Thursday, 31 December 2015
Diary 31st December 2015 - New Year's Eve
Today was alrite.
So that said, I didn't go near social welfare in Kings Inn St., I was due to go on Wed 30th aka yesterday. So then I was between two minds of whether or not I go out or not. As I was enjoying my night in bed. heeheh. However that said thou, that I was actually in bed last year, so this year I said I'd get out. heheeh
So my first port of call was to get cash, as I hadn't collected my Supplemental Welfare Allowance. So I then headed to the Post Office with a view of withdrawing my funds then to the bank etc., However it wasn't to be, as the Post Office told me as its New Year's Eve, that I won't be able to get anything from my account. So I decided that I go and use the funds from the Rent Allowance and replace that with the other.
So then I went to Tescos and Scribbles to get Kathleen a pressie. I then was supposed to drop my form the Medical Cert to Social Welfare in Store St., As I had forgotten I just headed home. On the way home, I realsied I left my Hat behind, so that I said its cool I'll collect it tomorrow. Even thou its bitterly cold. So that said I then realsied that I left my bag behind. NOW that I needed it badly as my cash is in there. So I was on my way back up when I got the call. being Mom herself, then I got my bag back. Just as I was at my friend's Emil's street, I heard a fall of a bottle or something. I said I'd ignore it. A car beeped at me. Then When I looked behind it was Maudy's chocolates she gave me. So I had to trawl ALL the way back up. hahha.
So I came back to record films. Namely Bee The Movie AND Behind The Candelabra. hhehehe. Then I headed onto my night out. Firstly thou I headed to shower then I headed on. I headed to Panti as I said to my folks previously onto my local. hahahah. Half hour walk local. heheeh. Then I got my drinks, danced the night away. Throughout the night I had several thoughts of self harm of which I manage to get in WITHOUT anyone looking. However the high light of the night was when I got a selfie with PANTI. Oh boi. and not forgetting of course Vincent. He's a vegetarian, gay with his fella. I FINALLY got to meet him. I last "saw" him the last time back earlier. It was my birthday celebrations. I saw him in the Front lounge. One person I NEVER excepted to see thou was Tiffany who is Transgender who runs the Outhouse(My second home - ahahah). She and I are not best if palsies tbh. She was there with a friend or partner. I aint sure. Then on the way home, I wanted to just literally bang my head against a post ie "walking into one", however Dublin has gotten awfully like New York, in that the "City that never sleeps". The whole night I felt the Smirnoff Vodka in question was off. SO horrible. But the price of it, I drank it. I then ordered Mojito and Sex on the Beach. mmmm to both. The Double Vodka and Coke was lovely thou.
So that said, I didn't go near social welfare in Kings Inn St., I was due to go on Wed 30th aka yesterday. So then I was between two minds of whether or not I go out or not. As I was enjoying my night in bed. heeheh. However that said thou, that I was actually in bed last year, so this year I said I'd get out. heheeh
So my first port of call was to get cash, as I hadn't collected my Supplemental Welfare Allowance. So I then headed to the Post Office with a view of withdrawing my funds then to the bank etc., However it wasn't to be, as the Post Office told me as its New Year's Eve, that I won't be able to get anything from my account. So I decided that I go and use the funds from the Rent Allowance and replace that with the other.
So then I went to Tescos and Scribbles to get Kathleen a pressie. I then was supposed to drop my form the Medical Cert to Social Welfare in Store St., As I had forgotten I just headed home. On the way home, I realsied I left my Hat behind, so that I said its cool I'll collect it tomorrow. Even thou its bitterly cold. So that said I then realsied that I left my bag behind. NOW that I needed it badly as my cash is in there. So I was on my way back up when I got the call. being Mom herself, then I got my bag back. Just as I was at my friend's Emil's street, I heard a fall of a bottle or something. I said I'd ignore it. A car beeped at me. Then When I looked behind it was Maudy's chocolates she gave me. So I had to trawl ALL the way back up. hahha.
So I came back to record films. Namely Bee The Movie AND Behind The Candelabra. hhehehe. Then I headed onto my night out. Firstly thou I headed to shower then I headed on. I headed to Panti as I said to my folks previously onto my local. hahahah. Half hour walk local. heheeh. Then I got my drinks, danced the night away. Throughout the night I had several thoughts of self harm of which I manage to get in WITHOUT anyone looking. However the high light of the night was when I got a selfie with PANTI. Oh boi. and not forgetting of course Vincent. He's a vegetarian, gay with his fella. I FINALLY got to meet him. I last "saw" him the last time back earlier. It was my birthday celebrations. I saw him in the Front lounge. One person I NEVER excepted to see thou was Tiffany who is Transgender who runs the Outhouse(My second home - ahahah). She and I are not best if palsies tbh. She was there with a friend or partner. I aint sure. Then on the way home, I wanted to just literally bang my head against a post ie "walking into one", however Dublin has gotten awfully like New York, in that the "City that never sleeps". The whole night I felt the Smirnoff Vodka in question was off. SO horrible. But the price of it, I drank it. I then ordered Mojito and Sex on the Beach. mmmm to both. The Double Vodka and Coke was lovely thou.
