I was due to get up for 3.15pm as I had a few things to do. However I failed to sleep. I was just twisting and turning. And my legs aching me. I even was using poor auld Sammy whereby I put my legs ontop him. It did help big time. But by the time I figured it out, i was too late. I was tearing up as to why can't I just hit the pillow like I used to. I started getting sleepy about 2.59 which obviously was far too late., so I extended to 4.15. eventually I got up at 4.55.
So I then went to the Post Office to get my dole and with a few of paying my TV Licence which is due today. I had arrived around 5.25 when the Office closes at half 5. When I put my foot in the door, I was greeted with such disrespect from the proprietor of the Office. She said that I continue to get payment on the last minute when theys about to close up. She asked if I was wanting to do Banking ie transferring my money into my Bank Account. I attempted to smile, its what I do when I am nervous. She mistook it for making fun of them. So tears instead came outta me eyes. The person who was serving me(mind you the same person who left me 70 short last week.)was also serious in that she never smiled. I felt like saying to her, says the person who got the cash low last week. Meanwhile the proprietor continued to barage me. She continued to say by asking me if I had a job. I said no. She continued saying oh and you "scratch" yourself. Now I was in a state of shock. I was literally frozen couldn't defend myself. So when I got out as tearful as ever, I felt like saying and if I do get the courage to say, "you can talk to my psychiatrist." She'll know what to say to you. So as I hadn't transferred my money into my Bank Acc, I popped along across the road to transfer cash for my Rent to go through as well as my weekly Increments that me sis taught me. And also my most important thing ie the TV License wasn't paid because of the disrespect. Might I remind yee all, I am a customer. I may have done wrong by appearing last minute, but you're a company we customers demand respect. Well not to worry anymore. I'll be in New York sooner than you think. I'm investigating my citizenship status starting tomorrow. Its obviously the homophobes don't want me, now the country that I was fostered into, don't want me either. :(
So onwards with a teary Stanescu to my next errand. Which was to get a pressie for my Aunrty(Nun) for her Birthday today. I got my pressie for her in Scribbles. Then to do the actual delivery that was a long 1hr long walk. Which eventually turned out to be the most enjoyable. How it turned enjoyable was when I got a notification on my cell phone from Mashable to say that Firefox had released a Version 29. Then I continued on to read why they were making a big deal of this particular version. It had been found that Firefox had been going down in Browser Market and was loosing the now infamous Browser War. It was always between IE(Internet Explorer(Microsoft)) and Firefox. However in recent years its now between Chrome and Internet Explorer and Opera. So I continued to read eagerly and I found the exact reason why Firefox was dropping in support. I had understood it was to do with the latest technologies that Chrome was using that users were being attracted to e.g Sync(Bookmarks settings etc., across all devices etc., just sign in with your Google Account, with Firefox's version it was complex ie you had to input a code on devices to sync your data). But the real reason why the browser was failing ie going down was actually because the CEO(well now former) had publicly portrayed support towards the Gay Marriage Ban). Now I couldn't believe my eyes and still can't. I mean like Marriage Equality of a major company being on the wrong side. I first of all never knew Mozilla had a new CEO. I had understood Mitchell Baker('Scuse the spelling) was still around. Apparently I'm a bit out of date with technology as I thought so. hahahah
So Anyways I eventually arrived at Maureen(Nun) and rang the doorbell. No one was home. So I just popped into the post and headed back on my 1hr long walk.
So I decided on the way home, cause I was desperately hungry I popped into the Outhouse. Got a cuppa tea. I saw Bernard N, Declan K and Patrick. Twas lovely to see em all again considering I hadn't been to the Outhouse since the beginning of the month at the Golden Girls Night.
So after just about 3hrs walking I headed on home. It was quite a day. Filled with lots of heartache more so than laughter. But the one thing as I said above that made my day when I realsied the true extent to Firefox's demise. It was all to do with Marriage Equialtiy actually working. Imagine, just think about it. Gay Marriage is actually wanted when the CEO expressed support towards the ban of the gay marriage. and People showed support by NOT going near Firefox. Its just unreal.
Wednesday, 30 April 2014
Diary 29th April 2014
I regret to inform you all that yet another Facebook family has passed away of suspicious circumstances. I first found out when I stumble upon a profile page of a familiar friend I knew William Jackson then it changed to RIP William Jackson. I just naturally assumed it was a joke. SO then I was doing some administration stuff ie tidying up my Facebook spreadsheet as I said all this in yesterday's blog. Then when I saw this page again and saw all the messages of support, tears began rolling outta my eyes when I learned the seriousness. Peter H J had only gotten engaged to William J by a few weeks I remember. William hadn't told his folks that he was engaged let alone married. But sadly Peter found William dead. I wrote to his former partner's page(William's) and Peter's page in question of support during this hard time. May William Rest In Peace.
I finally figured out a way to share my PIxable likes. PIxable actually provides a View Source link. Which then links me to the origin ie Facebook. Then I can share as normal. I am so delighted. hahaha
While I was watching TV in particular the News last night, my Sky Box got update with a new layout and User Interface. While I welcome the re-ogranisation and the features, it leaves the actual user interface alot to be desired, in that it appears alot darker and very modern ie more techie. Its the Theme is a bit of a trouble. but no doubt Ill prob get used to it. hahaah
I was due to get my Dole today, however I slept through the alarm. Now I went to bed after Dallas around 11am. So that didn't help. But while I continued to sleep, thoughts were racing through my mind of which the following was occurring in me head.
I'm not one bit surprised of Maureen's(Nun) views on homosexuality cause of the Catholics Church's views on the subject. BUT my mom should have known better. In that she knows a gay couple in the States yet she never told me why they were holding hands(the two Lizs) and nor only that she knew a gay person in her teaching career yet WHY THE HELL DID SHE BULLY HER OWN SON (ahem her so called son - the fostered one - if even that). My view on the subject is she sees me as a stranger. Well how can anyone blame me. The fact that my ex has forgotten all the horrible things that were done to him, (I'm grateful for him forgetting that - tahts a blessing in disguise).
I then was suppose to go to my weekly visit of my sis. However she wasn't feeling well. So I just continued staying on in bed. And got up around eventually at at half 11pm in the evening. So I just looked at Dallas and now the NEws.
I finally figured out a way to share my PIxable likes. PIxable actually provides a View Source link. Which then links me to the origin ie Facebook. Then I can share as normal. I am so delighted. hahaha
While I was watching TV in particular the News last night, my Sky Box got update with a new layout and User Interface. While I welcome the re-ogranisation and the features, it leaves the actual user interface alot to be desired, in that it appears alot darker and very modern ie more techie. Its the Theme is a bit of a trouble. but no doubt Ill prob get used to it. hahaah
I was due to get my Dole today, however I slept through the alarm. Now I went to bed after Dallas around 11am. So that didn't help. But while I continued to sleep, thoughts were racing through my mind of which the following was occurring in me head.
I'm not one bit surprised of Maureen's(Nun) views on homosexuality cause of the Catholics Church's views on the subject. BUT my mom should have known better. In that she knows a gay couple in the States yet she never told me why they were holding hands(the two Lizs) and nor only that she knew a gay person in her teaching career yet WHY THE HELL DID SHE BULLY HER OWN SON (ahem her so called son - the fostered one - if even that). My view on the subject is she sees me as a stranger. Well how can anyone blame me. The fact that my ex has forgotten all the horrible things that were done to him, (I'm grateful for him forgetting that - tahts a blessing in disguise).
I then was suppose to go to my weekly visit of my sis. However she wasn't feeling well. So I just continued staying on in bed. And got up around eventually at at half 11pm in the evening. So I just looked at Dallas and now the NEws.
Monday, 28 April 2014
Diary 28th April 2014
"Those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind. THis was the quote I was looking for yesterday. Well UPDATE I finally found it. I had seen it on a friend's(Mark Patrick H) Facebook in which he had updated a status with this quote. How this came about was that he liked my comment in which i Had said"My ex used to say taht all the time". I was going mad for hours until literally a few minutes ago. It took a notifciaotin from Facebook to let me know where I got this quote. ANd me looking up various sociatl networks looking up messages, etc.,
While I was at my computing, I noticed a bit of noise above me. Then I heard it beside me. I'm talking about above me as in neigbors likewise beside me. Then I heard more and even more louder noise. And when I looked out da window, Low and behold, I saw sirens from all corners of the street. I then went out in my onesie and asked whats going on. Fire was seen and smoke billlowing outta the ground(kinda weird) if you ask me. I later on only realised there is an underground Car park(Parking lot to my US Buddies). There was several fire brigades., a police car. As you can see in the first pic, the apartment just over the car park, there was a gay guy living there. I first came across him on Grindr and Grindr told me he was only a few feet away. He obviously wasn't into me. WE chatted briefly. I have seen him around. Clearly I knew he was gay. However I think he has since moved out, but elsewhere in the block, cause I hadn't seen him for a while. But I only saw him recently. But going further inside the complex meaning he has moved elsewhere.
Here's some pics of the resulting fire. From what I saw there was a white tape indicating a crime scene.

On a separate event, yesterday I was suppose to bring Chips to my sis. However I got distracted when I heard my neighbor next door closing her door, she then approached me as I was closing my door and said where are the bins(Waste Bins). I wasn't sure anything about em, as I don't use them. So I said she should contact the landlord. Now she was being nice and all. But this is the same person, from what I understand that the landlord does NOT allow more than one person in his flat. Cuase I told him a few months ago, that there was a man coming down the steps and passing my place. He found that a bit strange. Then recently I was checking the post for my sis and obv myself(sometimes her post still goes there) and I saw the same guy BUT this time with a bicycle going into the apartment where the woman who asked about the bins. She comes in night hours. So its possible she could be a nurse or something.
SO I went off for a few winks after the early morning events. See above.
This is another strange but disturbing dream still connecting to my vegetarianism and my childhood in Romania.
I'm with my sis in my folks place in the front room playing music videos. Then dad (the one who raised me and loved and loves me) brings in a ROMANIAN cow not an Irish one BUT A FREAKIN ROMANIAN cow. And says to me I want you to eat it. As disturbing as that sounds. sis n I then go to tescos to get a bit of grub. She's elsewhere in the shop. I'm in the yoghurt isle. I accidentally drop 1 r 2. I pick em up n go and purchase them. While picking em up i hear shop assistants looking for em amongst themselves but I just continue bringing the broken ones to the counter.
Then i meet sis n mom r Maureen outside and I see them sitting on a bench in the dark with a fire keeping them warm. I exclaim that that is lovely. There is a man in front of the fire more or less saying the same thing in other words agreeing with me. Then I go to take my phone camera out to take a picture of the fire. However the man has blown out the fire.
Now separately but quite strange it's related well at least to the Romanian cow at least. I was wanting to tell my Neighbor who approached me regarding bins that they could be hidden inside the shed. So I popped along might I ad naked. So I ring the door bell r knock on the door. A man answers by right he shouldn't b there but anyways none of my business. Jnr wakes up when i start to picture the guy in trackies and I exclaim out loud to him "boy u r cute". I then say but this isn't the point. The point is the bins. Your roommate r whatever u call each other bf gf, the woman who lives here asked about the bins. I just remembered that my sis used to live above me and the landlord used to talk to her and said the shed. So then she popped out i said to her that if u were given a key r a combination lock code to try it. The bins could be there. Then out of the blue she saying that I'm her son. Now can anyone tell me how can you tell that by seeing a naked guy that I'm there son. So I asked her a few qs like her name my orphanage name where I'm from surprisingly she answered them all including why she has a different accent, (English) like i have a different accent but some how ppl can tell I'm. foreign. So then I in a fit of anger I call mom (I'm sure u all should know who my mom is by now) and say "I'm getting da hell outta ere." But however it's too late. I have been kidnapped. But miraculously i posted "HELP HELP MY MOM WANTS ME BACK IN ROMANIA PLS HELP" on my Facebook. When my Romanian mother asks me about sis i says we ain't blood we grew up together in the orphanage n Ireland. To get out of it, I then say I'm gay. Cause I'd know that she wouldn't accept as shes Eastern European where Romania is. But not that didn't stop her.
The Dream ends when I wake up with my eyes very soar and with the tears dried up and all crusted up. Then when I was int he middle of sorting out my FB Friends on my spreadsheet one of the friends had a status of Page Not Found - which Facebook has if the person has blocked you or you have blocked them. So I found that while I was going through my mates on my spreadsheet. So when I stumbleupon a friend of mines RIP William Jackson page, I came across this page a few weeks ago. And thought it was a joke or something, but as it happens that it was actually William had actually day. NO words can describe the shock and horror I had gotten when I learned of his death. Like Peter had only engaged to him a few months ago. As my originally family as in the relatives mainly didn't work out, I started to get more involved on my Facebook family ie Friends.
While I was at my computing, I noticed a bit of noise above me. Then I heard it beside me. I'm talking about above me as in neigbors likewise beside me. Then I heard more and even more louder noise. And when I looked out da window, Low and behold, I saw sirens from all corners of the street. I then went out in my onesie and asked whats going on. Fire was seen and smoke billlowing outta the ground(kinda weird) if you ask me. I later on only realised there is an underground Car park(Parking lot to my US Buddies). There was several fire brigades., a police car. As you can see in the first pic, the apartment just over the car park, there was a gay guy living there. I first came across him on Grindr and Grindr told me he was only a few feet away. He obviously wasn't into me. WE chatted briefly. I have seen him around. Clearly I knew he was gay. However I think he has since moved out, but elsewhere in the block, cause I hadn't seen him for a while. But I only saw him recently. But going further inside the complex meaning he has moved elsewhere.
Here's some pics of the resulting fire. From what I saw there was a white tape indicating a crime scene.

On a separate event, yesterday I was suppose to bring Chips to my sis. However I got distracted when I heard my neighbor next door closing her door, she then approached me as I was closing my door and said where are the bins(Waste Bins). I wasn't sure anything about em, as I don't use them. So I said she should contact the landlord. Now she was being nice and all. But this is the same person, from what I understand that the landlord does NOT allow more than one person in his flat. Cuase I told him a few months ago, that there was a man coming down the steps and passing my place. He found that a bit strange. Then recently I was checking the post for my sis and obv myself(sometimes her post still goes there) and I saw the same guy BUT this time with a bicycle going into the apartment where the woman who asked about the bins. She comes in night hours. So its possible she could be a nurse or something.
SO I went off for a few winks after the early morning events. See above.
This is another strange but disturbing dream still connecting to my vegetarianism and my childhood in Romania.
I'm with my sis in my folks place in the front room playing music videos. Then dad (the one who raised me and loved and loves me) brings in a ROMANIAN cow not an Irish one BUT A FREAKIN ROMANIAN cow. And says to me I want you to eat it. As disturbing as that sounds. sis n I then go to tescos to get a bit of grub. She's elsewhere in the shop. I'm in the yoghurt isle. I accidentally drop 1 r 2. I pick em up n go and purchase them. While picking em up i hear shop assistants looking for em amongst themselves but I just continue bringing the broken ones to the counter.
