dublin's very own Croke Park Stadium. Penn State won by a landslide. Up to 20,000 American Football fans cheered on their college teams. Some came by Boat, others by plane. Its the first time the teams have played OUTSIDE the States. Inside the stadium, was full of the Penn Lines and Florida Nights colors, ie the team colors. They battled it out for the Dan Rooney Trophy. PEnn State came out on top with a win.
Then I started my next section of tidying the bottom of my bed. This is the result of the flood back in August Bank Holiday weekend. The same weekend I was with Daniel and Brendan O' Farrell. While doing so, I decided to look at my fella's Facebook page, which he's on my sex account.
Boi was I not expecting such. The first thing that appeared was that some guy had posted and tagged Christopher(my baby) saying that he enjoyed the DATE. Now only one word spells out to me. CHEATING. I was totally distraught. Only for my puppies and Inflatables, I wouldn't know what would happen. And Christopher replied to his apparent fella now, "Awww thanks sweetiexxxx". So I immediately in a fit of rage, Shouted at him by means of text and said the following: Firstly i said: "I don't think we're gonna work out. Best wishes in the future". He replied why? I then proceeded to shout at him by means of text: "Cause I just saw your FB and you cheated on me. Even thou we never met. Still hurts Like A BITCH". He replied saying He didn't cheat, we never met up. Bottomline, is you don't start saying in the chats on the Internet, "I love you" etc., exchanging roses etc., and then to say I didn't cheat. etc., etc., I proceeded to say to him, that I had to drag stuff outta him. I actually brought this up with Brendan yesterday. I mentioned to him, that Christopher is looking for a bf. And that's very shy. ie HE can't open up to people. Yet he can go up to Dublin(He's from Co. Meath) and make out in the middle of the city. Now what does that say to u.
So I removed him from my Viber, WhatsApp and as a Contact. Now my heart is breaking, but not as bad as the time with Keith. Afterall I was with him for 9months. With this fella for a week or so. I was beginning to develop feelings for him. BUT when he started to distance himself. He had asked me to be his bf. But I felt, that it should take things slow. Apparently he wanted it to be quick. SO I ain't sure. Another thing is that he's NOT begging. So apparently maybe he was a fake. Searson did try and warn me. While O' Farrell wished me every happiness. Sure look where that got me. hahaah
I also removed Mark Henry too the guy from Louth. On the foundation of him accusing me of cheating on my ex(Keith). He don't know me. So he had no right to say such. He saying that it ain't normal taking pics of guys on TV and in a chipper when I took a pic of the cute lad. mmmm. Even showing his undies. Now that's' hot. But anyways, the point being, is that he didn't like that I was doing so. As well as coming onto me INAPPROPRIATELY. So I decided to remove him too
So as well as to contend with guys stigmatizing me over Hepatitis B now I've to contend with this. I can honestly tell you guys and gals my viewers and reader of the this blog, that my future Husband to be is over in America. So I'm gonna try a suggestion. That I put up on ALL my profiles that I have Hepatitis B. Give a brief understanding.
So bottomline, I have my Puppies and Inflatables who'll NEVER leave me. My sis is living in a hospital these days. The two Brendan's have their own lives.
Donald Tusk of Poland has just been voted as the newly elected EU Counsel President and Italy's' Federickee Margarini has been voted as EU's Foreign Policy Chief.
Penn State and University of Central Florida(UCF) started their Supebowl Season here in Dublin's very own Croke Park Stadium. Penn State won by a landslide. Up to 20,000 American Football fans cheered on their college teams. Some came by Boat, others by plane. Its the first time the teams have played OUTSIDE the States. Inside the stadium, was full of the Penn Lines and Florida Nights colors, ie the team colors. They battled it out for the Dan Rooney Trophy. PEnn State came out on top with a win.
Saturday, 30 August 2014
Diary 29th August 2014
Well I had plans made to meet Brendan O' F. Lovely to see him. Initially we were to meet Daniel. The last time I saw him was at Joseph. I was most looking forward to see him. However O' Farrell has since told me that he can't make it. I initially thought it was because of the weather(like it was raining). So eitherway we got the tickets. WE were to see As Above, So Below(Review here).
As you will gather from the review, I most certainly was not impressed. So I invited Brendan for a drink. We were gonna have it the cinema, but he suggested Panti. I had Southern Comfort. Twas absolutely lovely. While their, we chatted for a bit. I told Brendan of a potential date, that I may have. He wished me the best of luck or as he puts it: "I'm happy for it". More than I can say of other people. Then I showed him a WEIRD message I got on Grindr. Scared the shite outta me. It read along the lines of "You have been located" etc., etc., He immediately told me it was a scam. So then, I suggested that we go to another film. As I wanted to something more cheerful and of course FOOD. hahaha. So he suggested Sin City 2: The Dame Killer(Review here). After the film, I accompanied Brendan to Harcourt St where he continued on his long hour or so long walk.
I stayed up for the night. I was expecting to go to bed early afternoon.
Malaysian Airlines is relaunching. It is going to be COMPLETELY State owned by the Government of Malaysian. Currently 6000 jobs will be lost. They are to slash long haul routes. And also a new Chief Executive
As you will gather from the review, I most certainly was not impressed. So I invited Brendan for a drink. We were gonna have it the cinema, but he suggested Panti. I had Southern Comfort. Twas absolutely lovely. While their, we chatted for a bit. I told Brendan of a potential date, that I may have. He wished me the best of luck or as he puts it: "I'm happy for it". More than I can say of other people. Then I showed him a WEIRD message I got on Grindr. Scared the shite outta me. It read along the lines of "You have been located" etc., etc., He immediately told me it was a scam. So then, I suggested that we go to another film. As I wanted to something more cheerful and of course FOOD. hahaha. So he suggested Sin City 2: The Dame Killer(Review here). After the film, I accompanied Brendan to Harcourt St where he continued on his long hour or so long walk.
I stayed up for the night. I was expecting to go to bed early afternoon.
Malaysian Airlines is relaunching. It is going to be COMPLETELY State owned by the Government of Malaysian. Currently 6000 jobs will be lost. They are to slash long haul routes. And also a new Chief Executive
Sin City 2: A Dame to Kill For
After the most disappointing film of As Above, So Below(Review here), I had high hopes for this. Normally I would be against goryness, slicing of throats etc., however the actual blood was replaced by white substance. I asked my friend if the whole film would be in black and white(Not in the olden style). So that's a plus. We were treated to narrating. From what I could gather A stripper(Don't know her name) wanted revenge on Senator Roark(Boothe). Johnny(Gordon-Levitt) wanted revenge as Roark killed Johnny's girlfriend. Ava(Green) wants to get back with Dwight(Brolin). However it is found that she's wanting to kill him etc., So while the plot was kind misleading for me personally, I thought it was cool. Graphics was most impressive. One thing I'm glad though was with the amount blood curdling and spillage etc., that it was all covered by means of white substance. Although my friend told me that you don't need to see the first Sin City, My advise I think you should. Cause I was completely lost. Heck I can't even remember the name of the characters.
Diary 28th August 2014
Well after a brief sleep of about 2 half hour sleep. I set about heading off to the movies. I first stopped by Into the Storm(Review here). Then I popped into the Outhouse. I saw Brendan S. Twas great to see him. I also saw Mike Kelly too. Great to see him too. Brendan was gonna come to the next film, however due to it being finished late, ie for the bus, he decided against it. So I went to see The Expendables 3(Review here).
Yesterday when I was at my nerves ending with The Mulligans and the Dots(Eileen and Brendan), I noted that JP(Kathleen's Son), was drinking Hennessy. Says I to himself. "Good on ya boi".
Then I popped into Nico's Takeaway(Review here), then I headed on home. heheeh. When I got back, I came back to a BLUE Screen on my TV. I attempted to change channels, but that didn't work. Yet when I was recording, they played. I then attempted to record a bit of a show. That didn't work properly. So I just reset the box as advised on the Sky Forum.
While listening to Music videos on the TV from Vintage TV(Great channel might I add), I was posting as a status for EVERY song I was listening. My mate Todd, was getting very annoyed with the amount of Notifications. He thought it was an app or something, which I still think he does. But anyways, IN the past, I have tried using Facebook's settings whereby you can leave a person out of a particular post, therefore they wouldn't see it at all. He was under the illusion that he shouldn't have to disable my notifications until I have stopped. Then I said I try and experiment. So I went ahead and posted a song, WITH the audience of Friends MINUS my friend Todd. So it posted as normal. I asked him and some other guy and my sis too. If they each got a notifications or at least to let me know what was the latest post they could see. I was delighted that it had actually worked. Facebook apparently have changed their settings. Cause the last time, I attempted to leave a person out, it would revert to Only Me, therefore NO one getting the notification let alone the post in question.
Yesterday when I was at my nerves ending with The Mulligans and the Dots(Eileen and Brendan), I noted that JP(Kathleen's Son), was drinking Hennessy. Says I to himself. "Good on ya boi".
Then I popped into Nico's Takeaway(Review here), then I headed on home. heheeh. When I got back, I came back to a BLUE Screen on my TV. I attempted to change channels, but that didn't work. Yet when I was recording, they played. I then attempted to record a bit of a show. That didn't work properly. So I just reset the box as advised on the Sky Forum.
While listening to Music videos on the TV from Vintage TV(Great channel might I add), I was posting as a status for EVERY song I was listening. My mate Todd, was getting very annoyed with the amount of Notifications. He thought it was an app or something, which I still think he does. But anyways, IN the past, I have tried using Facebook's settings whereby you can leave a person out of a particular post, therefore they wouldn't see it at all. He was under the illusion that he shouldn't have to disable my notifications until I have stopped. Then I said I try and experiment. So I went ahead and posted a song, WITH the audience of Friends MINUS my friend Todd. So it posted as normal. I asked him and some other guy and my sis too. If they each got a notifications or at least to let me know what was the latest post they could see. I was delighted that it had actually worked. Facebook apparently have changed their settings. Cause the last time, I attempted to leave a person out, it would revert to Only Me, therefore NO one getting the notification let alone the post in question.
Friday, 29 August 2014
As Above, So Below
Well, I must say I was most disappointed with the film. It was on my to see list. Meaning I was actually looking forward to it. Despite it being a horror genre, I had high hopes for it. However, we were treated to a history lesson(Pharaoh's in Egypt etc., ), which I didn't mind it. I don't mind learning history VISUALLY. However it was all garbish or as me ma would say Gibberish. Didn't understand a word of it. At the same time, it was also a horror film, in that we were treated to fare few scary scenes. My heart was pounding. When I was with me ex, I went through a period of loving horror and devil crap etc., However, I since have fallen out of love for it. With this particular horror, I actually expected the plot to be of similar to that say an alien comes to destroy the planet, everyone gets scared and they have to kill the alien to save humanity. Something along those lines. E.g World War Z. r Zombieland etc., etc., Bottomline is, the plot of As Above, So Below was as confusing as the next guy. From what I could gather, a reporter Scarlett(Weeks) and Benji(Hodge) are looking for some stone would ya believe it a Philosophers Stone(Which kinda makes you think, if the stone is either a real thing or a thing to do with Harry Potter series). Scarlett seeks the help from George(Papillon) which initially she refuses but eventually gets seeked in. He was to do some translation. Scarlett, George and Benji all encounter further guys. Scarlett was told to look for a Papillon(Civil) to help get into the catacombs so to get this special stone. Now when they get down, "All Yee who Enter, Are doomed". They get into a whole hep a baloni. However one thing that was most infuriating was that everytime something bad was happening to the character, the audience would be laughing or whatever. Now normally in a film, if there is a character in a heap of baloni etc., etc., or being shot or having his throat sliced, it would actually be quite the OPPOSITE. The audience would be in total awww and OMG kinda thing. IMDB Forums reminded, me being claustrophobic. I felt like that throughout.