Wednesday, 30 December 2015
Diary 30th December 2015
Well today was quite a disappointment financial wise. By that I mean that due to my lack of sleep the previous night, I had no choice but to lay on sleeping. Now I was due to go into Social Welfare for to tell em my Payment I wish to proceed with. But I was there wandering should I tell them with the Rate that I am getting etc., etc., Then I was getting thoughts of getting upset while waiting and the Clerk asking is there something wrong with him, etc., etc., Then I was also suppose to have gone to hand in my Medical Cert for my Injury Benefit payment. Then I was also suppose to collect my Rent Allowance. Which THAT I don't mind, as I have 6 days to collect him. Then lastly I was to go and meet my mate Barry for to see Star Wars.
But that said, thou I was then informed that I was to meet Kathleen, Martin, JP and James for a meal. Of which I was not gonna let anything get in the way. hahaah. So that said I had to cancel Barry on the count of the meetup and of course my self harm got in the way too. So then Dad and Mom collected me and of course my sis. We then set about our merry way to the Little Venice(Review here).
But that said, thou I was then informed that I was to meet Kathleen, Martin, JP and James for a meal. Of which I was not gonna let anything get in the way. hahaah. So that said I had to cancel Barry on the count of the meetup and of course my self harm got in the way too. So then Dad and Mom collected me and of course my sis. We then set about our merry way to the Little Venice(Review here).
Tuesday, 29 December 2015
Diary 29th December 2015
PS This Post contains Graphic content by means of self harm and sexual assault(Beginning with R).
Today I was due to go to AIB Bank to get statements for my Disability Application likewise with Drumcondra Credit Union. However to piss my folks off I didn't bother. hahaha. I was also due to collect my Rent Allowance AND drop in my Medical Cert as per norm in Store St., however it wasn't to be.
However thou, I was suppose to fill up my Disability Application in Mom n Dad's AND to collect my Medical Cert. This I did thou. The whole evening I was up there for a few hrs, I was getting mixed signals. I just didn't understand and still don't. So my sis thou was there, and she helped me out in filling the application. I was also suppose to print off my statements, however I didn't bother. "Generally" my Internet printouts are "not accepted". While Dad was dropping my sis home, my Mom said a few harrowing things which contributed to my later on self harm. She said that my depression is caused my lack of food, which I didn't care about that, but what I DID care was that she was offering me money, when I didn't receive any payment for the IB(Injury Benefit). So she told me "to shut up" talking about it. I took it to heart. Like how else would I suppose to get cash for my bills and my Rent. I did learn one thing today thou. And that being, there is a Bank Holiday the day after Christmas Day St. Stephen's Day ie Boxing Day to my UK followers,
So then I headed on home and got ready for my sis. I popped into Tescos to get milk for my sis. Throughout the night, I was getting increasingly worse and agitated with my sleeve and ripping etc., etc., Even my self harm was getting out of hand. By this I mean, I was getting more gripping of my teeth on my arm, ie I was gripping further and further on my arm, my right arm ps. So then I just eventually broke. On St. Stephen's Day, My Dad said something that went through me so harrowing that even the four letter word affects me mentally now, beginning with R aka Rape. My friend recently was raped a few months ago. He obviously hasn't been the best of it. Dad told me what are doing George "Are you trying find another Rapist", like then he proceeded to ACTUALLY call out the name of the perpetrator. The reason this particular incident with my Pops is that I actually was R*** when I was in the Orphanage by a black guy.
So moving on then, on my way home from my sis, I could hardly breath on the bike. I was getting anxious. WHile looking at one of my programmes, I saw the last few minutes of Fair City, and I recognsied one of the new characters. He's in Ros na RĂșn. My golly thats the 3rd person that RTE have taken or gotten or whatever. hahahaa. Like RTE have hired TWO from TV3 News or pouched is a term I've heard now.
Today I was due to go to AIB Bank to get statements for my Disability Application likewise with Drumcondra Credit Union. However to piss my folks off I didn't bother. hahaha. I was also due to collect my Rent Allowance AND drop in my Medical Cert as per norm in Store St., however it wasn't to be.
