Sunday, 17 August 2014

Diary 16th August 2014

Well after a wonderful slumbers sleep, I woke up fresh a a daisy. NOt even a peep of a tiredness. hahaah. I set about meeting my friend Ronan for to see Guardians of the Galaxy(Review here). So I set about heading off. When I arrived, I couldn't find him anywhere.

In the meantime, I set about returning the 9 missed phonecalls from my Aunt(Nun), one from my sis and another from Mom. When I got through eventually, to one of em, I most certainly was not prepared for what was down the road for me. It would appear my sis is again in hospital. She was in resus. So possibly an overdose or alcohol. More than likely Alcohol. Either way, she revealed before the phone was taken off her, that she was raped again she said something like "3 Days". I said "For fuck sake" not again. I repeated this several times out loud on the street, tearing up. I just can't understand, why she would go back to such a monster. Then during the phonecall, it hit me, saying that she told me too that she wanted me as a favor to go and attack him or beat him up. Of which I obviously refused. So that can only mean one thing as I said to my Pops on my way home tonight, that that's NOT love talking one bit. So then I expressed to Maureen that something has to be done. So Maureen's phone went dead because of the communication in hospital cut us off. Something like that. So then I rang Mom, and she said that the Guards CAN'T do anything about the rapes. I said again tearing are you fucking kidding me. I said, I don't care whether she was drunk, or drugged up or whatever. Mom had told me that that was the Guards' "Attitude. I will have further info when I get the true facts. I shall myself be going to the guards for advice on what they think. Cause I think on The basis the woman is drunk or whatever that they can't do anything. Absolutely disgusting. So as of shortly before midnight/tomorrow 17th August, my sis is in the General hospital safe and sound awaiting a psychiatrist.

So then after a bit of upset news, I went to Starbucks to get myself a LARGE cuppa tea, Lord only knows I'd need it. And some from of a Panini. Twas absolutely gorgeous. So then I set about heading off to kill time, as Ronan hadn't arrived. So I went to Lidls. And had a quickie look around. And so that Kelkin now make Pasta. Who knew. Not Stanescu anyways. hahaha. So then I looked at the ingredients. Its Wheat Free. But from my knowledge, Pasta is made from Eggs Yolk. So then I decided does Kelkin ACTUALLY make Pasta from Eggs, or NOT. From what I can gather, and knowledge on my best friend Google, I saw that they do. So now as I said in my yesterday's blog entry(LINK INSERT HERE) that I'll have to change my pasta brand. What's new. hahaha.

So then I headed on towards Tescos, in Jervis St, Shopping Center, however they were closing up, so I just headed onto Cineworld. I got my tickets. NOTEING that my discount of BOTH the Food and Tickets for iMAX. For iMAX My ticket is now 6 extra on top my subscription. So then I got to see my babe in his undies. During the film, I was thinking that I'm gonna volunteer for the Dublin Rape Crisis Center. As you can gather from the name, they support family and friends and of course the victim of the sexual assault. Like my sis has been raped in the past, but TWICE in less than a week, that's a bit much. I looked up their site and decided. So the weekend of the 9th of October, I'll be busy.  Just as the movie started, who should come out and say hi, BUT Ronan, my mate who failed to show up for 6pm. So as the cinema has allocated seating, he had to back to his seat. Allocated seating in the cinema means whatever seating you have, YOU MUST sit in the seating given. So after the film, after much hurahh and great laughter, I met Ronan outside. Was great to see him. He explained his absence at 6pm that he had anxiety Disorder and Depression. I was most compassionate to him, considering I could relate to him. So was so cool to hang out with him. So then I left him to the bus stop and the bus came, and I headed on home. While walking on the way with ROnan to the bus stop, Ronan was telling me that his name "Ronan" means Seal. So then he said something that he's addicted to his comics whereby Marvel comes in the picture, I then said if somebody were to get rid of em, he'd be devastated naturally. He then compared it to my Puppies: Sammy and Patch.

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