Thursday, 28 August 2014
The Expendables 3
I popped along to see the film. It had come out quite awhile. I was threatening to see it. I eventually got the time to see it. Twas quite good and at time funny. The plot was kinda simple. The Original Expendables: Comprising of: Barney(Stallone), Christmas(Statham), Doc(Snipes), Gunner(Lundgren) etc., They went to get Doc out of prison for Tax AVasion. Then when Casear(Crews) was injured, Barney decided to up the sticks and "sack" the old "Retirees" as I like to call em. He did so this, as when the fighting was ensuing, Barney saw what he thoguht was a ghost like figure, Stonebanks(Gibson) of whom, Barney thought he was dead. So Barney went to Bonaparte(Grammer) and decided to have a look around. They encountered Thorn(Powell), Galgo(Banderas), Mars(Ortiz), Luna(Rousey), Smile(Lutz). Oh Smilee was defo a smileee, although he had trouble with Authoritative alrite. Another "Retiree" group joined them at the end to kill off Stonebanks. There was talk of that the Drummer character replaced Mr. Church(Willis). Drummer tells Barney that Stonebanks must NOT be killed and be handed over and trialed at the Hague(The Netherlands). So instead Barney at the end kills him. Just before Stonebanks asks him what about the Hague. As in shouldn't I be trialed or whatever. Barney's reply is class. "I am the Hague". I think that's fantastic. The Other retiree group consisted of Yin Yang(Li), Drummer(Ford), Trench(Schwarzenegger). So all in all, Great film. I wouldn't put it in for Oscar season let alone Summer's Blockbuster. I wasn't getting that vibe. But great film. I would recommend it. I actually forgot to mention that I was amazed as to how far my home coutnry has come of age. I was the Museum of Modern Art. ANd there's me reading it in Romanaina. Twas lovely to see such buildings.
Nico's Takeaway
Well this is gonna be a short review. I promise you guys that much. I went to my local takeaway Nicos in Fairview, literally down the road from me. I enjoy their food. The staff, are very friendly always engaging with the customers. However, I must point out the health and safety of the staff when touching food directly. I have noticed for quite awhile, that they handle food by their bear hands etc., This could be an issue. As another place in Drumcondra, had the exact same issue. I had food poisoning as a result. I complained to the Health Authorities involved with Restaurants Heath and Safety. Next minute, they were either closed down for a period, BUT bottomline, they now use gloves when handling food. Now with Nicos' it would be a great idea, that that would be done too. ALL restaurant, takeaways in particular with all the germs from alcoholics or just general customers they need to wear protective clothing well, gloves in this case. Bottomline, Price is right, and the Staff manners, loving it. There tends to be a bit of homophobic or at the very least Lack of knowledge of the matter. But great service. BUT NEEDS Health and Safety PRIORITY.
Diary 27th August 2014
Well what a night it has been. I got up quite late. About 7pm. I had asked Mom that she let me know if the Mulligans were to come down to visit. Well indeed that she did. At quarter to 5, I got a voicemail(obv when I got up), saying that they are coming down, and to wonder if I'd be able to go up. So I said, I just might do that. Now after several days to a week maybe more, showered and prepped myself.I last saw the Mulligans on the night of 31st October 2010, when I had a mental breakdown. It was the night of the breakup of my ex. Thats the last time, I saw them. So October coming, it will have been 4 years. Now quite alot has happened on both parties. On my side, as you all have been reading. But clearly quite alot has happened on Mulligans side. Aging was a main one. I hardly recognised any of them. Some I did recognise. While I was getting ready. I had a panic attack. Suddlenyl all these thoughts began flushing like mind in my head. The minute I saw em all, my heart was pumping like mad. They all shook hands. Starting from JP(Kathleen's Son), Kathleen, Eileen(Kathleen's Mom), and Brendan(Eileen's hubbie). Twas wonderful to see em all. At some stage, I was thinking that I wasn't wanted, whenever I'd say something, I would be completely ignored. Then again, it has been 4 years. So I will have to regain the relationship that I once had JUST before I came out. Then out of the blue, Kathleen was talking about tolerance in UK and the Scotland that's wanting to divide and break away. She said stuff and one word came out well outloud. "Acceptance". Now I was quite taken aback. I didn't pay heed to it, didn't even react. I just continued on chatting. We all had drinks, then we continued onto the dining area and had a bit of grub. Then Martin(Kathleen's hubbie) asked that I help him with setting up Dad's TV to connect to his lappy for to show pics and photos of their time here in Ireland. They's living in England atm.
So bottomline, It was a mixture visit. Mom and Dad appreciated my help when clearing the dishes, so thats a plus. BUT when it came to the relatives, I will have to regain their relationship. I felt I was the black sheep ie a stranger. Of course they know me, but the vibes I was getting.
On the way up, thou I would like to let yee all know a little something. On the way up to the folks' place, I was chatting on Bender a bit of distraction. There was a guy who said he'd be interested for fun, and that he'd have SAFE sex. Of which I agree. Then as with my obligation, I told him of my hepatitis B. He then replied "No thanks man". I then replied with: "Grandie. Best wishes. Oh and btw get an education. It ain't FUCKING C jackass". Luckily my future bf, hopefully(all things going to plan.....) does NOT discriminate. The Irish need to get an education. I would have expected a 45 year old dude, to know of such. But apparently he didn't.
When I got up, after getting ready for the above event, just before I went out the door, I went to check on the freezer. I had over night, had 4 basins full of BOILING hot water and put them in the freezer overnight. So when I went to check on em they were as hard as ice, no actually they had turned into Ice. I had to laugh at it. hahha. But quite frustrating at the same time. I'm trying to cleanup the kitchen etc., but when this delays, it bothers me. So when I told the visitors above, they well Dad suggested that I Unplug the fridge freezer. I was afraid of doing so, as it would affect my 10 cartons of milk. But they suggested it only would be for about an hour or so if even that. So what I'm gonna do is borrow my Dad's roof melt burner(A machine that burns the Roof material to the ACTUAL roof).
Brendan McGraw's search has resumed after a tip off from a member of public. He was abducted and murdered by the IRA 40yrs ago. His body hasn't been found since. All this could change, after a member off the public tipped off a location in Co. Meath
A 9 yr old girl has accidentally killed a 39yr old Instructor by a Oozie 9mm Gun. The girl lost control when the gun was TOO powerful and accidentally shot him in the end. As a result of this, rules and regulations have been changed. Customers must be 12yrs minimum.
Christine LeGard(Former Finance Minister in France, and Managing Director of the IMO) has been put under investigation for negligence in a fraud case. She was serving the Finance Ministry portfolio at the time.
Dropbox, an online cloud storage service, has signiccincatly dropped their prices and Introudced new features.
OLD Plan NEW Plan
100GB $10 1TB $9.99/m
200GB $20
500GB $50
New features include the ability to wipe your DropBoc DEVICE if your device has been comporimisted. What this means is if your Android device has been infected with a virus or wathever, DropBox files can be delted from the device and redownloaded to your device.
Currently for me, I'm paying Google Drive $2 for 100GB. per month. Now thats a hella lof cheaper. I ain't sure with Dropbox's Plans if its cheaper or not.
Wednesday, 27 August 2014
Diary 26th August 2014
Well what a day I had. Twas amazeballs. I got up at midnight, as I heard shouting in my apartment building. I would take it that the partner cheated on the woman. He was speaking softly, meaning perhaps that he's admitting. I ain't sure.
I was to meet my Aunty(Nun) as per our monthly meetups. I last saw her at the Pride Parade. Then the last meetup in question was back in June. And the last time I saw her was when I nearly gave such a reaction to a wee fright I gave her. It was the reaction that got me in stitches. So anyways, I made my way. I first popped into An Post for the Dole, then across the road for to transfer funds over. Then I set about meeting my Aunty in KC Peaches. (Review here). Oh, we had quite alot to discuss. hahhaa. When I was putting down the tray, My aunty put the tray behind the plant. There was a waiter coming out, I was trying to tell the waiter the "tray" is behind the plant. Maureen had to help me out. Dunno why I got such loss in words. I was even pointing to the waiter, "what do you call that", He didn't know. But knew the humour. Twas hilarious. I just got a loss of words.
Of late, I have been feeling very lonely. I don't have my mom(Marianna), although I do have a separate FB account for her, just so that I know shes in my life, secondly, no guy wants to go near a Hepatitis B guy. And so it has come for time for me to announce, that I have been seeing a guy(well we've yet to meet). I started chatting with him a few months, then I told him, I was going through a rough patch, and so he came back into my life recently. And continued our friendship. He has since portrayed he'd like to get to know me. I of course told him of my hep B and his wording NOT mine"Takes me more then that to keep u away from me (wink) if this isn't love that I don't know what love it (wink)". WE haven't officially announced anything. WE're taking things very slowly. However the reason I bring this up is that, I told my Aunty, that if there were to be any relationship, that I do not wanna hear any bull of homophobia from what I endured the last time. Including age difference etc.,
WE were also discussing my sis hospital expereince. She's in hospital for Pancreatisitis. and other mental difficulties. And now we're as a family after learning devastating news, that she was Raped via Rape Drug. She told Mom n myself, that the ex had injected her while she was asleep. Hence the bruising etc., The reason I bring this up, I explained to my aunty that there's a RIGHT way of explaining the wrong and the WRONG way of explaining the wrong. If you start saying, she deserves it, or she looking for attention or whatever, WRONG, that's WRONG. You support the person continuously, true and true etc.,
Then finally before we dispersed we then discussed Marks Woods adoption and wondered he was adopted as a baby, and yet I was 8 before I was adopted.
Then I had told her that the only way to learn a language is quite simple go to the country, converse with a person who has the language you are learning and most important in my opinion is to read and speak the language in your mind. Read signs etc., E.g today on the way to Maureen, I encountered "Trinity College, Dublin, Nursing and & Midwifery". I then read that in Irish: "Coláiste Tríonáide, Baile Atha Cliath, Altranais(Nursing) & Chnámhas,,,,(Midwifery)). Then I read another sign: "Grafton St., " Shr Grafton" etc., etc., Then I only remembered that I remember reading Irish for Summerhill(Cnoic on tSamhriadh) and Ballybough(Baile Bochta).Baile Boctha is literally meaning Poor Town. Then my friend O' Farrell told they could be taking it from the English and just "Irishing" it. .... eg
Then the two of us headed onto one of my errands of collecting my glasses. A new pair I was getting for free, as the previous kept breaking in half. etc., When the sales clerk was giving me my new ones, I had asked him to have a look at the old ones, as they were breaking. Then he gave em back to me, and asked if I'd like em to be cleaned etc., Very caring he was.
Then we both dispersed and said our good byes, I wanted to get my 5 milks, I have decided since last week to restock my fridge VERY SLOWLY thou, due to funding concerns. So I then decided to head onto Tescos in JErvis. My friend Christopher of whom I say at March of Marriage on Sunday also suggested Sunflower in Butter. So with that in mind, I looked for it, couldn't find it. And if I did find it, it DOES have milk. So not sure if he had right name. Then again, he couldn't remember the name of the brand anyways, he did say its far cheaper than normally. But eitherway, I as me sis would put it: "BINGED" on getting about 10 cartons of milk, ranging from Soya to Almond(5 of them), Hazelnut, Coconut(mmmmmmm) etc., etc.,
So then I headed onto the Outhouse. I got myself green tea ie Peppermint. mmmmmm. Then on my way out, I encountered the magazine, GCN in which I submitted a letter of an LGBT Divided, of which I submitted to the magazine.I noted the magazine has a new issue. To my surprise my publication wasn't available. SO I said I'd email the editor and see what up?. But then throughout my struggle on the way home with the milk, that perhaps one of my mates whom I told, about the publication apparently don't agree, and emailed the editor to NOT publish my content. I guess we'll never know. However I will email him and see what happens. If it so happens that it was indeed a person who has emailed behind my back to stop the publication of my content, then I shall seek Legal advice or whatever, maybe GLEN or somebody.
So then I arrived home, with a quickie of a toilet break to head off on my next errand. I then got ready and headed on off to my sis place. She's currently in hospital as I said above. She wanted me to check the post. Of which I did. On the way to the hospital, I encountered my old friend Michael Byrne's house who was in my High School class. Apparently he has emigrated or at the very least moved out.
