Saturday, 12 April 2014

Diary 12th April 2014

Well it was my intention to go along to the Dublin Food Co Op. Its a flea market where you buy all forms of food, namely Vegan and Vegetarian and perhaps Raw Food etc., in other words food you don't get in Supermarkets. Although I have notice of late Tescos where I get my grub, that any brand which I have been looking for e.g Pure(Vegan Butter). At the first time, they don't have it. But subsequently they have it now. I believe its all a matter of education and persistence and popularity in terms of Vegansim at the very least. Veganism isn't as  popular in Ireland as it is Vegetariams. In other words the more people question about a brand like I have been for the past few months. E.g I went to Tescos Parnell a few months ago looking for Pure butter, at the time they didn't know what it was. SO I educated them by saying: Dairy-Free. If you look for Dairy-Free cheese, milk etc., Then chances are a few weeks months etc., you might see em. WEll thats whats happened wit me. One of the biggest chains in the country, has now started with Dairy alternaives in fact big time. Like Tescos in Dublin anyways, now sell Pure Butter, and now a whole host of diary alternative milks. Not just Alpro brand(Soya milk) but they even have their own Free From range. Which I'm so delighted.

Well I eventually woke up from some interesting dreams of which I don't recall too well. Probably for a good reason, as its the day that's in it. Its all I was dreaming about. Seeing Eileen. Then me having thoughts of me running into the party and then Eileen telling me to get out FAG. I says whats did you say. She goes up to the clerk and tells him DO NOT LET FAGS in. The clerk is feeling very uncomfortable. As he's possible gay too.
My fear is that my sis went along to the party(well obv she'd have to be invited). But in reality she has personal issues against em, so she obv didn't go. But that's whats been going on through me mind the whole day.

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