Then i meet sis n mom r Maureen outside and I see them sitting on a bench in the dark with a fire keeping them warm. I exclaim that that is lovely. There is a man in front of the fire more or less saying the same thing in other words agreeing with me. Then I go to take my phone camera out to take a picture of the fire. However the man has blown out the fire.
Now separately but quite strange it's related well at least to the Romanian cow at least. I was wanting to tell my Neighbor who approached me regarding bins that they could be hidden inside the shed. So I popped along might I ad naked. So I ring the door bell r knock on the door. A man answers by right he shouldn't b there but anyways none of my business. Jnr wakes up when i start to picture the guy in trackies and I exclaim out loud to him "boy u r cute". I then say but this isn't the point. The point is the bins. Your roommate r whatever u call each other bf gf, the woman who lives here asked about the bins. I just remembered that my sis used to live above me and the landlord used to talk to her and said the shed. So then she popped out i said to her that if u were given a key r a combination lock code to try it. The bins could be there. Then out of the blue she saying that I'm her son. Now can anyone tell me how can you tell that by seeing a naked guy that I'm there son. So I asked her a few qs like her name my orphanage name where I'm from surprisingly she answered them all including why she has a different accent, (English) like i have a different accent but some how ppl can tell I'm. foreign. So then I in a fit of anger I call mom (I'm sure u all should know who my mom is by now) and say "I'm getting da hell outta ere." But however it's too late. I have been kidnapped. But miraculously i posted "HELP HELP MY MOM WANTS ME BACK IN ROMANIA PLS HELP" on my Facebook. When my Romanian mother asks me about sis i says we ain't blood we grew up together in the orphanage n Ireland. To get out of it, I then say I'm gay. Cause I'd know that she wouldn't accept as shes Eastern European where Romania is. But not that didn't stop her.
The Dream ends when I wake up with my eyes very soar and with the tears dried up and all crusted up. Then when I was int he middle of sorting out my FB Friends on my spreadsheet one of the friends had a status of Page Not Found - which Facebook has if the person has blocked you or you have blocked them. So I found that while I was going through my mates on my spreadsheet. So when I stumbleupon a friend of mines RIP William Jackson page, I came across this page a few weeks ago. And thought it was a joke or something, but as it happens that it was actually William had actually day. NO words can describe the shock and horror I had gotten when I learned of his death. Like Peter had only engaged to him a few months ago. As my originally family as in the relatives mainly didn't work out, I started to get more involved on my Facebook family ie Friends.
facebook family,
waste bins
Sunday, 27 April 2014
Saturday, 26 April 2014
Diary 26th APril 2014
I slept like a baby. In that I was due to get up for 3.15. Then I checked my phone to see if any new message from Todd came in which he then told me the weather ain't on our side to do his garden. Which is unsuitable for gardening. I had no dreams, no twisting and turning and yet I was able to get up with no problem. One thing with this experiment was that I had gone to bed earlier last night. Namely 8am.
So I decided to stay on in bed til about half 9 in the evening.
So tonight I have been relaxing with TV and myself and my onesie.
So I decided to stay on in bed til about half 9 in the evening.
So tonight I have been relaxing with TV and myself and my onesie.
Friday, 25 April 2014
Diary 25th APril 2014
WEll sleeping is grand these days. But its a killer of getting outta bed. I just don't have the energy. Well at least I ain't twisting and turning now. Now that's a killer. Now no dreams either. But now next item on the agenda, to sort out my lack of energy to get outta bed.
I was on the verge of contacting Brendan S to cancel the meetup because I was that bad in in terms of getting outta bed. But eitherway I got the go I was looking for. and headed off meeting Brendan. WE both went to see Spiderman. OOOh Spidey. Twas my last day seeing it, a sad day. However I was also thinking of seeing my babe on my own sometime next weekend.
On my way of seeing Brendan off to his bus stop, I noticed an increase amount of homeless people. Twas quite a shocker. and that's within a fortnight. Cause that's the last time I saw him. When Brendan was getting his cigars, I saw a homeless guy in a doorway, and he was getting a cardboard box. He was in a position of modelling. heheh. One thing I do wish however to bring up thou, is that everytime I say to Brendan oh that guy's hot etc., even with my babe Garfield(Spidey) and Harry Osborn etc., He always says "Boy you're really gay" something to that effect. Does it really matter if you say you fancy a guy or whateva. He then went onto say if you really like em, why don't you go to BH(Boilerhouse - a Cruising place for Men who have sex with Men). I replied that you don't get to see their faces and not only that, they's drunk. Of which I don't appreciate mainly becase of their smell of drink.
So then when Brendan got the bus, I decided to see if I was seeing things. So to make out that I just wasn't only going to see him, I went into the nearby spar. As I saw my favorite Alpro products. I had quite alot in my hands and unfortunately one of them fell out and smashed ie yoghurt NOT glass. I wasn't sure If I was able to afford the whole lot. SO I was going to leave behind the yoghurt that fell. But when the bill came to less than €25, I told the clerk that I want to get the other Alpro yoghrut ASWELL. However as there was a bit of a queue behind me, he charged me first and then asked that I take the yoghurt on thew way. He was quiet trusting acutally. COnsdiering I could have just taken whatever. NOT thats my nature. THen on my way back I saw that the guy wasn't in a modelling position or "crusiing" as I originally thought.
I was on the verge of contacting Brendan S to cancel the meetup because I was that bad in in terms of getting outta bed. But eitherway I got the go I was looking for. and headed off meeting Brendan. WE both went to see Spiderman. OOOh Spidey. Twas my last day seeing it, a sad day. However I was also thinking of seeing my babe on my own sometime next weekend.
On my way of seeing Brendan off to his bus stop, I noticed an increase amount of homeless people. Twas quite a shocker. and that's within a fortnight. Cause that's the last time I saw him. When Brendan was getting his cigars, I saw a homeless guy in a doorway, and he was getting a cardboard box. He was in a position of modelling. heheh. One thing I do wish however to bring up thou, is that everytime I say to Brendan oh that guy's hot etc., even with my babe Garfield(Spidey) and Harry Osborn etc., He always says "Boy you're really gay" something to that effect. Does it really matter if you say you fancy a guy or whateva. He then went onto say if you really like em, why don't you go to BH(Boilerhouse - a Cruising place for Men who have sex with Men). I replied that you don't get to see their faces and not only that, they's drunk. Of which I don't appreciate mainly becase of their smell of drink.
So then when Brendan got the bus, I decided to see if I was seeing things. So to make out that I just wasn't only going to see him, I went into the nearby spar. As I saw my favorite Alpro products. I had quite alot in my hands and unfortunately one of them fell out and smashed ie yoghurt NOT glass. I wasn't sure If I was able to afford the whole lot. SO I was going to leave behind the yoghurt that fell. But when the bill came to less than €25, I told the clerk that I want to get the other Alpro yoghrut ASWELL. However as there was a bit of a queue behind me, he charged me first and then asked that I take the yoghurt on thew way. He was quiet trusting acutally. COnsdiering I could have just taken whatever. NOT thats my nature. THen on my way back I saw that the guy wasn't in a modelling position or "crusiing" as I originally thought.
Thursday, 24 April 2014
Diary 24th April 2014
I am delighted to report that last nights dream, I had NO dreams, NO twisting and turning. I still woke up a bit groggy. But nothing major to report. However that said, I am still failing to get up at the alarm time I want. So for e.g If I set the time for 1.15pm I keep snoozing.
So when I eventually got up, I headed to the Post Office, to remind them of the big huge mistake they made. In that I was left short of €70. She did acknowledged her mistake. So that said that there wasn't any confrontation. Of which I'm happy now. She explained that when they did the're nightly accounts, the Balance was higher.
So then I trekked up to Mom and Dad's to celebrate Mom's birthday. As I said yesterday on my Facebook status, I usually don't call up cause of the homophobia that's still on my mind. On my way up, I saw a scorching hot guy in front of me. He had trackies on. Bout 17 perhaps 18. Not older than 20. He was cycling around shirtless. OMG like. I just wanted to eat him alive. hahaha. That said I also wanted a pic of him. But all that went through my mind, Data Rights, or if I did put him on FB, that he would recognise himself on FB or something. I also saw an ambulance from the north of Ireland of which was in my opinion a but abnormal.
I eventually arrived at Moma and PApas. I was posting stuff on my phone in this case checking in using Foursquare, when I saw that Noel Hughes next door was doing his lawn. He himself came out. WE had a bit of chat. More small talk. hahaha.I can't forgive them either for a) Not inviting me to Ailish's mothers 80th(A Person might I add who was heavily involved in our lives when my sis and I were younger. E.g Brendan(Eileen's hubbie, AIlsih's PApa), teaching us Spelling. APPLE. I'll never forget that. ) and B) making my sis out to be a monster and telling lies. etc., etc., ie Homophobia. So that said, I quickly ended the chat and headed in and was surprised to see my sis was inside
Mom pushes my watch pink. I assume that she wanted me to hide in the public or perhaps that she was fed up seeing it. So i said "hey just simply get an education". She asked what u mean. I said gays etc. Like Maureen is making making an effort. I gave her my gift to her. So we had a bit of dinner of soup and a meal.
The soup was lovely don' get me wrong, but when I heard that My Dad's niece from Meath made it(later I learned otherwise) I assumed there was meat in it ie Chicken. So I refused it. I then later on learned that Dad made the soup. I still don't' trust either of em to leave the meat out. Then the meal came, again meat.
Mince were spoz to be vegetarian but I kept tasting meat. No wonder i give all foods to my sis. So from now on, any food Mom makes, I'll just have to assume its some form of meat. As Mom did express in the recent past that she wants me to eat meat. Of which I'm refusing.
So Mom and Dad dropped both my sis n I to her place. I stayed there for a few minutes. It was my intention to go direct to Cineworld, but STANESCU here left his card behind.
So I trailed home then I started to head onto meet Brendan O' F. On my way i see a young kid a non national might I add pushing a buggy onto a side road. A lady passes and says so "stupid". The mom was on the phone.
I then met Brendan in the cinema. We chatted for a bit. I was most dishearten and disturbed to hear that Brendan's mother, asked him if he's sure he's gay. Something like that. He then went onto to say that she's been doing this for awhile. I had my first alcoholic drink since March '13 when my Uncle went(Reggie) and hence my depression had started. WE then went onto see The Amazing Spiderman 2. Review here.
WE then headed our own separate ways.
So when I eventually got up, I headed to the Post Office, to remind them of the big huge mistake they made. In that I was left short of €70. She did acknowledged her mistake. So that said that there wasn't any confrontation. Of which I'm happy now. She explained that when they did the're nightly accounts, the Balance was higher.
So then I trekked up to Mom and Dad's to celebrate Mom's birthday. As I said yesterday on my Facebook status, I usually don't call up cause of the homophobia that's still on my mind. On my way up, I saw a scorching hot guy in front of me. He had trackies on. Bout 17 perhaps 18. Not older than 20. He was cycling around shirtless. OMG like. I just wanted to eat him alive. hahaha. That said I also wanted a pic of him. But all that went through my mind, Data Rights, or if I did put him on FB, that he would recognise himself on FB or something. I also saw an ambulance from the north of Ireland of which was in my opinion a but abnormal.
I eventually arrived at Moma and PApas. I was posting stuff on my phone in this case checking in using Foursquare, when I saw that Noel Hughes next door was doing his lawn. He himself came out. WE had a bit of chat. More small talk. hahaha.I can't forgive them either for a) Not inviting me to Ailish's mothers 80th(A Person might I add who was heavily involved in our lives when my sis and I were younger. E.g Brendan(Eileen's hubbie, AIlsih's PApa), teaching us Spelling. APPLE. I'll never forget that. ) and B) making my sis out to be a monster and telling lies. etc., etc., ie Homophobia. So that said, I quickly ended the chat and headed in and was surprised to see my sis was inside
Mom pushes my watch pink. I assume that she wanted me to hide in the public or perhaps that she was fed up seeing it. So i said "hey just simply get an education". She asked what u mean. I said gays etc. Like Maureen is making making an effort. I gave her my gift to her. So we had a bit of dinner of soup and a meal.
The soup was lovely don' get me wrong, but when I heard that My Dad's niece from Meath made it(later I learned otherwise) I assumed there was meat in it ie Chicken. So I refused it. I then later on learned that Dad made the soup. I still don't' trust either of em to leave the meat out. Then the meal came, again meat.
Mince were spoz to be vegetarian but I kept tasting meat. No wonder i give all foods to my sis. So from now on, any food Mom makes, I'll just have to assume its some form of meat. As Mom did express in the recent past that she wants me to eat meat. Of which I'm refusing.
So Mom and Dad dropped both my sis n I to her place. I stayed there for a few minutes. It was my intention to go direct to Cineworld, but STANESCU here left his card behind.
So I trailed home then I started to head onto meet Brendan O' F. On my way i see a young kid a non national might I add pushing a buggy onto a side road. A lady passes and says so "stupid". The mom was on the phone.
I then met Brendan in the cinema. We chatted for a bit. I was most dishearten and disturbed to hear that Brendan's mother, asked him if he's sure he's gay. Something like that. He then went onto to say that she's been doing this for awhile. I had my first alcoholic drink since March '13 when my Uncle went(Reggie) and hence my depression had started. WE then went onto see The Amazing Spiderman 2. Review here.
WE then headed our own separate ways.
Status Update
Wednesday, 23 April 2014
Diary 23rd APril 2014
Well I woke up slightly LESS fatigued or "heavy" as I have been describing in the past few diary entries. The reason I say LESS, I was actually able to hop out of bed. The reason for this in my opinion is would you believe it is actually Dreams. I apparently was dreaming last night of which I don't remember too well. I went to sleep not as long as it used to take to get to sleep. So I was more than delighted.
So with that in mind I headed for the shower then headed onto the the Dole of which I missed yesterday due to me being late. Normally my activities int he post office is to receive my payment, put an amount in savings and obviously to my bills in my Bank Acc. HOWEVER today of all days, I was left short of €70 for the week, so bye bye food as one would say. As I was short of my Loan amount in the Bank Acc over the Easter weekend, I was wanting to take funds outta my savings and into my bank account, however the clerk obviously misinterpreted. I'm hoping to see what can be done. But there's no doubt, something did not go down well. So then I wanted to see if anything new appeared in my bank account, so popped into my bank, but the amount wasn't there yet. So I looked up later in the day and my amount I normally transfer was there and the extra to cover for both Loan amounts. But my own €70 is still missing.
So armed with a bit of upset news, I had to continue on with my day. I popped into Aldi to get milk, as Im very low on it. While there, I saw my mate Mark. twas lovely to see him.
I then also on the way popped into Gala to get a greeting card for Mom for her Birthday. Her birthday is tomorrow.
