Monday, 11 August 2014

Diary 11th August 2014

Well today I got up with a view of meeting my ex which I haven't seen in years. Due to his mother's ill health and then subsequent unfortunate mother's death, he wasn't able to travel to Dublin. So last November if I recall he called up to Dublin, however we weren't able to meet as he was too busy. But today, we met for the first time in several years. Give or a take a good two years mini or tops as one would say. His business today was to actually go to the Probate and as he puts it "Administer  his mother's Estate" something like that. Now throughout the entire meetup if tahts what you call it??????, he was constantly on his phone. As O' Farrell said not too long ago, if you're with a person to meetup especially after SEVERAL years. Quite ignorant of him if you ask me. He did however point out, that I was acting quite nervous. Which I find hard to believe. But bottomline thou, that the ignorance he showed by playing with his phone. Like a few times, he even stopped me in my tracks of talking. Or that he would say that I would talk too much.
I initially went into Lidls as I had forgotten to go to Lidls. Despite the fact that I was actually up at 7. I would normally go to Lidls. Yet I forgot. However I was in luck. I got my shoes and earphones, as I sat on the other ones, that I got in O2.

So then the two of us, Keith and I went to Quigleys for a cuppa tea, where unfortunately he got distracted and knocked over a jug. while wondering around the city as he's hitting the big 40 next year, I asked him how does he feel age wise. He feels like Peter Pan "The boy who never grew up". WE then went into Pennys where we looked around. Then we were gonna head to Eason's O' Connell St., for a final cuppa. However they were closed. So we headed to McDonald's for our cuppa. Then afterwards he headed to the bus to go home to Kildare.

So after I left him, I headed to Specsavers to see if I could collect my glasses, however they were closed. So I continued on towards my folks. I first broke my  journey of going to the Outhouse. I encountered Declan, Bernard David(Behind the counter) and David O' T. When I arrived, the chairs were in a position as if they were looking at a performance or something. They were discussing an arrange of topics. Gay Marriage for one as the Referendum is fast approaching. David found it annoying that Pride this year only concentrated on Marriage equality and not Homophobia. I somewhat agree. So in a fit of rage(not literately of course. heeehh) I revealed to em, that I have sent in a letter to the GCN for the Discrimination I endured at Pride this year. I have noticed of late thou that Declan keeps bringing up the regout I had on. One thing really stuck by thou. "Catholic Gay".

So then I headed on towards my folks. I had a thought, that any guy I fancy or find cute or hot or whatever, that they should feel privileged. Like it would be a self esteem boost, in my opinion. Like wise with girls or women or whatever. So then I continued on, and got myself a takeout on the way tot he folks.

I went tot he folks with a view of getting my tickets for Wednesdays' Musical Joseph and the Amazing TechniColour Dreamcoat. I explained to both Mom n Dad that my sis' Psychotherapy is bound to actually bring up some harse memories from Romania etc., etc., and that unfortunately is the only way to recovery. Mom was under the illusions that she mightened be able to handle the memories etc.,


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