Well very much positive than the previous days. heheheh. As I didn't sleep a wink whatsoever the previous night, I was a bit groggy to a certain degree. heeheheh
I had since gotten a voicemail from Mom saying we'd be going out for dinner in the National Botanic Gardens(Review here). We headed on out. Afterwards, we came back for a cuppa. I was between TWO minds. WHETHER to go to Ailish n Noel's for Halloween OR to the folks for Halloween. THe fact that I had seen Mom n Dad I was half thinking going to Ailish n Noel. However as I had seen them already last week, what would we talk about. ahahaha. Then also I was WANTING to celebrate Halloween with a Barn Brack. haahah. As there was no Brack with Mom n Dad, I decided to head to them. ANd then again I hadn't texted Noel as I hadn't his number whatsoever.
So to make a long story short, I decided to head to Mom n Dads with Barnbrack. BUT before all that, I was to meet Eoin n Clan ie the Dublin Cineworld Craicheads for to see Spectre(Review here). So I chatted with them all. I mistaken a guy whom I understood to be dressed up as a Witch, so instead he dressed up as a cowboy. hahaah.
So after the cinema, I headed on back up to Mom n Dad's. As I couldn't find a Vegan BRack :( I just got any brack.
Saturday, 31 October 2015
National Botanical Gardens, Restaurant
I travelled along with my family to the National Botanic Gardens restaurant. We lined up and waited in line. I was looking at the menus, no hot Vegetarian options. So my Mom asked. I was told they have a Vegetarian Falafel. While the presentation was class, the falafel in question, was questionable. Very hard to chew, and very hard to masticate. I actually felt my throat getting "tired" from all that chewing. THe chips and salad were lovely.
Spectre is the latest 007 Bond offering. Not bad a movie. A bit disappointing thou. Plot reasons is the reason for my disappointment. I personally enjoyed Skyfall better. Even the music at the beginning by Adel added to it. Although Sam Smith did justice to it, the music in this film, I still feel it wasn't enough.
The plot again was confusing. However it did come together eventually. heeheheh. Bond(Craig) is in Mexico City, trackie a guy down. Trouble ensues. M(Fiennes) is furious and tells Bond that "he is grounded". However Bond feels this is needed, so he hires the help of Moneypenny(Harris) and my baby Q(Winshaw). Q "pricks" him with a Microchip, so that M and everyone knows where Bond is gone to.
The plot again was confusing. However it did come together eventually. heeheheh. Bond(Craig) is in Mexico City, trackie a guy down. Trouble ensues. M(Fiennes) is furious and tells Bond that "he is grounded". However Bond feels this is needed, so he hires the help of Moneypenny(Harris) and my baby Q(Winshaw). Q "pricks" him with a Microchip, so that M and everyone knows where Bond is gone to.
Friday, 30 October 2015
Diary 30th October 2015
Well what a day/night it turned out to be. hehheeh.
I was due to do the following plan:
Cineworld(whichever occurs first)
SweatBox event.
I was due to get up for to get money out for the event thats on tonight ie SweatBox whereby I would be able to go in my Singlet. heehhe.
However I was tired, it didn't help when I went to bed too late. hahah. So I put each place off ie Cineworld which I didn't even look up the film times ahahha.
So then I said I'd get up for 10pm to go and go to the SweatBox event which I was kinda looking forward to it. The reason I say kinda, was I wasn't sure if you had to do the wrestling bit. ahhaha. Which I highly doubt it. So then I just hit the hay and continued on sleeping. Of which I highly regret in doing so by means of a dream more so nightmare.
Now what happened was previously my sis had told me something of which I'm obviously NOT gonna get into at all whatsoever. But it played out in my dream. Like it was real. I'm with her. There's some form of an argument or whatever. She thumbs a taxi down. I then wander where is he taking her. No reply. I express emotionally where the hell you gonna take her. He becomes increasingly moved, as well as my sis. I threatened the authorities on him, as he fails to let me know where he's bringing her. So then I bang my head on a "crumply" wall which has bits and pieces sticking out of the wall. It takes me to bang my head which in reality I have been doing for several months now, to tell me where he's taking her. She obviously becomes emotional.
So then I woke up worryingly as to what happened to my sis. So I rang my sis, and literally broke down on the phone. As I was so worried that the dream was a reality. Like it the dream in question occurred, on Sion Hill Rd., which is the turn from Grace Park Rd., So then my sis invited me more so recommended that I go up to her. Of which I did. I had my cuppa tea with her.
I was due to do the following plan:
Cineworld(whichever occurs first)
SweatBox event.
I was due to get up for to get money out for the event thats on tonight ie SweatBox whereby I would be able to go in my Singlet. heehhe.
However I was tired, it didn't help when I went to bed too late. hahah. So I put each place off ie Cineworld which I didn't even look up the film times ahahha.
So then I said I'd get up for 10pm to go and go to the SweatBox event which I was kinda looking forward to it. The reason I say kinda, was I wasn't sure if you had to do the wrestling bit. ahhaha. Which I highly doubt it. So then I just hit the hay and continued on sleeping. Of which I highly regret in doing so by means of a dream more so nightmare.
Now what happened was previously my sis had told me something of which I'm obviously NOT gonna get into at all whatsoever. But it played out in my dream. Like it was real. I'm with her. There's some form of an argument or whatever. She thumbs a taxi down. I then wander where is he taking her. No reply. I express emotionally where the hell you gonna take her. He becomes increasingly moved, as well as my sis. I threatened the authorities on him, as he fails to let me know where he's bringing her. So then I bang my head on a "crumply" wall which has bits and pieces sticking out of the wall. It takes me to bang my head which in reality I have been doing for several months now, to tell me where he's taking her. She obviously becomes emotional.
So then I woke up worryingly as to what happened to my sis. So I rang my sis, and literally broke down on the phone. As I was so worried that the dream was a reality. Like it the dream in question occurred, on Sion Hill Rd., which is the turn from Grace Park Rd., So then my sis invited me more so recommended that I go up to her. Of which I did. I had my cuppa tea with her.
Thursday, 29 October 2015
Diary 29th October 2015
Well today was quite an interesting day. hahahah.
I first while in bed was wondering, how to figure out the video on Budget 2016. Like I recorded it on TV and deleted it on the TV. So now I would be left with Trying to run the Recording i I have on the Drive ie on the Lappy, while at the SAME TIME trying to record. So I said something has to be done. hahaha. So while sleeping and thinking, I decided to look up or Google The Budget 2016 Speech. And read bits of it WHILE recording my video. Oh BOI. This is the cause of the delay in terms of publishing my diary entries.
Another item, I was thinking of was Appearing on eh Late Late show - The World's Longest running chat show discussing my Coming out but more importantly my BOOK. Yeah you's heard me. hahaah.
So afterall the thinking and doing yadedadadad I got up. Following was my plan for the day
However as you'll soon gather. It wasn't too be, well at least the last bit. hahaah. So I set about getting rid of my mop of hair. Awwwwww :(. hahaha. Well the welcome I got. IT was unreal. hahah. I told him of my whereabouts. He was most not impressed. Which I was a bit frightened, but anyways, we left on a very good note. He greeted me "and the prodigal son returns". He even went as far as saying "when you go to your folks, tell them this your Darling son". hahaha. What a laugh. WHen I checked in via Swarm(formerly Foursquare), I was last there December '14. I since got my haircut back in February of this year, with Grafton Barber when I was charged €18.
So then quickly onto Cineworld, to see Hotel Transylvania 2(Review here). Then shortly afterwards, I was wanting to get my Pumpkin +Inflatables Stanescu however it wasn't to be. hheheeh.
Then onto Lidl to get my groceries, and Tescos for the butter. Again asking both of em if they sold Swiss Army Knife. I was looking everywhere for em. As I had lost mine. hehehe. While looking for it, I was wondering why the weird faces I was getting. It must be illegal or something. So onwards to my folks. I had hoped to visiting em on Saturday ie Halloween Night. But that said, I was wanting the knife badly as I had planned for a shower, shaving etc.,etc., Dad had told me that Mary, Laura O' Shea and Mary's mother Eileen were up visiting them. So I arrived when they left. Had a nice cuppa tea. Dad was cutting my nails, however extremely soar, so I decided against him cutting my toenails. heheeh.
I first while in bed was wondering, how to figure out the video on Budget 2016. Like I recorded it on TV and deleted it on the TV. So now I would be left with Trying to run the Recording i I have on the Drive ie on the Lappy, while at the SAME TIME trying to record. So I said something has to be done. hahaha. So while sleeping and thinking, I decided to look up or Google The Budget 2016 Speech. And read bits of it WHILE recording my video. Oh BOI. This is the cause of the delay in terms of publishing my diary entries.
Another item, I was thinking of was Appearing on eh Late Late show - The World's Longest running chat show discussing my Coming out but more importantly my BOOK. Yeah you's heard me. hahaah.
So afterall the thinking and doing yadedadadad I got up. Following was my plan for the day
However as you'll soon gather. It wasn't too be, well at least the last bit. hahaah. So I set about getting rid of my mop of hair. Awwwwww :(. hahaha. Well the welcome I got. IT was unreal. hahah. I told him of my whereabouts. He was most not impressed. Which I was a bit frightened, but anyways, we left on a very good note. He greeted me "and the prodigal son returns". He even went as far as saying "when you go to your folks, tell them this your Darling son". hahaha. What a laugh. WHen I checked in via Swarm(formerly Foursquare), I was last there December '14. I since got my haircut back in February of this year, with Grafton Barber when I was charged €18.
So then quickly onto Cineworld, to see Hotel Transylvania 2(Review here). Then shortly afterwards, I was wanting to get my Pumpkin +Inflatables Stanescu however it wasn't to be. hheheeh.
Then onto Lidl to get my groceries, and Tescos for the butter. Again asking both of em if they sold Swiss Army Knife. I was looking everywhere for em. As I had lost mine. hehehe. While looking for it, I was wondering why the weird faces I was getting. It must be illegal or something. So onwards to my folks. I had hoped to visiting em on Saturday ie Halloween Night. But that said, I was wanting the knife badly as I had planned for a shower, shaving etc.,etc., Dad had told me that Mary, Laura O' Shea and Mary's mother Eileen were up visiting them. So I arrived when they left. Had a nice cuppa tea. Dad was cutting my nails, however extremely soar, so I decided against him cutting my toenails. heheeh.
Wednesday, 28 October 2015
Diary 28th October 2015
Today wasn't too busy. I was meant to go to a Meetup in Dublin Food CO-Op. As I didn't have enough for the event, I decided to skip it. More so I couldn't get outta bed. hahha.
So with that, I took to the bed for a few hours. With this came not bad dreams, but confusing too. One being my sis' puppys in a mine kinda place. I know for a fact she has them with her, but the cream which I now know she has, I could take and keep.
Another being, I'm at a cliff edge with another guy whereby we are expecting device, and we take it aboard.
Then finally which was most weirdest, to date, whereby I'm in a new home, with more than one rooms etc., AND my +Puppys Stanescu has joined me BUT NO +Inflatables Stanescu wonder what happened to them in my dreams??? hahaha
Nevertheless they ain't going anywhere. BOTH +Puppys Stanescu and +Inflatables Stanescu are apart of my life, they have been for the past few years now. hehehe
One of the Tech articles I was reading, brought great memories or whatever u having urself, hahaha. Microsoft a few years ago was handed down a ruling by the European Commission whereby the Company must provide its Windows Operating Systems's Users a Browser Choice. Apparently this was to go on for 5 years from 2009 - 2014. So now user's would be faced to choose a browser they wish to use, but NOW after 2014, Microsoft can go back to Offering Internet Explorer as its own. And as the article says "Until they discovered Google Chrome"
So with that, I took to the bed for a few hours. With this came not bad dreams, but confusing too. One being my sis' puppys in a mine kinda place. I know for a fact she has them with her, but the cream which I now know she has, I could take and keep.
Another being, I'm at a cliff edge with another guy whereby we are expecting device, and we take it aboard.
Then finally which was most weirdest, to date, whereby I'm in a new home, with more than one rooms etc., AND my +Puppys Stanescu has joined me BUT NO +Inflatables Stanescu wonder what happened to them in my dreams??? hahaha
Nevertheless they ain't going anywhere. BOTH +Puppys Stanescu and +Inflatables Stanescu are apart of my life, they have been for the past few years now. hehehe
One of the Tech articles I was reading, brought great memories or whatever u having urself, hahaha. Microsoft a few years ago was handed down a ruling by the European Commission whereby the Company must provide its Windows Operating Systems's Users a Browser Choice. Apparently this was to go on for 5 years from 2009 - 2014. So now user's would be faced to choose a browser they wish to use, but NOW after 2014, Microsoft can go back to Offering Internet Explorer as its own. And as the article says "Until they discovered Google Chrome"
Tuesday, 27 October 2015
Diary 27th October 2015
Not bad a day, hahaha.
I was awoken by my sis, which was a good thing, as had she not. I would have NOT been on time for the dole. So I quickly set about getting ready.
I got the dole, then handed over to AIB to do my business there. hahah. I then headed to SMall Changes to get my weekly supply of Vegan food. Today I didn't buy too much, as I didn't have enough for the week. As I intend going to a meetup tomorrow night, then to Sweatbox event on Friday Night. Haircut on Thurs and then Cineworld to see a film with the Cineworld Craicheads. While at SmallChanges, I was about to buy a Vegetarian popcorn, which I was surprised, but Peadar stop me in my tracks and I replaced. heeheheh
So with this in mind, I headed on back and my sis and I were looking at tv while she was downloading. Mom dropped down food to us. Twas pleasant. heheeh. I then dropped my sis back to her place. Further chats were had. I was chatting with her relating to Sky Broadband and comparing prices.