I met my mate Todd for the movies. WE chatted for abit. He seems alot more calm. Hell he even has started to tidy up his place. heeheh. He showed me what he wanted done in his small backyard. He asked me to do a bit of gardening. So we both headed onto Odeon to get our grub and see my babe Andrew Garfield. mmmmm. I found the service to be of exceptionally slow today. Especially for to get the cheese.. Todd wanted a Hot Dog, the clerk had to get the bundies elsewhere. Likewise for the cheese dip for both Todd and I, very slow in getting it.
I then headed home, after a very busy day. But took a different route home.
So with that in mind I headed for the shower then headed onto the the Dole of which I missed yesterday due to me being late. Normally my activities int he post office is to receive my payment, put an amount in savings and obviously to my bills in my Bank Acc. HOWEVER today of all days, I was left short of €70 for the week, so bye bye food as one would say. As I was short of my Loan amount in the Bank Acc over the Easter weekend, I was wanting to take funds outta my savings and into my bank account, however the clerk obviously misinterpreted. I'm hoping to see what can be done. But there's no doubt, something did not go down well. So then I wanted to see if anything new appeared in my bank account, so popped into my bank, but the amount wasn't there yet. So I looked up later in the day and my amount I normally transfer was there and the extra to cover for both Loan amounts. But my own €70 is still missing.
So armed with a bit of upset news, I had to continue on with my day. I popped into Aldi to get milk, as Im very low on it. While there, I saw my mate Mark. twas lovely to see him.
I then also on the way popped into Gala to get a greeting card for Mom for her Birthday. Her birthday is tomorrow.
I met my mate Todd for the movies. WE chatted for abit. He seems alot more calm. Hell he even has started to tidy up his place. heeheh. He showed me what he wanted done in his small backyard. He asked me to do a bit of gardening. So we both headed onto Odeon to get our grub and see my babe Andrew Garfield. mmmmm. I found the service to be of exceptionally slow today. Especially for to get the cheese.. Todd wanted a Hot Dog, the clerk had to get the bundies elsewhere. Likewise for the cheese dip for both Todd and I, very slow in getting it.
I then headed home, after a very busy day. But took a different route home.
Tuesday, 22 April 2014
Diary 22nd April 2014
I got up with grave difficulty, and as a result, missed out on getting my dole for the week. Hopefully tomorrow I'll get it. I heard a loud bang on my door and previous to that the doorbell. It was I think my sis' pressie being delivered. So when I attempted to get up, just couldn't. All this twisting and turning ain't helping. No energy whatsoever to get out. So when I eventually got up, I walked up to the Post Office, but as I said above was too late.
So I walked up to my folks to discuss the electrical problem I'm having with me Pops and to also return Boxes and Shopping Bags back to them. But as it happens, me Da's car wasn't there. I knew he couldn't be at his Dental Hosp, as it was around 6 when I arrived by. But when I rang the doorbell, no one answered, so my other guess was that Mom had been to visit my sis. But some how at the back of me mind they were both down in Meath.
So then I walked back to my place, to get my sis' big Pressie, which the Delivery left outside, kinda stupid if you ask me. It could have been stolen. So anyways, I went to get it, and hauled it up with me to me sis. It started to pour outta of the heavens, but nevertheless, I arrived eitherway. Twas a lovely great laugh. WE chatted and chatted and laughed too. We both looked at Two and A Half Men and Mike and Molly. Aww memories.
So I walked up to my folks to discuss the electrical problem I'm having with me Pops and to also return Boxes and Shopping Bags back to them. But as it happens, me Da's car wasn't there. I knew he couldn't be at his Dental Hosp, as it was around 6 when I arrived by. But when I rang the doorbell, no one answered, so my other guess was that Mom had been to visit my sis. But some how at the back of me mind they were both down in Meath.
So then I walked back to my place, to get my sis' big Pressie, which the Delivery left outside, kinda stupid if you ask me. It could have been stolen. So anyways, I went to get it, and hauled it up with me to me sis. It started to pour outta of the heavens, but nevertheless, I arrived eitherway. Twas a lovely great laugh. WE chatted and chatted and laughed too. We both looked at Two and A Half Men and Mike and Molly. Aww memories.
Gay Quotes
There is so much work to be done to treat gays and lesbians and gay and lesbian couples with the respect that they're entitled to. They deserve, in my judgment, partnership benefits. They deserve to be treated fairly when it comes to adoption and immigration.
(John Edwards)
- Gay Quotes 4 You! (android app)
Monday, 21 April 2014
Diary 21st April 2014
Today was to be of a quite nature. I initially set the alarm for quarter past 1 in the afternoon. However I failed to get up as I was exhausted. I have been twisting and turning for a long time. Like I'd be twisting and turning for hours on end. One thing on my mind, is the norm homophobia. So I'ma gonna setup a plan This started when I attempted to change my sleep pattern as in I go to bed earlier. However to date, this has failed miserably. So I have just been adding onto my alarm clock(the one on my iPod Touch, as the Android one ain't working at all, still failing to understand, but what the hey -hahahah).
So I got up and showered and then headed onto my Sis. On my way, as I have a set route, I went the wrong way, even thou technically its still on the way, but however, I refused to mess up my route. So I continued on by going back originally back to my route and continued along the way.
I arrived to a happy, but sombre sis. Twas a nice and pleasant visit. Brought great memories. WE chatted and chatted and looked at Mike and Molly and a few episodes of Two and A Half Men. WE chatted variously regarding Maureen's outburst of the "treatment" of Mom. So I said to my sis that I ain't meeting up with her next month as I normally would on a monthly basis. She was totally outta bounds. This happened on Good Friday like she was also deeply hurt, when I told her "Oh, Lord no would I go to mass on Easter Sunday". You see I lost my faith, when I learned of Catholicism, not appreciated LGBT people. Its slowly coming back. It will take time. But anyways that was one of the topics at hand we discussed, Maureen's disgusting behavior. Then even worse, I learned that my sis "should be staying in a Psychiatric facility, that she should stay there and belong there". aka that Maureen had said this to her. I was deeply disturbed at these words. Afterwards, Mom gave my sis a photo album that me Pops had taken pics of when we were kids from when we both came over to the our Communions, to our Confimrations to our Holdas in Trobalgan, to Photo Wild LIfe Park(Both in Co. Cork) etc., Brought great memories. Twas sad to see those ppl in the photos were either dead, or sick etc., Like one of my Dad's best mates has a stroke, another one who died after Leukemia, another died after a fall. Twas sad to see him, in our pics. Afterall I hadn't seen these in years. But what even struck me, that a few of my pics, that I had seen, of myself in Secondary School(Middle School in US) that I was some hot babe, dude etc., I asked my sis everytime, why didn't anyone even eye me let alone tell me I was cute or whatever. She kept saying I was foreign looking. She has a point alrite considering I was bullied racially as well as sexuality. But still I fail to understand. I shall be uploading these pics in due course. This idea came from my friend Todd, who uploaded pics of himself when he was younger. A good few of my mates have done this. So I'm gonna go above board and join the queue as they say.
So I got up and showered and then headed onto my Sis. On my way, as I have a set route, I went the wrong way, even thou technically its still on the way, but however, I refused to mess up my route. So I continued on by going back originally back to my route and continued along the way.
I arrived to a happy, but sombre sis. Twas a nice and pleasant visit. Brought great memories. WE chatted and chatted and looked at Mike and Molly and a few episodes of Two and A Half Men. WE chatted variously regarding Maureen's outburst of the "treatment" of Mom. So I said to my sis that I ain't meeting up with her next month as I normally would on a monthly basis. She was totally outta bounds. This happened on Good Friday like she was also deeply hurt, when I told her "Oh, Lord no would I go to mass on Easter Sunday". You see I lost my faith, when I learned of Catholicism, not appreciated LGBT people. Its slowly coming back. It will take time. But anyways that was one of the topics at hand we discussed, Maureen's disgusting behavior. Then even worse, I learned that my sis "should be staying in a Psychiatric facility, that she should stay there and belong there". aka that Maureen had said this to her. I was deeply disturbed at these words. Afterwards, Mom gave my sis a photo album that me Pops had taken pics of when we were kids from when we both came over to the our Communions, to our Confimrations to our Holdas in Trobalgan, to Photo Wild LIfe Park(Both in Co. Cork) etc., Brought great memories. Twas sad to see those ppl in the photos were either dead, or sick etc., Like one of my Dad's best mates has a stroke, another one who died after Leukemia, another died after a fall. Twas sad to see him, in our pics. Afterall I hadn't seen these in years. But what even struck me, that a few of my pics, that I had seen, of myself in Secondary School(Middle School in US) that I was some hot babe, dude etc., I asked my sis everytime, why didn't anyone even eye me let alone tell me I was cute or whatever. She kept saying I was foreign looking. She has a point alrite considering I was bullied racially as well as sexuality. But still I fail to understand. I shall be uploading these pics in due course. This idea came from my friend Todd, who uploaded pics of himself when he was younger. A good few of my mates have done this. So I'm gonna go above board and join the queue as they say.
Sunday, 20 April 2014
Diary 20th April 2014
Well after a longer period of Hibernation, I had a full filling experience. I did note however that somebody was ringing my doorbell on a constant basis and knocking on my window. They wouldn't say a word. So I couldn't make out who was visiting me. So I just ignored it. I then got slightly paranoid in thinking perhaps it could be my sis in visiting me, as she explained last night on the phone that she was told by the Drs in Hosp that physically she is needed, but by physciatrically they can discharge her. So to put it, the Psychiatric team wanted to discharge her, but the Physical Drs ie those treating her, wanted her to stay in. Now she went in with a physical complaint NOT mentality or suicidal complaint. So eventually I woke up to 6 missed calls. 2 were my sis and 2 of mom(wanting me to go up to her) and 3 were my mate Brendan O' F(at this stage thinking he wanted Cinema - Now I have told him that Sundays and Tuesdays are with my Sis).
So I just got up with a view of clearing my Box(TV Provider Sky Box) and look at News, Music Videos and 7th Heaven.
Then I later found out that the ringing of the doorbell and knocking on the window was actually my mate Brendan O' F. He had come over "unannounced" as he puts it. I couldn't exclaim the shock I was in when he told me, that he was trying to get through to me. He had said sent a text of which I never received then again I have been having problems of late of receiving texts from mates. e.g the time I dropped the card over to my mate Todd at the beginning of the month. The reason I bring this up is that he had thanked me for the card and wanted to invite me in, however I failed to get the text, so likewise with Brendan O' F. I never got his text. I knew it couldn't be my sis or my fam trying to contact me, as they would say something, then I'd know it was them, and hence leave em outside pends on who it is.
So I just got up with a view of clearing my Box(TV Provider Sky Box) and look at News, Music Videos and 7th Heaven.
Then I later found out that the ringing of the doorbell and knocking on the window was actually my mate Brendan O' F. He had come over "unannounced" as he puts it. I couldn't exclaim the shock I was in when he told me, that he was trying to get through to me. He had said sent a text of which I never received then again I have been having problems of late of receiving texts from mates. e.g the time I dropped the card over to my mate Todd at the beginning of the month. The reason I bring this up is that he had thanked me for the card and wanted to invite me in, however I failed to get the text, so likewise with Brendan O' F. I never got his text. I knew it couldn't be my sis or my fam trying to contact me, as they would say something, then I'd know it was them, and hence leave em outside pends on who it is.
Saturday, 19 April 2014
Diary 19th April 2014
It was my intention today to go along to the Dublin Food Co Op. However with the same excuse like any, I was far too tired. I also noted that even if I do make it to the cinema, that I would be too tired to even concentrate on the film. SO with that mind, I decided to leave it. And got up in time for Rio 2. Review here. and The Amazing Spiderman 2. Review here. I went along to Rio 2 last Sunday. But went back to it today as I had missed some of it last week. When I was at the Spiderman film, waiting to show my ticket, somebody tapped my soldier. I coudlnt' believe my eyes, that it was Spidey. Chances are that he saw my Spidey tshirt. Wish it was Garfield. mmmm. But eitherway I was so happy and gleamy, to the point that I wanted to get a pic. But never got round to it. In the screen, before the film itself started, SPidey was in the screen saying hello getting pics etc., I recently had started to shut down my phone for battery reasons. Today I wished it wasn't one of em. So I tried turning the phone on again for a quick pic, but was too slow, he had gone. Nevertheless, I hope to see him again on Thurs when I go with BRendan O' F to see it.
While I was waiting for my next film, namely SPidey, I decided to have a look at the summerwear in Penny(which is across the road). I found the fashion to be of quite disheartening, in that the mannuquins(which I go by) when choosing clothes to wear. Or I also go by if I find the guys that are wearing hot, I go by them too. Perhaps there'll be more available as the summer comes and arrives.
So I got home safe and sound. I rang my Mom to thank for the food that she left outside my place. To my horrification, I learned of my sis' more serious condition. She is currently in our local hospital undergoing feed tube as she was complaining of neuasu feeling. Praying that she will get well soon.
While I was waiting for my next film, namely SPidey, I decided to have a look at the summerwear in Penny(which is across the road). I found the fashion to be of quite disheartening, in that the mannuquins(which I go by) when choosing clothes to wear. Or I also go by if I find the guys that are wearing hot, I go by them too. Perhaps there'll be more available as the summer comes and arrives.
So I got home safe and sound. I rang my Mom to thank for the food that she left outside my place. To my horrification, I learned of my sis' more serious condition. She is currently in our local hospital undergoing feed tube as she was complaining of neuasu feeling. Praying that she will get well soon.
Rio 2
What can I say about the most lovalable film. The film centers, Blu(voiced by Jessie Eisenberg) and his family. Blu is a city bird. And his wife bird is a home bird. BLu and the wife discover that there are other members of their species out "Deep in the Amazon". We were all treated to a lovely musical score at the of the movie. Most impressive might I add. I was most impressed with the musical score as with any film that has musical score in a film. Nigel(the "flightless" bird) who is swearing revenge on Blu for making him "flightless" back in the first sequel. He did a fantastic job on "I Will Survive". There were great comical aspects of the movie. Blu and family and Co, all move to the Amazon. They come across Blu's wife's father Papap. Twas lovely. And Roberto(voiced by Bruno Mars). The Blu Bids or MacCaws(family name) then find themselves being knocked off the map as a local businessman, wants to plan a development for profitable reasons. So it was Birds V Humans, Linda V Humans. Now even thou Linda and her hubbie are humans, she was the one who found Blue from the first sequel. So all in all I found the movie to be Good, not the kind I would see it several times. I will of course get the soundtrack. But that's as far as it will go.
Friday, 18 April 2014
Diary 18th April 2014
Getting my clothes ready for Spidey's. I'm so excited. Have my ticket booked. Check. I was trying to figure out what to wear and what goes with what in terms of matching. This took a few minutes.