I then arrived at the hospital, when I arrived, I was in the queue, and I was wondering how am I to get to see her. So as I saw a few people "sneaking in" to the area where my sis is, I said I'd try my hand. So I went to the Nurses station, and to see where she is. She was on a trolly ASLEEP. I did try to wake her. However as the Visiting Hours were for half 6 to half 7, I said i'd leave her. Considering I had arrived late.
So on my way home, I continued to looking at the Irish language signs. One such was Drom Áláinn(Dromawling). Again the name literally means "Lovely drums", however the English is quite similar to the Irish in terms of what you see on the page.
I was then on the way home, when I said I'd pop into Mom and Dads. I then immediately got a thought that the Mulligans would be there, and they'd see the TShirt, I was wearing "which bears the slogan: Feck off out of my life. I'm with Team Panti" and that Mom would be very nervous. And then Kathleen(one of the Mulligans) would say "Remember the little agreement we had" and then I would overhear and be very disgusted. The agreement that the Mulligans would be relating to Gays. Int hat Kathleen NOT in favor of em. and wanted Mom to do something. And as Mom went to PRide(where I blurt out to all), Kathleen then threathens here with the agreement????
I was to meet my Aunty(Nun) as per our monthly meetups. I last saw her at the Pride Parade. Then the last meetup in question was back in June. And the last time I saw her was when I nearly gave such a reaction to a wee fright I gave her. It was the reaction that got me in stitches. So anyways, I made my way. I first popped into An Post for the Dole, then across the road for to transfer funds over. Then I set about meeting my Aunty in KC Peaches. (Review here). Oh, we had quite alot to discuss. hahhaa. When I was putting down the tray, My aunty put the tray behind the plant. There was a waiter coming out, I was trying to tell the waiter the "tray" is behind the plant. Maureen had to help me out. Dunno why I got such loss in words. I was even pointing to the waiter, "what do you call that", He didn't know. But knew the humour. Twas hilarious. I just got a loss of words.
Of late, I have been feeling very lonely. I don't have my mom(Marianna), although I do have a separate FB account for her, just so that I know shes in my life, secondly, no guy wants to go near a Hepatitis B guy. And so it has come for time for me to announce, that I have been seeing a guy(well we've yet to meet). I started chatting with him a few months, then I told him, I was going through a rough patch, and so he came back into my life recently. And continued our friendship. He has since portrayed he'd like to get to know me. I of course told him of my hep B and his wording NOT mine"Takes me more then that to keep u away from me (wink) if this isn't love that I don't know what love it (wink)". WE haven't officially announced anything. WE're taking things very slowly. However the reason I bring this up is that, I told my Aunty, that if there were to be any relationship, that I do not wanna hear any bull of homophobia from what I endured the last time. Including age difference etc.,
WE were also discussing my sis hospital expereince. She's in hospital for Pancreatisitis. and other mental difficulties. And now we're as a family after learning devastating news, that she was Raped via Rape Drug. She told Mom n myself, that the ex had injected her while she was asleep. Hence the bruising etc., The reason I bring this up, I explained to my aunty that there's a RIGHT way of explaining the wrong and the WRONG way of explaining the wrong. If you start saying, she deserves it, or she looking for attention or whatever, WRONG, that's WRONG. You support the person continuously, true and true etc.,
Then finally before we dispersed we then discussed Marks Woods adoption and wondered he was adopted as a baby, and yet I was 8 before I was adopted.
Then I had told her that the only way to learn a language is quite simple go to the country, converse with a person who has the language you are learning and most important in my opinion is to read and speak the language in your mind. Read signs etc., E.g today on the way to Maureen, I encountered "Trinity College, Dublin, Nursing and & Midwifery". I then read that in Irish: "Coláiste Tríonáide, Baile Atha Cliath, Altranais(Nursing) & Chnámhas,,,,(Midwifery)). Then I read another sign: "Grafton St., " Shr Grafton" etc., etc., Then I only remembered that I remember reading Irish for Summerhill(Cnoic on tSamhriadh) and Ballybough(Baile Bochta).Baile Boctha is literally meaning Poor Town. Then my friend O' Farrell told they could be taking it from the English and just "Irishing" it. .... eg
Then the two of us headed onto one of my errands of collecting my glasses. A new pair I was getting for free, as the previous kept breaking in half. etc., When the sales clerk was giving me my new ones, I had asked him to have a look at the old ones, as they were breaking. Then he gave em back to me, and asked if I'd like em to be cleaned etc., Very caring he was.
Then we both dispersed and said our good byes, I wanted to get my 5 milks, I have decided since last week to restock my fridge VERY SLOWLY thou, due to funding concerns. So I then decided to head onto Tescos in JErvis. My friend Christopher of whom I say at March of Marriage on Sunday also suggested Sunflower in Butter. So with that in mind, I looked for it, couldn't find it. And if I did find it, it DOES have milk. So not sure if he had right name. Then again, he couldn't remember the name of the brand anyways, he did say its far cheaper than normally. But eitherway, I as me sis would put it: "BINGED" on getting about 10 cartons of milk, ranging from Soya to Almond(5 of them), Hazelnut, Coconut(mmmmmmm) etc., etc.,
So then I headed onto the Outhouse. I got myself green tea ie Peppermint. mmmmmm. Then on my way out, I encountered the magazine, GCN in which I submitted a letter of an LGBT Divided, of which I submitted to the magazine.I noted the magazine has a new issue. To my surprise my publication wasn't available. SO I said I'd email the editor and see what up?. But then throughout my struggle on the way home with the milk, that perhaps one of my mates whom I told, about the publication apparently don't agree, and emailed the editor to NOT publish my content. I guess we'll never know. However I will email him and see what happens. If it so happens that it was indeed a person who has emailed behind my back to stop the publication of my content, then I shall seek Legal advice or whatever, maybe GLEN or somebody.
So then I arrived home, with a quickie of a toilet break to head off on my next errand. I then got ready and headed on off to my sis place. She's currently in hospital as I said above. She wanted me to check the post. Of which I did. On the way to the hospital, I encountered my old friend Michael Byrne's house who was in my High School class. Apparently he has emigrated or at the very least moved out.
I then arrived at the hospital, when I arrived, I was in the queue, and I was wondering how am I to get to see her. So as I saw a few people "sneaking in" to the area where my sis is, I said I'd try my hand. So I went to the Nurses station, and to see where she is. She was on a trolly ASLEEP. I did try to wake her. However as the Visiting Hours were for half 6 to half 7, I said i'd leave her. Considering I had arrived late.
So on my way home, I continued to looking at the Irish language signs. One such was Drom Áláinn(Dromawling). Again the name literally means "Lovely drums", however the English is quite similar to the Irish in terms of what you see on the page.
I was then on the way home, when I said I'd pop into Mom and Dads. I then immediately got a thought that the Mulligans would be there, and they'd see the TShirt, I was wearing "which bears the slogan: Feck off out of my life. I'm with Team Panti" and that Mom would be very nervous. And then Kathleen(one of the Mulligans) would say "Remember the little agreement we had" and then I would overhear and be very disgusted. The agreement that the Mulligans would be relating to Gays. Int hat Kathleen NOT in favor of em. and wanted Mom to do something. And as Mom went to PRide(where I blurt out to all), Kathleen then threathens here with the agreement????
Borderline Personality Disorder,
folk's visit,
hepatitis B,
mental health,
restaurant review,
Tuesday, 26 August 2014
K C Peaches, Nassau St
Well one word comes to mind, when it comes to review this visit. VALUE. Such great value for money, I got. I had gotten 1 Large meal(Hot), 1 Medium meal, Matcha Tea, Chocolate & Cinnamon Cake & Apple Mint (Japanese loose Tea). All for €25. Now if that's not good value, then I don't know what is. When you go in, its a self serving restaurant in that its like a buffet style. You pick what you;d like. You are charged by the size of the plate. The staff most helpful. I have been to KC Peaches on Dame St., with a Vegan group. I went to KC Peaches Nassau St., the last time and decided to go back to it today. I have enjoyed every moment of it.
My first meal was Medium Salad, and Large Hot meal. The Hot meal was exquisite. With its Spectacular potatoes, herb spices, then there was the rice and Lasagne. The rice was alrite. No taste, perhaps there isn't meant to be. You never know. The Lasagnae was quite nice and chewy, which I love. I hate anythign you have to masticate. Then the salad I had was pasta, the chickpeas, red onions etc., As the How to Train your Dragon 2(Review here) character says: "This is Amazing". Then it came to the Matcha Tea. my first time tasting it. Oh it was so delicious. I think I was getting an orgasm or something. Not being rude, but oh it was so heavenly delicious. My friend whom I was at the March for Marriage on Sunday recommended Tumrik and Matcha Tea. I was amazed by the sweetness and the taste. mmmmm.
Then it came to my next and final(awwwwwwww), meal, the Chocolate & Cinnamon Cake(Vegan btw) and the Apple Mint Tea(Green Tea). This tea, I was explained to, is a Japeanse Loose tea. As you will see, the presentation in my pics, lives to tell the truth. The Cake was exquisite. However I found the side(the flat side) kinda hard to cut through. Eitherway, it was exquisite and lovely. Literally melted in my mouth. Then while I was sipping my cuppa tea, in this case the Apple Mint. IT was absolutely fantastico. I said to my aunt, who joined me on this occasion, that it tasted and smells like what I had back in my home country Romania.
And to think, all this for a neat lump sum of €25.
Medium Meal
Large Meal
Matcha Tea
Apple Mint Tea
Chocolate & Cinnamon Cake(Vegan)
My first meal was Medium Salad, and Large Hot meal. The Hot meal was exquisite. With its Spectacular potatoes, herb spices, then there was the rice and Lasagne. The rice was alrite. No taste, perhaps there isn't meant to be. You never know. The Lasagnae was quite nice and chewy, which I love. I hate anythign you have to masticate. Then the salad I had was pasta, the chickpeas, red onions etc., As the How to Train your Dragon 2(Review here) character says: "This is Amazing". Then it came to the Matcha Tea. my first time tasting it. Oh it was so delicious. I think I was getting an orgasm or something. Not being rude, but oh it was so heavenly delicious. My friend whom I was at the March for Marriage on Sunday recommended Tumrik and Matcha Tea. I was amazed by the sweetness and the taste. mmmmm.
Then it came to my next and final(awwwwwwww), meal, the Chocolate & Cinnamon Cake(Vegan btw) and the Apple Mint Tea(Green Tea). This tea, I was explained to, is a Japeanse Loose tea. As you will see, the presentation in my pics, lives to tell the truth. The Cake was exquisite. However I found the side(the flat side) kinda hard to cut through. Eitherway, it was exquisite and lovely. Literally melted in my mouth. Then while I was sipping my cuppa tea, in this case the Apple Mint. IT was absolutely fantastico. I said to my aunt, who joined me on this occasion, that it tasted and smells like what I had back in my home country Romania.
And to think, all this for a neat lump sum of €25.
Medium Meal
Large Meal
Matcha Tea
Apple Mint Tea
Chocolate & Cinnamon Cake(Vegan)
Matcha Tea
Large Meal(Hot), Garlic, Herbs Potatoes, Lasagne, Rice
Medium Meal(Salad) Pasta, Coleslaw, Chickpeas
Chocolate & Cinnamon Cake
Apple Mint Tea
Monday, 25 August 2014
Diary 25th August 2014
I hadn't gone to sleep yet. I was looking at the State Funeral of Former Taosieach Albert Reynolds. I was really touched when Fr. Brian Darcy mentioned that before Albert left politics or died, that he would like to see peace in the North. And to see Former British Prime Minister shedding a tear. That was really touching.
Throughout the whole day, I trying to scrape out the ice from my freezer. I had cleaned the Fridge part. But the Freezer was being a "Bitch". ahhaah. So I left it open for a few hours. It still came wouldn't come out. The shelf I mean.
So while the Funeral was on the TV, I was continuing the cleanup of the living area. etc., etc.,
Former Taoiseach Albert Reynolds was laid to rest after a funeral mass in Donnybrook, Dublin. He was laid to rest in the nearby Shangana Cemetery, Shankill.