I was awoken by my sis, which was a good thing, as had she not. I would have NOT been on time for the dole. So I quickly set about getting ready.
I got the dole, then handed over to AIB to do my business there. hahah. I then headed to SMall Changes to get my weekly supply of Vegan food. Today I didn't buy too much, as I didn't have enough for the week. As I intend going to a meetup tomorrow night, then to Sweatbox event on Friday Night. Haircut on Thurs and then Cineworld to see a film with the Cineworld Craicheads. While at SmallChanges, I was about to buy a Vegetarian popcorn, which I was surprised, but Peadar stop me in my tracks and I replaced. heeheheh
So with this in mind, I headed on back and my sis and I were looking at tv while she was downloading. Mom dropped down food to us. Twas pleasant. heheeh. I then dropped my sis back to her place. Further chats were had. I was chatting with her relating to Sky Broadband and comparing prices.
Monday, 26 October 2015
Diary 26th October 2015
While looking at Reeling In The Years, which is a Current Affairs program that goes back over the years. Today's episode went back to 2003. A memory came flooding back. In that as Sophia Petrillo says, picture it, Leeson St., 2003. I'm doing my Leaving Certificate Examination. Well the mocks if I recall quite rightly. I am looking at magazines of a pornogpahic nature. I at the time wasn't out. No one is with me. I'm on a break from school. I see naked women in the magazine etc., etc., I exclaim to myself: "I'm a pornagpraher". Then while looking at news magazines etc., I see images of Saddam Hussein being Felled. And the Spire, Awwwww yeahhhhhhhhhh
Sunday, 25 October 2015
Diary 25th October 2015
Today was a quiet day, Literally!!!. hahaha
I got a voicemail of to get a takeout for both my sis and I. I went to Tasty Gardens, which is up the road from me. heheeh. The takeout was lovely. Chips was alrite. The Vegetable Fried Rice, was exquisite. While eating my sis noted that the vegetable which I normally give to her wasn't present. So I was even more than delighted. heheh
Like I said, nothing much was done. hahaah. Both my sis and I were looking at Everybody Loves Raymond for the night.
I got a voicemail of to get a takeout for both my sis and I. I went to Tasty Gardens, which is up the road from me. heheeh. The takeout was lovely. Chips was alrite. The Vegetable Fried Rice, was exquisite. While eating my sis noted that the vegetable which I normally give to her wasn't present. So I was even more than delighted. heheh
Like I said, nothing much was done. hahaah. Both my sis and I were looking at Everybody Loves Raymond for the night.
Saturday, 24 October 2015
Diary 24th October - Noel Hughes' Birthday
Twas a very pleasant day today. heheheh.
It all started when I got up ready in time for to see the film Hotel Transylvania 2(Review here). Just after the film, a guy comes up to me and tells me that I dropped my Cineworld card. I was most grateful to him. hehehe. He told me handed it to the staff. Of which I retrieved it. He saved me €16 of which I would have to pay for to get a replacement.
So then I headed onto Tescos Take 2 to get a scratch card for Noel as its his birthday. He's 58 today of which I later learned. heheeh.
After that I came back home, I wrote Noel's card and stuck the scratch card in. heheeh.
Then I headed up onto my folks. It was my intention initially to pop into Ailish and Noel to drop the card in and then to my folks to drop up the boxes etc., However I had received a voicemail saying that Ailish and Noel would be celebrating inside with my folks. So I said I'd join em. We had a great time. Chatting and laughter. heeheh. Homeless people came up as AIlish asked how I got on. hahaah. Which I didn't mind, as Mom was against me, so I told lies to her, so Ailish was told the truth, I told em all how some Irish was against my American flag blankie. hehehe. I showed them my new Lumy phone. Then I learned of Danny LaRue who passed away in '09 of Prostate Cancer in his partner's hands Jack. Danny LaRue was the Panti aka Rory O' Neill in those days. heheeh. I was try8ing to explain to all a feature on my phone. And when they didn't understand, I got a fit of laughing. LIkewise just before i headed off, this is at like 1am, hahaah, I had asked Dad if his Hardware guy sells Watch Style batteries. And he asked for a number. Of which eventually I gave it. Then when I was getting ready, Dad got confused which light we had taken appart.
It all started when I got up ready in time for to see the film Hotel Transylvania 2(Review here). Just after the film, a guy comes up to me and tells me that I dropped my Cineworld card. I was most grateful to him. hehehe. He told me handed it to the staff. Of which I retrieved it. He saved me €16 of which I would have to pay for to get a replacement.
So then I headed onto Tescos Take 2 to get a scratch card for Noel as its his birthday. He's 58 today of which I later learned. heheeh.
After that I came back home, I wrote Noel's card and stuck the scratch card in. heheeh.
Then I headed up onto my folks. It was my intention initially to pop into Ailish and Noel to drop the card in and then to my folks to drop up the boxes etc., However I had received a voicemail saying that Ailish and Noel would be celebrating inside with my folks. So I said I'd join em. We had a great time. Chatting and laughter. heeheh. Homeless people came up as AIlish asked how I got on. hahaah. Which I didn't mind, as Mom was against me, so I told lies to her, so Ailish was told the truth, I told em all how some Irish was against my American flag blankie. hehehe. I showed them my new Lumy phone. Then I learned of Danny LaRue who passed away in '09 of Prostate Cancer in his partner's hands Jack. Danny LaRue was the Panti aka Rory O' Neill in those days. heheeh. I was try8ing to explain to all a feature on my phone. And when they didn't understand, I got a fit of laughing. LIkewise just before i headed off, this is at like 1am, hahaah, I had asked Dad if his Hardware guy sells Watch Style batteries. And he asked for a number. Of which eventually I gave it. Then when I was getting ready, Dad got confused which light we had taken appart.
Friday, 23 October 2015
Diary 23rd October 2015
Quite a mixture day today was.
I had several loud bangaings at my door to start. My Aunt(Nun) claims that my landlord Franky has been trying to get contact. I dispute this fact. If Franky wants to get contact he don't go through my relatives etc., he goes through me. He has my cell phone number. Even if he has my old number, I can get access myself personally. However I then found out later on that he was trying to get in touch with me at my door. Of which I hadn't' heard anything.
So then I got ready for to head out. heheeh. I only realised that it's Noel Hughes's birthday is tomorrow. So with that in mind, I had my mind in getting a €1 scratch card, as I overspent on groceries this week. So then I headed on off, first to Aldis to see if I can get a few flower bulbs, but as it happens they didn't have any. He first thought I wanted light bulbs, he being the guy I asked initially. So then I headed back to Tescos to get Butter and the scratch card. The salesperson told me they don't sell any at the counter only at the Self Service. After me queueing up all along. I was under the illusion that scratch cards were always sold at tills. Apparently not. hahaha. So that done,
I headed on off to the Outhouse. where I was greeted by lovely lads. haahah. I went upstairs to Men's Night. Stan was asking me if I miss being with O' Farrell at the Cinema. I was saying yes/no etc., then again with his barring it don't help. Ronan was commenting on my hairstyle saying that he had spread across on Social media. hahaha. The lads were wondering how was The Queen of Ireland.
Afterwards I headed onto see Pan(Review here) in Cineworld. heheeh. There was a beautiful smell of nachos or something. It was heaven. I was wondering if Cineworld are selling new nachos or something. hahhaah
I had several loud bangaings at my door to start. My Aunt(Nun) claims that my landlord Franky has been trying to get contact. I dispute this fact. If Franky wants to get contact he don't go through my relatives etc., he goes through me. He has my cell phone number. Even if he has my old number, I can get access myself personally. However I then found out later on that he was trying to get in touch with me at my door. Of which I hadn't' heard anything.
So then I got ready for to head out. heheeh. I only realised that it's Noel Hughes's birthday is tomorrow. So with that in mind, I had my mind in getting a €1 scratch card, as I overspent on groceries this week. So then I headed on off, first to Aldis to see if I can get a few flower bulbs, but as it happens they didn't have any. He first thought I wanted light bulbs, he being the guy I asked initially. So then I headed back to Tescos to get Butter and the scratch card. The salesperson told me they don't sell any at the counter only at the Self Service. After me queueing up all along. I was under the illusion that scratch cards were always sold at tills. Apparently not. hahaha. So that done,
I headed on off to the Outhouse. where I was greeted by lovely lads. haahah. I went upstairs to Men's Night. Stan was asking me if I miss being with O' Farrell at the Cinema. I was saying yes/no etc., then again with his barring it don't help. Ronan was commenting on my hairstyle saying that he had spread across on Social media. hahaha. The lads were wondering how was The Queen of Ireland.
Afterwards I headed onto see Pan(Review here) in Cineworld. heheeh. There was a beautiful smell of nachos or something. It was heaven. I was wondering if Cineworld are selling new nachos or something. hahhaah
Thursday, 22 October 2015
Diary 22nd October 2015
Well as I had gone to bed far too late messing with my newest baby Lumy, I decided against going out tonight. So I ensured ALL alarms were turned off. haahah. As I love my sleep. hahaah. Then I spent a few minutes trying to figure out how to turn off sounds completely etc., However as I later learned, I had restarted my phone, and FORGOT to log in with my SIM Card pin. hahaah. So when I entered my PIN, I had received two voicemails. hahaah. I had hoped when I woke up to see missed calls or whatever, but NOTHING. hahha. So that said, I had then headed off to bed.
And so the dreaming commenced.
One being a Charles marrys my boyfriend. I look for my boyfriend etc., then I get an invite to a wedding of which I realsie "nah it can't be who I think it is". And as expected I am devastated.
Now this being a thought more so a dream, of me wanting to get diagnosed so that I can continue on with my life. Now what I mean by this is that ever since I came out, my life had changed completely, ie NOT interested in jobs, or interest in erc., like for e.g as I said to my Job woman recently, I had aspirations of going up the corporate ladder, ie working for Twitter and then sailing into Twitter in New York etc., etc., etc.,
Well as I write this particular post, I live and breath, I see a familiar face Keith Mills. He campaigned and voted No int eh the recent Marriage Referendum last May. I saw him on VIncent Browne's People's Debate with Vincent Brown, I also saw that's he's a member of Fianna Fáil.
And so the dreaming commenced.
One being a Charles marrys my boyfriend. I look for my boyfriend etc., then I get an invite to a wedding of which I realsie "nah it can't be who I think it is". And as expected I am devastated.
Now this being a thought more so a dream, of me wanting to get diagnosed so that I can continue on with my life. Now what I mean by this is that ever since I came out, my life had changed completely, ie NOT interested in jobs, or interest in erc., like for e.g as I said to my Job woman recently, I had aspirations of going up the corporate ladder, ie working for Twitter and then sailing into Twitter in New York etc., etc., etc.,
Well as I write this particular post, I live and breath, I see a familiar face Keith Mills. He campaigned and voted No int eh the recent Marriage Referendum last May. I saw him on VIncent Browne's People's Debate with Vincent Brown, I also saw that's he's a member of Fianna Fáil.
Wednesday, 21 October 2015
Diary 21st October 2015
Well what a day I had. The most anticipated day, came. In that I was to collect my new Lumia ie Microsoft Lumia 640 LTE. Oh boi. Now I haven't opened it, am so eager. hahaha. I intend creating a new Video series known as Unpacking. What happens is I record myself opening up the packaging and setting up the device at hand. It will be uploaded to Youtube in due course. I have now changed over to Windows Phone Mobile Operating Systems. As explained in the blog entry of recently I was getting fed up waiting for a big fat Operating System Upgrade ie Update. I questioned the guy this. ANd he was very happy to accommodate me by stating as this is a Original Microsoft Device. He went even to explain that he enjoys Windows 10 on his Laptop.
So as you can see I can't wait. So to get started, I then got ready. Did my last selfies of the old Sammy 2. Awwwwwww. Then afterwards, headed on off to Meteor. I was greeted by a lovely very cute guy. mmmm. Then we got down to business. By that I mean He handed me over the phone. WHen he asked for ID, I got slightly nervous, in that I didn't think he'd accept my Cineworld card. Which was unreal. He just wanted to ensure I was the same name guy. So I told him there's a photo at the back. heheeh. Then as I said above, that he was telling me that he really enjoys Windows 10.
Now I was due to see The Queen of Ireland for half 7. So as such, I said I'd put in time and go to Lidls to see any Vegan frozen food. I did see cereal products for Vegans. So that's a plus. hahaha
So then I headed onto Outhouse, whereby I was greeted., with lovely bunch of people. Bernard and his "middle leg" ahahaha,, Patrick saying that "when I saw his phone, that I had said to him, that I had that when I was a kid". He saw that I was very uncomfortable, and just joked. Whether I actually did say, remains to be seen. He recalled this at the Gloria Christmas Concert a few years ago.