Then while doing this I went back onto the site Pixable. Which I compeltley adore. However I only learned through my investigations that when I click on the Post link onto my Facebook and Twitter, that it only posts a link to the user's link to PIxable photo. That said, I don't mind. But when a user Like's a link on my Facebook profile, I had understand they were seeing a preview like the way Pinterest does, when I post from Pinterest. I have just realised that when I post from Pixable to Twitter, that it actually dispalsy the preview of the link. That makes sense. But to FB. It just infuriates me. I asked my friend Todd, to check out on his end, same expected.
Just before I went out to cinema yesterday, I heard a loud bang. As it happens its the same bang I heard in the middle of the night. I went to boil the kettle and it wouldn't work. So I attempted plug the kettle elsewhere int kitchen, no avail. So I tried in the living area, and voila. So I went to my Fuse box and returned on the switch and immediately it fused out. So then I went to do my toast, he two went. As I was rushing out to the cinema, I didn't have time to investigate, BUT I then realised that my fridge was gone. NOW I was freakin' out. What am I gonna do. I need the fridge badly. So as Stanescu has a pea brain he used it to its advantage, and dragged the fridge out of its comfort zone and got at the cable and plugged it into the living area and voila again. So bottomline, there's some socket's fuse is after blown. SO I'll have to contact my Pops first, to see if I can get an insight but more so my landlord me thinks. :(
As I was at my computer finishing up things for a few hours before I go to bed, My aunt calls by. She was recommending that I tidy the place up and let my landlord do his dutys ie in accordance with the law. WE chatted for a good half hour well at least 15mins. I said to her that the landlord wants me to move out while he does the renovation(well more or less she guessed this). I said that I have no where else to go. She was deeply hurt. I said well its the truth. I can't go near Mom and Dad's. Sis, wound't want to be bothering anyone. So hence why I'm stuck and told my landlord thats I have actually have no where to go. So she then went on that I should go and help them out. I said that Ailish otherwise said that it was a bit weird that they keep calling Sis and I up(at one stage) it was almost every week. and we weren't even living there anymore. So then I also told her that for other reason as well that I can't go near the house(Mom and Dad) either to help em or to social call or whatever is cause of the homophobia, I endured. She said to recommended that I picture a beautiful photography that I share on my Facebook all the time and get rid of the other. I said to her that I share photos of beautiful nature all the time on my FB. and yet still occurring. So the only problem is that she thinks this will follow me to NY.
After I had got myself ready for bed, I heard another doorbell ring, It was Mom, however I had already bedded meself. So after a few hrs of sleep I got up after a very tirey legs. But neva the less was not gonna let my tiresome get in the way of seeing the most anticipated film: The Amazing Spiderman 2. Review here. I did however wanted to go to the Outhouse for a couple of minutes for a cuppa. However when I arrived, I was told that as no one turned up they didn't open up the Cafe. So I was most excited about seeing a film in a very long time. Even Spidey himself showed up on the premier. I met up with Cineworld Craicheads, the new meetup group, I recently joined. So after the film, we went our separate ways.
Then while doing this I went back onto the site Pixable. Which I compeltley adore. However I only learned through my investigations that when I click on the Post link onto my Facebook and Twitter, that it only posts a link to the user's link to PIxable photo. That said, I don't mind. But when a user Like's a link on my Facebook profile, I had understand they were seeing a preview like the way Pinterest does, when I post from Pinterest. I have just realised that when I post from Pixable to Twitter, that it actually dispalsy the preview of the link. That makes sense. But to FB. It just infuriates me. I asked my friend Todd, to check out on his end, same expected.
Just before I went out to cinema yesterday, I heard a loud bang. As it happens its the same bang I heard in the middle of the night. I went to boil the kettle and it wouldn't work. So I attempted plug the kettle elsewhere int kitchen, no avail. So I tried in the living area, and voila. So I went to my Fuse box and returned on the switch and immediately it fused out. So then I went to do my toast, he two went. As I was rushing out to the cinema, I didn't have time to investigate, BUT I then realised that my fridge was gone. NOW I was freakin' out. What am I gonna do. I need the fridge badly. So as Stanescu has a pea brain he used it to its advantage, and dragged the fridge out of its comfort zone and got at the cable and plugged it into the living area and voila again. So bottomline, there's some socket's fuse is after blown. SO I'll have to contact my Pops first, to see if I can get an insight but more so my landlord me thinks. :(
As I was at my computer finishing up things for a few hours before I go to bed, My aunt calls by. She was recommending that I tidy the place up and let my landlord do his dutys ie in accordance with the law. WE chatted for a good half hour well at least 15mins. I said to her that the landlord wants me to move out while he does the renovation(well more or less she guessed this). I said that I have no where else to go. She was deeply hurt. I said well its the truth. I can't go near Mom and Dad's. Sis, wound't want to be bothering anyone. So hence why I'm stuck and told my landlord thats I have actually have no where to go. So she then went on that I should go and help them out. I said that Ailish otherwise said that it was a bit weird that they keep calling Sis and I up(at one stage) it was almost every week. and we weren't even living there anymore. So then I also told her that for other reason as well that I can't go near the house(Mom and Dad) either to help em or to social call or whatever is cause of the homophobia, I endured. She said to recommended that I picture a beautiful photography that I share on my Facebook all the time and get rid of the other. I said to her that I share photos of beautiful nature all the time on my FB. and yet still occurring. So the only problem is that she thinks this will follow me to NY.
After I had got myself ready for bed, I heard another doorbell ring, It was Mom, however I had already bedded meself. So after a few hrs of sleep I got up after a very tirey legs. But neva the less was not gonna let my tiresome get in the way of seeing the most anticipated film: The Amazing Spiderman 2. Review here. I did however wanted to go to the Outhouse for a couple of minutes for a cuppa. However when I arrived, I was told that as no one turned up they didn't open up the Cafe. So I was most excited about seeing a film in a very long time. Even Spidey himself showed up on the premier. I met up with Cineworld Craicheads, the new meetup group, I recently joined. So after the film, we went our separate ways.
Android app,
The Amazing Spider-Man 2
Well what can I say about this film. As well as my babe(Andrew Garfield - mmmmm as SPidey) I was most impressed with the film. It was literally Electrifiying and epic. We were treated to non-stop action of villians. We had a mad man at the beginning. Can't recall his name. Then along came Electro(Foxxx) woah what a performance. I was most impressed with it. Everytime he spoke it was heaven to listen to. So soothing as i said in my previous review of: The Legend of Hercules. At the beginning of the film, it was shown that he was a "Nobody" in that nobody cared if he existed. Spidey assured him: That "He's NOT a nobody, he's a somebody". He even took issue with SPidey. hehehe. So then came another villain Harry Osborne((DeHanan)Son of the founder of Oscorp- if I'm to be correct. Correct me if I'm wrong). Harry wanted to get blood from Spiderman(My babe - Garfield. mmmm) as his father passed on a hereditary to him, that was killing him. So as Spidey wouldn't do it, he had to resort to other ways. So Electro and himself formed a team, to fight against him. Electro V Spidey fantastic. Anywhere ELectro was was most admirable. I truly enjoyed this film in total.
Although it is with great sadness that Marvel killed off the main character(Gwen i'm referring to), that was most upsetting. Considering Spidey kept seeing visions of her dead father.
I even suggested that it was better than Captain America: The Winter Soldier. Review here. I found this partiducalr film to have great action don't get me wrong, but the dialogue, a bit of a yawn. WHereas SPidey, yep plenny of it. No doubt.
As with any film, this particular film was no different when it came to comedy. Truly amazing, esp with my hunky. heheeh
The film portrayed our severe reliance on Electricity. LIke the Airprots Radar was gone. Not even the telelphone wouldn't work.
Overall highly recommended film. Totally awesome. Go and see it.
Although it is with great sadness that Marvel killed off the main character(Gwen i'm referring to), that was most upsetting. Considering Spidey kept seeing visions of her dead father.
I even suggested that it was better than Captain America: The Winter Soldier. Review here. I found this partiducalr film to have great action don't get me wrong, but the dialogue, a bit of a yawn. WHereas SPidey, yep plenny of it. No doubt.
As with any film, this particular film was no different when it came to comedy. Truly amazing, esp with my hunky. heheeh
The film portrayed our severe reliance on Electricity. LIke the Airprots Radar was gone. Not even the telelphone wouldn't work.
Overall highly recommended film. Totally awesome. Go and see it.
Thursday, 17 April 2014
Diary 17th April 2014
Well today I got up with take two of meeting up with Ronan to see Captain America: The Winter Soldier. So I meeself got meself ready. Got dressed and showered. Twas lovely to see him, as I haven't seen him in months possibly a year almost. So then headed on to meet up with him. We got our tickets and then we headed onto the screen. So then after the film, for my exercise, I went up with him to George's St., as he was getting a taxi there. He bumped into mates of which he recognised but they didn't recognised him. One of em was a bit drunk. So I left him at Dublin Castle as there's a shortcut to George's St behind Dublin Castle. So I went back to my route and headed on home.
So I'm now enjoying the State Visit of President Higgins to the UK, which is of significance historical and then onto the News of the day. I can't wait to see Spidey. If I'm up in time, I hope to see Rio 2 before hand too.
So I'm now enjoying the State Visit of President Higgins to the UK, which is of significance historical and then onto the News of the day. I can't wait to see Spidey. If I'm up in time, I hope to see Rio 2 before hand too.
Diary 16th April 2014
Well what can I say about today. I was suppose to go out with my friend Ronan. So I set my alarm for around half 1. Kept twisting n turning. When half 1 came i was exhausted. So i stayed on in bed. Brendan o'f rang me. With communication errors i couldn't get back to him as I had a missed call from him earlier on. I tried Ronan several times to no avail. I was suppose to see Muppets Most Wanted. Review here. But wasn't motivated enough. Of which I have been of late because of my bf issues in Ireland. Instead of going out i found myself looking documentary's. One which was of quotes disturbing to say the least. In that if a priest is told in confession that someone is rapeing a child etc., that is Seal of Confession the priest can't report to the authority.This was featured on MidWEek a weekly current affairs program. I literally was gobsmacked and still am.
Tuesday, 15 April 2014
Diary 15th April 2014
It was my intention of waking up at around half 7 yesterday. I just didn't have the energy. So I set the alarm(which now works - hahah) to get up for half 9 yesterday. Fortunately failed again to wake up. So with this in mind, I just stayed on, and said I'd wake up for 12.15 the next day(being today). So with all this time in bed, I had time to think of various issues or as I'd to say to people "Lots of things on my mind".
So one of the items on my mind would be of whether r whether r not to get back with da relatives r not. If so I would send letter/email any way of apologies. If they do accept and Ailish asks me of I'm going out with anyone which she has asked in da past. I would say dis time yes.
Then my next item on my mind: would be the following 4 items
New York
Brendan Eoin O' Farrell
Mark Patrick Henry
Now I'm a bit lost as to what to do about this. If I go out wit O' Farrell friendship is on the line of which I can't bare that to happen then the money is a big problem of his. However that said his company is a not to be wit. Its with great regret ever since Brendan S, came onto me a few times in the past, that my friend Ronan M Whelan was wright about one thing: Never go out with a friend. As even if you do stay friends, you will become uneasy with him. It is sadly that this is the case with Brendan S. Like I can't stand his phonecalls of ringing me. Cause we spend over an hour chatting as if we were boyfriends, or even a half hour for that matter. As a mate in my opinion I would much rather prefer just strictly text or Facebook Messenger. If of course we are making plans for a meetup or whatever then by all means, I don't mind one bit. But as Brendan O' F puts it, a "social" call I dislike completely.
N besides there's a danger that if I do go out with anyone here that my homophobia days may reoccur. Then again they have got used to the idea of me being gay. So as to date I'm still at a loss. Now that my mate in Cali Sean W(aka Brandon), has unfortunately broken up with his bf, that my feelings for him has resumed. So you can add him to the list. Does this make me a slut of wanting all three. I don't know. I know sluts in terms of sex there's such thing. But in terms of relationships I ain't sure. But one thing I don't stand for is cheating on both parties part. I never cheat on a guy, I never have, I never will.
So after all the thinking, and attempting to sleep from 5am this morning onwards, I was twisting and turning on a consistent basis til i got up. I was due to wake up for half 12(midday - obv duh). I had the above on me mind. But as well as that, I had several dreams all in the one go. Might I add, this was all on a loop ie on a repetitive circle. So instead of half 12, cause of my energy had dooped, I got up eventually at 10 to 5. Cause the post office was closing at half 5.
So I then got up and headed to the post office to get my weekly dosh. Now it was my intention to go home and shower and then do 1 or 2 music videos and obviously Morning Edition. However plans changed as my sis wanted me asap. Not sure why to be honest. But eitherway I headed to her place, slightly earlier than planned. So I had to head home, as she was feeling unwell. Mom came by, and dropped me home to my place but eventually twisted my arm to go to her place. On the way, Mom treated me to a takeaway in DiLucios. I tried out their new menu option Chips Kebabs. I must say it was quite nice and tasty. I haven't seen Dad since the time I wanted to go to Aldis and Lidls to get a few items. This was like almost a month ago. So then I popped up to him and we had a chat. Afterwards I headed on home. Mom and Dad dropped me home.
So I so far I've been watching the News, watching my latest of Fair City and watching Donal Skehan's HomeCooked series. Boy he's a babe. heeheh.
So one of the items on my mind would be of whether r whether r not to get back with da relatives r not. If so I would send letter/email any way of apologies. If they do accept and Ailish asks me of I'm going out with anyone which she has asked in da past. I would say dis time yes.
Then my next item on my mind: would be the following 4 items
New York
Brendan Eoin O' Farrell
Mark Patrick Henry
Now I'm a bit lost as to what to do about this. If I go out wit O' Farrell friendship is on the line of which I can't bare that to happen then the money is a big problem of his. However that said his company is a not to be wit. Its with great regret ever since Brendan S, came onto me a few times in the past, that my friend Ronan M Whelan was wright about one thing: Never go out with a friend. As even if you do stay friends, you will become uneasy with him. It is sadly that this is the case with Brendan S. Like I can't stand his phonecalls of ringing me. Cause we spend over an hour chatting as if we were boyfriends, or even a half hour for that matter. As a mate in my opinion I would much rather prefer just strictly text or Facebook Messenger. If of course we are making plans for a meetup or whatever then by all means, I don't mind one bit. But as Brendan O' F puts it, a "social" call I dislike completely.
N besides there's a danger that if I do go out with anyone here that my homophobia days may reoccur. Then again they have got used to the idea of me being gay. So as to date I'm still at a loss. Now that my mate in Cali Sean W(aka Brandon), has unfortunately broken up with his bf, that my feelings for him has resumed. So you can add him to the list. Does this make me a slut of wanting all three. I don't know. I know sluts in terms of sex there's such thing. But in terms of relationships I ain't sure. But one thing I don't stand for is cheating on both parties part. I never cheat on a guy, I never have, I never will.