Richard Attenborugh has died at the age of 90. He's best remembered for Gandhi in which it won 8 Oscars. For me personally, I'd have remembered him quiet well in the Jurassic Park Blockbusters series. He was the brother of Nature Documentary David Attenborough.
ESA(European Space Agency) has a launched an investigation in which an orbit went horribly wrong in that it went into the WRONG orbit. They were launched into the WRONG orbit. They blasted from French Ghiana.
Hundreds turn out for Black teenager Michael Browne who was shot by a WHITE Cop Darren Wilson in a confrontation over two week ago. It sparked several nights of rioting.
French President has literately "sacked" his government over Austerity measures.
Throughout the whole day, I trying to scrape out the ice from my freezer. I had cleaned the Fridge part. But the Freezer was being a "Bitch". ahhaah. So I left it open for a few hours. It still came wouldn't come out. The shelf I mean.
So while the Funeral was on the TV, I was continuing the cleanup of the living area. etc., etc.,
Former Taoiseach Albert Reynolds was laid to rest after a funeral mass in Donnybrook, Dublin. He was laid to rest in the nearby Shangana Cemetery, Shankill.
Richard Attenborugh has died at the age of 90. He's best remembered for Gandhi in which it won 8 Oscars. For me personally, I'd have remembered him quiet well in the Jurassic Park Blockbusters series. He was the brother of Nature Documentary David Attenborough.
ESA(European Space Agency) has a launched an investigation in which an orbit went horribly wrong in that it went into the WRONG orbit. They were launched into the WRONG orbit. They blasted from French Ghiana.
Hundreds turn out for Black teenager Michael Browne who was shot by a WHITE Cop Darren Wilson in a confrontation over two week ago. It sparked several nights of rioting.
French President has literately "sacked" his government over Austerity measures.
Diary 24th August 2014
Well I got up tightly for the most anticipated March for Marriage march. It is hoped that it will be the last one as the Gay Marriage Referendum is on the horizon in Spring '15. On the way, I saw Christopher McGann. He was crossign the road towards the March in question. I then got talking to him. So we chatted and chatted while Marching too as well. I had mentinoted that he had disabled his FB. He explained that he was getting tired of it. Something liek that. I toghouth he had a young buck or something. But no. He mentitnoed healtihyl speaking, I could start off with Tumrik in my OJ. I could consdier it alrire. While marching we encountered Fergal. He said something like he's a "Homo". Now, I understood that he was taking the mikey or something homophobic. Cuase I remeber I said something of that nature abotu someone recently, and my friend BRendan O' F, (I think), I wouldn't say it too loud. But I think he was tryign to say that he's gay. He was representing Athiests Ireland. He had said he was on Parole. So he must have committed some crime or rather. So we all set about the march. We started off in Dame Street. The route is as follows.
Dame St - College Green - Grafton St - Nassau St - Kildare St - St. Stephn's Green - Stage.
We then stood for about an hr or so. We had the following Speakers.
Tara Flynn - Tara is a character from the Armagayddon Video. This is an LGBT Noise video. Here is a link for the video itself: LGBT Noise - Armagayddon.
She told us that a distressed man came up to her down in Cork(she being from Cork). and the young man asked her, "You might be upset when I tell you". He went onto say that he's from Dublin and is gay and he would like to know of any gay bars in the area. When she told him where to go, the "delight" and the gleam that came out of him. She went onto say that "If you don't like Pistachio ice cream, don't ban it from everyone. Just don't eat it." She gave this example as to what the Irish people are doing to the LGBT people. In that they don't like gay people, so they start telling their kids etc., don't go near em etc.,
Dil Wickremasinghe. She was the next speaker to come onstage. With a powerful speech. She brought in her cousin's memory. With a firm voice she told us a date in December, where a military came into their house took her cousin, and abducted him. The next day, his body was found beaten, and murdered bloodily in a river or something. He was killed because of his "Journalistic Skills". Might I add he was also gay too.
Finton O' Toole, who is a journalist, and I think a former politician. He gave a speech on TOLERANCE. As part of the anti-gay strategy, the group told us that the sky would fall, if Divorce were to be introduced(which it has been enabled now), and likewise the contraception. If that were made to be available. and likewise if condoms were to be sold in Pharmacists and shops. He added that if gay marriage is on the cards, the sky would fall too and as he puts "He doesn't see the sky falling. "
And lastly, he said if you're looking for a slogan: Here's one for ya: "If you want a REPUBLIC, put a ring on it". WE all roared and cheered.
Grainne Healy who is a Chairwoman of Marriage Eqauilty spoke of ICCL(Irish Council for Civil Liberties)
Vicky who is a Transgender(I think) BUT defo a member of TENI(Transgender Equailtiy Network, Ireland) spoke out in support of Marriage Eqauiltiy.
Eoin Da Bardue, who represents LGBT Travellers came up to speak.
David Carroll, Ray Haugthen(' Scuse the spelling)(BOTH from BelongTo)
Iam Gamble(The person's name who was at the March as a speaker - just can't pronounce the person's name let alone spell it). Eitehrway the person was representing INTO(Irish National Teacher's Organisation) LGBT.
Laura Harden who is the President of the USI(Union of Student's of Ireland) left us with some beaitful sayings. by saying "here in the USI we have a saying: "United We will never be defeated" and another, "Ní neart go cur le chéile"(There is no strength without unity)
Then we both headed off, Fergal caught up with his crowd, Then we both headed on off home. He was meeting a friend at Panti Bar. He then suggested that I also try Matcha.
So then we left it at that, and dispersed. On the way home, I got a voicemail from Mom saying that my sis wouldn't be able for a visit which I normally would on a Sunday. So I rang her boyfriend, to ask me what the hell's going on. He explained, of which I shan't get into details.
So with that in mind, I was between 3 minds. Go to the meetup/Visit Mom and Dad/ or just simpley stay in. I had seen Mom and Dad already. So that was a no go, and if I were to simply stay in, I would be lonely. So that left me with one thing, which is the Meetup. I had already met Arwin from Friday's meetup for Lucy(Review to be provided in due course). So I decided to pop along to the meetup to see Into the Storm again(Review here). We met up with a new person Erin. She was coming from Germany. Another guy was to come along, but failed to show up. So Erin headed on towards her accommodation. And Arwin and I headed on up. He lives just off the main road of where I go up. He was telling me that he's on a diet, in particular Carb Diet. In that he don't take any cinema food bottomline. He explained to me why he was wanting abs. As I said to him in the cinema, that if any guy or gal says otherwise, then there's something wrong. He explained that due to his depression, that when he goes on a diet, his depression LIFTS. Which is quite fascinating. I told him of my precious. My Puppies Sammy and Patch. and also can't forget my Inflatables.
Almost 8,000 people took part in the annual March for Marriage. It is hoped that it will be the last one, as Gay Marriage will be put to the people in Spring '15. Some people were wearing sashes, and that was actually because the newly crowned Rose of Tralee Maria Walsh recently came out gay ie a lesbian.
Dame St - College Green - Grafton St - Nassau St - Kildare St - St. Stephn's Green - Stage.
We then stood for about an hr or so. We had the following Speakers.
Tara Flynn - Tara is a character from the Armagayddon Video. This is an LGBT Noise video. Here is a link for the video itself: LGBT Noise - Armagayddon.
She told us that a distressed man came up to her down in Cork(she being from Cork). and the young man asked her, "You might be upset when I tell you". He went onto say that he's from Dublin and is gay and he would like to know of any gay bars in the area. When she told him where to go, the "delight" and the gleam that came out of him. She went onto say that "If you don't like Pistachio ice cream, don't ban it from everyone. Just don't eat it." She gave this example as to what the Irish people are doing to the LGBT people. In that they don't like gay people, so they start telling their kids etc., don't go near em etc.,
Dil Wickremasinghe. She was the next speaker to come onstage. With a powerful speech. She brought in her cousin's memory. With a firm voice she told us a date in December, where a military came into their house took her cousin, and abducted him. The next day, his body was found beaten, and murdered bloodily in a river or something. He was killed because of his "Journalistic Skills". Might I add he was also gay too.
Finton O' Toole, who is a journalist, and I think a former politician. He gave a speech on TOLERANCE. As part of the anti-gay strategy, the group told us that the sky would fall, if Divorce were to be introduced(which it has been enabled now), and likewise the contraception. If that were made to be available. and likewise if condoms were to be sold in Pharmacists and shops. He added that if gay marriage is on the cards, the sky would fall too and as he puts "He doesn't see the sky falling. "
And lastly, he said if you're looking for a slogan: Here's one for ya: "If you want a REPUBLIC, put a ring on it". WE all roared and cheered.
Grainne Healy who is a Chairwoman of Marriage Eqauilty spoke of ICCL(Irish Council for Civil Liberties)
Vicky who is a Transgender(I think) BUT defo a member of TENI(Transgender Equailtiy Network, Ireland) spoke out in support of Marriage Eqauiltiy.
Eoin Da Bardue, who represents LGBT Travellers came up to speak.
David Carroll, Ray Haugthen(' Scuse the spelling)(BOTH from BelongTo)
Iam Gamble(The person's name who was at the March as a speaker - just can't pronounce the person's name let alone spell it). Eitehrway the person was representing INTO(Irish National Teacher's Organisation) LGBT.
Laura Harden who is the President of the USI(Union of Student's of Ireland) left us with some beaitful sayings. by saying "here in the USI we have a saying: "United We will never be defeated" and another, "Ní neart go cur le chéile"(There is no strength without unity)
Then we both headed off, Fergal caught up with his crowd, Then we both headed on off home. He was meeting a friend at Panti Bar. He then suggested that I also try Matcha.
So then we left it at that, and dispersed. On the way home, I got a voicemail from Mom saying that my sis wouldn't be able for a visit which I normally would on a Sunday. So I rang her boyfriend, to ask me what the hell's going on. He explained, of which I shan't get into details.
So with that in mind, I was between 3 minds. Go to the meetup/Visit Mom and Dad/ or just simpley stay in. I had seen Mom and Dad already. So that was a no go, and if I were to simply stay in, I would be lonely. So that left me with one thing, which is the Meetup. I had already met Arwin from Friday's meetup for Lucy(Review to be provided in due course). So I decided to pop along to the meetup to see Into the Storm again(Review here). We met up with a new person Erin. She was coming from Germany. Another guy was to come along, but failed to show up. So Erin headed on towards her accommodation. And Arwin and I headed on up. He lives just off the main road of where I go up. He was telling me that he's on a diet, in particular Carb Diet. In that he don't take any cinema food bottomline. He explained to me why he was wanting abs. As I said to him in the cinema, that if any guy or gal says otherwise, then there's something wrong. He explained that due to his depression, that when he goes on a diet, his depression LIFTS. Which is quite fascinating. I told him of my precious. My Puppies Sammy and Patch. and also can't forget my Inflatables.
Almost 8,000 people took part in the annual March for Marriage. It is hoped that it will be the last one, as Gay Marriage will be put to the people in Spring '15. Some people were wearing sashes, and that was actually because the newly crowned Rose of Tralee Maria Walsh recently came out gay ie a lesbian.
Sunday, 24 August 2014
Diary 23rd August 2014
As I've yet to sleep, hahahah, I continued with my workings. Currently cleaning the gunk or shit outta the fridge. Shortly before that, Mom invited me out for a meal. Dad and Mom collected me, and we headed out to Howth. for a bit to eat at Crabby Jo's in Howth. I pointed out to em on the way home, where Mom, Maureen, my sis and I had for a cuppa for my graduation(well end of year term in May of 09). and I also pointed out where the cycling group DublinFreeWheelers had their rest for to break the journey. Then we headed back to their place and had a cuppa.
Then I came back and finished off the fridge. So over night, I shall be leaving the shelves to stand overnight.
The body of Albert Reynolds lies in repose in Dublin's Mansion house. It is to be brought to Donnybrook church for a Formal Removal service.
Then I came back and finished off the fridge. So over night, I shall be leaving the shelves to stand overnight.