So then I headed on over to the screening of The Queen of Ireland over at Cineworld. There was a guy with his Boyfriend or these days known as Partner. He was very cute. He looked very familiar thou. So I quickly looked up Jamie Bolger(Dara's friend), who is supposedly have moved over to the UK. That said thou, it don't stop anyone from travelling. haahah. So I quickly looked him up, however with his settings, I couldn't really gauge. hehehe. It took the format of the movie in question and then Q&A. I thought the Q&A would be held in the Auditorium. Cause shortly before the movie started, a member of staff told us to wait around for the Q&A, and I understood he meant that maybe Panti herself would appear, I ain't sure. However it wasn't to be. The film thou in question, I was impressed. It brought along his HIV status which I was most appreciated and most agreeable. By that with my Hep B status, no guy wants to go near me. So with that I was delighted. Like aht goes through his mind when with a guy or hook up or whatever, I have the exact same thing. Then the referendum, The Marriage Referendum. One aspect of the film, featured Rory aka Panti Bliss being interviewed by a British Chat show host. For the TV Viewers, they feature a beautiful image of the Samuel Beckett Bridge. However we the viewers of the film at hand, saw what the interviewee ie the guy being interviewed in this case Panti, he was in a Pokie of a place. I was shocked and appalled. It was unreal like. Do they do this with anyone like. Like "The boy who lived under the stairs" ie Harry Potter. Like I'm watching an interview with Gerry Adams on Six One, by Brian Dobson. Behind Gerry Adams, the viewers see a nice enough image of Leinster House BUT is Gerry Adams himself in a pokey of place. With a cup of wathever on a WOODEN might I add table or something.
So as you can see I can't wait. So to get started, I then got ready. Did my last selfies of the old Sammy 2. Awwwwwww. Then afterwards, headed on off to Meteor. I was greeted by a lovely very cute guy. mmmm. Then we got down to business. By that I mean He handed me over the phone. WHen he asked for ID, I got slightly nervous, in that I didn't think he'd accept my Cineworld card. Which was unreal. He just wanted to ensure I was the same name guy. So I told him there's a photo at the back. heheeh. Then as I said above, that he was telling me that he really enjoys Windows 10.
Now I was due to see The Queen of Ireland for half 7. So as such, I said I'd put in time and go to Lidls to see any Vegan frozen food. I did see cereal products for Vegans. So that's a plus. hahaha
So then I headed onto Outhouse, whereby I was greeted., with lovely bunch of people. Bernard and his "middle leg" ahahaha,, Patrick saying that "when I saw his phone, that I had said to him, that I had that when I was a kid". He saw that I was very uncomfortable, and just joked. Whether I actually did say, remains to be seen. He recalled this at the Gloria Christmas Concert a few years ago.
So then I headed on over to the screening of The Queen of Ireland over at Cineworld. There was a guy with his Boyfriend or these days known as Partner. He was very cute. He looked very familiar thou. So I quickly looked up Jamie Bolger(Dara's friend), who is supposedly have moved over to the UK. That said thou, it don't stop anyone from travelling. haahah. So I quickly looked him up, however with his settings, I couldn't really gauge. hehehe. It took the format of the movie in question and then Q&A. I thought the Q&A would be held in the Auditorium. Cause shortly before the movie started, a member of staff told us to wait around for the Q&A, and I understood he meant that maybe Panti herself would appear, I ain't sure. However it wasn't to be. The film thou in question, I was impressed. It brought along his HIV status which I was most appreciated and most agreeable. By that with my Hep B status, no guy wants to go near me. So with that I was delighted. Like aht goes through his mind when with a guy or hook up or whatever, I have the exact same thing. Then the referendum, The Marriage Referendum. One aspect of the film, featured Rory aka Panti Bliss being interviewed by a British Chat show host. For the TV Viewers, they feature a beautiful image of the Samuel Beckett Bridge. However we the viewers of the film at hand, saw what the interviewee ie the guy being interviewed in this case Panti, he was in a Pokie of a place. I was shocked and appalled. It was unreal like. Do they do this with anyone like. Like "The boy who lived under the stairs" ie Harry Potter. Like I'm watching an interview with Gerry Adams on Six One, by Brian Dobson. Behind Gerry Adams, the viewers see a nice enough image of Leinster House BUT is Gerry Adams himself in a pokey of place. With a cup of wathever on a WOODEN might I add table or something.
Tuesday, 20 October 2015
Diary 20th October 2015
I see Eileen coming into the garage while looking through Mom and Dad's bedroom window. I tell Mom.
Then I'm on a boat out in the open on a beautiful, blue, sea speed boat kinda. In my mind the plane is going the wrong way so I try and figure out how the pilot goes the wright way. Then while admiring all the other boats, we throttle full steam ahead.
Today was quite an interesting day. hehhehehehe.
After I got up after the above dream, I showered and got dressed. hahahah then I headed onto the Dole, and then to the bank. As time was not on my side, I skipped my norm photo shooting, which I do before getting dressed. So then as I had to collect my Laundry, I was thinking of paying for the laundry and asking them if they could keep the bag until I get back from SmallChange. However I then taught simply go to Clean Freaks last. Of which that I did. Afterwards I headed onto Small Change. Peadar the guy who runs Small Change, told me that I the Vegan Deli will be opening on Nov 3. I can't wait. He told me its the Grand opening. hahaha. I so cannot wait. hhehe. So if I have the cash, I'll be able to NOW go to my sis' with a big aoul Vegan Sandwich or whatever. hahaha. SO then I headed to Clean Freaks. I collected my laundry. I then walked home with the SmallChange paper bag on the handlebar and the laundry atop the saddle, of whereby I was walking home. On the way though, I don't know what happened. However thou all my milk(2x) of which the other 3 was in my backpack, fell out onto the bag as the paper bag literally tore. So that said, I put the remaining milk atop the laundry basket. So I continued my journey home, when I came across my 2nd displeasure. There was a woman in my way, she was closing up her shop or whatever. THere was also a van there with eh door opened ajar. I said "excuse me" in a strict manner. She said "you're welcome", well, I never. So then onwards to my destination. I through in my laundry and then onto my sis. hehehe. So on my way to my sis, I remembered that I needed toilet paper. I went to pay for em, I could have sworn I gave him 2.80 something like that, although the price being 2.82, however he requested more. I was searching everywhere for the coins, I couldn't remember where I left the coins in. The sales guy asked if I have enough. I said yeah indeed, I just can't remember where I left em. hahah. So i eventually found it, and paid up hahaah.
So I eventually arrived at my sis a bit later than anticipated. We were watching comedy, namely King of Queens. Then we went onto Without a Trace, I joked we bond more with Criminal sereis. hahaha. Then we went onto FlashPoint a series about Strategic Response Unit, which specialises in Hostages etc., We were saying he's cute, he's cute etc., the character known as "Bradock", and the hispanic black guy. mmm. One episode dealt with a Recession type characters, in which a group of guys are homeless ie repossessed etc., as the company they used to work for couldn't pay up or something. So in a protest, they hold the CEO hostage, and it literally describes what everyday joe soap goes through every single day with Recession. The CEO walks away with a $22m bonus and 4 houses. While one of the guys homeless his wife committed suicide and yet the CEO still gets to keep his $22m bonus. Now obviously I understand its all acting, but it is a face of reality. Like as I said to my sis, its a soar spot for our dad. Like one night while my sis was out, my Mother in Fatima, my Dad was at his computer playing solitaire. I was seeing alot of Banking etc., on the News, and was keen to understand what up with all the bulletins. So my dad explained give or take about an hour or whatever.
As I was watching the news, I recognised a very familiar voice. That being Brian O'Donovan. He was on TV3 news as Finance Correspondent. Now he's on RTE1 as NOT a finance correspondent. Perhaps its a once off or whatever. But quite shocking to say the least.
"There's no longer Gay Marriage. Just Marriage" - Senator David Norris
"Free at last" - Senator Katherine Zappone
Then I'm on a boat out in the open on a beautiful, blue, sea speed boat kinda. In my mind the plane is going the wrong way so I try and figure out how the pilot goes the wright way. Then while admiring all the other boats, we throttle full steam ahead.
Today was quite an interesting day. hehhehehehe.
After I got up after the above dream, I showered and got dressed. hahahah then I headed onto the Dole, and then to the bank. As time was not on my side, I skipped my norm photo shooting, which I do before getting dressed. So then as I had to collect my Laundry, I was thinking of paying for the laundry and asking them if they could keep the bag until I get back from SmallChange. However I then taught simply go to Clean Freaks last. Of which that I did. Afterwards I headed onto Small Change. Peadar the guy who runs Small Change, told me that I the Vegan Deli will be opening on Nov 3. I can't wait. He told me its the Grand opening. hahaha. I so cannot wait. hhehe. So if I have the cash, I'll be able to NOW go to my sis' with a big aoul Vegan Sandwich or whatever. hahaha. SO then I headed to Clean Freaks. I collected my laundry. I then walked home with the SmallChange paper bag on the handlebar and the laundry atop the saddle, of whereby I was walking home. On the way though, I don't know what happened. However thou all my milk(2x) of which the other 3 was in my backpack, fell out onto the bag as the paper bag literally tore. So that said, I put the remaining milk atop the laundry basket. So I continued my journey home, when I came across my 2nd displeasure. There was a woman in my way, she was closing up her shop or whatever. THere was also a van there with eh door opened ajar. I said "excuse me" in a strict manner. She said "you're welcome", well, I never. So then onwards to my destination. I through in my laundry and then onto my sis. hehehe. So on my way to my sis, I remembered that I needed toilet paper. I went to pay for em, I could have sworn I gave him 2.80 something like that, although the price being 2.82, however he requested more. I was searching everywhere for the coins, I couldn't remember where I left the coins in. The sales guy asked if I have enough. I said yeah indeed, I just can't remember where I left em. hahah. So i eventually found it, and paid up hahaah.
So I eventually arrived at my sis a bit later than anticipated. We were watching comedy, namely King of Queens. Then we went onto Without a Trace, I joked we bond more with Criminal sereis. hahaha. Then we went onto FlashPoint a series about Strategic Response Unit, which specialises in Hostages etc., We were saying he's cute, he's cute etc., the character known as "Bradock", and the hispanic black guy. mmm. One episode dealt with a Recession type characters, in which a group of guys are homeless ie repossessed etc., as the company they used to work for couldn't pay up or something. So in a protest, they hold the CEO hostage, and it literally describes what everyday joe soap goes through every single day with Recession. The CEO walks away with a $22m bonus and 4 houses. While one of the guys homeless his wife committed suicide and yet the CEO still gets to keep his $22m bonus. Now obviously I understand its all acting, but it is a face of reality. Like as I said to my sis, its a soar spot for our dad. Like one night while my sis was out, my Mother in Fatima, my Dad was at his computer playing solitaire. I was seeing alot of Banking etc., on the News, and was keen to understand what up with all the bulletins. So my dad explained give or take about an hour or whatever.
As I was watching the news, I recognised a very familiar voice. That being Brian O'Donovan. He was on TV3 news as Finance Correspondent. Now he's on RTE1 as NOT a finance correspondent. Perhaps its a once off or whatever. But quite shocking to say the least.
"There's no longer Gay Marriage. Just Marriage" - Senator David Norris
"Free at last" - Senator Katherine Zappone
Monday, 19 October 2015
Diary 19th October 2015
While my sis was with me last night, I got a notification from Tumblr saying and I quote: "I am going to fucking...." I said I'd leave it. But when I got to looking it up on ALL tumblr accounts, and I can't find it. It stated that the user reblogged it. I looked for the email, etc., no where to find.
Sunday, 18 October 2015
Diary 18th October 2015
Today was quite an enjoyable day. Although I told my sis of a horrid dream of rape of a good friend of mine. As far as I recall, he was being recorded of being raped. And I went back to the perpetrators' house and broke the tape by pressing a stop button and some other button. And my mates parents trying to tell me he was being raped etc., etc., Then the mate's relatives got involved. Something to that effect. She saw it in my worry face. And I wouldn't mind I had actually told myself NEVER go back to bed sleeping, how true is that. Like the reason I says this is that I was left awoken as my Lappy was left on the whole night as I was trying to download a very cute singer from Turkey whom I came across on a mates' profile on Facebook. And also I was trying to do ....... So I had to leave the lappy on. While doing so I was struggling to sleep,, however I woke up for a leak and then went back hence the above dream. So then onto some pleasantness I treated my sis to some Vegan Home cooked Pasta and Tomato sauce. So she was doing downloading and I was entertaining her with some of comedy I had. heheeh namely One Foot in the Grave, Saved By The Bell and Taxi. My mom in the meantime came down with some food, and then after a few hours, I then headed with her to her place and then came back.
While looking at SundayAM on TV3, I only realised that Killian O'Sullivan who does TV reviews for the week, that it's the same Killian from Fair CIty who played Lorcan(Carol's son). He sadly was killed off from the show. He's been on the TV3 show for several months, yet I only noticed today. hahaah. Nice one Stany!!!
While looking at SundayAM on TV3, I only realised that Killian O'Sullivan who does TV reviews for the week, that it's the same Killian from Fair CIty who played Lorcan(Carol's son). He sadly was killed off from the show. He's been on the TV3 show for several months, yet I only noticed today. hahaah. Nice one Stany!!!
