I got up feeling very groggy as I had to be up early to meet Maureen at the Muse Cafe in Easons O' COnnell St., I hadn't seen her since last Jan '14. We chatted and chatted. Could have chatted for hours. I told her that the Noah Movie is due for realise and as one of my mates in the States said in a recent post on Facebook that Noah Movie was not one bit based on the Bibile, so I asked Maureen what exactly went down with Noah. All I know is that God wanted to banish evil and set about a flood to kill all. BUT warned Noah in advanced by means of building an Ark.
Another topic that I wanted to ask her was about Tarzan. Ever since Adam accused me of being weird in the sense of not knowing who or what is Tarzan last Saturday, I have been asking various people. I've already asked me sis. She had heard of it. However Maureen her self actually has heard of it. Now I was very surprise considering her age in her 80s. So WHAT DA HELL'S WRONG WITH ME THEN. BOy a stranger let alone a straight one really knows how to push your buttons. I'm referring to Adam, incase ppl think am accusing Maureen.
Previously I have been asking my homophobies ie Mom and Dad if they can't accept Homosexuality why do they want me in their lives. I had asked them back in Feb '14 I've already asked them this, However I had forgotten to ask Maureen. I asked her, why keep me in her life, if she don't accept me as gay. She said of course she does. I said not at the time with the devil crap she came up with. But all in all, we left it at the following quote "We Love You" as the reason why she can't just stop contact.
I then headed to the Outhouse. On the way on the street, I met Scott and Willem along with Scott's relatives. I congratulated them on their recent Civil Partnership in Belfast. Couldn't be more happier for them. So then I headed into the Outhouse. I had a cuppa tea and a relaxation company. I saw a guy I thought I recognised. The guy in question am referring to would be Jan from Czech Republic. I had met him on Grindr, initially at the time for sex, but as we chatted it was for coffee. So we met up in Grehsam Hotel. Thats the guy I thought it was. But Joe who works in the cafe, called him by a different name. SO obviously not the guy I thought. Thou very cute. Shortly before I headed to home, Chatted to Joe for a bit. Twas pleasant. We were both trying to figure out who Brendan S, has been engaged to. heheeh. He recently got engaged to a guy. May I take this opportunity to wish him the very best of luck in his engagement. I hope he is happy and his partner. Best wishes to both of them.
SO I came home for a bit, with a view of going to two movies. However as I hadn't heard back from Brendan O'F regarding Captain America, I had decided that I see The Legend of Hercules and the Muppets. However low and behold Brendan got in touch. So final arrangements are as follows, seeing The Legend of Hercules(Review here) and Captain America: The Winter Soldier. (Review here). On my way out of the Hercules film, I bumped into Patrick(Outhouse) and his friend Trevor of we all bumped into Brendan. Twas lovely to see all ie familiar faces.
I then headed home after leaving Brendan at the Luas stop up in Stephens Green. I walked almost 7km. Twas the most lovely and soothing. Sides from some auld drunk guy, twas lovely and peaceful. A bit too peaceful for a late night opening of Thursday nights. On my way down Grafton St., I found quite alot of Rickshaws. Of which I found slightly abnormally. Then I also noted, that while I walked up Parliament St and Capel St., that it was SO strange that both The Front Lounge and PantiBar respectively had no patrons ie closed up. Then coming up towards the north of the city, hardly a soul considering it was early even in 1am. I say quite unusual. Considering its a late night opening, and the patrons should be buzzing inside. Well eitherway, twas a nice and quite walk.
Well what a busy day I had. I walked almost 17km in one day. A nice rest in bed is a well rested legs.
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