The body of Albert Reynolds lies in repose in Dublin's Mansion house. It is to be brought to Donnybrook church for a Formal Removal service.
current affairs,
folk's visit,
Crabby Joe's, Howth, Co. Dublin
I headed to a fish restaurant known as Crabby Jo's. I was most impressed with the waitress service. Top notch. However I didn't care for too much to be waiting for 20mins for a table inside. So my Folks and myself, made do with Outdoor seating. Now considering we were at a Fish restaurant, it was v cold. No heating was provided. Flies, I've never seen the likes of it. Everywhere u turned. You had to keep an eye on your food to make sure they wouldn't fall into the food. We were situated underneath flower hanging baskets. They should have been covered. Getting to the actual food in question, me being a vegetarian, I was impressed with what they had to offer. Now I'm sure they had other items of interest for vegetarians. I just didn't get a chance properly to look. So I chose Hummus for Starters and Linguinei Pasta. The Hummus in question was extraordinary beautiful. Totally enjoyed every moment of it. However as it was my first time eating hummus(I'm a newbie Veggie for almost 2 years now), My mom told me the norm with hummus. The Hummus came with Raw Veg(carrots, Celery) and Peppers. I didn't mind Peppers. Oh and it also came with bread of some form, possibly Naan. I enjoyed the bread and Peppers. But the Raw veg, I didn't care for them. Expectedly, they were hard. I was told to use Hummus as a dip. I just gollaped it down like a soup or something. It was lovely. Spreadable over the bread. mmmmm. Then shortly afterwards, we didn't really have to wait too long, considering they were mad busy(hence why we couldn't get a seat inside), our Main dishes arrived. I got the Linguine Pasta. Once again, amazed by the wonderful Pasta dish. I can't really fault the dish. Twas beautifully presented.
Price in total for 3 was around the €60 mark. That's about €20 per person. So not too bad a price. Considering we were treated like royalty, well as far as the waitress manners were concerned.
Saturday, 23 August 2014
Diary 22nd August 2014
Well after apparently I don't last on a 5hr sleep, that I got up late. I got roughly around half 7ish. My meetup group Best Buddies was holding a meetup for Lucy(Review will be provided in due course). As I was late, I shall provide the review in due course. I was delighted to have met Arwin FINALLY after several attempts. So we chatted for a bit. I saw Seoirse. I can't even recall when I last saw him. So after a brief chat, we all dispersed. I then headed on off to my folks place. Then I headed on to my folks. Mom told me in a voicemail that Fina, Michael and Silvia(Their daughter) were coming in the door when she left the voicemail. I was gonna go to another film, or head home, as I'd have to wait an hr or so for another film. I wasn't in the mood to be waiting around. So I instead headed up to the folks for a chance Hopefully see em(The Dots I mean). However when I arrived, they had gone just by a second. So I went in. Had a bit of a grub. Mom then told me that a relative of Dad's(Dad's Brother's Daughter's hubbie) told Mom that "It takes quickly to be happy and very quickly to be sad too". Of which I totally agree. heeheh.
I stayed up the night and did various activities. One of em being a guy on my sex FB account, asked about WeChat. I signed up to it. No probs there. But wait til u hear this. To chat with WeChat friends on the Web ie Laptop, Computer etc., NOT mobile device you go to http://web.wechat.com/. U open the WeChat app on your Mobile device. Tap on the +, then Scan QR Code then Get this, when you scan the QR Code from the App to the computer, the QR Code actually Logs you in. Now how FREAKY is this shit. Like wow just amazeballs.
20 of the Victims of the Flight Malayaisa MH17 have arrived back in Mayalyisa. The country being the King, the Prime Minister and the Citizens of course, have a National Day of Mourning.
I stayed up the night and did various activities. One of em being a guy on my sex FB account, asked about WeChat. I signed up to it. No probs there. But wait til u hear this. To chat with WeChat friends on the Web ie Laptop, Computer etc., NOT mobile device you go to http://web.wechat.com/. U open the WeChat app on your Mobile device. Tap on the +, then Scan QR Code then Get this, when you scan the QR Code from the App to the computer, the QR Code actually Logs you in. Now how FREAKY is this shit. Like wow just amazeballs.
20 of the Victims of the Flight Malayaisa MH17 have arrived back in Mayalyisa. The country being the King, the Prime Minister and the Citizens of course, have a National Day of Mourning.
Friday, 22 August 2014
Diary 21st August 2014
Well shortly before I went to bed(which was quite late), Mom popped down to me with grub. I was eating the Baps as she calls it, there was Beet Root. Its official I WON'T be going near it with a barge pole. I never stopped shitting from it. There must be some form of lactose in it. Oh don't get me wrong, the taste is lovely(obviously WITH something else).
So shortly after my short sleep, I got up almost late(nothing's new, hahaah). I then headed on to meet Brendan S. Then Searson rings me to say that Brendan O' F will be joining us. WE would be seeing Into the Storm(Review here). During the movie I told Searson that I would be seeing Take 2 of X-Men: Days of Future Past(Review here). So then O' Farrell headed on home. Searson then says that he was heading onto the Outhouse to get a coke soda and to relax. These words went through me. Just about as I was about to queue up, I decided to leave X-Men, considering I've seen it a few times, and went to back to the Outhouse. Searson treated me to a cuppa,(of which I owe him - hahah). We chatted. So then I went back to the cinema for to see Guardians of the Galaxy(Review here).
So then after the film, I got a text, from BOTH Brendans that I get through to Brendan O' F. So then I got through in the end, and it was found that O' Farrell wanted to come by my place and hang out. Or perhaps to stay over night. However, I explained to him that as it endured flood damage, that it was impossible. So then he invited me to his place. I said that I was tired. Considering I only got 2hr sleep - haahaha. Then I joined with him to McDonalds where we chatted for a bit. I had asked him, what did Searson mean when he said to check my "Inbox". I had thought that it was to do with Facebook messages or Email. But it was actually BEFORE the days of Android, the way it displayed your SMS. So if you received a text, it would appear in Inbox, likewise if you sent a message, you would find em in Sent Items. Ahhhh memories. I also expressed my disgust at the Cops the way they treated my sis' rape especially when it occurred twice within a week. As I said and I'll say again, if your naked in front of a person or drunk outta ur mind, YOU'VE NO RIGHT TO BE RAPED. You have a right to your digintiy.
Albert Reynolds Dies at age 81
Former Taoiseach
Led FF to 2 Coalition Govt
Minister for Post and Telegraph, Industry........
Dealt with X Case and Beef Tribunal
Replaced Charley Haughey due to Phone Tapping scandals. Reynolds replaced him
Tributes have been pouring in from current Fianna Fail leader Mícheál MArtin
He paved the way for Peace in Northern Ireland duing the Troubles
"Peace first, Politics Next" famously sayed
So shortly after my short sleep, I got up almost late(nothing's new, hahaah). I then headed on to meet Brendan S. Then Searson rings me to say that Brendan O' F will be joining us. WE would be seeing Into the Storm(Review here). During the movie I told Searson that I would be seeing Take 2 of X-Men: Days of Future Past(Review here). So then O' Farrell headed on home. Searson then says that he was heading onto the Outhouse to get a coke soda and to relax. These words went through me. Just about as I was about to queue up, I decided to leave X-Men, considering I've seen it a few times, and went to back to the Outhouse. Searson treated me to a cuppa,(of which I owe him - hahah). We chatted. So then I went back to the cinema for to see Guardians of the Galaxy(Review here).
So then after the film, I got a text, from BOTH Brendans that I get through to Brendan O' F. So then I got through in the end, and it was found that O' Farrell wanted to come by my place and hang out. Or perhaps to stay over night. However, I explained to him that as it endured flood damage, that it was impossible. So then he invited me to his place. I said that I was tired. Considering I only got 2hr sleep - haahaha. Then I joined with him to McDonalds where we chatted for a bit. I had asked him, what did Searson mean when he said to check my "Inbox". I had thought that it was to do with Facebook messages or Email. But it was actually BEFORE the days of Android, the way it displayed your SMS. So if you received a text, it would appear in Inbox, likewise if you sent a message, you would find em in Sent Items. Ahhhh memories. I also expressed my disgust at the Cops the way they treated my sis' rape especially when it occurred twice within a week. As I said and I'll say again, if your naked in front of a person or drunk outta ur mind, YOU'VE NO RIGHT TO BE RAPED. You have a right to your digintiy.
Albert Reynolds Dies at age 81
Former Taoiseach
Led FF to 2 Coalition Govt
Minister for Post and Telegraph, Industry........
Dealt with X Case and Beef Tribunal
Replaced Charley Haughey due to Phone Tapping scandals. Reynolds replaced him
Tributes have been pouring in from current Fianna Fail leader Mícheál MArtin
He paved the way for Peace in Northern Ireland duing the Troubles
"Peace first, Politics Next" famously sayed
Into the Storm
One word describes this movie , I went along to the movie with my friends. AMAZEBALLS. It was fantastic. Out of this world. It centered around tornadoes literately speaking. For a 2D film, it most certainly was value for your money. Like I had to question myself at times, if I were in an iMAX film. I said to my mate, if they have an iMAX version of the movie, you can only imagine how fascinating it would be. Everytime, a tornado would appear, you would actually feel it. I even got my friend to feel my coke, the vibration. It was fantastic. The plot was quite interesting however. The film started off with students and teachers and the characters being asked what they'd like to have done in 25 years etc., It centered around the Gary(Armitage), the two sons: Trey(Kress) and Donnie(Deacon). It also centered around characters who actually CHASE the tornados for a living. There is a TV Series in the States actually called something of hte same name, whereby the guys run after the storms. I think its called Storm Chasers. Something like that. So we had PEte(Walsh), Daryl(Escarpeta), Jacob(Sumpter), and Allison(Callies) and of course the Principal(Lawrence) of the school of where it was centered in its entirety. While we also were treated to amateur Weather chasers or Storm Chasers. Namely: Donk(Davis) and Reevis(Reep). Then one huge sorry ass of Tornado appeared. I was amazed and at the same time, downtrodden(feeling for the characters). I sense an Oscar here.
Thursday, 21 August 2014
Diary 20th August 2014
Well today was quite productive and so enjoyable in a very long time. hahah. My sis is on her way to recovery, my folks ain't as running after me as they used, life couldn't get any better, or could they?? Well Let me tell you all a little story. hahaha.
It all started off when I was due to get up for half 4 so that I could record Ros na Run. However, I was too tired. So then I said perhaps I mite just go to the vegetarian meetup late. However that wasn't too be, as by the time, I hiked outta bed, I was forced to just head onto the meetup. So onwards towards the meetup. I was to meetup at Delhi O' Delhi in Moore St., When I checkin, via Swarm(formerly Foursquare - although still same company), Swarm told me the last time I was there was actually in February. Which so happens to be the same time I was at my last Vegetarian meetup before my finance and my depression got the better of me. Review of Delhi O' Delhi here. I met with a few new faces and familiar faces. I paid my Subscription dues of the VSI(Vegetarian Society of Ireland).
Then afterwards, I headed onto the Outhouse, my other home. haahah. As I said to Declan, I go their for a bit of company. I then told em, that as my place gets flooded, that I go their for a bit of solace. It was very lively today. There were Transgender and Lesbians Groups. Twas wonderful to see em. One of the women says hello sxc. Declan assumes she's talking to me, which I doubt. Then again u'd never know. It was fascinating to learn of Seven(can't get his name still - hahaha). He's as he puts it Mongrel(or as I put it Cross Bread). What I mean by that is that Hes from the States, Norway, and of course Ireland.
So then I headed onto my last event of the day, namely to see Dawn of the Planet of the Apes.(Review here). Twas lovely to see it again. However there was a disturbance everytime, there was a piece of action there was this guy in front of me, chatting away, talking loudly and sometimes clappping. Then it occurred to me that there's a strong possibility that he may be autistic. So I said I wouldn't get involved. Even though there was the temptation.
And so to top of my lovely productive BUT most enjoyable day, I got myself a bag of chips. I was so tempted to take a pic of a guy in the chipper. However a friend of mine warned me for safety reasons. All that was going through my mind, BUT THE STATES do it all the time. Would luv to know how they do it, WITHOUT being seeing.
US Journalist James Foley has been beheaded by Islamic State Militant warns US to get out of Iraq business otherwise MORE beheadings will occur.