Saturday, 17 October 2015
Hotel Transylvania 2
Quite a remarkable film. Totally enjoyable. Great laughs were had by all. hahaha. One word for this film was "Acceptance". In the beginning, Dracula didn't accepted Dennis being human and as such grew to him and accepted him in the end. hahaah
The plot was quite simple. heheheh. The film starts off with the wedding of Mavis(Gomez) and Jonathan(Samberg). Mavis finds out she's pregnant. And Baby Dennis(Blinkoff) is born. Mavis wants to move to California with Jonathan's HUMAN parents: Linda(Mullaly) and Mike(Offerman). However Dracula(Sandler) don't want this. What with his overprotective mode. hahaah. So Dracula wants to bring out the Vampireness outta of Dennis. As always, Dracula has a plan. hahaah. If Dennis becomes a vampire then he'll want to stay put. hehehe. However trouble further ensues when Mavis(Dracula's Daughter) reveals that she invited Vlad(Brooks) Dracula's father, to the party. Vlad is a very traditionalist ie against Humans full stop. He would even "suck out their souls". Vlad wants to scare out the Vampire outta Dennis. So via a teddy bear at Dennis' party, he is attempting to scare Dennis, but it don't work as Dracula actually prevents it. And so Vlad finds out his son Dracula has actually changed and attempts to change. Vlad's followers attempts to take down all humans etc., and Dennis' REAL self comes to being ie a Vampire and attacks the followers.
The plot was quite simple. heheheh. The film starts off with the wedding of Mavis(Gomez) and Jonathan(Samberg). Mavis finds out she's pregnant. And Baby Dennis(Blinkoff) is born. Mavis wants to move to California with Jonathan's HUMAN parents: Linda(Mullaly) and Mike(Offerman). However Dracula(Sandler) don't want this. What with his overprotective mode. hahaah. So Dracula wants to bring out the Vampireness outta of Dennis. As always, Dracula has a plan. hahaah. If Dennis becomes a vampire then he'll want to stay put. hehehe. However trouble further ensues when Mavis(Dracula's Daughter) reveals that she invited Vlad(Brooks) Dracula's father, to the party. Vlad is a very traditionalist ie against Humans full stop. He would even "suck out their souls". Vlad wants to scare out the Vampire outta Dennis. So via a teddy bear at Dennis' party, he is attempting to scare Dennis, but it don't work as Dracula actually prevents it. And so Vlad finds out his son Dracula has actually changed and attempts to change. Vlad's followers attempts to take down all humans etc., and Dennis' REAL self comes to being ie a Vampire and attacks the followers.
DIary 17th October 2015
Today was pretty quiet. hahaha. I got up to take a leak and was thinking ....
Then I headed back to sleep. Afterwards, I got up eventually for to see Hotel Transylvania 2(Review to be provided shortly). I was a bit fidgety. Then when paying up more so asking how much is a Large Meal with Regular Popcorn, when I had realsied it was over €11 which I actually I had setup from my Excel spreadsheet, I just went for the Large Meal and left out Regular popcorn. So then I went back to see if my card was still hanging around. Well low and behold the card was still on the ground. I was thankful I wouldn't have to pay ANOTHER €16 for the Card Lost fee.
I was looking at the Budget 2016 specials on RTE and UTV. How Alison Comyn(UTV Ireland) was able to go on for 3 and a half hours and then do the Ireland LIve at 5.30 news bulletins, faire play to her. hahahah.
Then I headed back to sleep. Afterwards, I got up eventually for to see Hotel Transylvania 2(Review to be provided shortly). I was a bit fidgety. Then when paying up more so asking how much is a Large Meal with Regular Popcorn, when I had realsied it was over €11 which I actually I had setup from my Excel spreadsheet, I just went for the Large Meal and left out Regular popcorn. So then I went back to see if my card was still hanging around. Well low and behold the card was still on the ground. I was thankful I wouldn't have to pay ANOTHER €16 for the Card Lost fee.
I was looking at the Budget 2016 specials on RTE and UTV. How Alison Comyn(UTV Ireland) was able to go on for 3 and a half hours and then do the Ireland LIve at 5.30 news bulletins, faire play to her. hahahah.
Friday, 16 October 2015
Pan was very good. The music score I felt although at the beginning very good, however thou throughout the film, the music decreased. In my opinion, I think you should actually read up on the story of the Boy who never grew up. hahaah. I found the storyline a bit confusing in particular below relating to the fairies and the mother of Pan
The film, tells a story of a boy who is orphaned into an orphanage in a setting of World War 2. He is mistreated by the Matron or the Mother Superior. One particular night he is abducted by apparently pirates. Captain Blackbeard(Jackman) heads the pirates. He welcomes the boys "Welcome to NEVERLAND". It is then made apparent that Pan(Miller) is actually "special", ie to "fulfill the prophecy". So he befriends James Hook(Garrett Hedlund) who "lies as he's a Grownup", ahahah. Great laugh that was. Then Hook and Pan actually escape into a fairyland. Now this bit I was COMPLETELY lost. All I know they's the Goodies. hahaha. The Pirates then catch up. A war ensues. The now infamous Tinkerbell, says I to meself: "Oh she's on her own now, ie she has her own movies".
"Home is not where you're from, but Home is what you make"
The film, tells a story of a boy who is orphaned into an orphanage in a setting of World War 2. He is mistreated by the Matron or the Mother Superior. One particular night he is abducted by apparently pirates. Captain Blackbeard(Jackman) heads the pirates. He welcomes the boys "Welcome to NEVERLAND". It is then made apparent that Pan(Miller) is actually "special", ie to "fulfill the prophecy". So he befriends James Hook(Garrett Hedlund) who "lies as he's a Grownup", ahahah. Great laugh that was. Then Hook and Pan actually escape into a fairyland. Now this bit I was COMPLETELY lost. All I know they's the Goodies. hahaha. The Pirates then catch up. A war ensues. The now infamous Tinkerbell, says I to meself: "Oh she's on her own now, ie she has her own movies".
"Home is not where you're from, but Home is what you make"
Diary 16th October 2015
Not bad a day today. hahaaha. It started off with me hearing a knock on the window, twas my sis calling down to me earlier than anticipated. So we had a chat and she did her downloading. hahahah. Whilst the chatting, about her nemesis Ailish and Noel, I was pointing out to her that it's Noel's birthday on 24th Oct, then all of a sudden out of the blue a memory of my dream just came flashbacking. It was the most weirdest ever. Had I never said anything about Ailish or Noel, It prob would never have came out hahaha. But was just freaky shit it was . The dream in particular was that Brendan Doherty(Ailish's father) comes towards me while he wearing his suit and tie. It has got me thinking the whole day whether or not anything "happened". You'd never know.
Then I went back to sleep for about an hour or so. I keep forgetting to turn off the alarm from Sammy. He woke me up at 19.11. So I went to sleep again for the CORRECT time, hahaah of 19.15. So then afterwards got up. hehehe. I was to meet Emil for to see Pan(Review here). I wanted to get a paper ie the Independent, however they had none left. Then I went onto a shop behind the cinema to see if they sell any papers. So then I went to the Outhouse for a brief second. Now O'Farrell lives a voicemail, I ring him back. No answer. Then I head up to Men's Night, few said hello including himself, yet he doesn't attempt to catch hold of me. hmmmm. So then I headed back to the Cinema to meet Emil. hahaha. We chatted briefly. He was tired and exhausted.
Then after I left Emil, I decided to check out if the bronze statue of Mrs. Brown is there. I had seen it on the Mrs. Brown's D' Movie Facebook page. However it wasn't to be. So I headed on home.
When I got home, I wasn't feeling myself mentally in this case with all the going's on with O' Farrell more so and then the Food vibe. Maureen suggested that I should go up to em and ask them for to help em. Otherwise I'd regret it when they "go". However when Ireland AM celebrated Star Wars release for Christmas this year, I was ecstatic and feeling happy.
Then I went back to sleep for about an hour or so. I keep forgetting to turn off the alarm from Sammy. He woke me up at 19.11. So I went to sleep again for the CORRECT time, hahaah of 19.15. So then afterwards got up. hehehe. I was to meet Emil for to see Pan(Review here). I wanted to get a paper ie the Independent, however they had none left. Then I went onto a shop behind the cinema to see if they sell any papers. So then I went to the Outhouse for a brief second. Now O'Farrell lives a voicemail, I ring him back. No answer. Then I head up to Men's Night, few said hello including himself, yet he doesn't attempt to catch hold of me. hmmmm. So then I headed back to the Cinema to meet Emil. hahaha. We chatted briefly. He was tired and exhausted.
Then after I left Emil, I decided to check out if the bronze statue of Mrs. Brown is there. I had seen it on the Mrs. Brown's D' Movie Facebook page. However it wasn't to be. So I headed on home.
When I got home, I wasn't feeling myself mentally in this case with all the going's on with O' Farrell more so and then the Food vibe. Maureen suggested that I should go up to em and ask them for to help em. Otherwise I'd regret it when they "go". However when Ireland AM celebrated Star Wars release for Christmas this year, I was ecstatic and feeling happy.
Thursday, 15 October 2015
Diary 15th October 2015
Well after so many months passing, I just had to meet up with my Aunt, the nun. hahaah. The last time, I saw her was back in May hahha. June I was at Pride Festivities, so that was an excuse of not seeing her, or more so a reason. Then July was my birthday. So we chatted for a bit. While getting my food, I listened to my voicemail and it was Mom wanting to get glasses for me. hehehe. My Aunt insisted I get glasses, but I just didn't want em. hahah. Not for financially or even time reasons, that I didn't want em, I just didn't want him. heeheh. So we were chatting for about an hour. So Mom had told me that she wanted to see my Aunt. So we met up with Mom. We met her at Marks and Spencers for a bite to eat. heeheh. We chatted further. Mom asked me on the phone if I'd like to go on a holier with em, Mom, Dad n my Sis. All that was going through my mind was George MINUS family = Happy. I guess I haven't gotten over the Citizenship goings on. I even said to my aunt that Either Homophobia or Food vibe stays in the brain. She suggested that I let go of both. And I said nope the brain won't let me. hehehe. So Mom suggested a Day Trip, and I said nah its cool. I'll be going down to Galway for my Christmas shopping this year. Mom made up a story saying that she saw my big ass through the hole of the blanket in a paper during the sleep out last Saturday.. hehehe. The laugh I got out of it. heeheh. So I told em both that my sis had talked me out of it. heheeh. While chatting and having a meal, I was surprised to see O' Farrell. He said his hellos. However I'd say he may have heard me saying to ignore him or something. I ain't sure. Cause when Mom said to him "Oh I've heard about you, heheeh". He could have been thinking about his Mental Health issues. WHile at Marks and Spencers, I was waiting for ever for my Falafel Salad, which was alrite. hahhah. But the point being was that, while waiting there were smoothies that we could taste. Kale Smoothie which I learned contained Apple & Cucumber. Wow, so amazing. ahahah. However it ain't gonna be something "i'd run after" as me Pops would say. I then tried another smoothie Very Berry. SOmething like that. That was delicious. hahaha. So then we dispersed. I left Mom to the bus. On the way, she suggested that I should enquire about or consider going onto Disability Allowance when I said ever since I told my Worker about my Mental Health past, that she said it in a way not to hurt me or whatever. So she headed off on the bus.
So then I was watching current affairs on the coverage of the Budget 2016.
Then I got ready for to go out. As I needed Butter, I just had to go to Tescos. hehehe. Then when I came out of the Tescos, I just realised that I left my Cineworld card back behind. So I had to head back to my InflatablesPuppys Land - awwwww, and get the card. heheeh. Then I headed to the Outhouse to get my Peppermint Green Tea. mmmmmm. I was then to meet Barry for to see The Maze Runner: The Scorch Trials(Review here) heeheh.
So then I was watching current affairs on the coverage of the Budget 2016.
Then I got ready for to go out. As I needed Butter, I just had to go to Tescos. hehehe. Then when I came out of the Tescos, I just realised that I left my Cineworld card back behind. So I had to head back to my InflatablesPuppys Land - awwwww, and get the card. heheeh. Then I headed to the Outhouse to get my Peppermint Green Tea. mmmmmm. I was then to meet Barry for to see The Maze Runner: The Scorch Trials(Review here) heeheh.
Wednesday, 14 October 2015
Diary 14th October 2015
Not bad a day,. Twas a nice and quiet and relaxing day.
My old phone that I have charging for photography reasons, had the alarm going off. And as such I then heard my Sammy 2 phone going off ie vibrating. I then says, crap, I won't have a phone. So in quick thinking, as I need it to check in, I said while dressing and checking the FB where exactly the event is, I can be charging the phone which Patch +Puppys Stanescu kindly helped me, heeheheh.
As I said, I wasn't sure exactly sure where the event for the Candlelit Vigil was being held. heheeh. So I was a tad bit late arriving. When I arrived, there was a priest there praying for the those who have died of homelessness. Then there were a few speeches. Then while the candle was burning my hand off - hahaha, I was chatting to a woman who made an interesting point relating to Media. I had seen somewehre on the TV License TV Ad, taht we as a public don't get to ask the POliticians etc., questiosn we'd like to thats teh job for the media, where as whieo she did accept it, thou that she feels its to do with teh laws that changes thigns. hheheh. So then I decided to head to the Outhouse.
So when I arrived, there was David. We chatted about his Rail tour. I spoke about this not too long ago actually. haahah. We were chatting about a mate of mine, which for this post, I shall remain him nameless. He's gay and disabled. I heard shocking news about him. It was unreal. We have been hearing stories about him, like sex bfs etc., etc., So then I said that its probably something he's hiding. Of which then David had told me beforehand. David had said that someone else told him, that its a possibility that his Mother is beating him up. or something like that. She don't like him being gay, and something about his disability.