So after all the thinking, and attempting to sleep from 5am this morning onwards, I was twisting and turning on a consistent basis til i got up. I was due to wake up for half 12(midday - obv duh). I had the above on me mind. But as well as that, I had several dreams all in the one go. Might I add, this was all on a loop ie on a repetitive circle. So instead of half 12, cause of my energy had dooped, I got up eventually at 10 to 5. Cause the post office was closing at half 5.
So I then got up and headed to the post office to get my weekly dosh. Now it was my intention to go home and shower and then do 1 or 2 music videos and obviously Morning Edition. However plans changed as my sis wanted me asap. Not sure why to be honest. But eitherway I headed to her place, slightly earlier than planned. So I had to head home, as she was feeling unwell. Mom came by, and dropped me home to my place but eventually twisted my arm to go to her place. On the way, Mom treated me to a takeaway in DiLucios. I tried out their new menu option Chips Kebabs. I must say it was quite nice and tasty. I haven't seen Dad since the time I wanted to go to Aldis and Lidls to get a few items. This was like almost a month ago. So then I popped up to him and we had a chat. Afterwards I headed on home. Mom and Dad dropped me home.
So I so far I've been watching the News, watching my latest of Fair City and watching Donal Skehan's HomeCooked series. Boy he's a babe. heeheh.
Diary 14th April 2014
Well it was my intention to stay up for Lidl's specials this morning. As I was getting fed up with clothes being ripped opened etc., I was wanting the Spiderman(for the new The Amazing Spiderman 2: Electro Premiering in Dublin on Friday). So I left my Apt at half 7ish with a brisk walk. I arrived at LIdls shortly. Love me some walking. Its awesome. So I went into Lidls got my Spiderman gear. Oh bio can't wait to show it off. hahaha. So then afterwards I began to think, why not continue on walking and see where it leads me. So as it happens I had a few errands to do anyways.
So I walked up to the Hospital the Liver, that Stanescu hear failed to show up for his appointment. Would you believe it, I couldn't even find it. Considering I have been there for awhile now. I couldn't remember the number. So I asked a passerby, where the Liver Center is, she didn't know what I was talking about. More ignorant if you ask me. So then I asked a staff member if the building she was going into was the Liver Center. She said no, its the Neurological Center but that she'd ask someone in her building for me. So she did and she brought me to the building. Very kind of her might I add. So I went in, and booked another appointment. To my surprise I now have to wait til next June. Of which I was hoping to get it over and done with for the year. But its what you get for not attending your appointment. So then onto my next errand, after a disappointing errand. Then again I ain't blaming anyone but my own. Afterall I failed to get up in time, no thanks to Sammy last Wednesday. So then afterwards it was found that the alarm was being cancelled because of the maintenance I was doing on a nightly schedule, I decided to change it. So as dated last Friday my Alarm app is now working. The reason I bring up the alarm debacle again, its the reason why I had to carry out this errand in the first place. Oh believe me I rang them several times, so instead while I was out on a beautiful walk from getting Spidey's clothing, I decided why not continue onwards. SO its all cool cept I have to wait til June. The receptionist explained they only have 2 appointments per year. Something to that affect.
So then I decided to reroute myself and walk up the street. Noticing all the different departments. Never have I seen it as decentralized in that Liver one building, Breast Cancer another building, Neurology had 1 or 2 buildings etc., etc, Twas beautiful to see all the people going to college or work or some even coming home from work for those who work night shifts. Some were even exercising of which I have been noticing a huge increase. Its unreal. Then again I welcome it big time. Says I to meself, if only I could walk to my work place, but then noticing I corrected meself, in that I would have to be on my feet, depends on the job in question.
So then it was time to do my last errand. After I got my sis bday present, which is safely in the hands now, I had to pay my Sky(TV Provider bill). However things got a bit icky, in that I was in DR of €6. So to get that sorted, I had change from Spidey. But to get the money into the bank, I had to go to the bank and lodge it in. But no surprise they weren't open. Which I kinda figured that would be the case. They don't open til 10am of which I was not gonna wait an hr for them to open up. So then I said there has to be way to get the cash into my account today. Cause Sky in the past cut off my Subscription until I paid up. Last year funnily in May/June, I got into a major Financial difficulty. In which me sis had to help me out(Not financially, but to tape my Dallas(Original) program). So I then realised the local Post Office comes in handy, as it allows me to lodge money into my bank account via the Post Office. So I was delighted. Although I had to wait 10mins, to open up. But I can't just wait til tomorrow to lodge money. It had to go in today. So that's now all sorted.
While I was doing all my errands and walking etc., I was chatting to a hottie on Bang(An android app that allows gay men to swap pics, like pics etc.,).
So now, I have arrived home after a beautiful morning and wonderful walk. Listening to music videos. The Trey Songz guy/group not sure which, is a total hottie. A few minutes I got a letter int he post relating to my Direct Debit from the Credit Union Loan I got out at Christmas '13. You all my recall last week sometime or perhaps the week before that I was expressing how strange things were getting. Between Panti and Front Lounge closed during the week esp at half 12 in the morning and secondly my bank wasn't being debited. Well the letter that I got today, actually confirmed my curioustiy and strange behavior that the bank was doing. Ireland recently got a Payments upgrade(software known as SEPA). Ever since its been messing with Bank Accounts of customers in the country. So my letter explained if you weren't able to get the Direct Debit out on a particular day it was suppose to come out, it arrived in the other account. I knew all along something wasn't right. I told this to my sis. For e.g on a Friday of every week, My account is debited €30. €10 for my Savings account and €20 for the Loan I have to pay back, as I explained above for the Christmas Loan of '13. But nothing was coming out of the account. Even my Cineworld, come to think of it, I was due €36 to be taken out on the 4th which is a Friday. But never came out til another day. Normally my Cineworld is €20. But seein as Stanescu hear lost his card he was charged €16 extra for a replacement.
So imagine this guys, this all happened within 1 hour. Isn't this amazing. hahah. So I came home and looked at Morning Edition and Music Videos. I then headed off to bed for the night.
So I walked up to the Hospital the Liver, that Stanescu hear failed to show up for his appointment. Would you believe it, I couldn't even find it. Considering I have been there for awhile now. I couldn't remember the number. So I asked a passerby, where the Liver Center is, she didn't know what I was talking about. More ignorant if you ask me. So then I asked a staff member if the building she was going into was the Liver Center. She said no, its the Neurological Center but that she'd ask someone in her building for me. So she did and she brought me to the building. Very kind of her might I add. So I went in, and booked another appointment. To my surprise I now have to wait til next June. Of which I was hoping to get it over and done with for the year. But its what you get for not attending your appointment. So then onto my next errand, after a disappointing errand. Then again I ain't blaming anyone but my own. Afterall I failed to get up in time, no thanks to Sammy last Wednesday. So then afterwards it was found that the alarm was being cancelled because of the maintenance I was doing on a nightly schedule, I decided to change it. So as dated last Friday my Alarm app is now working. The reason I bring up the alarm debacle again, its the reason why I had to carry out this errand in the first place. Oh believe me I rang them several times, so instead while I was out on a beautiful walk from getting Spidey's clothing, I decided why not continue onwards. SO its all cool cept I have to wait til June. The receptionist explained they only have 2 appointments per year. Something to that affect.
So then I decided to reroute myself and walk up the street. Noticing all the different departments. Never have I seen it as decentralized in that Liver one building, Breast Cancer another building, Neurology had 1 or 2 buildings etc., etc, Twas beautiful to see all the people going to college or work or some even coming home from work for those who work night shifts. Some were even exercising of which I have been noticing a huge increase. Its unreal. Then again I welcome it big time. Says I to meself, if only I could walk to my work place, but then noticing I corrected meself, in that I would have to be on my feet, depends on the job in question.
So then it was time to do my last errand. After I got my sis bday present, which is safely in the hands now, I had to pay my Sky(TV Provider bill). However things got a bit icky, in that I was in DR of €6. So to get that sorted, I had change from Spidey. But to get the money into the bank, I had to go to the bank and lodge it in. But no surprise they weren't open. Which I kinda figured that would be the case. They don't open til 10am of which I was not gonna wait an hr for them to open up. So then I said there has to be way to get the cash into my account today. Cause Sky in the past cut off my Subscription until I paid up. Last year funnily in May/June, I got into a major Financial difficulty. In which me sis had to help me out(Not financially, but to tape my Dallas(Original) program). So I then realised the local Post Office comes in handy, as it allows me to lodge money into my bank account via the Post Office. So I was delighted. Although I had to wait 10mins, to open up. But I can't just wait til tomorrow to lodge money. It had to go in today. So that's now all sorted.
While I was doing all my errands and walking etc., I was chatting to a hottie on Bang(An android app that allows gay men to swap pics, like pics etc.,).
So now, I have arrived home after a beautiful morning and wonderful walk. Listening to music videos. The Trey Songz guy/group not sure which, is a total hottie. A few minutes I got a letter int he post relating to my Direct Debit from the Credit Union Loan I got out at Christmas '13. You all my recall last week sometime or perhaps the week before that I was expressing how strange things were getting. Between Panti and Front Lounge closed during the week esp at half 12 in the morning and secondly my bank wasn't being debited. Well the letter that I got today, actually confirmed my curioustiy and strange behavior that the bank was doing. Ireland recently got a Payments upgrade(software known as SEPA). Ever since its been messing with Bank Accounts of customers in the country. So my letter explained if you weren't able to get the Direct Debit out on a particular day it was suppose to come out, it arrived in the other account. I knew all along something wasn't right. I told this to my sis. For e.g on a Friday of every week, My account is debited €30. €10 for my Savings account and €20 for the Loan I have to pay back, as I explained above for the Christmas Loan of '13. But nothing was coming out of the account. Even my Cineworld, come to think of it, I was due €36 to be taken out on the 4th which is a Friday. But never came out til another day. Normally my Cineworld is €20. But seein as Stanescu hear lost his card he was charged €16 extra for a replacement.
So imagine this guys, this all happened within 1 hour. Isn't this amazing. hahah. So I came home and looked at Morning Edition and Music Videos. I then headed off to bed for the night.
Android app,
health & fitness,
music video,
Sunday, 13 April 2014
Diary 13th April 2014
It was my intention to get up at half 1 in the afternoon. I had gone to bed around 6. Previously I used to go to bed around 8 or 9 in the morning and get up in the evening. But I recently attempted to try and change this. GO to bed earlier and get up earlier. So today I attempted to get up for half 1 in the afternoon. I have been having trouble sleeping immediately like I used to. So gonna keep trying to do so. So eventually today I got up at half 3. Slightly too late for the meetup I was due to go to. Of which the meetup was to see Rio 2. Review will be published in due course, as I had missed some of the movie due to my lateness. So after the movie, I wanted to lodge money into my bank account to get my sis her Birthday gift. Her birthday was last week, but due to my financial troubles and ignorance I finally have put in the order. So she's gonna love it. I felt so ashamed in NOT telling her the truth. But as she's helped alot in the past particularly of recent, I don't mind the amount to buy. I would go the ends of the earth for her.
So on my way to my sis', I took note of the following on Irish city roads.
A country woman driving breaks signs aka not following dem. She wants to turn right but clearly is not allowed. Cars beeping at her. I exclaim she mustn't know DA city as well as she thought. She's from the country side. Co. Galway. Well her car at least.
Then I witness another road rage:
Taxi coming out of a lane way bullishly forces a car who's in his way can't go any further or reverse is forced to reverse. He gestures to the driver who is in the way of the taxi to move up ie move outta my way.
Throughout yesterday i had thoughts of saying goodbye to my sis while a bus runs me down. Yesterday I took the lack of the invitation hard. I even took to Facebook and exclaimed that I'll never have a bf in Ireland - which is quite sad because of the bullying homophobes. Then in my mind I wanted to write on my Facebook telling the whole world that I'm in love with Brendan O' Farrell. There was another guy whom I was chatting to, I was starting to develop feelings for him or as I said to him, that I have "mixed feelings" between O' Farrell and Mark P H. However throughout the night, my feelings for him was decreasing and decreasing. As firstly he says He likes Ros na Run. I then asked what does he think of Fiach(sexually), he replied: "Whose Fiach". He watched it last year. I understood he meant that he follows it like me. Then the persistent phone calls, and plus for a guy who's looking for a lover or whatever, to be looking for naked pics of myself(of which I didn't mind), My feelings was continuously decreasing. Then again maybe he was horny, cause If I recall he was drinking(2 pints according to him). Either way, If your looking for love, then ask the guy out or whatever JUST not sex. or send naked pics etc., He said "I wanted to go on a date with you last night". My reply. "U had a funny way of showing let alone asking"
Only today I can answer The Falcon's(Antohony Mackie mmmm) question took Captain America(Evans) "What Makes You Happy". Honestly I can now say Cinema and or gardening. Depends on da condition of my back.
On my way to sis I did a bit of spring cleaning of da phone. In that I disabled(NOT uninstall) apps start up when da phone starts up. U'd swear it's a brand new phone. But the moment of truth is when I go to update da apps via play store. Let's hope da apps will install smoothly instead of hours.
I eventually arrived to my sis. hehehe
I asked by sis what is she addicted to. She told me(of which i won't divulge for privacy reasons). I replied relatives are an addictive to me. I asked her then how long is she addicted. She said since 18.
We chatted about rels not inviting us. She's been having disturbing dreams of her uncle dieing n seeing her. Which is quite disturbing. I explained it cud b dat she didn't go his funeral last year. So I suggested dat IF (Of which I said so several reasons for a reason - of which I will get into it in a mo.) dat she go to da anniversary in da summer. Now da reason I mentioned to her if several times is dat we weren't invited to da 80th. Later on mom explained dat another family weren't invited. The Bradys.
We then somehow got onto the topic of Religion. On my way to my sis, I was given a pamplet of Jesus7(A week long of events of where Jesus was for an exhibition on his last days - being held in Maldron Hotel, Parnell St., Dublin City Center). She pointed out that the Bible was written by a human, ie NOT GOD. Now I found this quite interesting. She makes out to be that the Catholics out there are believed that the Bible was written by God. I personally agree with my sis, in that if God really didn't like gays, then he'd have sure away of telling us. In fact there's Homosexuality amongst the Arch Diocese in Rome etc., etc., I told her that a friend of mine Sean W(aka Brandon) posted to me Bible Basher starring Martin Sheehan. He stated three particular items. One being If a Husband and Wife lie beside each other, they should be stoned to death; If you are anywhere near a pigskin like a saya football or whatever, death will come you're way; If you work on a Sunday(Sabbath Day), you should be stoned. Like seriously honestly... If God actually wrote this particular version of the Bible, then I don't think the Human Race would exist. Afterall, the majority of the population sleep with men, women etc., they work on a Sunday to feed their family's, starving family might I add etc., Footballers in particular America who play NFL(which touches Pigskin football) yeah like seriously a God would write this. Get a life and an education.........Before I left to go home, literally I told her about Brendan's screaming. Of which I fail to understand why it happened in the first.