There's a possibility of another Icelandic Volcano erupting and causing Air Travel havoc that occured back in '10
According to a report published by the HEA. your Post code of where you live, determines who goes to college. D4,(84% go to college and D6(Rathimines; Ranaelgah - Virtually EVERYONE goes to College). D10(Ballyfermot area) and D17(Darnsdale are) 15% go to college. D1 and D2, just a quarter do go to college; Bottomline the success of you going to college, is WHERE YOU LIVE. Compeltely a shocker in my opinion. Affluent areas are 6 times more likely to go to colelge.
Sharon Ní Bheoláin does the Ice Bucket Challenge for MND(Motor Neuron Disease). Colm Murray died of it last year. Its very close to Sharon's heart.
It all started off when I was due to get up for half 4 so that I could record Ros na Run. However, I was too tired. So then I said perhaps I mite just go to the vegetarian meetup late. However that wasn't too be, as by the time, I hiked outta bed, I was forced to just head onto the meetup. So onwards towards the meetup. I was to meetup at Delhi O' Delhi in Moore St., When I checkin, via Swarm(formerly Foursquare - although still same company), Swarm told me the last time I was there was actually in February. Which so happens to be the same time I was at my last Vegetarian meetup before my finance and my depression got the better of me. Review of Delhi O' Delhi here. I met with a few new faces and familiar faces. I paid my Subscription dues of the VSI(Vegetarian Society of Ireland).
Then afterwards, I headed onto the Outhouse, my other home. haahah. As I said to Declan, I go their for a bit of company. I then told em, that as my place gets flooded, that I go their for a bit of solace. It was very lively today. There were Transgender and Lesbians Groups. Twas wonderful to see em. One of the women says hello sxc. Declan assumes she's talking to me, which I doubt. Then again u'd never know. It was fascinating to learn of Seven(can't get his name still - hahaha). He's as he puts it Mongrel(or as I put it Cross Bread). What I mean by that is that Hes from the States, Norway, and of course Ireland.
So then I headed onto my last event of the day, namely to see Dawn of the Planet of the Apes.(Review here). Twas lovely to see it again. However there was a disturbance everytime, there was a piece of action there was this guy in front of me, chatting away, talking loudly and sometimes clappping. Then it occurred to me that there's a strong possibility that he may be autistic. So I said I wouldn't get involved. Even though there was the temptation.
And so to top of my lovely productive BUT most enjoyable day, I got myself a bag of chips. I was so tempted to take a pic of a guy in the chipper. However a friend of mine warned me for safety reasons. All that was going through my mind, BUT THE STATES do it all the time. Would luv to know how they do it, WITHOUT being seeing.
US Journalist James Foley has been beheaded by Islamic State Militant warns US to get out of Iraq business otherwise MORE beheadings will occur.
There's a possibility of another Icelandic Volcano erupting and causing Air Travel havoc that occured back in '10
According to a report published by the HEA. your Post code of where you live, determines who goes to college. D4,(84% go to college and D6(Rathimines; Ranaelgah - Virtually EVERYONE goes to College). D10(Ballyfermot area) and D17(Darnsdale are) 15% go to college. D1 and D2, just a quarter do go to college; Bottomline the success of you going to college, is WHERE YOU LIVE. Compeltely a shocker in my opinion. Affluent areas are 6 times more likely to go to colelge.
Sharon Ní Bheoláin does the Ice Bucket Challenge for MND(Motor Neuron Disease). Colm Murray died of it last year. Its very close to Sharon's heart.
current affairs,
foreign affairs,
mental health,
vegetarian friends,
vegetarian meetup,
Vegetarian Society,
Wednesday, 20 August 2014
Delhi O' Delhi, Moore St., Dublin
I've been to Delhi O' Delhi on Moore St., I became familiar with this establishment, from the Vegetarian Society of Ireland. I have enjoyed it immensely. It is described as a "cafeteria" style. In that as if you were in school or something. The food on this visit, I got was fantastic. The only fault I'd have to give it, is the unfamiliar names or in fact NO names on the All You Can Eat buffet style. In the Buffet style meal, from what I could gather, there plenny of Rice, Lentils, Chickpeas, some form of a sauce. When you go in, you are greeted to a wonderful and most friendly staff. I highly recommend this place. Prices are very nice to you too. You can choose between a set menu, or an all you can eat buffet style for less than €6. Quite a large array of selection of food, no question. Then onto the dessert. I got myself a Feluda Ice Cream. Oh it was so scrumptious. Then I got myself a bowl full of Jelly. Now considering its a vegetarian restaurant, I would have imagined its a Pectin or NOT Geletaine(From a cow). The taste was of Sorbet style. Nicely put and presented. And to top it off, I had myself a nice cuppa tea. A little tip for you all Green Tea lovers, Don't let your Green Tea Brew TOO LONG. I found that it got VERY strong. But Bottomline, HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.

Diary 19th August 2014
I slightly got up earlier to take a piddle and then headed back in bed. Then afterwards I got up for my sign on that I do every few months to keep my claim. Then I headed ontwards the Post Office to get doe. On the way, I encountered a car being towed on a trailer. The car on the trailer was a newbie at least the car reg says so. IT was in the 00s(Naughties). HOWEVER the car doing the towing was an auld banger of a yoke in the late 80s - 88 to be precise. The banger was making horrible noises. While I'm not against bangers, considering I myself have expressed an interest in buying one, BUT to have one that makes horrible noises that's a different one. So I got my dosh. Then across to AIB. As it was 4pm, the time the Bank closes, the Black doors were closed. Says I to meself, I thought the Banking(machines) were open. They were as it happens. Just the timing. So then just about as I was a few yards from my gaf, it poured outta the heavens .
So I looked at Ros na Run and Reeling in the Years to free up some space. I find history so fascinating. I tend to say to meself, god wouldn't mind living like the olden days. Especially the Dingle area. Where they have cottages etc.,
So I then headed onto see my sis. She's in great form. Getting there gradually. Delighted to see her in such. So we chatted and looked at TV. Ahh the good old days. hahahaah. So just before I headed off, I gave her words of encouragement along the lines "You'll get there eventually. I know its not easy, but you will get there. " So lets all hear words of encouragement. Detoxification from alcohol can't be easy. And she's enduring such.
Former RTE Broadcaster Pat Kenny, has announced that he is to become a presenter for UTV Ireland when the channel launches in Ireland in January 2015. Pat Kenny presented various programmes from Late Late Show for 10 yrs, Kenny Live(God be the days, when I first came over, I still remember it - hahaha), Frontline(RTE's current affairs program). He was also on Radio presenting Kenny for a few hrs in the morning. He moved to Newstalk a Radio station OTHER than RTE.
So I looked at Ros na Run and Reeling in the Years to free up some space. I find history so fascinating. I tend to say to meself, god wouldn't mind living like the olden days. Especially the Dingle area. Where they have cottages etc.,
So I then headed onto see my sis. She's in great form. Getting there gradually. Delighted to see her in such. So we chatted and looked at TV. Ahh the good old days. hahahaah. So just before I headed off, I gave her words of encouragement along the lines "You'll get there eventually. I know its not easy, but you will get there. " So lets all hear words of encouragement. Detoxification from alcohol can't be easy. And she's enduring such.
Former RTE Broadcaster Pat Kenny, has announced that he is to become a presenter for UTV Ireland when the channel launches in Ireland in January 2015. Pat Kenny presented various programmes from Late Late Show for 10 yrs, Kenny Live(God be the days, when I first came over, I still remember it - hahaha), Frontline(RTE's current affairs program). He was also on Radio presenting Kenny for a few hrs in the morning. He moved to Newstalk a Radio station OTHER than RTE.
Tuesday, 19 August 2014
Diary 18th August 2014
Recently I have been blocked on Facebook. It has been quite disheartening. I keep a record of guys I add or send requests to etc., Quite alot of guys I had befriended over the years, have not only removed me, which I don't mind, but to BLOCK me. I take that to heart. There is no need to block a person unless for a particular reason. I recently emptied my Block List on Facebook, which would help me better in terms of finding out who has blocked me and not. If I have no interest in keeping a friendship, I remove the person, then to ensure that they don't get my feeds, I block them TEMPORARILY then they are off my Follow list.
Then recently I was looking for a sex whats new - hahahaha on Grindr and various sites. Any guy I'm NOT into, I tell them that I have Hep B, and they go ahead and block me. I don't mind. BUT guys I'm into and I divulge my hep b status, they IMMEDIATELY Block me.
I wonder will America be as welcoming. As Ireland is spoz to be the "Land of the Welcomes". I most certainly have not been welcomed in recent months ESPECIALLY since I came out Hepatitis B. So I guess the Boilerhouse is my friend. Then again, I will have to come out Hep B to them as well and all. So I guess JO and Solo is Georgian's IMMEDIATE future.
On the way to the college, for the Information session as per the letter below, I was thinking to meself. That Sky provide 3Player(TV3's OnDemand Service name), yet they don't offer RTE Player. Which is an awful shame. Cause currently. For the news, I download my News Bulletins from 3Player and then Ireland AM, and Midday and Tonight with Vincent Browne(Current Affairs as I call em). I also download their documentary. Bottomline is, that I get to have space on my Box, hahaha. SO that's awesome. But RTE :(
I got a letter in the post from Social Welfare notifying me of a FIT(FastTrack Information Technology) course(something to do with courses and my payment). So with that in mind, I then headed to Whitehall College of Further Education where I previously went back in 2004 as I hadn't enough College Points to get into NCI. I went the back route. SO I was admiring the lovely building. I saw one of my former Lecturer there. Nothing's changed staff wise. On his phone. That didn't bother me thou. I was quite shocked when I went in. There was hardly a soul. I had arrived at 2.40. The time in the letter said 2pm. They were acutely finishing up. They had such a brazen attitude. Literally laughing in my face. I said that the letter never said the time it finishes. yet they were packing up. They hire staff, who DON'T have knowledge of the module they are teaching. What a joke.
So then I headed towards my folks. As it was a lovely day. Literally as I was in the door. It started showering. SO me in my shorts, I was quite lucky. hahaah.
So then with my horninsiness hahaha, I took a few NSFW pics and watched Fair City. JUST to free UP space on my Box. Never ending to my busyiness.
A vulnerable young woman who wanted an abortion under the new law, gave birth to a Premature Baby via Ciscariaon. Under the new legislation, she was refused an abortion.
Then recently I was looking for a sex whats new - hahahaha on Grindr and various sites. Any guy I'm NOT into, I tell them that I have Hep B, and they go ahead and block me. I don't mind. BUT guys I'm into and I divulge my hep b status, they IMMEDIATELY Block me.
I wonder will America be as welcoming. As Ireland is spoz to be the "Land of the Welcomes". I most certainly have not been welcomed in recent months ESPECIALLY since I came out Hepatitis B. So I guess the Boilerhouse is my friend. Then again, I will have to come out Hep B to them as well and all. So I guess JO and Solo is Georgian's IMMEDIATE future.
On the way to the college, for the Information session as per the letter below, I was thinking to meself. That Sky provide 3Player(TV3's OnDemand Service name), yet they don't offer RTE Player. Which is an awful shame. Cause currently. For the news, I download my News Bulletins from 3Player and then Ireland AM, and Midday and Tonight with Vincent Browne(Current Affairs as I call em). I also download their documentary. Bottomline is, that I get to have space on my Box, hahaha. SO that's awesome. But RTE :(
I got a letter in the post from Social Welfare notifying me of a FIT(FastTrack Information Technology) course(something to do with courses and my payment). So with that in mind, I then headed to Whitehall College of Further Education where I previously went back in 2004 as I hadn't enough College Points to get into NCI. I went the back route. SO I was admiring the lovely building. I saw one of my former Lecturer there. Nothing's changed staff wise. On his phone. That didn't bother me thou. I was quite shocked when I went in. There was hardly a soul. I had arrived at 2.40. The time in the letter said 2pm. They were acutely finishing up. They had such a brazen attitude. Literally laughing in my face. I said that the letter never said the time it finishes. yet they were packing up. They hire staff, who DON'T have knowledge of the module they are teaching. What a joke.