So onto a more lighter topic, there was a lad there with Severne and Ollie, who bought great laughs to us. hahah. He's a tradesman, don't know his name. How well he knew I was foreign. hahaah. David was saying he hates the Brazilians etc., for money, green card reasons etc., And Tradesman says now now , don't be xenophobic. Varnical. haahah. So then Tradesman asked us if gay scene is still in existence with all the APps like Grindr in its existence. I thought he meant with Gay Referendum. But as it happens, its actually is THe George busy etc., et.c, I said of course. Sure its poundinge tc., etc., and he took a sexul inuendo from it. What a laugh. This went on when he said stick a fire stick up my arse. haahah. Oh what a laugh.
So when I came home, I then looked up the beautiful Eir(rebranded from Eircom) website. However very expensive. So for BB and Phone I currently pay €45 and for Eir they would charge €62. QUite expensive alrite.
My old phone that I have charging for photography reasons, had the alarm going off. And as such I then heard my Sammy 2 phone going off ie vibrating. I then says, crap, I won't have a phone. So in quick thinking, as I need it to check in, I said while dressing and checking the FB where exactly the event is, I can be charging the phone which Patch +Puppys Stanescu kindly helped me, heeheheh.
As I said, I wasn't sure exactly sure where the event for the Candlelit Vigil was being held. heheeh. So I was a tad bit late arriving. When I arrived, there was a priest there praying for the those who have died of homelessness. Then there were a few speeches. Then while the candle was burning my hand off - hahaha, I was chatting to a woman who made an interesting point relating to Media. I had seen somewehre on the TV License TV Ad, taht we as a public don't get to ask the POliticians etc., questiosn we'd like to thats teh job for the media, where as whieo she did accept it, thou that she feels its to do with teh laws that changes thigns. hheheh. So then I decided to head to the Outhouse.
So when I arrived, there was David. We chatted about his Rail tour. I spoke about this not too long ago actually. haahah. We were chatting about a mate of mine, which for this post, I shall remain him nameless. He's gay and disabled. I heard shocking news about him. It was unreal. We have been hearing stories about him, like sex bfs etc., etc., So then I said that its probably something he's hiding. Of which then David had told me beforehand. David had said that someone else told him, that its a possibility that his Mother is beating him up. or something like that. She don't like him being gay, and something about his disability.
So onto a more lighter topic, there was a lad there with Severne and Ollie, who bought great laughs to us. hahah. He's a tradesman, don't know his name. How well he knew I was foreign. hahaah. David was saying he hates the Brazilians etc., for money, green card reasons etc., And Tradesman says now now , don't be xenophobic. Varnical. haahah. So then Tradesman asked us if gay scene is still in existence with all the APps like Grindr in its existence. I thought he meant with Gay Referendum. But as it happens, its actually is THe George busy etc., et.c, I said of course. Sure its poundinge tc., etc., and he took a sexul inuendo from it. What a laugh. This went on when he said stick a fire stick up my arse. haahah. Oh what a laugh.
So when I came home, I then looked up the beautiful Eir(rebranded from Eircom) website. However very expensive. So for BB and Phone I currently pay €45 and for Eir they would charge €62. QUite expensive alrite.
Tuesday, 13 October 2015
Diary 13th October 2015
Well today was quite a day. haha
I did my usual errands I do on a Tuesday. hahaahah. hehehe.
My first port of call was to get my dosh before it closed. I was there struggling with my bike and the laundry AND my trousers(which kept falling due to my rapid weight loss - hahaah). I've noticed recently that I can't do anything with my right hand anymore. With a JO(jerkoff), nope won't do the work. Basically I have to use the left for everything, for JO's for walking my bike even carry bags etc.,
So moving on I then dropped the Laundry into Clean Freaks, which was quite unusual. By that I mean that the price is lower, and I got a text off them stating that there are "two items" and then the woman told me that it would be available on Friday, which is interesting. hahaah.
I then headed onto the bank did my business. Unusually I didn't have enough for to go and do my normal weekly bill payments. So I looked up what "robbed" my money. hahaah. It was actually Electric Ireland and Sky.
So then I moved onto my grocery weekly of SmallChanges. hahaah. I asked Peadar, why the taste of one of the TOmato Sauce was so "boring" or Bland. I knew about NO Added sugar or salt, but seriously? So he told me that its JUST tomatoes. Well the laugh I got. I paid about €2 or €3 for jst "friggin tomatoes" as I said on the way home. hahaha. It was priceless.
So while transferring files for my sis' visit, I took a shower. Then headed to my sis. On the way, I was looking for a Grater where I can grate cheese. hahaah. However the manners of a pig in Centra didn't have any. hahaha. So I arrived and we looked at TV. I brought up how come Maureen remembers that MEMORABLE day of when I had Mom, Dad and Maureen and of course my sis for a Cuppa and a Apple PIe or something. We sat around my table. Then my depression hit. And hence my place is NOT suitable for visitors anymore. Then the other day I was onto Maureen by means of a phonecall, and she told me of the dream. I can't for the life understand why she's so obsessed with that particular day. ahhaah. Then my sis asked when would I be going up to the folks. And I said I can't go up freely to Mom n Dad's as I'm no longer welcome to visit, but to FOOD, thats' all I get.
I was interested in finding out what party the current Dublin Lord's Mayor(ess) is ie CrÃona Nà Dhálaigh, I kinda knew she was a member of Sinn Féinn, however One thing I never expected thou that Sinn Féin's FOUNDER is Arthur Griffith. Where I know that name is that the avenue I was reared on ie the street is known as Griffith Ave., I was told that the avenue is named after Arthur Griffith. Now one asks, WHY??? like did he live there, or fight etc., etc.,
It has been announced that Paul O'Connell, has been ruled out of teh Rugby World Cup. This is his last Rugby International. Ie he's retiring forcefully due to a string injury
A report of The MH17 flight from Kualampur that was shot down by a Buk missile, has concluded that it was indeed the Buk that shot down the plane when it was flying over a no - fly zone in Dunesk, Ukraine.
Universal Social Charge - 13K Entry Threshold
The new rates are now 1% 3% 5.5%
Pension Payment €3pw
Christmas Bonus - 75%
Fuel Allowance 2.50 to 22.50
Free GP to Children Under 12yrs
Free PreSchool aged 3-5.5
Child Benefit increase €5 per child pm to €140...
Respite Grant fully restored to 1700
Stampy Duty Abolish replaced by a 12c charge per ATM Transaction
50c Cigs
Minimum to 9.15
Limit on the contactless Card going up to €30 from €15
9% VAT retained
600 Garda
2260 Teachers
Extr AMbulance Staff
A Cut to CGT Capital Gains Tax
Corp Tax reduced to 6.25%
I did my usual errands I do on a Tuesday. hahaahah. hehehe.
My first port of call was to get my dosh before it closed. I was there struggling with my bike and the laundry AND my trousers(which kept falling due to my rapid weight loss - hahaah). I've noticed recently that I can't do anything with my right hand anymore. With a JO(jerkoff), nope won't do the work. Basically I have to use the left for everything, for JO's for walking my bike even carry bags etc.,
So moving on I then dropped the Laundry into Clean Freaks, which was quite unusual. By that I mean that the price is lower, and I got a text off them stating that there are "two items" and then the woman told me that it would be available on Friday, which is interesting. hahaah.
I then headed onto the bank did my business. Unusually I didn't have enough for to go and do my normal weekly bill payments. So I looked up what "robbed" my money. hahaah. It was actually Electric Ireland and Sky.
So then I moved onto my grocery weekly of SmallChanges. hahaah. I asked Peadar, why the taste of one of the TOmato Sauce was so "boring" or Bland. I knew about NO Added sugar or salt, but seriously? So he told me that its JUST tomatoes. Well the laugh I got. I paid about €2 or €3 for jst "friggin tomatoes" as I said on the way home. hahaha. It was priceless.
So while transferring files for my sis' visit, I took a shower. Then headed to my sis. On the way, I was looking for a Grater where I can grate cheese. hahaah. However the manners of a pig in Centra didn't have any. hahaha. So I arrived and we looked at TV. I brought up how come Maureen remembers that MEMORABLE day of when I had Mom, Dad and Maureen and of course my sis for a Cuppa and a Apple PIe or something. We sat around my table. Then my depression hit. And hence my place is NOT suitable for visitors anymore. Then the other day I was onto Maureen by means of a phonecall, and she told me of the dream. I can't for the life understand why she's so obsessed with that particular day. ahhaah. Then my sis asked when would I be going up to the folks. And I said I can't go up freely to Mom n Dad's as I'm no longer welcome to visit, but to FOOD, thats' all I get.
I was interested in finding out what party the current Dublin Lord's Mayor(ess) is ie CrÃona Nà Dhálaigh, I kinda knew she was a member of Sinn Féinn, however One thing I never expected thou that Sinn Féin's FOUNDER is Arthur Griffith. Where I know that name is that the avenue I was reared on ie the street is known as Griffith Ave., I was told that the avenue is named after Arthur Griffith. Now one asks, WHY??? like did he live there, or fight etc., etc.,
It has been announced that Paul O'Connell, has been ruled out of teh Rugby World Cup. This is his last Rugby International. Ie he's retiring forcefully due to a string injury
A report of The MH17 flight from Kualampur that was shot down by a Buk missile, has concluded that it was indeed the Buk that shot down the plane when it was flying over a no - fly zone in Dunesk, Ukraine.
Universal Social Charge - 13K Entry Threshold
The new rates are now 1% 3% 5.5%
Pension Payment €3pw
Christmas Bonus - 75%
Fuel Allowance 2.50 to 22.50
Free GP to Children Under 12yrs
Free PreSchool aged 3-5.5
Child Benefit increase €5 per child pm to €140...
Respite Grant fully restored to 1700
Stampy Duty Abolish replaced by a 12c charge per ATM Transaction
50c Cigs
Minimum to 9.15
Limit on the contactless Card going up to €30 from €15
9% VAT retained
600 Garda
2260 Teachers
Extr AMbulance Staff
A Cut to CGT Capital Gains Tax
Corp Tax reduced to 6.25%
Monday, 12 October 2015
Diary 12th October 2015
It was my intention to meet up with Maureen today. Now considering I wouldn't have slept or whatever. This was my plan in terms of sleep. I would stay awake and look at TV etc., after the sleep out and then head to my sis etc., Then meet up with Maureen THEN go to bed to catch up on lost sleep. However it wasn't to be, as I was physically exhausted from the Mental Health protest/march as I was falling asleep at the computer while looking at the TV after I came home from the sleep out. aka the News. hahaha. So instead I went to sleep for a few hours last night and then to my sis, as per schedule. So I cancelled Maudy yesterday and I'll be seeing her on Thurs.
So it'll be a TV Day as per norm. hahaha
Maureen popped down with some grub,, Was great to see her. heheeheh. She thought my hair was curly. I just said that my sis did it up for me last night. hahaah. Great laugh.
While looking at One Foot in the Grave and seeing Richard Wilson who plays Victor Meldrew, I looked him up to see what's he up to . heheheh. Then I found not only is he for gay rights, but that he came out as gay a few years ago back in '13. I never knew. hahaah.
My sis came down for some downloading. Then who should I see on the TV on Cheers, but none other than Senator John Kerry MA, who NOW is Foreign Secretary for the United States. I am gobsmacked.
So first I find out Richard Wilson who played Victor Meldrew came out Gay, and now Senator John KErry was a special appearance in Cheers. Wow, what a night so far. haahaahh
So it'll be a TV Day as per norm. hahaha
Maureen popped down with some grub,, Was great to see her. heheeheh. She thought my hair was curly. I just said that my sis did it up for me last night. hahaah. Great laugh.
While looking at One Foot in the Grave and seeing Richard Wilson who plays Victor Meldrew, I looked him up to see what's he up to . heheheh. Then I found not only is he for gay rights, but that he came out as gay a few years ago back in '13. I never knew. hahaah.
My sis came down for some downloading. Then who should I see on the TV on Cheers, but none other than Senator John Kerry MA, who NOW is Foreign Secretary for the United States. I am gobsmacked.
So first I find out Richard Wilson who played Victor Meldrew came out Gay, and now Senator John KErry was a special appearance in Cheers. Wow, what a night so far. haahaahh
Sunday, 11 October 2015
Diary 11th October 2015
Got up late after being exhausted from the Sleep Out.
I rang Maureen to confirm the meetup for Thurs. She told me of a dream she had of where she would be invited for a cuppa, the place all redecorated etc., Sadly not all dreams come true I said
I rang Mom to reply to her missed call or Returning her call. We chatted then when she said Good Bye, we got a great laugh. hahaahah. So in future she'll say Cheers. hahahah
I then headed onto my sis. I brought my own food and we had a feast whilst looking at Golden Girls n Everybody Loves Raymond. hehehe. I told her of a wonderful time I had at the Sleep Out last night. hahaah. When I headed to my sis, which around 8pm, it was bitterly cold. The exact same coldness as 4AM, hahaah.
Taoiseach Enda Kenny "My intention is to have the General Election in the Spring of 2016 and I see no reason to change that", has pledged that the General Election will be a Spring Election in 2016
A family of 10 has been killed in a fire. 5 Adults and 5 Children were killed in a blaze. It's thought a spark set the fire. This occurred in a travellers Site, in Carrickmines, Co. Dublin
A shootout has occurred in Co. Louth. a Garda was shot dead and another person. The Garda who was shot dead was the 88th Garda to be killed in the line of duty since the Foundation of the State. Its thought to have been a Murder suicide.