So I eventually headed on my way home. Twas most encouraging to learn that I have been loosing the weight. I can only thank my wonderful legs for the gift of course thanking God for providing such. So with that in mind, I decided to head home a different route. Twas most enjoyable. My rule of thumb is always go the same route back. So. e.g Home - Sis I go a particular route to her place, then instead of going a different route, go the same route as I did going to hers.
So I got home, I was updating my apps in my sis place then I continued updating 'em at home. However about an hour or so or not even that, I started experiencing connection droppings etc., My phone wouldn't download the apps, in fact it was restarting itself. For a split second, I thought a virus or whatever came aboard my phone. When I was logging in my route from coming home from my sis' on the dailymile site, it wouldn't load. I was sharing posts on my FB, and even that it was cutting out. So I went onto my provider UPC to see if there was any issues in the locality. No surprise that there wasn't. So while I did have the connection for a split second, I applied for Horizon WiFree. Which basically put, puts ur connection in a UPC enabled home. ie if you're visiting a UPC enabled house, you can use your own UPC Account via your own specially made Password. Its a fantastic idea. Then when that was sorted, no surprise the connection went. It was like never before. Eventually it came back up and running.
So with all this excitement(hahaha), I'm going to retire to bed after Lidl's tomorrow morning, as I want to get Spiderman tshirts and clothing. I wanna me babe on me. Even if its just Spiderman in question, I;ll just picture my babe on top. God yesssss.
So on my way to my sis', I took note of the following on Irish city roads.
A country woman driving breaks signs aka not following dem. She wants to turn right but clearly is not allowed. Cars beeping at her. I exclaim she mustn't know DA city as well as she thought. She's from the country side. Co. Galway. Well her car at least.
Then I witness another road rage:
Taxi coming out of a lane way bullishly forces a car who's in his way can't go any further or reverse is forced to reverse. He gestures to the driver who is in the way of the taxi to move up ie move outta my way.
Throughout yesterday i had thoughts of saying goodbye to my sis while a bus runs me down. Yesterday I took the lack of the invitation hard. I even took to Facebook and exclaimed that I'll never have a bf in Ireland - which is quite sad because of the bullying homophobes. Then in my mind I wanted to write on my Facebook telling the whole world that I'm in love with Brendan O' Farrell. There was another guy whom I was chatting to, I was starting to develop feelings for him or as I said to him, that I have "mixed feelings" between O' Farrell and Mark P H. However throughout the night, my feelings for him was decreasing and decreasing. As firstly he says He likes Ros na Run. I then asked what does he think of Fiach(sexually), he replied: "Whose Fiach". He watched it last year. I understood he meant that he follows it like me. Then the persistent phone calls, and plus for a guy who's looking for a lover or whatever, to be looking for naked pics of myself(of which I didn't mind), My feelings was continuously decreasing. Then again maybe he was horny, cause If I recall he was drinking(2 pints according to him). Either way, If your looking for love, then ask the guy out or whatever JUST not sex. or send naked pics etc., He said "I wanted to go on a date with you last night". My reply. "U had a funny way of showing let alone asking"
Only today I can answer The Falcon's(Antohony Mackie mmmm) question took Captain America(Evans) "What Makes You Happy". Honestly I can now say Cinema and or gardening. Depends on da condition of my back.
On my way to sis I did a bit of spring cleaning of da phone. In that I disabled(NOT uninstall) apps start up when da phone starts up. U'd swear it's a brand new phone. But the moment of truth is when I go to update da apps via play store. Let's hope da apps will install smoothly instead of hours.
I eventually arrived to my sis. hehehe
I asked by sis what is she addicted to. She told me(of which i won't divulge for privacy reasons). I replied relatives are an addictive to me. I asked her then how long is she addicted. She said since 18.
We chatted about rels not inviting us. She's been having disturbing dreams of her uncle dieing n seeing her. Which is quite disturbing. I explained it cud b dat she didn't go his funeral last year. So I suggested dat IF (Of which I said so several reasons for a reason - of which I will get into it in a mo.) dat she go to da anniversary in da summer. Now da reason I mentioned to her if several times is dat we weren't invited to da 80th. Later on mom explained dat another family weren't invited. The Bradys.
We then somehow got onto the topic of Religion. On my way to my sis, I was given a pamplet of Jesus7(A week long of events of where Jesus was for an exhibition on his last days - being held in Maldron Hotel, Parnell St., Dublin City Center). She pointed out that the Bible was written by a human, ie NOT GOD. Now I found this quite interesting. She makes out to be that the Catholics out there are believed that the Bible was written by God. I personally agree with my sis, in that if God really didn't like gays, then he'd have sure away of telling us. In fact there's Homosexuality amongst the Arch Diocese in Rome etc., etc., I told her that a friend of mine Sean W(aka Brandon) posted to me Bible Basher starring Martin Sheehan. He stated three particular items. One being If a Husband and Wife lie beside each other, they should be stoned to death; If you are anywhere near a pigskin like a saya football or whatever, death will come you're way; If you work on a Sunday(Sabbath Day), you should be stoned. Like seriously honestly... If God actually wrote this particular version of the Bible, then I don't think the Human Race would exist. Afterall, the majority of the population sleep with men, women etc., they work on a Sunday to feed their family's, starving family might I add etc., Footballers in particular America who play NFL(which touches Pigskin football) yeah like seriously a God would write this. Get a life and an education.........Before I left to go home, literally I told her about Brendan's screaming. Of which I fail to understand why it happened in the first.
So I eventually headed on my way home. Twas most encouraging to learn that I have been loosing the weight. I can only thank my wonderful legs for the gift of course thanking God for providing such. So with that in mind, I decided to head home a different route. Twas most enjoyable. My rule of thumb is always go the same route back. So. e.g Home - Sis I go a particular route to her place, then instead of going a different route, go the same route as I did going to hers.
So I got home, I was updating my apps in my sis place then I continued updating 'em at home. However about an hour or so or not even that, I started experiencing connection droppings etc., My phone wouldn't download the apps, in fact it was restarting itself. For a split second, I thought a virus or whatever came aboard my phone. When I was logging in my route from coming home from my sis' on the dailymile site, it wouldn't load. I was sharing posts on my FB, and even that it was cutting out. So I went onto my provider UPC to see if there was any issues in the locality. No surprise that there wasn't. So while I did have the connection for a split second, I applied for Horizon WiFree. Which basically put, puts ur connection in a UPC enabled home. ie if you're visiting a UPC enabled house, you can use your own UPC Account via your own specially made Password. Its a fantastic idea. Then when that was sorted, no surprise the connection went. It was like never before. Eventually it came back up and running.
So with all this excitement(hahaha), I'm going to retire to bed after Lidl's tomorrow morning, as I want to get Spiderman tshirts and clothing. I wanna me babe on me. Even if its just Spiderman in question, I;ll just picture my babe on top. God yesssss.
Saturday, 12 April 2014
Diary 12th April 2014
Well it was my intention to go along to the Dublin Food Co Op. Its a flea market where you buy all forms of food, namely Vegan and Vegetarian and perhaps Raw Food etc., in other words food you don't get in Supermarkets. Although I have notice of late Tescos where I get my grub, that any brand which I have been looking for e.g Pure(Vegan Butter). At the first time, they don't have it. But subsequently they have it now. I believe its all a matter of education and persistence and popularity in terms of Vegansim at the very least. Veganism isn't as popular in Ireland as it is Vegetariams. In other words the more people question about a brand like I have been for the past few months. E.g I went to Tescos Parnell a few months ago looking for Pure butter, at the time they didn't know what it was. SO I educated them by saying: Dairy-Free. If you look for Dairy-Free cheese, milk etc., Then chances are a few weeks months etc., you might see em. WEll thats whats happened wit me. One of the biggest chains in the country, has now started with Dairy alternaives in fact big time. Like Tescos in Dublin anyways, now sell Pure Butter, and now a whole host of diary alternative milks. Not just Alpro brand(Soya milk) but they even have their own Free From range. Which I'm so delighted.
Well I eventually woke up from some interesting dreams of which I don't recall too well. Probably for a good reason, as its the day that's in it. Its all I was dreaming about. Seeing Eileen. Then me having thoughts of me running into the party and then Eileen telling me to get out FAG. I says whats did you say. She goes up to the clerk and tells him DO NOT LET FAGS in. The clerk is feeling very uncomfortable. As he's possible gay too.
My fear is that my sis went along to the party(well obv she'd have to be invited). But in reality she has personal issues against em, so she obv didn't go. But that's whats been going on through me mind the whole day.
Well I eventually woke up from some interesting dreams of which I don't recall too well. Probably for a good reason, as its the day that's in it. Its all I was dreaming about. Seeing Eileen. Then me having thoughts of me running into the party and then Eileen telling me to get out FAG. I says whats did you say. She goes up to the clerk and tells him DO NOT LET FAGS in. The clerk is feeling very uncomfortable. As he's possible gay too.
My fear is that my sis went along to the party(well obv she'd have to be invited). But in reality she has personal issues against em, so she obv didn't go. But that's whats been going on through me mind the whole day.
Friday, 11 April 2014
Diary 11th April 2014
Well I can now happily say that my Android Alarm App is now working. As I said yesterday, that the Alarm app wasn't working as I had been ending apps. So instead of using the Battery App(DU Battery Saver) to end and save Battery, I just used the End All Tasks, and Clear Memory. So yeahhh to happy times getting up.
So when Brendan S and I had finally made plans, he was unsure as he wasn't sure with his payment. But thankfully all was well. So I set about meeting up with him. WE got the tickets and all. While we were waiting in line, I was posting on my Facebook that I was watching Captain America 2: The Winter Soldier. He let out a scream, as much to say I assaulting him or something. Everyone(well at least he guy in front looked at us, wondering wtf just happened). The reason for the scream was he thought I had selected the wrong film. Even if I did, it can easily be just changed or deleted and re done again. There was no need for the scream. So we then headed to the screen, where we both enjoyed Captain America: The Winter Soldier. Review here. My babe Anthony Mackie was awesome to see him again. heehehe. When we came out of the cinema I had a hallucinatory affect that lasted a few secs. whereby I saw a few lights shaking on the Cinema building. I asked Brendan if he saw anything. He said he didn't know what I was talking about. My guess is that this could have happened is that i'm so upset as to why I wasn't invited to my Aunty's Eileen's 80th Party tomorrow(today the 12th April). Like my own mother knows my wanting of getting back wit the Relatives. Well certainly my other Aunty(Nun). Cause she said so herself. WHY THEY HAVEN'T INVITED ME. SO BAFFLING. SO I just told him to move on. While walking there was a guy most hyperactive I've ever seen. I thought he was drunk or even attack us for that matter to the point Brendan angrily said stay away from him. Even on my own, stay aww from him. He then later explained to me that's its possible he could have a Hyperactive Disorder. I received an education regarding the Disorder. I explained to me that while he possibly is on Meds, that the Disorder can still result in such behavior. So then I headed on my less than an hour long walk. I revealed to a very good friend of mine on Facebook, that in response with all the walking, she asked me if I had a car or whatever, she had noticed why all the walking to a,b,c. I said to loose the weight. Since me sis told me that cycling doesn't let u loose it, as I thought it had, she said it doenst loose much. So I asked me sis which looses weight, WALK or CYCLE. Walk. So I've enjoyed walking for quite a while. As I said to my friend Brendan S, I indent using my bike on longer journeys ie with DublinFreeWHeelers Meetup Group.
So when Brendan S and I had finally made plans, he was unsure as he wasn't sure with his payment. But thankfully all was well. So I set about meeting up with him. WE got the tickets and all. While we were waiting in line, I was posting on my Facebook that I was watching Captain America 2: The Winter Soldier. He let out a scream, as much to say I assaulting him or something. Everyone(well at least he guy in front looked at us, wondering wtf just happened). The reason for the scream was he thought I had selected the wrong film. Even if I did, it can easily be just changed or deleted and re done again. There was no need for the scream. So we then headed to the screen, where we both enjoyed Captain America: The Winter Soldier. Review here. My babe Anthony Mackie was awesome to see him again. heehehe. When we came out of the cinema I had a hallucinatory affect that lasted a few secs. whereby I saw a few lights shaking on the Cinema building. I asked Brendan if he saw anything. He said he didn't know what I was talking about. My guess is that this could have happened is that i'm so upset as to why I wasn't invited to my Aunty's Eileen's 80th Party tomorrow(today the 12th April). Like my own mother knows my wanting of getting back wit the Relatives. Well certainly my other Aunty(Nun). Cause she said so herself. WHY THEY HAVEN'T INVITED ME. SO BAFFLING. SO I just told him to move on. While walking there was a guy most hyperactive I've ever seen. I thought he was drunk or even attack us for that matter to the point Brendan angrily said stay away from him. Even on my own, stay aww from him. He then later explained to me that's its possible he could have a Hyperactive Disorder. I received an education regarding the Disorder. I explained to me that while he possibly is on Meds, that the Disorder can still result in such behavior. So then I headed on my less than an hour long walk. I revealed to a very good friend of mine on Facebook, that in response with all the walking, she asked me if I had a car or whatever, she had noticed why all the walking to a,b,c. I said to loose the weight. Since me sis told me that cycling doesn't let u loose it, as I thought it had, she said it doenst loose much. So I asked me sis which looses weight, WALK or CYCLE. Walk. So I've enjoyed walking for quite a while. As I said to my friend Brendan S, I indent using my bike on longer journeys ie with DublinFreeWHeelers Meetup Group.
Thursday, 10 April 2014
Diary 10th April 2014
As part of my nightly schedule of my phone cleanup, I end all tasks, clear memory and finally use a Battery App(DU Battery Saver), to ensure optimistcity of Battery. Then I just so happen to look at my notification bar and saw that my clock or alarm App icon had been disabled ie not showing. So could this be the reason why I fail to get up in time in the past, ie alarm not going off. hmmm says Stanescu. So tongiht when I go off, I'll try just the basics ie Clear Memory and End Tasks.
Well today being a quiet day, My first job was to try and get contact to the Mater hospital regarding my Hep B Appt I missed yesterday due to the alarm, still not working.
So after failing to reach them, I just went ahead and showered. Then afterwards, I was listening to Music videos. Gawd be the days of listening to the Oldies. love em to bits.
