Thursday, 1 October 2015

Diary 1st October 2015

Quite an interesting day so far. I got up at half 11, after a lovely night of sleep with my Blankies. awwwww. I was collected by Mom n Dad and my sis for to go out for a meal. I can't honestly remember when I last went out. hahhaaha. I think it was for Father's Day we all went out. Not sure. hahahaha. We went out to TGI Fridays, which I have previously reviewed. hehehe. Dad and I went to PC World to get ink cartridges and paper. How well the salesperson remembered us from December. Twas unreal. hahahaa. He asked me how is Lappy. I said it was alrite. Although there are sounds or something's not right. But didn't wanna say it in front of Dad thou; considering. So both of us went onto Homestore and More.

We all then went back home and had a nice cuppa. Like the good auld days. hehehehe. Then both Dad n I finished off the Citizenship stuff ie the letter we were waiting finally arrived. So on the way leaving my sis home, we headed to the Post Office to get the Letter registered and send it off to Tipperary. Oh boi. hahahah

Then afterwards, I came back, showered and got ready to get a new member of the +Inflatables Stanescu family. Oh boi. They are going to be hopping mad. hahha when they see Franky the new +Inflatables Stanescu hehehe.

I first got rid of rubbish from the kitchen. At the same time, I was recording the Scannal episode of the HOrsemeat saga or scandal hence the name of the program in Irish. Scannal is Irish for Scandal. I have to re-record the program for a 3rd time now. I must have hit it off the PVT. NOt sure, as it came back invalid.

I then headed off to Aldi, Lidl, Tescos and Outhouse. I arrived at Aldi to go and get Franky an +Inflatables Stanescu and Halloween lights. However the lights weren't there. So I then headed to Lidl to go and get my 5x OJs and Bread.Then onto Tescos to get Butter. There I experienced issues with my coins. Twas the same woman who helped me the last time in which the machine wouldn't accept my notes or something. I headed to Pennys as I had seen int eh Shop window a very cute Scarfy. Awww. So while there, I also encountered another scarf thinking it was someone's in relaisty. THere was no Label or even hanger. So I was getting a bit anxious. HOwever when Declan who was actually serving me in Pennys. heheheh. He found a code, So I was delighted that he was able to sell it to me. I then decided to see if Eurogiant was selling +Inflatables Stanescu for Halloween. As it happens they were for €50. Bit steep. So I might leave it. I'll see. I then headed off to the Outhouse. On the way, thou I was on the phone to my mate O' Farrell. He explained of his grogginess. I asked him what sleeping tablets is he on and the fact he didn't know, I said he should sue St. James for such behavior. hahaha. So more than likely he didn't want to tell me. He wanted to come over to my place for a few nights. However my +Inflatables Stanescu are my life and my roommates. heheheeh. So when O' Farrell made a comment "But I see you're buying an inflatable from your FB", when I said to him about my place Inhabitant. I asked what's the connection. He failed to answer. So I told him to go and work with St. James Hosp in looking for accommodation. Until then there's nothing I can do. So then I headed onto Outhouse where I came across Bernard. Wonderful to see him as ever. Sad to hear thou that Searson was jeered at Homophobically with his mates. I understand his mates were attacked physically I think. Bernard mentioned the term "My librarian", I thought he meant his boyfriend or whatever. So he went to say that I think "psychoanalytical". heheheh.

So then I came back home to relax with the News. haahah. Shortly after getting up, I got a text from Meteor saying that I may be able to be upgrade my handset to HTC's M8. I'd have to think abotu it, as when I was with my ex, I got a FREE HTC phone from O2, and I just literally hated it to the core and swore that I would never buy let alone get a new HTC phone ever. The offer is unlimited calls and texts and 2GB Internet. THe INterent is quite low thou. So from 15GB DOWN to 2GB.hmmmm

Following is a quote that came from a viewer on IrelandAM. I think its so perfect. heeheh
"We've been married 50yrs next January. I was 28. Mr. D was 21. We still love each other and is happy now as we were then. Saying I Do is the easy part. And you have the kids. We had 4 of them, Sickness,, Money worries etc., They all take its toll. My advice is to have respect for your partner. Never treat him/her in a way that you wouldn't like to be treated yourself, Never go to sleep on a row, Make time for yourself and give each other plenty of hugs and kisses"

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