I rang Maureen to confirm the meetup for Thurs. She told me of a dream she had of where she would be invited for a cuppa, the place all redecorated etc., Sadly not all dreams come true I said
I rang Mom to reply to her missed call or Returning her call. We chatted then when she said Good Bye, we got a great laugh. hahaahah. So in future she'll say Cheers. hahahah
I then headed onto my sis. I brought my own food and we had a feast whilst looking at Golden Girls n Everybody Loves Raymond. hehehe. I told her of a wonderful time I had at the Sleep Out last night. hahaah. When I headed to my sis, which around 8pm, it was bitterly cold. The exact same coldness as 4AM, hahaah.
Taoiseach Enda Kenny "My intention is to have the General Election in the Spring of 2016 and I see no reason to change that", has pledged that the General Election will be a Spring Election in 2016
A family of 10 has been killed in a fire. 5 Adults and 5 Children were killed in a blaze. It's thought a spark set the fire. This occurred in a travellers Site, in Carrickmines, Co. Dublin
A shootout has occurred in Co. Louth. a Garda was shot dead and another person. The Garda who was shot dead was the 88th Garda to be killed in the line of duty since the Foundation of the State. Its thought to have been a Murder suicide.
Saturday, 10 October 2015
Diary 10th October 2015
So far it was an interesting and not so interesting day. hehheeh.
I got up after somewhat interesting dreams. I'm on a plane to Italy with people. I see Donald Trump at a side door tied to the door when the door breaks off, we the passengers have a mighty laugh. hahahah.
Another dream is a worry. My bike is in the way of my flatmate while he's on the way out. He hikes it elsewhere. I suddenly think its been stolen. However a person in a tree house basement living there knows about it and actually I spot it. I then exclaim "It pays to have a tree house". hahaah
So after the weird dreams I got ready. I then headed to the World Mental Health Day event organised on Facebook, well I spotted it on FB anyways. haahah. I thought it was the Bank Of Ireland, however it was Central Bank of IReland. as I always mix those two up. ahaah. So when I arrived, I was disappointed to learn it was only the youngsters that turned up. I did only look up eh Event page on Facebook and did note a few older people. yet only the youngsters turned up. However I spotted a familiar face, Ollie. I first initially saw him on my Sex Facebook page, but then transferred him over to general account. Was great to see him. heeheh. He brought along a mate of his. I felt I was back in school with the behavior of the youngsters. Afterall it's a very important awareness. I brought this up with Ollie. He made it out that the youngsters have it tough. Something like that. I was quick to point out, even 25(when I came out) and even OLDER people can have mental health issues.
So the layout was quite simple, something like ARAN's protest a few weeks ago. There was the gathering then, onto the actual March which is as follows:
Central Bank of Ireland - College Green - Westmoreland St - O'Connell St Bridge(where we stood a minutes silence) - O'Connell St - Parnell Sq - Gardens of Remembrance.
Now while I most enjoyed the march which was somber of course. Following were the chants:
Live Hope, Choose Life,
What do want
More beds
When do we want it
No Ifs, No Buts
No Mental Health Cuts
So when we arrived at the Gardens of Remembrance, we had a few speeches and a few music notes. Twas very emotional even I got emotional via my eyes where they get very watery. There was a lad about late teens who cried his heart out, likewise a girl. Remember these are very young kids who have been affected with Mental Health difficulties or who know someone with Mental Health Difficulties etc., or even suicide.
Now one thing I was most objective against was that the Cops wasn't even around to help with the traffic management. The Organiser had to do it himself and I wouldn't mind he's only about 16 or whatever. Faire play to him.
I nearly forgot to mention, hahah, I was also to get my Vegan tshirt as well from Edmund. hahaha. So on the way, I wanted to park the bike at a pole near the Stand for Ban Fur Farming where Edmund and Evelyne on a Saturday have a stand. However with the Luas works, I was forced to continue on as there was a bus on top of me, and I went back through Trinity College to get back to Edmund, So I parked the bike at Dame St Bike Stand and walked up. Evelyne explained something to me relating to cow killing for just milk. For the purpose that I don't put off my readers etc., I won't publish the details. I will however publish a link. And if you want, you can at your own discretion.
VIEWERS Discretion advised
Calves and Cows suffering for milk
Then I headed on home. heheh
Well what a night it turned out to be. hahaha. My first port of call was to call up to my monthly visit of Ailish n Noel. Twas great seeing em both. hahahah. We chatted for a bit. Tell em about my above dream relating to Donal Trump, they sure got a great laugh out of it. ahahah. I told em of my visit to Dublin Port Rally back in Sept, of which I was told that Michael n Fina were out there and thoroughly enjoyed it.
It was my intention to go direct to the event: March for Homelessness, from Ailish, however, thou that the bag I had my blankies in, was ripping, so I headed back home and then headed onto the event in question.
Then onto the highlight of the week, of which I was most looking forward to. Am talking about World Homeless Today Sleep out planned for outside the Dáil. Some slept including myself outside the Dáil. Twas a great atmosphere. I ran into Barry, twas great to see him. hehehee. When I arrived, there was a lad there or as I said to Barry a "freakshow", ie being boisterous etc., So I moved over along with the rest of them over to the steps or gates of the Dáil. So I was between sleeping or staying awake. I got myself a cuppa tea, but couldn't stay awake. So I just slept for a few hrs. heheeh. It was getting a bit nippy. But I didn't care. It was for a good cause. So then afterwards, I headed on home at 8ish. I was chatting to Barry etc., with saying what we have is no compared to the REAL homeless with the weather stigma etc., etc., Then something that caught my eye when Barry said for his own personal reasons that he was homeless from FAMILY. Not the homeless on the streets. I thought that was very poignant, as when I had no family tree ie Relatives I would have considered myself homeless but to a certain degree. On the way home, there was not a human in site, not even a vehicle. Which I found out at 8am on a Sunday morning. hahaha. Even when we were doing the Sleep Out, there was plenny of activity by means of Vehicles etc Traffic etc., and of course the ppl themselves. My poor bikey kept being knocked down thou. And I said seriously, you blind, so one of the Sleep outs people were telling me to go and keep it beside me. So I tried locking the bike at National LIbrary gates, however it wouldn't lock, and even that I nearly lost the lock as it nearly fell inside the gate, hahaha, so I was very close. So I just put the lock on the back wheel. haahah.
I got up after somewhat interesting dreams. I'm on a plane to Italy with people. I see Donald Trump at a side door tied to the door when the door breaks off, we the passengers have a mighty laugh. hahahah.
Another dream is a worry. My bike is in the way of my flatmate while he's on the way out. He hikes it elsewhere. I suddenly think its been stolen. However a person in a tree house basement living there knows about it and actually I spot it. I then exclaim "It pays to have a tree house". hahaah
So after the weird dreams I got ready. I then headed to the World Mental Health Day event organised on Facebook, well I spotted it on FB anyways. haahah. I thought it was the Bank Of Ireland, however it was Central Bank of IReland. as I always mix those two up. ahaah. So when I arrived, I was disappointed to learn it was only the youngsters that turned up. I did only look up eh Event page on Facebook and did note a few older people. yet only the youngsters turned up. However I spotted a familiar face, Ollie. I first initially saw him on my Sex Facebook page, but then transferred him over to general account. Was great to see him. heeheh. He brought along a mate of his. I felt I was back in school with the behavior of the youngsters. Afterall it's a very important awareness. I brought this up with Ollie. He made it out that the youngsters have it tough. Something like that. I was quick to point out, even 25(when I came out) and even OLDER people can have mental health issues.
So the layout was quite simple, something like ARAN's protest a few weeks ago. There was the gathering then, onto the actual March which is as follows:
Central Bank of Ireland - College Green - Westmoreland St - O'Connell St Bridge(where we stood a minutes silence) - O'Connell St - Parnell Sq - Gardens of Remembrance.
Now while I most enjoyed the march which was somber of course. Following were the chants:
Live Hope, Choose Life,
What do want
More beds
When do we want it
No Ifs, No Buts
No Mental Health Cuts
So when we arrived at the Gardens of Remembrance, we had a few speeches and a few music notes. Twas very emotional even I got emotional via my eyes where they get very watery. There was a lad about late teens who cried his heart out, likewise a girl. Remember these are very young kids who have been affected with Mental Health difficulties or who know someone with Mental Health Difficulties etc., or even suicide.
Now one thing I was most objective against was that the Cops wasn't even around to help with the traffic management. The Organiser had to do it himself and I wouldn't mind he's only about 16 or whatever. Faire play to him.
I nearly forgot to mention, hahah, I was also to get my Vegan tshirt as well from Edmund. hahaha. So on the way, I wanted to park the bike at a pole near the Stand for Ban Fur Farming where Edmund and Evelyne on a Saturday have a stand. However with the Luas works, I was forced to continue on as there was a bus on top of me, and I went back through Trinity College to get back to Edmund, So I parked the bike at Dame St Bike Stand and walked up. Evelyne explained something to me relating to cow killing for just milk. For the purpose that I don't put off my readers etc., I won't publish the details. I will however publish a link. And if you want, you can at your own discretion.
VIEWERS Discretion advised
Calves and Cows suffering for milk
Then I headed on home. heheh
Well what a night it turned out to be. hahaha. My first port of call was to call up to my monthly visit of Ailish n Noel. Twas great seeing em both. hahahah. We chatted for a bit. Tell em about my above dream relating to Donal Trump, they sure got a great laugh out of it. ahahah. I told em of my visit to Dublin Port Rally back in Sept, of which I was told that Michael n Fina were out there and thoroughly enjoyed it.
It was my intention to go direct to the event: March for Homelessness, from Ailish, however, thou that the bag I had my blankies in, was ripping, so I headed back home and then headed onto the event in question.
Then onto the highlight of the week, of which I was most looking forward to. Am talking about World Homeless Today Sleep out planned for outside the Dáil. Some slept including myself outside the Dáil. Twas a great atmosphere. I ran into Barry, twas great to see him. hehehee. When I arrived, there was a lad there or as I said to Barry a "freakshow", ie being boisterous etc., So I moved over along with the rest of them over to the steps or gates of the Dáil. So I was between sleeping or staying awake. I got myself a cuppa tea, but couldn't stay awake. So I just slept for a few hrs. heheeh. It was getting a bit nippy. But I didn't care. It was for a good cause. So then afterwards, I headed on home at 8ish. I was chatting to Barry etc., with saying what we have is no compared to the REAL homeless with the weather stigma etc., etc., Then something that caught my eye when Barry said for his own personal reasons that he was homeless from FAMILY. Not the homeless on the streets. I thought that was very poignant, as when I had no family tree ie Relatives I would have considered myself homeless but to a certain degree. On the way home, there was not a human in site, not even a vehicle. Which I found out at 8am on a Sunday morning. hahaha. Even when we were doing the Sleep Out, there was plenny of activity by means of Vehicles etc Traffic etc., and of course the ppl themselves. My poor bikey kept being knocked down thou. And I said seriously, you blind, so one of the Sleep outs people were telling me to go and keep it beside me. So I tried locking the bike at National LIbrary gates, however it wouldn't lock, and even that I nearly lost the lock as it nearly fell inside the gate, hahaha, so I was very close. So I just put the lock on the back wheel. haahah.
Friday, 9 October 2015
Diary 9th October 2015
Today I got up with a view of doing a few errands. hehehe.
Following is what my intention to do today.
An Post
I then set about doing the above errands. Firstly was to withdraw €30 for tomorrow to buy the Vegan TShirt. I need €20 for the TShirt and the €10 for the food etc.,
So then onwards to Lidl for to get Oil mainly, however the 5L isn't available anymore. So I got the next best thing the 2L. hehehe. I also discovered that the Bolognese ie Tomato Sauce is actually Vegan. So I was so happy. The tomato Sauce I bought in SmallChange is very bland. Just adding water wouldn't even help. hahaha. So I said why not.
Then I headed to Meteor, that I ask if I'm able to get an Upgrade. Imagine only after a few months. hahaah. When I arrived, there was a quiet, not too bad. So I joined. While waiting there was a foreign possibly Pakistan or somewhere in the Oriental Continent, THere was a lad being served, I over heard him saying yeah I "can register online", something like that. Now the sales assistant did not hear him or not understand him, I not sure. There were several thoughts, going through me mind. I was getting frustrated to the point that I would exit out in frustration fearing that he wouldn't understand me. BUt as it happens, it wasn't too bad to a certain respects. He kept asking the lad beside him, for assistant. So perhaps it could have been his first day. You'd never know. When I was next, he asked for my Name and number and other ID specs such as my Address n DOB. He was very soft spoken. So when the other sales person saw I was getting impatient, he told me I'd have to wait til next 19th Oct ie 10 days. So I quickly asked if they sell Windows Phones. So they told me where to go. So I then looked at one of the phones and thought, it might be time for me to change over to Windows OS. I'll have to make up my mind in the meantime cause I am fed up waiting for Android Updates ie Software Updates. Like Google announces a beautiful OS everytime, I look forward but instead I am tearing my hair out waiting and waiting. Like I think we get it about a year or so after the announcement. Apple get their updates almost immediately. Now I can obviously understand with the different Manufacturers, and their crapware aka known as etc., but a YEAR???. I'm not sure exactly thou how long Windows Phone users' Updates takes to get to their phones. I'm sure it ain't as long as a year thou. We can only leave in hope. hahha
So anyways after that, I then headed to the folks to mainly to hand over the letter from the Citizenship I received the other day and the shopping bag, I got from the groceries that my folks got me. heeheh.
WHile looking at the news there was an advert for a documentary of Rugbys guys in a wheelchair, whereby they try and put their shoes in the shoes of a Wheelchair user. Donnacha O' Callaghan, was one such user and while trying to get up a kerb or something, his wheelchair went back ALMOST hitting his head off the concrete. Well the shock I got, my heart says I.