So then I headed towards my folks. As it was a lovely day. Literally as I was in the door. It started showering. SO me in my shorts, I was quite lucky. hahaah.
So then with my horninsiness hahaha, I took a few NSFW pics and watched Fair City. JUST to free UP space on my Box. Never ending to my busyiness.
A vulnerable young woman who wanted an abortion under the new law, gave birth to a Premature Baby via Ciscariaon. Under the new legislation, she was refused an abortion.
Monday, 18 August 2014
Diary 17th August 2014
Well what a day it turned out to be. Quite amusing and lots of laughter to end it all. It all started when I got up around half 4 to a someone ringing my doorbell of which I could have sworn was my sis. But was later told wasn't. So then, I stayed on and then got up at said alarm of quarter past 5 in the evening. Then I hopped into the shower. And got myself ready. I had food for my sis that my Aunt(Nun) gave me of which I defrosted it last night, but didn't defrost fully. Eitherway, I brought em. Then I had her Lappy(Laptop) and her Paddy(iPad) during the week. I was to bring it to her today, as I was seeing her. I had set a Google Now reminder on my phone for 7pm. I had left slightly earlier. LEAVING the Lappy and her Paddy behind. So I was just coming out of the Tescos shop after getting the Soya milk for both myself and her place. When I came out, I saw a notification that I was to bring along the Lappy and her Paddy. Says I to myself Fuck it, or D'Oh. hahaah. So I went back and retrieved em.
So eventually I arrived at my sis. When I arrived, my Mom was their. Twas wonderful to see her and all. Nothing new. hahaah. She had sent us down a Chinese. Twas alrite. It was different than what am normally use to. My sis and I chatted as per usual. She's getting there. As I said to my Mom, the road to recovery has begun. It will take time. But at least it's started. So I showed her pics on my phone that I had been taking of my babes on the TV etc., from Music Videos n RTE News bulletins etc.,
The new Protection of Life During Pregnancy Bill that was passed last year int he Dáil is to be monitored by the Government as a vulnerable young woman who wanted abortion was refused by a panel of Psychiatrists and Medical Experts. The Bill was used in the case of the mother, who was refused the abortion. It was enacted in January '14.
Police in England found 13 Children amongst 35 Adults found in a shipping container. They were of Afghan origin. Police say they were victims of Poeple Trafficking. They arrived on Saturday. It is believed they are of the Sikh faith.
Ibhraheam Halaway has gone on a hunger strike in a bid to be released from Imprisonment in Egypt. He was jailed for taking part in a protest in Cairo during the fall of Muhammad Morsi last year. His sisters want the Irish Government and EU to use their powers to Gauraurnete his release.
So eventually I arrived at my sis. When I arrived, my Mom was their. Twas wonderful to see her and all. Nothing new. hahaah. She had sent us down a Chinese. Twas alrite. It was different than what am normally use to. My sis and I chatted as per usual. She's getting there. As I said to my Mom, the road to recovery has begun. It will take time. But at least it's started. So I showed her pics on my phone that I had been taking of my babes on the TV etc., from Music Videos n RTE News bulletins etc.,
The new Protection of Life During Pregnancy Bill that was passed last year int he Dáil is to be monitored by the Government as a vulnerable young woman who wanted abortion was refused by a panel of Psychiatrists and Medical Experts. The Bill was used in the case of the mother, who was refused the abortion. It was enacted in January '14.
Police in England found 13 Children amongst 35 Adults found in a shipping container. They were of Afghan origin. Police say they were victims of Poeple Trafficking. They arrived on Saturday. It is believed they are of the Sikh faith.
Ibhraheam Halaway has gone on a hunger strike in a bid to be released from Imprisonment in Egypt. He was jailed for taking part in a protest in Cairo during the fall of Muhammad Morsi last year. His sisters want the Irish Government and EU to use their powers to Gauraurnete his release.
current affairs,
Sunday, 17 August 2014
Diary 16th August 2014
Well after a wonderful slumbers sleep, I woke up fresh a a daisy. NOt even a peep of a tiredness. hahaah. I set about meeting my friend Ronan for to see Guardians of the Galaxy(Review here). So I set about heading off. When I arrived, I couldn't find him anywhere.
In the meantime, I set about returning the 9 missed phonecalls from my Aunt(Nun), one from my sis and another from Mom. When I got through eventually, to one of em, I most certainly was not prepared for what was down the road for me. It would appear my sis is again in hospital. She was in resus. So possibly an overdose or alcohol. More than likely Alcohol. Either way, she revealed before the phone was taken off her, that she was raped again she said something like "3 Days". I said "For fuck sake" not again. I repeated this several times out loud on the street, tearing up. I just can't understand, why she would go back to such a monster. Then during the phonecall, it hit me, saying that she told me too that she wanted me as a favor to go and attack him or beat him up. Of which I obviously refused. So that can only mean one thing as I said to my Pops on my way home tonight, that that's NOT love talking one bit. So then I expressed to Maureen that something has to be done. So Maureen's phone went dead because of the communication in hospital cut us off. Something like that. So then I rang Mom, and she said that the Guards CAN'T do anything about the rapes. I said again tearing are you fucking kidding me. I said, I don't care whether she was drunk, or drugged up or whatever. Mom had told me that that was the Guards' "Attitude. I will have further info when I get the true facts. I shall myself be going to the guards for advice on what they think. Cause I think on The basis the woman is drunk or whatever that they can't do anything. Absolutely disgusting. So as of shortly before midnight/tomorrow 17th August, my sis is in the General hospital safe and sound awaiting a psychiatrist.
So then after a bit of upset news, I went to Starbucks to get myself a LARGE cuppa tea, Lord only knows I'd need it. And some from of a Panini. Twas absolutely gorgeous. So then I set about heading off to kill time, as Ronan hadn't arrived. So I went to Lidls. And had a quickie look around. And so that Kelkin now make Pasta. Who knew. Not Stanescu anyways. hahaha. So then I looked at the ingredients. Its Wheat Free. But from my knowledge, Pasta is made from Eggs Yolk. So then I decided does Kelkin ACTUALLY make Pasta from Eggs, or NOT. From what I can gather, and knowledge on my best friend Google, I saw that they do. So now as I said in my yesterday's blog entry(LINK INSERT HERE) that I'll have to change my pasta brand. What's new. hahaha.
So then I headed on towards Tescos, in Jervis St, Shopping Center, however they were closing up, so I just headed onto Cineworld. I got my tickets. NOTEING that my discount of BOTH the Food and Tickets for iMAX. For iMAX My ticket is now 6 extra on top my subscription. So then I got to see my babe in his undies. During the film, I was thinking that I'm gonna volunteer for the Dublin Rape Crisis Center. As you can gather from the name, they support family and friends and of course the victim of the sexual assault. Like my sis has been raped in the past, but TWICE in less than a week, that's a bit much. I looked up their site and decided. So the weekend of the 9th of October, I'll be busy. Just as the movie started, who should come out and say hi, BUT Ronan, my mate who failed to show up for 6pm. So as the cinema has allocated seating, he had to back to his seat. Allocated seating in the cinema means whatever seating you have, YOU MUST sit in the seating given. So after the film, after much hurahh and great laughter, I met Ronan outside. Was great to see him. He explained his absence at 6pm that he had anxiety Disorder and Depression. I was most compassionate to him, considering I could relate to him. So was so cool to hang out with him. So then I left him to the bus stop and the bus came, and I headed on home. While walking on the way with ROnan to the bus stop, Ronan was telling me that his name "Ronan" means Seal. So then he said something that he's addicted to his comics whereby Marvel comes in the picture, I then said if somebody were to get rid of em, he'd be devastated naturally. He then compared it to my Puppies: Sammy and Patch.
In the meantime, I set about returning the 9 missed phonecalls from my Aunt(Nun), one from my sis and another from Mom. When I got through eventually, to one of em, I most certainly was not prepared for what was down the road for me. It would appear my sis is again in hospital. She was in resus. So possibly an overdose or alcohol. More than likely Alcohol. Either way, she revealed before the phone was taken off her, that she was raped again she said something like "3 Days". I said "For fuck sake" not again. I repeated this several times out loud on the street, tearing up. I just can't understand, why she would go back to such a monster. Then during the phonecall, it hit me, saying that she told me too that she wanted me as a favor to go and attack him or beat him up. Of which I obviously refused. So that can only mean one thing as I said to my Pops on my way home tonight, that that's NOT love talking one bit. So then I expressed to Maureen that something has to be done. So Maureen's phone went dead because of the communication in hospital cut us off. Something like that. So then I rang Mom, and she said that the Guards CAN'T do anything about the rapes. I said again tearing are you fucking kidding me. I said, I don't care whether she was drunk, or drugged up or whatever. Mom had told me that that was the Guards' "Attitude. I will have further info when I get the true facts. I shall myself be going to the guards for advice on what they think. Cause I think on The basis the woman is drunk or whatever that they can't do anything. Absolutely disgusting. So as of shortly before midnight/tomorrow 17th August, my sis is in the General hospital safe and sound awaiting a psychiatrist.
So then after a bit of upset news, I went to Starbucks to get myself a LARGE cuppa tea, Lord only knows I'd need it. And some from of a Panini. Twas absolutely gorgeous. So then I set about heading off to kill time, as Ronan hadn't arrived. So I went to Lidls. And had a quickie look around. And so that Kelkin now make Pasta. Who knew. Not Stanescu anyways. hahaha. So then I looked at the ingredients. Its Wheat Free. But from my knowledge, Pasta is made from Eggs Yolk. So then I decided does Kelkin ACTUALLY make Pasta from Eggs, or NOT. From what I can gather, and knowledge on my best friend Google, I saw that they do. So now as I said in my yesterday's blog entry(LINK INSERT HERE) that I'll have to change my pasta brand. What's new. hahaha.
So then I headed on towards Tescos, in Jervis St, Shopping Center, however they were closing up, so I just headed onto Cineworld. I got my tickets. NOTEING that my discount of BOTH the Food and Tickets for iMAX. For iMAX My ticket is now 6 extra on top my subscription. So then I got to see my babe in his undies. During the film, I was thinking that I'm gonna volunteer for the Dublin Rape Crisis Center. As you can gather from the name, they support family and friends and of course the victim of the sexual assault. Like my sis has been raped in the past, but TWICE in less than a week, that's a bit much. I looked up their site and decided. So the weekend of the 9th of October, I'll be busy. Just as the movie started, who should come out and say hi, BUT Ronan, my mate who failed to show up for 6pm. So as the cinema has allocated seating, he had to back to his seat. Allocated seating in the cinema means whatever seating you have, YOU MUST sit in the seating given. So after the film, after much hurahh and great laughter, I met Ronan outside. Was great to see him. He explained his absence at 6pm that he had anxiety Disorder and Depression. I was most compassionate to him, considering I could relate to him. So was so cool to hang out with him. So then I left him to the bus stop and the bus came, and I headed on home. While walking on the way with ROnan to the bus stop, Ronan was telling me that his name "Ronan" means Seal. So then he said something that he's addicted to his comics whereby Marvel comes in the picture, I then said if somebody were to get rid of em, he'd be devastated naturally. He then compared it to my Puppies: Sammy and Patch.
Diary 15th August 2014
Well as I went to bed very late yesterday(which technically is today). I went to bed at 7pm ish. While I was getting ready for bed however, I was looking at Touched By An Angel. I have blogged about this TV Show. It is so much heartwarming. The reason, I'm blogging again about the show is that just before I was going to bed, I was tidying up my flood mess, as I said yesterday, BUT at the same time looking at the tv show. The show featured an episode of a dyeing man(Dennis Weaver(voiced a character in The Simpsons(the cowboy guy)). Twas so wonderful to see the guy in real life. So lovely. Anyways, I'm getting off topic. My point being, is that the show featured this business man, who wanted to buy Emmett Rivers(Weaver) business idea of saving the planet. The business man being an oil man was very interested in the idea. BUT when I saw what he really wanted to do with the idea ie the prototype, my heart sunk. All the businessman wanted was for Profit ie MONEY.