As today was a quiet day, I didn't do much. I did however went along to see Noah on me own. I dropped my friend's birthday card which was actually last Sunday, but with me being late for dropping the card in I failed to drop in the card. E.g I was suppose to bring the card along with me to give to him, when I met him last week for the cinema. I was also last week when I failed to bring it with me to him last week at the cinema, was suppose to drop it by him while on my way to Cineworld. His cinema is Odeon as its clsoer to him. So eventually I dropped by with the card. Then I made my way to Cineworld. While I was getting my ticket, they were playing Let It Go(Idina Menzeal) in the box office area. Twas most wonderful to hear it again. The staff was getting giddy aka happy. It was the song that really helped me to move on from the homophobia. Its an impressive movie, no doubt. What was going through my mind in the film, was My Aunty(Nun) would love it. She could explain what is true and what is not true in the Bible. Then I basically got another understanding of the movie. The Bible version I ain't sure. But the movie states, that God wanted Animals, and Birds to leave leaving NO man alive after the flood. It also stated int he movie, that God gives you the strength when one of the character stated I need animal and or cannibalism to live ie to have strength. I said to myself, technically NO. I'm a vegetarian turning vegan. I'm still here after almost 2 years of vegetarianism ie no meat or dairy products in my system. I'm currently living on SOya, and plant based food. So technically Meat eaters don't need Meat to live. So far I've seen the movie 3 times. All that goes trhoguh me mind is one word: QUESTIONS. Like Did God REALLY want to kill women, Did God want animal eaters etc., etc.,
So then after the film I says to meself, nahhhh I won't bother bringing my Aunty along.
Throughout the day several things have been going through my mind, in particular after yesterday's wonderful evening I had with Brendan O' F. That its possible that I could be falling for him.
Then antoehr idea, that was going through me head, nahhh don't wanna move to NY. But the bf thing is a big major problem.
Then antoehr idea, would be that everytime I listen to 2010 music video esp Gaga's Bad Romance and Alejandro etc., the likes of these vids, remind me of my ex. Of which I have been thinking of late.
Well today being a quiet day, My first job was to try and get contact to the Mater hospital regarding my Hep B Appt I missed yesterday due to the alarm, still not working.
So after failing to reach them, I just went ahead and showered. Then afterwards, I was listening to Music videos. Gawd be the days of listening to the Oldies. love em to bits.
As today was a quiet day, I didn't do much. I did however went along to see Noah on me own. I dropped my friend's birthday card which was actually last Sunday, but with me being late for dropping the card in I failed to drop in the card. E.g I was suppose to bring the card along with me to give to him, when I met him last week for the cinema. I was also last week when I failed to bring it with me to him last week at the cinema, was suppose to drop it by him while on my way to Cineworld. His cinema is Odeon as its clsoer to him. So eventually I dropped by with the card. Then I made my way to Cineworld. While I was getting my ticket, they were playing Let It Go(Idina Menzeal) in the box office area. Twas most wonderful to hear it again. The staff was getting giddy aka happy. It was the song that really helped me to move on from the homophobia. Its an impressive movie, no doubt. What was going through my mind in the film, was My Aunty(Nun) would love it. She could explain what is true and what is not true in the Bible. Then I basically got another understanding of the movie. The Bible version I ain't sure. But the movie states, that God wanted Animals, and Birds to leave leaving NO man alive after the flood. It also stated int he movie, that God gives you the strength when one of the character stated I need animal and or cannibalism to live ie to have strength. I said to myself, technically NO. I'm a vegetarian turning vegan. I'm still here after almost 2 years of vegetarianism ie no meat or dairy products in my system. I'm currently living on SOya, and plant based food. So technically Meat eaters don't need Meat to live. So far I've seen the movie 3 times. All that goes trhoguh me mind is one word: QUESTIONS. Like Did God REALLY want to kill women, Did God want animal eaters etc., etc.,
So then after the film I says to meself, nahhhh I won't bother bringing my Aunty along.
Throughout the day several things have been going through my mind, in particular after yesterday's wonderful evening I had with Brendan O' F. That its possible that I could be falling for him.
Then antoehr idea, that was going through me head, nahhh don't wanna move to NY. But the bf thing is a big major problem.
Then antoehr idea, would be that everytime I listen to 2010 music video esp Gaga's Bad Romance and Alejandro etc., the likes of these vids, remind me of my ex. Of which I have been thinking of late.
Android app,
hepatitis B,
music video
Wednesday, 9 April 2014
Diary 9th April 2014
PS This post contains NSFW material.
This is one strange dream I've been having whereby its dark. I am in a house whereby i come across a guy. Then I come across this series of paintings. The one at the end is painted where the guy is jerking off. In my mind he's jerking off for real as if in front me, ie animated. Then it reaches climax and I get the brunt of it. Whereby the cums stings my eyes etc ie like a fountain., I wake up in a fright. And think to myself did I just have a wet dream. There is no evidence. So i says to myself, what the hell just happened. It would appear that I lost control of the bladder. This has happened in the past and not only that the dream scene I just described, I vaguely recall being there in the past as well. I don't know whats going on as regards the bladder.
I left my Lappy on last night to finish off a Johnny Toruqe Collection porn download. I think he's gay. He's a hottie eitherway. But because of Lappy being left on, the screen was keeping me awake. I had an appointment this morning for 11. I didn't get to sleep til about 6. I went at half 3 to bed and tried sleeping for 3.5 hours. But because of this, I failed to attend my appointment. I was so pissed off with mself. I had got up at 11.10. Which was obviously too late to do anything. So I jsut stayed on in bed. Then I woke up eveutally around half 5 to a raught of missed phonecalls, Mom, Mom's neighbor(Bob) - advise on the Microsoft situation. He has a Windows XP laptop of which no more Windows Updates will be released for the operating system. This was announced yesterday(8th April). I have announced to the family that I will be getting out of the PC Industry. And pursue a different career. So I won't be returning Bob's call. and of course a missed call from Brendan O' F. When I saw Mom's missed call I could swear she was gonna get me to ring back Bob. She did call down to me to give me a Chinese. Ever since the Chinese I have been living in the bathroom. Either too much soya or something. Does anyone know if their cow's milk in Soya sauce for the rice?
Initially I was suppose to meet Brendan for the half 5 showing of Muppets Most Wanted. HOwever he was one of as I said many missed calls. He explained that it ain't on at half 5. Which I found bizzare.
We were then suppose to see the 8pm showing of Noah. So when I went to get the ticket, I was advised that this is the iMax version of the movie. I was left puzzeled. However that said, I expressed its a waste of money to have a iMAX 2D version. If its 3D then, no problem. Sure the 2D version we saw was as good enoguh as it is. So then Brendan had to come down to get the ticket refuneded and corrected. It was foudn in the end that he was told taht both 9.10 and 8pm showings were the iMAX version. So in the end after getting the tiems right, we went to book the 9.10 showing.
Afterwards I met Brendan O' F in the end. We had a lovely wonderful and hearty chat. Various issues between Hep B status, my family as in acceptance of a boyfriend(what a face he portrayed). I explained that I can't EVER have a boyfriend over in Ireland EVER, as they are just far too judgmental. I went onto to explain that they DESTROYED my ex. Now he's apparently moved on with his life. But no doubt that there are some scars their. I then explained that my folk's MINUS my sis are like a magnet. He said well what if you just get a bf over here, WITHOUT telling them. I said that would probably work EXCEPT that they'd go out of there way to find out about him, OR bully my sis into finding out who George is going out with OR if not, just pop down to me while fucking my bf or just laying side by side. EITHERWAY THEY'S JUST A MAGNET. WE then moved onto the historic President's Visit State Visit tot eh UK. I asked him what are his views. He admitted that he wants a UNITED Ireland, like I do. He also said that his party Fine Gael are of the view that they maybe running elections up in the North of Ireland aka Northern Ireland.
So we just then headed into the film. Ahem - Noah that is. hahaha. As I had missed the beginning of it last Sunday with the Cineworld Craicheads.
This is one strange dream I've been having whereby its dark. I am in a house whereby i come across a guy. Then I come across this series of paintings. The one at the end is painted where the guy is jerking off. In my mind he's jerking off for real as if in front me, ie animated. Then it reaches climax and I get the brunt of it. Whereby the cums stings my eyes etc ie like a fountain., I wake up in a fright. And think to myself did I just have a wet dream. There is no evidence. So i says to myself, what the hell just happened. It would appear that I lost control of the bladder. This has happened in the past and not only that the dream scene I just described, I vaguely recall being there in the past as well. I don't know whats going on as regards the bladder.
I left my Lappy on last night to finish off a Johnny Toruqe Collection porn download. I think he's gay. He's a hottie eitherway. But because of Lappy being left on, the screen was keeping me awake. I had an appointment this morning for 11. I didn't get to sleep til about 6. I went at half 3 to bed and tried sleeping for 3.5 hours. But because of this, I failed to attend my appointment. I was so pissed off with mself. I had got up at 11.10. Which was obviously too late to do anything. So I jsut stayed on in bed. Then I woke up eveutally around half 5 to a raught of missed phonecalls, Mom, Mom's neighbor(Bob) - advise on the Microsoft situation. He has a Windows XP laptop of which no more Windows Updates will be released for the operating system. This was announced yesterday(8th April). I have announced to the family that I will be getting out of the PC Industry. And pursue a different career. So I won't be returning Bob's call. and of course a missed call from Brendan O' F. When I saw Mom's missed call I could swear she was gonna get me to ring back Bob. She did call down to me to give me a Chinese. Ever since the Chinese I have been living in the bathroom. Either too much soya or something. Does anyone know if their cow's milk in Soya sauce for the rice?
Initially I was suppose to meet Brendan for the half 5 showing of Muppets Most Wanted. HOwever he was one of as I said many missed calls. He explained that it ain't on at half 5. Which I found bizzare.
We were then suppose to see the 8pm showing of Noah. So when I went to get the ticket, I was advised that this is the iMax version of the movie. I was left puzzeled. However that said, I expressed its a waste of money to have a iMAX 2D version. If its 3D then, no problem. Sure the 2D version we saw was as good enoguh as it is. So then Brendan had to come down to get the ticket refuneded and corrected. It was foudn in the end that he was told taht both 9.10 and 8pm showings were the iMAX version. So in the end after getting the tiems right, we went to book the 9.10 showing.
Afterwards I met Brendan O' F in the end. We had a lovely wonderful and hearty chat. Various issues between Hep B status, my family as in acceptance of a boyfriend(what a face he portrayed). I explained that I can't EVER have a boyfriend over in Ireland EVER, as they are just far too judgmental. I went onto to explain that they DESTROYED my ex. Now he's apparently moved on with his life. But no doubt that there are some scars their. I then explained that my folk's MINUS my sis are like a magnet. He said well what if you just get a bf over here, WITHOUT telling them. I said that would probably work EXCEPT that they'd go out of there way to find out about him, OR bully my sis into finding out who George is going out with OR if not, just pop down to me while fucking my bf or just laying side by side. EITHERWAY THEY'S JUST A MAGNET. WE then moved onto the historic President's Visit State Visit tot eh UK. I asked him what are his views. He admitted that he wants a UNITED Ireland, like I do. He also said that his party Fine Gael are of the view that they maybe running elections up in the North of Ireland aka Northern Ireland.
So we just then headed into the film. Ahem - Noah that is. hahaha. As I had missed the beginning of it last Sunday with the Cineworld Craicheads.
Well what a movie. Twas the most powerful movie to date. As in a Biblical. The plot is quite simple, in that Noah is tasked with saving his family and "2 of every animal" after "seeing" in his dreams that God or "Creator" would destroy the world via a Flood. In "Rained for 40 days and 40 nights". Most powerful movie to date. I mean like the killing of the baby(which he couldn't bring himself to). I was in bits, my heart pumping in more and more. Then the killing of animals and when my mate explained to me that it was cannibalism when they ran out of meet, something like that. I had understood that they were selling the people to slavery. Boy what an image I got. Of pure disgust it was. So questions remain as to if actually of any of the acts in the movie actually happen in the Bible. Like Creationism was brought, Evolution was brought up. One thing I must protest thou was the decision as to wheter or whether or not to kill the twin babies. If they were girls, Noah had felt that he had to kill them. When Noah explained "I will not fail you(something like that)". It struck me that "He" stopped the rain, MEANING yeah go ahead and kill the babies. Geez if God actually wanted Girl babies killed, then one would wonder is he actually homophobic. Cause all that went through me is "I don't believe in a Homophobic God". "God Is Love". etc., etc., etc., One thing was moving other than the babies, was the girl who "was a good person" exclaimed by Ham(Logan Lerman(mmmm)). Noah being the good guy just left her to die and to even here the head crushing, that really went through me like a knife.
On the positive side thou, I must express my satisfaction as Noah puts it: "Let me tell you a story.... In the beginning...." I was most impressed with the Story of the Beginning ie the Genesis. Which I know that actually existed in the Bible. Then when the water was being delivered to the family, it was so effective. In that the water went through the ends of the Earth. Then I basically got another understanding of the movie. The Bible version I ain't sure. But the movie states, that God wanted Animals, and Birds to leave leaving NO man alive after the flood. It also stated int he movie, that God gives you the strength when one of the character stated I need animal and or cannibalism to live ie to have strength. I said to myself, technically NO. I'm a vegetarian turning vegan. I'm still here after almost 2 years of vegetarianism ie no meat or dairy products in my system. I'm currently living on SOya, and plant based food. So technically Meat eaters don't need Meat to live. So far I've seen the movie 3 times. All that goes trhoguh me mind is one word: QUESTIONS. Like Did God REALLY want to kill women, Did God want animal eaters etc., etc., Then another impressieve was the sky. Oh yeah the sky. Everytime I was seeing it, it was like Stellar. Seeing all the stars. Oh and any one who knows me will know the love of Music I have ie the Score in a film. This film was no different. Defo Oscar worthy for Oscars 2015. No doubt. Naamheh(Jennifer Connolly), Ila(Emma Watson), defo Oscar Worthy.
On the positive side thou, I must express my satisfaction as Noah puts it: "Let me tell you a story.... In the beginning...." I was most impressed with the Story of the Beginning ie the Genesis. Which I know that actually existed in the Bible. Then when the water was being delivered to the family, it was so effective. In that the water went through the ends of the Earth. Then I basically got another understanding of the movie. The Bible version I ain't sure. But the movie states, that God wanted Animals, and Birds to leave leaving NO man alive after the flood. It also stated int he movie, that God gives you the strength when one of the character stated I need animal and or cannibalism to live ie to have strength. I said to myself, technically NO. I'm a vegetarian turning vegan. I'm still here after almost 2 years of vegetarianism ie no meat or dairy products in my system. I'm currently living on SOya, and plant based food. So technically Meat eaters don't need Meat to live. So far I've seen the movie 3 times. All that goes trhoguh me mind is one word: QUESTIONS. Like Did God REALLY want to kill women, Did God want animal eaters etc., etc., Then another impressieve was the sky. Oh yeah the sky. Everytime I was seeing it, it was like Stellar. Seeing all the stars. Oh and any one who knows me will know the love of Music I have ie the Score in a film. This film was no different. Defo Oscar worthy for Oscars 2015. No doubt. Naamheh(Jennifer Connolly), Ila(Emma Watson), defo Oscar Worthy.