AAA and People Before Profit have done a merger.
Facebook have introduced on a trial basis a REactor button whereby Users' instead of jst clicking LIke, users' will now be able to React with Like, Love, Yahhh, etc.,etc., Ireland and Spain are the first countrys to get such a feature. Facebook CEO introduced this feature last month or previsou month.
Following is what my intention to do today.
An Post
I then set about doing the above errands. Firstly was to withdraw €30 for tomorrow to buy the Vegan TShirt. I need €20 for the TShirt and the €10 for the food etc.,
So then onwards to Lidl for to get Oil mainly, however the 5L isn't available anymore. So I got the next best thing the 2L. hehehe. I also discovered that the Bolognese ie Tomato Sauce is actually Vegan. So I was so happy. The tomato Sauce I bought in SmallChange is very bland. Just adding water wouldn't even help. hahaha. So I said why not.
Then I headed to Meteor, that I ask if I'm able to get an Upgrade. Imagine only after a few months. hahaah. When I arrived, there was a quiet, not too bad. So I joined. While waiting there was a foreign possibly Pakistan or somewhere in the Oriental Continent, THere was a lad being served, I over heard him saying yeah I "can register online", something like that. Now the sales assistant did not hear him or not understand him, I not sure. There were several thoughts, going through me mind. I was getting frustrated to the point that I would exit out in frustration fearing that he wouldn't understand me. BUt as it happens, it wasn't too bad to a certain respects. He kept asking the lad beside him, for assistant. So perhaps it could have been his first day. You'd never know. When I was next, he asked for my Name and number and other ID specs such as my Address n DOB. He was very soft spoken. So when the other sales person saw I was getting impatient, he told me I'd have to wait til next 19th Oct ie 10 days. So I quickly asked if they sell Windows Phones. So they told me where to go. So I then looked at one of the phones and thought, it might be time for me to change over to Windows OS. I'll have to make up my mind in the meantime cause I am fed up waiting for Android Updates ie Software Updates. Like Google announces a beautiful OS everytime, I look forward but instead I am tearing my hair out waiting and waiting. Like I think we get it about a year or so after the announcement. Apple get their updates almost immediately. Now I can obviously understand with the different Manufacturers, and their crapware aka known as etc., but a YEAR???. I'm not sure exactly thou how long Windows Phone users' Updates takes to get to their phones. I'm sure it ain't as long as a year thou. We can only leave in hope. hahha
So anyways after that, I then headed to the folks to mainly to hand over the letter from the Citizenship I received the other day and the shopping bag, I got from the groceries that my folks got me. heeheh.
WHile looking at the news there was an advert for a documentary of Rugbys guys in a wheelchair, whereby they try and put their shoes in the shoes of a Wheelchair user. Donnacha O' Callaghan, was one such user and while trying to get up a kerb or something, his wheelchair went back ALMOST hitting his head off the concrete. Well the shock I got, my heart says I.
AAA and People Before Profit have done a merger.
Facebook have introduced on a trial basis a REactor button whereby Users' instead of jst clicking LIke, users' will now be able to React with Like, Love, Yahhh, etc.,etc., Ireland and Spain are the first countrys to get such a feature. Facebook CEO introduced this feature last month or previsou month.
Thursday, 8 October 2015
Diary 8th October 2015
How interesting dreams, I've been getting alrite. Like one interesting one I had if I can recall the exact details. I see someone on a murdering spree or someone close of mine has been murdered. Then I realsie then that someone I knew did the exact same thing. Basically what I think is going on my future telling. I fore see something, and remarkably its right in my face.
I was looking at TV the whole day. heeeheh while watching my Browser ie CHrome crash continuously about 3 or 4 times.
I had a quick thought of whereby my Aunt(Nun) comes down to my place and falls into the flood, of which I quickly save her. And then a headline appears outta my mind: "Gay man saves Nun/Sister" which is then overshadowed the fact that I know her personally ie she being my Aunt.

I was looking at TV the whole day. heeeheh while watching my Browser ie CHrome crash continuously about 3 or 4 times.
I had a quick thought of whereby my Aunt(Nun) comes down to my place and falls into the flood, of which I quickly save her. And then a headline appears outta my mind: "Gay man saves Nun/Sister" which is then overshadowed the fact that I know her personally ie she being my Aunt.
Wednesday, 7 October 2015
Diary 7th October 2015
I rang Meteor, to find out if I were to be entitled to a free Upgrade. I got a text from them a few months ago saign that I might be. hehehe. I then was told that I am. So am so happy, that I'll be getting a new baby for Christmas for FREE. yipeeeeee
Just before heading to bed and doing my NSFW Video, I went to check the post, I received a letter from the Citizenship Section. I repeated to myself several times, that "it was too quick" a reply worryingly. So then I read the long letter. Bottomline, I have to wait 6 months for the Decision of the Minister of Justice And Equality. I'm kinda pissed off, but at the same time somewhat relieved that the decision making is to commence. So here's pray it will work out out. I had hoped that I would have the Naturalisation by February at the latest but it don't look like it. However as they say Never Say Never. God is Good. I had hoped that I could cast my vote in the General Election 2016. Lets hope and pray. ITs in God's hands now. Over to him. Remember God Is Love.
Just before heading to bed and doing my NSFW Video, I went to check the post, I received a letter from the Citizenship Section. I repeated to myself several times, that "it was too quick" a reply worryingly. So then I read the long letter. Bottomline, I have to wait 6 months for the Decision of the Minister of Justice And Equality. I'm kinda pissed off, but at the same time somewhat relieved that the decision making is to commence. So here's pray it will work out out. I had hoped that I would have the Naturalisation by February at the latest but it don't look like it. However as they say Never Say Never. God is Good. I had hoped that I could cast my vote in the General Election 2016. Lets hope and pray. ITs in God's hands now. Over to him. Remember God Is Love.
Tuesday, 6 October 2015
Diary 6th October 2015
I got up showered and all. I then headed out after Will & Grace to go and do my norm errands. hahaahah.
My first was to get my dosh. Then into AIB to lodge it. Then onwards to the next errand which instead of bringing the bike, I decided to walk to SmallChanges. Got my weekly groceries, I then realsied that I left my tea behind. hahaah. I needed it badly. I then realsied that I mightened have enough for the laundry. So I counted out my cash of about 14.50. So I was cool. I had minimum €15. Then afterwards I walked back to the Clean Freaks where my laundry is. There is a new person there. She made out my bill was 32. Of which I was shocked. hahaah. She knew she made a mistake. She read the wrong number. That said, I went with my laundry back to my gaf. hahaha.
I then headed to my sis for our bi weekly visit. As always pleasantries with comedy etc., with Golden Girls, which got me thinking did Blanche's Paps cheat on the mother etc., etc., Will & Grace and King of Queens too. I was there the whole time matching my personality with the characters. hahaha. I'd be Will in Will & Grace, Dorothy in Golden Girls.
My first was to get my dosh. Then into AIB to lodge it. Then onwards to the next errand which instead of bringing the bike, I decided to walk to SmallChanges. Got my weekly groceries, I then realsied that I left my tea behind. hahaah. I needed it badly. I then realsied that I mightened have enough for the laundry. So I counted out my cash of about 14.50. So I was cool. I had minimum €15. Then afterwards I walked back to the Clean Freaks where my laundry is. There is a new person there. She made out my bill was 32. Of which I was shocked. hahaah. She knew she made a mistake. She read the wrong number. That said, I went with my laundry back to my gaf. hahaha.
I then headed to my sis for our bi weekly visit. As always pleasantries with comedy etc., with Golden Girls, which got me thinking did Blanche's Paps cheat on the mother etc., etc., Will & Grace and King of Queens too. I was there the whole time matching my personality with the characters. hahaha. I'd be Will in Will & Grace, Dorothy in Golden Girls.
Monday, 5 October 2015
Brian Boru Bar & Restaurant, Cashel, Co. Tipperary
My Dad and I headed down there for business purposes. The area is very well cleaned and laid out. No complaints about it. Staff was very nice and friendly, which I appreciated it. heheheh. Now while the menu was all but Vegetarianism, I asked she accommodated quite well.
I had the Tomato and BASil Soup and The Toasted Wrap.
The soup was exquisite. It was of creamy consistency served with two types of bread, brown and white bread. So lovely it was. heeheh. The bowl was a square kinda shape.
Then along came the next door of the Toasted Wrap. This came with a heap of salad, wedges in a tin can and the wraps in question. In the wraps itself, there was further salad.
I had the Tomato and BASil Soup and The Toasted Wrap.
The soup was exquisite. It was of creamy consistency served with two types of bread, brown and white bread. So lovely it was. heeheh. The bowl was a square kinda shape.
Then along came the next door of the Toasted Wrap. This came with a heap of salad, wedges in a tin can and the wraps in question. In the wraps itself, there was further salad.
Tomato and Basil Soup
The Toasted Wrap
Diary 5th October 2015
Today was an abnormal day. Normally I stay up as part of my ritual. hahaah. However Dad was a bit anxious in getting the letter sent down to Tipperary. So as reported, I headed to bed instead and got up for 10am. I got ready and headed to diarrhea. Then we both set sail. heheheh. We headed on down to Rosanna Road, Tipperary Town, Co. Tipperary. We were looking for the place and good old Android came to our aid. So we dropped in the letter.
So then on the way back, we went to Brian Boru Bar & Restaurant(Review here). When we reached Tipperary Town, I was so shocked to see the derelictisim of the town ie Rural Ireland. It was as if we were in Northern Ireland where I passed when I was young going to Burtonport, Co. Donegal to go to Arranmore Island and the state of it aka the British Govt are not funding it.So then on the way back I was chattign with him while he was driving. From Politics as in why FG etc., keep repeating "Brought this country to its knees", Dad makes out that its an Election thing in that hoping that the Fianna Fáil followers will leave and vote for Fine Gael etc., etc., I then asked him what are his thoughts on the Northern Ireland Troubles relating to Northern Ireland and the British Govt etc., He said if Cameron wanted to get rid of it, he would do it in a shot, however the Loyalists and the Unionists are beholding to their King William etc., On the way home, I was seeing the following signs:
22.5 etc.,
Now Dad was telling me that it stands for the following:
M7 - Motorway name
N - Direction heading ie North
22.5 etc., this number kept decreasing, he wasn't sure what it meant. It could be the amt left of the current road name, I ain't sure. Then on the way home in the car, the radio was on. There was a segment that caught my eye, in that it was erotic stories. There was a woman voicing it. And when she said the following: "I ripped the tracksuit bottoms off", I began to get aroused. hahaaha.
Contact Me
So then on the way back, we went to Brian Boru Bar & Restaurant(Review here). When we reached Tipperary Town, I was so shocked to see the derelictisim of the town ie Rural Ireland. It was as if we were in Northern Ireland where I passed when I was young going to Burtonport, Co. Donegal to go to Arranmore Island and the state of it aka the British Govt are not funding it.So then on the way back I was chattign with him while he was driving. From Politics as in why FG etc., keep repeating "Brought this country to its knees", Dad makes out that its an Election thing in that hoping that the Fianna Fáil followers will leave and vote for Fine Gael etc., etc., I then asked him what are his thoughts on the Northern Ireland Troubles relating to Northern Ireland and the British Govt etc., He said if Cameron wanted to get rid of it, he would do it in a shot, however the Loyalists and the Unionists are beholding to their King William etc., On the way home, I was seeing the following signs:
22.5 etc.,
Now Dad was telling me that it stands for the following:
M7 - Motorway name
N - Direction heading ie North
22.5 etc., this number kept decreasing, he wasn't sure what it meant. It could be the amt left of the current road name, I ain't sure. Then on the way home in the car, the radio was on. There was a segment that caught my eye, in that it was erotic stories. There was a woman voicing it. And when she said the following: "I ripped the tracksuit bottoms off", I began to get aroused. hahaaha.
Contact Me
Sunday, 4 October 2015
Diary 4th October 2015
Today was fairly a quiet day. hahahha. I was awoken by my sis. She was due to come down for to download. We had a nice night. And pleasant. Whilst having a great night, I got a voicemail from Dad saying that he wanted me to type up a letter he had typed up. How this came about was that he was getting anxious with the current An Post strike. We had sent the Registered Letter on Wed, then the next day we hear there's a strike. So what's happening now, is that I shall be heading off with Dad down to Tipperary to deliver the letters to the Citizenship section. The whole day, I have been having diarrhea, I was thinking to meself my name should be Georgian Diarrhea Stanescu. It's all that ever happens to me. hahaah
Saturday, 3 October 2015
Diary 3rd October 2015
What an interesting so far it turned out to be.
As some of you may know, I love when I plan a day ahead. However with today it was very indecisive. Alot of decisions was to be made etc., It was originally planned that I go to Westwood. However I realsied that I actually lost my Key for Westwood, so meaning that I will have to pay for a new one. Which I can't afford for this week, perhaps on Tues I'll see.
So the day started off with me getting up earlier than norm hahaah. I was to meet Vegan Ireland for to get a TShirt for Vegan TShirt Day, however it wasn't to be. But that didn't dampen my spirits. So I headed on down to Vegan Information Day and VEGO(Vegan Education on the Go). Then I went back to the Vegan Ireland table so that I could go and get a cuppa in Cornucopia. EVelyn, Edmund himself, Aga and can't remember the other person's name. hahaha. I was finally able to put a face to Edmund that's all over my FB and I only realised that Evelyn was the Evelyn Ge, is the same that my FB too. So yeahhhhh.