I was talking to my pops the other night, when I was printing my tickets for Joseph(Review here) on Wed night regarding money as it so happens. When I was printing tickets, Ticketmaster(The company I got em from), reminded me that as I purchased Insurance, that they would charge about €9. I was then getting a bit anxious at my dads computer would I have enough to print em off or something. So I had checked my O2 Money account, to see if there's anything there, in case they would take the money off. I would have expected Ticketmaster to take the Insurance money at the SAME time as the order. However that wasn't the case. So I asked my pops to do a few calculations. As it happens, it came to the price of the tickets MINUS the Insurance. So I got even more aggitated. So I just pressed the Print Button. And after all the aggistation, anxiousness or whatever, they DIDN'T take the money. So I don't know how this Insurance business works. Again my mind has drifted. What I'm trying to say is that I then said to my Paps, that "Money is requried all the time". And his reply is "Money is required for your life". Now I live on less than €50 a week. I get buy just about. Now with Cineworld's Price increase, the Rent increases(A possibility now with the Water Charge coming) and the Energy costs constantly every year, sometimes twice a year going up, and then there's the TV provider that gets increased every year, that we're gonna be living on fresh air. NO wonder, I have severely decreased by food intake. When I first moved out to Fairview, I was able to afford Food shopping almost everyweek. Now, I hardly shop. As I'm a vegetarian, that makes things tough on all parties. My fam and my self and the shops too. As the stuff that I want the shop don't know what am talking about. Then I was on Soya milk, now that creates man boobs etc., I've to change again. One things in life, if ya don't have Money, ya won't have much of life, thats' the vibe I'm getting.
Cardinal Sean Brady(Catholic Primate Of All Ireland) has offered his resignation ahead of his 75th Birthday tomorrow. It is within the accordance of Canon Law, that he must resign by the age of 75 years. He oversaw Allegations made against him for NOT reporting a sexual abuse case when he was told.
I was talking to my pops the other night, when I was printing my tickets for Joseph(Review here) on Wed night regarding money as it so happens. When I was printing tickets, Ticketmaster(The company I got em from), reminded me that as I purchased Insurance, that they would charge about €9. I was then getting a bit anxious at my dads computer would I have enough to print em off or something. So I had checked my O2 Money account, to see if there's anything there, in case they would take the money off. I would have expected Ticketmaster to take the Insurance money at the SAME time as the order. However that wasn't the case. So I asked my pops to do a few calculations. As it happens, it came to the price of the tickets MINUS the Insurance. So I got even more aggitated. So I just pressed the Print Button. And after all the aggistation, anxiousness or whatever, they DIDN'T take the money. So I don't know how this Insurance business works. Again my mind has drifted. What I'm trying to say is that I then said to my Paps, that "Money is requried all the time". And his reply is "Money is required for your life". Now I live on less than €50 a week. I get buy just about. Now with Cineworld's Price increase, the Rent increases(A possibility now with the Water Charge coming) and the Energy costs constantly every year, sometimes twice a year going up, and then there's the TV provider that gets increased every year, that we're gonna be living on fresh air. NO wonder, I have severely decreased by food intake. When I first moved out to Fairview, I was able to afford Food shopping almost everyweek. Now, I hardly shop. As I'm a vegetarian, that makes things tough on all parties. My fam and my self and the shops too. As the stuff that I want the shop don't know what am talking about. Then I was on Soya milk, now that creates man boobs etc., I've to change again. One things in life, if ya don't have Money, ya won't have much of life, thats' the vibe I'm getting.
Cardinal Sean Brady(Catholic Primate Of All Ireland) has offered his resignation ahead of his 75th Birthday tomorrow. It is within the accordance of Canon Law, that he must resign by the age of 75 years. He oversaw Allegations made against him for NOT reporting a sexual abuse case when he was told.
Friday, 15 August 2014
Diary 14th August 2014
Well I was totally exhausted after the wonderful performance and musical. My voice was very husky. You'd swear I had been out on the town. ahahaha. Ill tell you this much guys, I'mma never gonna forget the experience. So with that I got up eventually. Like I had plans on getting up around 5ish to listen to the music I had recorded for to free up space. Yet I was exhausted. Couldn't lift a leg hahaha. So eventually I got up around 7, when I was suppose to be at the Vegetarian Meetup. I was half thinking of giving the meetup a skip. However as I hadn't seen the Vegetarians for a very long time, I decided to get ready and head on out.
So I set about heading off to the meetup. Then I realsied as I always check my pockets for my keys, everytime, I head out. However this time, I noted I couldn't feel em. So I says, I actually left em behind, when I was checking for the post upstairs. Says, I "Fuck it". I need my keys. So I was within two minds, to forget about the meetup. So I went back to check if they were in the door, of where I sometimes I'd leave em. However they weren't. So I was getting increasingly anxious. So I went back. Knocked on the door. However with the loud music they couldn't hear me. I was then half thinking of going to my sis, however she has since lost my other key that I gave her. So that was out of the question. So I decided to try the doorbell thing ie the Intercom. Low and behold they answered. The guy then told me that the keys were left upstairs on the floor. Which I found it highly strange. Eitherway, I thanked him profusely. So then I set about take 2, to head to the vegetarian meetup to be held in KimChi(Review of Restaurant here), mind you a place where I pass by everytime I go to the cinema, yet I couldn't never find it.
So then after looking for the place, I eventually found it. haahah. Now I hadn't been at a Vegetarian Meetup since February. When I arrived, Jacob the organiser of the meetup in question, suggested jokingly as I had arrived late that I sit at the table beside that was empty as the table that I had seen was full in question. I said yeah like fat chance. hahaah. So then shortly after another guy showed up, Marcin. The two of us got talking. I moved on over to the other table with Marcin. Then shortly afterwards, Mirin('Scuse the spelling) arrived. So all in all, we weren't left with alone. ahahha. Mirin asked Jacob, relating to Israel. She was very nervous in asking him. I never knew Jacob was Israel. Then Marcin says that both Religion and Politics are very hot topics. While I can agree on Religion, but Politics not really. As I see it as a debate. So then shortly before we all dispersed, Marcin and I were the only last two left of the whole group. So as the restaurant was closing we both headed on outdoors. I was very intrigued with his produce he's currently a distributor for. I very much look forward to seeing it on World Vegetarian Day. Then, we started discussing how soya makes man boobs etc., as my friend on Facebook told me. Then out of the blue, he comes up with this upsurd thought that having too much oestrogene makes u gay. I told him you're either born gay or ur not. He still refused it. My body language of which he saw, made him think otherwise. I'm having none of it. People need to be educated. No question of it. Like alirte Having too much oestrogene is bad for you granted. But has NOTHING to do with sexuality. I asked him where'd he read this bull. He said the net.
So with that in mind, I then headed on home. I got myself a takeout. Might I add a lovely one.
SO for the past few hours. It was the turn of the pots and pans to be washed after several months, possibly years even. Then shortly afterwards, I then continued on doing the flood cleanup, the flood that occurred back in Aug 2nd. The only way for me not to put my back out or whatever, is that I take a section of the room and tidy it. Likewise the kitchen. I don't do everything in one go. I don't have the energy of a 14 yr old anymore. hahaah. Same goes for food intake. I've reduced my food intake severely due to Budgetary reasons. Like take for e.g my Dinner is actually Nachos from the cinema and of course my Sorbet. Thats my dinner.
Another Trayvon Martin style shooting has occurred in the US city of St. Louis, Missouri. Michael Browne was shot death by a policeman. Witnesses say the teen was backing off the policeman, but still was shot. Some say it was of racial intent. Others say as the teen was trying to get access tot he policeman's armory, that that's the reason he was shot. Demonstrations have been ongoing for 6 Nights.
South Korea is celebrating 25th Papal Visit. Its been 25 years since a Catholic Pope has visited Asia let alone South Korea. He plans on Beatifying 124 Korean Martyrs. And of course recruit to Catholic Church. Within the 25 year history 5m Catholics and growing have been increasing steadily.
So I set about heading off to the meetup. Then I realsied as I always check my pockets for my keys, everytime, I head out. However this time, I noted I couldn't feel em. So I says, I actually left em behind, when I was checking for the post upstairs. Says, I "Fuck it". I need my keys. So I was within two minds, to forget about the meetup. So I went back to check if they were in the door, of where I sometimes I'd leave em. However they weren't. So I was getting increasingly anxious. So I went back. Knocked on the door. However with the loud music they couldn't hear me. I was then half thinking of going to my sis, however she has since lost my other key that I gave her. So that was out of the question. So I decided to try the doorbell thing ie the Intercom. Low and behold they answered. The guy then told me that the keys were left upstairs on the floor. Which I found it highly strange. Eitherway, I thanked him profusely. So then I set about take 2, to head to the vegetarian meetup to be held in KimChi(Review of Restaurant here), mind you a place where I pass by everytime I go to the cinema, yet I couldn't never find it.
So then after looking for the place, I eventually found it. haahah. Now I hadn't been at a Vegetarian Meetup since February. When I arrived, Jacob the organiser of the meetup in question, suggested jokingly as I had arrived late that I sit at the table beside that was empty as the table that I had seen was full in question. I said yeah like fat chance. hahaah. So then shortly after another guy showed up, Marcin. The two of us got talking. I moved on over to the other table with Marcin. Then shortly afterwards, Mirin('Scuse the spelling) arrived. So all in all, we weren't left with alone. ahahha. Mirin asked Jacob, relating to Israel. She was very nervous in asking him. I never knew Jacob was Israel. Then Marcin says that both Religion and Politics are very hot topics. While I can agree on Religion, but Politics not really. As I see it as a debate. So then shortly before we all dispersed, Marcin and I were the only last two left of the whole group. So as the restaurant was closing we both headed on outdoors. I was very intrigued with his produce he's currently a distributor for. I very much look forward to seeing it on World Vegetarian Day. Then, we started discussing how soya makes man boobs etc., as my friend on Facebook told me. Then out of the blue, he comes up with this upsurd thought that having too much oestrogene makes u gay. I told him you're either born gay or ur not. He still refused it. My body language of which he saw, made him think otherwise. I'm having none of it. People need to be educated. No question of it. Like alirte Having too much oestrogene is bad for you granted. But has NOTHING to do with sexuality. I asked him where'd he read this bull. He said the net.
So with that in mind, I then headed on home. I got myself a takeout. Might I add a lovely one.
SO for the past few hours. It was the turn of the pots and pans to be washed after several months, possibly years even. Then shortly afterwards, I then continued on doing the flood cleanup, the flood that occurred back in Aug 2nd. The only way for me not to put my back out or whatever, is that I take a section of the room and tidy it. Likewise the kitchen. I don't do everything in one go. I don't have the energy of a 14 yr old anymore. hahaah. Same goes for food intake. I've reduced my food intake severely due to Budgetary reasons. Like take for e.g my Dinner is actually Nachos from the cinema and of course my Sorbet. Thats my dinner.
Another Trayvon Martin style shooting has occurred in the US city of St. Louis, Missouri. Michael Browne was shot death by a policeman. Witnesses say the teen was backing off the policeman, but still was shot. Some say it was of racial intent. Others say as the teen was trying to get access tot he policeman's armory, that that's the reason he was shot. Demonstrations have been ongoing for 6 Nights.
South Korea is celebrating 25th Papal Visit. Its been 25 years since a Catholic Pope has visited Asia let alone South Korea. He plans on Beatifying 124 Korean Martyrs. And of course recruit to Catholic Church. Within the 25 year history 5m Catholics and growing have been increasing steadily.
music video,
Vegetarian Society
Kimchi(The Hophouse), Parnell St.., Dublin
I popped along with a group of my vegetarian friends to the restaurant. No question there's great offer of Vegetarian and Vegan options available. I got the Vegetable Tempura as my starter and Soft Tofu Tempura Sautéed Vegetables. and to top it off Jasmine Tea. I ttoally enjoyed the Soft Tofu Tempura Sautéed Vegetables. The Noodles I found a bit chewey than normal. But the presentation out did itself. Likewise the starter: Vegetable Tempura. And I finished off the meal with a lovely Jasmine Tea. It was absolutely gorgeous. For just over €20 quid, I found the value very well valued. Starter, Main and Tea. Great value.
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