Tuesday, 8 April 2014
Diary 8th April 2014
Shortly before I went to sleep, I decided outta me head to have a look at the storage space. And to my surprise I noted that it was less than a GB(to be precise 612MB). I found this quite disheartening. Says I to mseself, the device needs minimum 1GB to operate smoothly. So I opened up File App to see if there was photos store on it, instead of the SD. Its the number one reason I bought an SD card afterall. So I continued on investigating. I then opened up the Gallery App. I saw 30 pics I had taken of meself stored on the device. I then said it couldn't take that much. So I opened up Camera360 and Camera apps to find out where are the pics being stored. I was still baffled as to how this could have happened. It was found dat my backup App: AppSaver does not save backups to SD BUT to local which don't make sense. I'll have to contact the developer to see if there is a way for to save backups to SD. After all if I loose the device or have to factory reset. I'll have to redownload. Which currently is so painful. I'm still reinstalling my device after several months.
So afterwards I headed to sleep then I woke up after a few hours sleep to a busy day.
I first headed to the Post Office per normal. The clerk asked me if I was putting money into my bank. She mistakened my passport to be that of the bank card. I explained AGAIN, that it has taken to the highseas.
So as a result I've had to go to the bank. Not my favorite if you ask me. But who is???? So I produced my passport to lodge my money.
So then I headed back home. Getting ready to see my sis as per usual. She asked that I get her a few things.
I then headed onto my sis. I first headed to Centra as I got a text(SMS) from them telling me that Pepsi Max is only .50c. I asked that they scan my Centra Reward card be scanned. They said they don't do it anymore. In fact they haven't for along time. I think months she said. I said that's quite strange as I got a text from them. So we left it at that. A lady in front of me, elderly if I can recall, dropped something. Clearly she didn't hear me calling after her. The clerk sales told me don't worry about it.
I then proceeded to Tescos to get a few things for me sis. I got a few stuff for myself. U could betcha my biceps were quite large, wit the weight of the products. I dropped one of them. But it was just porridge. Course no one helped. No surprised. There was a time, you would actually go out of your way to pick up something. Oh no. Tooooo proud to keep their nickers up. (FEELING FRUSTRATED).
So I eventually arrived at my sis place. We chatted n chatted. Looked at Two and A Half Men, Everybody Loves Raymond(aaaaah Memories) and Mike and Molly. I was sorry to see her in so much pain from her womanhood problems(you all know what I mean - wink wink). So I helped out making cups of teas.
So afterwards, I headed on home. As I have an appointment for my liver(Hep B), I shall be heading to bed early. I'm currently looking at the news. I shall be doing another photo shoot of by bits. heeheheh(shhhh I won't tell if you won't)
Monday, 7 April 2014
Bashing Bible bashers
Homosexuality is an Abomination(Leviticus, 18:22)
Selling into slavery(Exodus 21, 7)
Working on a Sabbath(Exodus(35,2)
Touching of a dead skin(Leviticus(11,7)
The above shows how ignorant ppl misquote the bible. What an ass they are. Like some ppl do actually work on a Sunday, should they be killed, there are loads of garments or whatever that are made of animal skin. Etc., GET AN EDUCATION is all I say.
Selling into slavery(Exodus 21, 7)
Working on a Sabbath(Exodus(35,2)
Touching of a dead skin(Leviticus(11,7)
The above shows how ignorant ppl misquote the bible. What an ass they are. Like some ppl do actually work on a Sunday, should they be killed, there are loads of garments or whatever that are made of animal skin. Etc., GET AN EDUCATION is all I say.
Gay Quotes
If a person is homosexual by nature - that is, if one's sexuality is as intrinsic a part of one's identity as gender or skin color - then society can no more deny a gay person access to the secular rights and religious sacraments because of his homosexuality than it can reinstate Jim Crow.
(Jon Meacham)
- Gay Quotes 4 You! (android app)
Gay Quotes
What is straight? A line can be straight, or a street, but the human heart, oh, no, it's curved like a road through mountains. -Tennessee Williams
Diary 7th April 2014
Well today was to be of a quiet nature. Oh and my wonderful dreams are back again. hahaha. Here's da latest:
Black guy tormenting me, non stop ie continuous. Last item of torment to glue me to a post. He pushes Jason from Ros na Rún(Irish TV Soap) into a river over a bridge in the countryside. Thats when I wake up. Then he attempts to do something, but I wake up. He tried drugging me, but he fell over twice. Eileen who was dead(again a character from ROs na Rún - who was killed off from the soap), arrives.
So after I wake up eventually, I have been looking at TV. Take NSFW pics of meself, for hopefully a guy who will want me for causally sex. As I posted the other night. I was discriminated against regarding my Hep B status. So I posted on my Facebook Page the following Image.
Black guy tormenting me, non stop ie continuous. Last item of torment to glue me to a post. He pushes Jason from Ros na Rún(Irish TV Soap) into a river over a bridge in the countryside. Thats when I wake up. Then he attempts to do something, but I wake up. He tried drugging me, but he fell over twice. Eileen who was dead(again a character from ROs na Rún - who was killed off from the soap), arrives.
So after I wake up eventually, I have been looking at TV. Take NSFW pics of meself, for hopefully a guy who will want me for causally sex. As I posted the other night. I was discriminated against regarding my Hep B status. So I posted on my Facebook Page the following Image.
This is unforunralty the truth. I was wanting a hookup over the weekend, but because i TRUSTed myself to tell the truth, because BEING REAL got me hated, I decided to tell the casual partner of my Hep B Status. He immediately said "No thanks". Does this mean I'll NEVER Have sex wit a human being every in my life????
As one of my good mates Max(LGBT Rights advocate) states: "We all need physical intimacy", which I wholeheartedly agree. My mate Brendan S, confirmed for me that I informed him relating to Hep B back in Dec '11. Which kinda helps to a certain degree. But one question still remains. The fact that my mother never told me, could it be possible that I received it via an STD while I was having loads of sex at the time to help me console my homophobia. Like I had made out wit Brendan S at his Bday party, and boy what a kisser he is. hahah. So soothing and so romantic. I had asked him earlier tonight regarding this Hep B, he told me that he knew already previous to his party. At the same party I also made out with Brendan O' F. Boi haven't I been busy hahaha. But he refused. (of which he later explained why - which was that I had Hep B). I remember saying to him at the time, that its only contagious if we have BAREBACK sex. Even a condom sex or safesex won't let the Hep B in. So that can only mean one thing. It answered one of my questions. WHEN WAS I DIAGNOSED. Well I can now safely say back in at else Dec '11. Which come to think of it, it could have been back in Feb '11. I remember "like it was yesterday" - a well known phrase. Sis and I are walking to the shops when she was living in Fairview. She's elsewhere now. I had been at the STD Clinic the previous Wed(I think), I got the call the following week. They asked me to come into them and they said they had something to discuss with me. I said with my heart pounding n beating like it is now "can you not tell me now over the phone". So they told me. My sis asked whats wrong. Thats the last I remember of it. But the point being is I've yet to find out from the Gay Men Health Clinic(where I was diagnosed) and the Temple Street Children Hospital(where I was medically examined when I came over from Romania). And I'll also pay a visit to my former GP up in Griffith Ave., Somebody must have information relating to this. I need to know if I got it via STD., or from Romania. So a busy few days, weeks or even months ahead. I vaguely remember asking my sis why didn't my mother(fostered) tell me relating to Hep B. And From what I can recall, she had said something to nature of that Mom didn't want to worry me. And my response was of something but shock. Like I maybe a sensitive person, but when it comes to health I think anything relating to your health should be divulged. Like the Gay Men Health Clinic found it quite strange that I wasn't told. Under Irish law, the legal parent or guardian is suppose divulge any health related matter to you.
As one of my good mates Max(LGBT Rights advocate) states: "We all need physical intimacy", which I wholeheartedly agree. My mate Brendan S, confirmed for me that I informed him relating to Hep B back in Dec '11. Which kinda helps to a certain degree. But one question still remains. The fact that my mother never told me, could it be possible that I received it via an STD while I was having loads of sex at the time to help me console my homophobia. Like I had made out wit Brendan S at his Bday party, and boy what a kisser he is. hahah. So soothing and so romantic. I had asked him earlier tonight regarding this Hep B, he told me that he knew already previous to his party. At the same party I also made out with Brendan O' F. Boi haven't I been busy hahaha. But he refused. (of which he later explained why - which was that I had Hep B). I remember saying to him at the time, that its only contagious if we have BAREBACK sex. Even a condom sex or safesex won't let the Hep B in. So that can only mean one thing. It answered one of my questions. WHEN WAS I DIAGNOSED. Well I can now safely say back in at else Dec '11. Which come to think of it, it could have been back in Feb '11. I remember "like it was yesterday" - a well known phrase. Sis and I are walking to the shops when she was living in Fairview. She's elsewhere now. I had been at the STD Clinic the previous Wed(I think), I got the call the following week. They asked me to come into them and they said they had something to discuss with me. I said with my heart pounding n beating like it is now "can you not tell me now over the phone". So they told me. My sis asked whats wrong. Thats the last I remember of it. But the point being is I've yet to find out from the Gay Men Health Clinic(where I was diagnosed) and the Temple Street Children Hospital(where I was medically examined when I came over from Romania). And I'll also pay a visit to my former GP up in Griffith Ave., Somebody must have information relating to this. I need to know if I got it via STD., or from Romania. So a busy few days, weeks or even months ahead. I vaguely remember asking my sis why didn't my mother(fostered) tell me relating to Hep B. And From what I can recall, she had said something to nature of that Mom didn't want to worry me. And my response was of something but shock. Like I maybe a sensitive person, but when it comes to health I think anything relating to your health should be divulged. Like the Gay Men Health Clinic found it quite strange that I wasn't told. Under Irish law, the legal parent or guardian is suppose divulge any health related matter to you.
Even as I write this post, my body is in shock mode or shakey mode. So everytime my HEp B is brought up, it must be a sensitive issue. But it has to be dealt with. So ama gonna get to the bottom of this. But bottomline is, the fact that one of my mates in the States wouldn't mind having sex with me, don't mind his age(in his 70s), means that it won't be a prob in the States. Well at least in Cali. However NY is my area of interest. As he puts it: "Hep A and B....had 'em. Not contagious......been decades. Hep C is the one to fear."
Sunday, 6 April 2014
Diary 6th April 2014
Today with all the walking, its still affecting me. Thou I am enjoying the walking to its fullest, in one day, I managed to walk nearing 11km. Thats awesome. It was my intention to drop my card to my friend Todd for his birthday. However as I was tired even getting up my legs were at me, I decided to stay on. But then I realised that I'd be late for the film Noah. So I got up, walked up a distance to Todd's when I realsied that I hadn't calculated the time correctly. I had only calculated to Todd's then straight tot he film in question, but didn't calculated from his place to My place. I only calculated from my place to his, and my place to the cinema. So I decided to leave it til antoehr day hopefully Wed before the film. So I proceeded to walk towards the cinema when I realsied that I had left my charger for the phone behind. I usually bring it with me when I know I'm going to me sis'. So had to go and get that.
I eventually arrived at the cinema. However I unfurntal was late for the film. Only for me going back to the get the charger, I prob would have been on time otherwise. I betcha ya. As I was late for the film, I shall provide a review of the film, next week, when I'm ON TIME. hahaha. As it happens, I had missed quite alot. Many were saying that at the beginning there was a bit of confusion in that they didn't know when the film in question started. BTW I'm referring to them as the people I met on the Meetup Group I am no involved in. I joined a new Meetup Group recently Cineworld Craicheads. It is headed by Eoighan. I had asked him yesterday had there been a falling out between Adam and himself, as I said to me sis, the body language gave it away. I asked him in question what if he didn't mind telling me, bothered him about Adam, and he said that he kept cancelling meetups, something to that affect. knew that something went down somewhere. Cause all of a sudden, Adam changed his tune very quickly. It did bother me, and sometime it still does. As I said to Brendan O' F that Adam ain't homophobic, cause I had told him back at the beginning of the friendship that I was gay. Anyways I'm going off topic. The point being I am now with a new meetup group, of which I couldn't be happier. There's nothing worse than being in a group where the organizer is constantly down your throat or worse still pointing out my weirdness. So the group after the film, went along to the nearby restuarnt The Church. Shortly afterwards even after the knives and forks were set for us, management told us that the table had been booked for a private function, so we went upstairs and see if there was any free tables, so we moved on when we saw there wasn't any. So afterwards we went onto Slatterys on Capel St. WE stayed there for a while. We chatted about the film obv. hahaah. I was delighted to see that Eoghan had a tshirt on him quoting the Olympics Charter whereby The Olympics Committee does not discriminate against, religion, sexual orientation etc., I was delighted to see this. As Eoghan yesterday described himself as a Leftie in terms of Political views. I asked Brendan O' F last night what did Leftie mean. He said something in the line of conservative soemthing like that. Clearly I misheard him, if Eoghan was wearing the tshirt. So I then headed off to see my sis.
We had a nice and relaxing evening. We were looking at Two and A Half Men and The GOlden Girls.
What a great night indeed. heehehe. Great day more like.hahah
I eventually arrived at the cinema. However I unfurntal was late for the film. Only for me going back to the get the charger, I prob would have been on time otherwise. I betcha ya. As I was late for the film, I shall provide a review of the film, next week, when I'm ON TIME. hahaha. As it happens, I had missed quite alot. Many were saying that at the beginning there was a bit of confusion in that they didn't know when the film in question started. BTW I'm referring to them as the people I met on the Meetup Group I am no involved in. I joined a new Meetup Group recently Cineworld Craicheads. It is headed by Eoighan. I had asked him yesterday had there been a falling out between Adam and himself, as I said to me sis, the body language gave it away. I asked him in question what if he didn't mind telling me, bothered him about Adam, and he said that he kept cancelling meetups, something to that affect. knew that something went down somewhere. Cause all of a sudden, Adam changed his tune very quickly. It did bother me, and sometime it still does. As I said to Brendan O' F that Adam ain't homophobic, cause I had told him back at the beginning of the friendship that I was gay. Anyways I'm going off topic. The point being I am now with a new meetup group, of which I couldn't be happier. There's nothing worse than being in a group where the organizer is constantly down your throat or worse still pointing out my weirdness. So the group after the film, went along to the nearby restuarnt The Church. Shortly afterwards even after the knives and forks were set for us, management told us that the table had been booked for a private function, so we went upstairs and see if there was any free tables, so we moved on when we saw there wasn't any. So afterwards we went onto Slatterys on Capel St. WE stayed there for a while. We chatted about the film obv. hahaah. I was delighted to see that Eoghan had a tshirt on him quoting the Olympics Charter whereby The Olympics Committee does not discriminate against, religion, sexual orientation etc., I was delighted to see this. As Eoghan yesterday described himself as a Leftie in terms of Political views. I asked Brendan O' F last night what did Leftie mean. He said something in the line of conservative soemthing like that. Clearly I misheard him, if Eoghan was wearing the tshirt. So I then headed off to see my sis.
We had a nice and relaxing evening. We were looking at Two and A Half Men and The GOlden Girls.
What a great night indeed. heehehe. Great day more like.hahah
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