On the way home, I wanted to get a Beanie with the little fluffy ball atop, but as Pennys was closed, I'll wait til next week. ehhehe.
I had rang NOel to see if I were able to go up to Ailish n Noel tonight, however it wasn't to be, so I then decided as there's nothing much on in Cineworld to go up to visit Mom n Dad, which I hadn't done in a while. I first was looking at Father Ted., then headed on up. I was uploading pictures of my +Puppys Stanescu to my sites. hahaah. Mom was looking at em. Awwwww. While looking at TV with both Mom n Dad there was a piece whereby a woman was raped. She was featured on RTE News a few months. While the woman was being interviewed, I was most disheartened to learn of the views of the folks. They's under the illusion that as the lady had NO Alcohol nor NO Sleeping tablets, that she was just sleeping that the guy didn't rape her. Well when I got home instead of the diarrhea that I usually get from stress, I received with stiffness in my legs. Although I did the diarrhea, from the burgers I got from Mom earlier today.
Contact Me
The Labour Party is to confirm that Maria Cahill is to stand for the Labour Party in the upcoming Seanad By-Election. This will occur on Wednesday. Maria Cahill came to prominence, when she alleged that a member of the IRA had raped her, something like that.
As some of you may know, I love when I plan a day ahead. However with today it was very indecisive. Alot of decisions was to be made etc., It was originally planned that I go to Westwood. However I realsied that I actually lost my Key for Westwood, so meaning that I will have to pay for a new one. Which I can't afford for this week, perhaps on Tues I'll see.
So the day started off with me getting up earlier than norm hahaah. I was to meet Vegan Ireland for to get a TShirt for Vegan TShirt Day, however it wasn't to be. But that didn't dampen my spirits. So I headed on down to Vegan Information Day and VEGO(Vegan Education on the Go). Then I went back to the Vegan Ireland table so that I could go and get a cuppa in Cornucopia. EVelyn, Edmund himself, Aga and can't remember the other person's name. hahaha. I was finally able to put a face to Edmund that's all over my FB and I only realised that Evelyn was the Evelyn Ge, is the same that my FB too. So yeahhhhh.
On the way home, I wanted to get a Beanie with the little fluffy ball atop, but as Pennys was closed, I'll wait til next week. ehhehe.
I had rang NOel to see if I were able to go up to Ailish n Noel tonight, however it wasn't to be, so I then decided as there's nothing much on in Cineworld to go up to visit Mom n Dad, which I hadn't done in a while. I first was looking at Father Ted., then headed on up. I was uploading pictures of my +Puppys Stanescu to my sites. hahaah. Mom was looking at em. Awwwww. While looking at TV with both Mom n Dad there was a piece whereby a woman was raped. She was featured on RTE News a few months. While the woman was being interviewed, I was most disheartened to learn of the views of the folks. They's under the illusion that as the lady had NO Alcohol nor NO Sleeping tablets, that she was just sleeping that the guy didn't rape her. Well when I got home instead of the diarrhea that I usually get from stress, I received with stiffness in my legs. Although I did the diarrhea, from the burgers I got from Mom earlier today.
Contact Me
The Labour Party is to confirm that Maria Cahill is to stand for the Labour Party in the upcoming Seanad By-Election. This will occur on Wednesday. Maria Cahill came to prominence, when she alleged that a member of the IRA had raped her, something like that.
Friday, 2 October 2015
Diary 2nd October 2015
Before I went to bed, I encountered a lovely post from a friend on FB whereby travelling on a train for to see America from East to West from Coast to Coast.
Airtricity guy comes and says do you know what Unit PRice am being charged. He cheekily says as you can I'm from Airtricity. I said first I can't see what company you're from and 2ndly I've no interest in changing. Then he headed off as in being insulted or whatever.
I then got ready to head off to see The Maze Runner: Scorch Trials(Review here). I headed off to the Outhouse to pop my head in as one would say. hehehe. Gerry himself was there. O' Farrell joined us. He was upstairs with Men's Night. I then headed off to the film.
9 People shot dead. 7 injured. 2 critical ill in hospital. They were asked if they were Christian, and if yes, they would see God in one sec. The gunman has been shot dead by police. He had spoken support of the IRA. He was a British then moved to US as a baby. They occurred in ROseburg, Umpqua College, Oregon, USA. PResident Obama has called for tighter gunlaws. He has spoken of "Routine", as in its the same same Columbia, Tucson, Aurora, Charlestonw, Newtown.
Brian Friel a Playwright, has died of natural causes at the age of 86. He wrote the infamous Dancing of Lughnasa and Philadelphia Here I Come. I'm almost sure as well he wrote a book relating to the IRA. I could be wrong. But am almost sure. He died in Greencastle, Co. Donegal.
I then got ready to head off to see The Maze Runner: Scorch Trials(Review here). I headed off to the Outhouse to pop my head in as one would say. hehehe. Gerry himself was there. O' Farrell joined us. He was upstairs with Men's Night. I then headed off to the film.
9 People shot dead. 7 injured. 2 critical ill in hospital. They were asked if they were Christian, and if yes, they would see God in one sec. The gunman has been shot dead by police. He had spoken support of the IRA. He was a British then moved to US as a baby. They occurred in ROseburg, Umpqua College, Oregon, USA. PResident Obama has called for tighter gunlaws. He has spoken of "Routine", as in its the same same Columbia, Tucson, Aurora, Charlestonw, Newtown.
Brian Friel a Playwright, has died of natural causes at the age of 86. He wrote the infamous Dancing of Lughnasa and Philadelphia Here I Come. I'm almost sure as well he wrote a book relating to the IRA. I could be wrong. But am almost sure. He died in Greencastle, Co. Donegal.
Thursday, 1 October 2015
Diary 1st October 2015
Quite an interesting day so far. I got up at half 11, after a lovely night of sleep with my Blankies. awwwww. I was collected by Mom n Dad and my sis for to go out for a meal. I can't honestly remember when I last went out. hahhaaha. I think it was for Father's Day we all went out. Not sure. hahahaha. We went out to TGI Fridays, which I have previously reviewed. hehehe. Dad and I went to PC World to get ink cartridges and paper. How well the salesperson remembered us from December. Twas unreal. hahahaa. He asked me how is Lappy. I said it was alrite. Although there are sounds or something's not right. But didn't wanna say it in front of Dad thou; considering. So both of us went onto Homestore and More.
We all then went back home and had a nice cuppa. Like the good auld days. hehehehe. Then both Dad n I finished off the Citizenship stuff ie the letter we were waiting finally arrived. So on the way leaving my sis home, we headed to the Post Office to get the Letter registered and send it off to Tipperary. Oh boi. hahahah
Then afterwards, I came back, showered and got ready to get a new member of the +Inflatables Stanescu family. Oh boi. They are going to be hopping mad. hahha when they see Franky the new +Inflatables Stanescu hehehe.
I first got rid of rubbish from the kitchen. At the same time, I was recording the Scannal episode of the HOrsemeat saga or scandal hence the name of the program in Irish. Scannal is Irish for Scandal. I have to re-record the program for a 3rd time now. I must have hit it off the PVT. NOt sure, as it came back invalid.
I then headed off to Aldi, Lidl, Tescos and Outhouse. I arrived at Aldi to go and get Franky an +Inflatables Stanescu and Halloween lights. However the lights weren't there. So I then headed to Lidl to go and get my 5x OJs and Bread.Then onto Tescos to get Butter. There I experienced issues with my coins. Twas the same woman who helped me the last time in which the machine wouldn't accept my notes or something. I headed to Pennys as I had seen int eh Shop window a very cute Scarfy. Awww. So while there, I also encountered another scarf thinking it was someone's in relaisty. THere was no Label or even hanger. So I was getting a bit anxious. HOwever when Declan who was actually serving me in Pennys. heheheh. He found a code, So I was delighted that he was able to sell it to me. I then decided to see if Eurogiant was selling +Inflatables Stanescu for Halloween. As it happens they were for €50. Bit steep. So I might leave it. I'll see. I then headed off to the Outhouse. On the way, thou I was on the phone to my mate O' Farrell. He explained of his grogginess. I asked him what sleeping tablets is he on and the fact he didn't know, I said he should sue St. James for such behavior. hahaha. So more than likely he didn't want to tell me. He wanted to come over to my place for a few nights. However my +Inflatables Stanescu are my life and my roommates. heheheeh. So when O' Farrell made a comment "But I see you're buying an inflatable from your FB", when I said to him about my place Inhabitant. I asked what's the connection. He failed to answer. So I told him to go and work with St. James Hosp in looking for accommodation. Until then there's nothing I can do. So then I headed onto Outhouse where I came across Bernard. Wonderful to see him as ever. Sad to hear thou that Searson was jeered at Homophobically with his mates. I understand his mates were attacked physically I think. Bernard mentioned the term "My librarian", I thought he meant his boyfriend or whatever. So he went to say that I think "psychoanalytical". heheheh.
So then I came back home to relax with the News. haahah. Shortly after getting up, I got a text from Meteor saying that I may be able to be upgrade my handset to HTC's M8. I'd have to think abotu it, as when I was with my ex, I got a FREE HTC phone from O2, and I just literally hated it to the core and swore that I would never buy let alone get a new HTC phone ever. The offer is unlimited calls and texts and 2GB Internet. THe INterent is quite low thou. So from 15GB DOWN to 2GB.hmmmm
Following is a quote that came from a viewer on IrelandAM. I think its so perfect. heeheh
"We've been married 50yrs next January. I was 28. Mr. D was 21. We still love each other and is happy now as we were then. Saying I Do is the easy part. And you have the kids. We had 4 of them, Sickness,, Money worries etc., They all take its toll. My advice is to have respect for your partner. Never treat him/her in a way that you wouldn't like to be treated yourself, Never go to sleep on a row, Make time for yourself and give each other plenty of hugs and kisses"
We all then went back home and had a nice cuppa. Like the good auld days. hehehehe. Then both Dad n I finished off the Citizenship stuff ie the letter we were waiting finally arrived. So on the way leaving my sis home, we headed to the Post Office to get the Letter registered and send it off to Tipperary. Oh boi. hahahah
Then afterwards, I came back, showered and got ready to get a new member of the +Inflatables Stanescu family. Oh boi. They are going to be hopping mad. hahha when they see Franky the new +Inflatables Stanescu hehehe.
I first got rid of rubbish from the kitchen. At the same time, I was recording the Scannal episode of the HOrsemeat saga or scandal hence the name of the program in Irish. Scannal is Irish for Scandal. I have to re-record the program for a 3rd time now. I must have hit it off the PVT. NOt sure, as it came back invalid.
I then headed off to Aldi, Lidl, Tescos and Outhouse. I arrived at Aldi to go and get Franky an +Inflatables Stanescu and Halloween lights. However the lights weren't there. So I then headed to Lidl to go and get my 5x OJs and Bread.Then onto Tescos to get Butter. There I experienced issues with my coins. Twas the same woman who helped me the last time in which the machine wouldn't accept my notes or something. I headed to Pennys as I had seen int eh Shop window a very cute Scarfy. Awww. So while there, I also encountered another scarf thinking it was someone's in relaisty. THere was no Label or even hanger. So I was getting a bit anxious. HOwever when Declan who was actually serving me in Pennys. heheheh. He found a code, So I was delighted that he was able to sell it to me. I then decided to see if Eurogiant was selling +Inflatables Stanescu for Halloween. As it happens they were for €50. Bit steep. So I might leave it. I'll see. I then headed off to the Outhouse. On the way, thou I was on the phone to my mate O' Farrell. He explained of his grogginess. I asked him what sleeping tablets is he on and the fact he didn't know, I said he should sue St. James for such behavior. hahaha. So more than likely he didn't want to tell me. He wanted to come over to my place for a few nights. However my +Inflatables Stanescu are my life and my roommates. heheheeh. So when O' Farrell made a comment "But I see you're buying an inflatable from your FB", when I said to him about my place Inhabitant. I asked what's the connection. He failed to answer. So I told him to go and work with St. James Hosp in looking for accommodation. Until then there's nothing I can do. So then I headed onto Outhouse where I came across Bernard. Wonderful to see him as ever. Sad to hear thou that Searson was jeered at Homophobically with his mates. I understand his mates were attacked physically I think. Bernard mentioned the term "My librarian", I thought he meant his boyfriend or whatever. So he went to say that I think "psychoanalytical". heheheh.
So then I came back home to relax with the News. haahah. Shortly after getting up, I got a text from Meteor saying that I may be able to be upgrade my handset to HTC's M8. I'd have to think abotu it, as when I was with my ex, I got a FREE HTC phone from O2, and I just literally hated it to the core and swore that I would never buy let alone get a new HTC phone ever. The offer is unlimited calls and texts and 2GB Internet. THe INterent is quite low thou. So from 15GB DOWN to 2GB.hmmmm
Following is a quote that came from a viewer on IrelandAM. I think its so perfect. heeheh
"We've been married 50yrs next January. I was 28. Mr. D was 21. We still love each other and is happy now as we were then. Saying I Do is the easy part. And you have the kids. We had 4 of them, Sickness,, Money worries etc., They all take its toll. My advice is to have respect for your partner. Never treat him/her in a way that you wouldn't like to be treated yourself, Never go to sleep on a row, Make time for yourself and give each other plenty of hugs and kisses"
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