However thou, I was suppose to fill up my Disability Application in Mom n Dad's AND to collect my Medical Cert. This I did thou. The whole evening I was up there for a few hrs, I was getting mixed signals. I just didn't understand and still don't. So my sis thou was there, and she helped me out in filling the application. I was also suppose to print off my statements, however I didn't bother. "Generally" my Internet printouts are "not accepted". While Dad was dropping my sis home, my Mom said a few harrowing things which contributed to my later on self harm. She said that my depression is caused my lack of food, which I didn't care about that, but what I DID care was that she was offering me money, when I didn't receive any payment for the IB(Injury Benefit). So she told me "to shut up" talking about it. I took it to heart. Like how else would I suppose to get cash for my bills and my Rent. I did learn one thing today thou. And that being, there is a Bank Holiday the day after Christmas Day St. Stephen's Day ie Boxing Day to my UK followers,
So then I headed on home and got ready for my sis. I popped into Tescos to get milk for my sis. Throughout the night, I was getting increasingly worse and agitated with my sleeve and ripping etc., etc., Even my self harm was getting out of hand. By this I mean, I was getting more gripping of my teeth on my arm, ie I was gripping further and further on my arm, my right arm ps. So then I just eventually broke. On St. Stephen's Day, My Dad said something that went through me so harrowing that even the four letter word affects me mentally now, beginning with R aka Rape. My friend recently was raped a few months ago. He obviously hasn't been the best of it. Dad told me what are doing George "Are you trying find another Rapist", like then he proceeded to ACTUALLY call out the name of the perpetrator. The reason this particular incident with my Pops is that I actually was R*** when I was in the Orphanage by a black guy.
So moving on then, on my way home from my sis, I could hardly breath on the bike. I was getting anxious. WHile looking at one of my programmes, I saw the last few minutes of Fair City, and I recognsied one of the new characters. He's in Ros na RĂșn. My golly thats the 3rd person that RTE have taken or gotten or whatever. hahahaa. Like RTE have hired TWO from TV3 News or pouched is a term I've heard now.
Monday, 28 December 2015
Diary 28th December 2015
Today was a relaxation day for me. hehehe.
I was looking at TV shows and movies for the day. I looked at Safe, of which I was most impressed with, then the nations favourite movie Mrs. Brown's Boys: D' Movie of which I actually reviewed back then, then also I saw Paws of which I was most NOT impressed. Very poor acting. And with Treasure Buddies a bit of history lesson was taught in the movie. Its what I love. These days I learn via visual instead of texts, depending on the context of course.
I was taking pics of myself in my Santi suits of NSFW type. Then my phone started to go on the blimp for the second time. It froze. Then I had restarted the machine. I took out the SD Card looked everywhere for the pics. My undies got taken. BUT still couldn't find the others. So then I used a Windows Phone App called AutoTimer. Which I onl y NOW release that you must SAVE the pics within the app for it to show up in Photos App(Androids Gallery kinda). cause the last time, I took pics of my puppys or whatever and couldn't find em. haha. So from now on, if I go to use that app, I have to EXPORT the photos. Kinda lame when you think about it.
I was looking at TV shows and movies for the day. I looked at Safe, of which I was most impressed with, then the nations favourite movie Mrs. Brown's Boys: D' Movie of which I actually reviewed back then, then also I saw Paws of which I was most NOT impressed. Very poor acting. And with Treasure Buddies a bit of history lesson was taught in the movie. Its what I love. These days I learn via visual instead of texts, depending on the context of course.
I was taking pics of myself in my Santi suits of NSFW type. Then my phone started to go on the blimp for the second time. It froze. Then I had restarted the machine. I took out the SD Card looked everywhere for the pics. My undies got taken. BUT still couldn't find the others. So then I used a Windows Phone App called AutoTimer. Which I onl y NOW release that you must SAVE the pics within the app for it to show up in Photos App(Androids Gallery kinda). cause the last time, I took pics of my puppys or whatever and couldn't find em. haha. So from now on, if I go to use that app, I have to EXPORT the photos. Kinda lame when you think about it.
Sunday, 27 December 2015
Diary 27th December 2015
Well holy god is right, hahaha. Today was quiet today was.
My sis came down to me. To do her downloading. There wasn't much available. I was showing her a history kinda style program relating to the DART. On "Those were the Days", I was well chuffed as my sis puts it, to learn that the DART(Dublin Area Rapid Transit), was actually born or unveiled etc., on you guessed it on MY BIRTHDAY. hahaha. Now how gas is that. ahahah. We then got ready to head to her place. Where we watched further films of Taken 3 AND Happy Feet 2. So adorable those penguins. awwwww
My sis came down to me. To do her downloading. There wasn't much available. I was showing her a history kinda style program relating to the DART. On "Those were the Days", I was well chuffed as my sis puts it, to learn that the DART(Dublin Area Rapid Transit), was actually born or unveiled etc., on you guessed it on MY BIRTHDAY. hahaha. Now how gas is that. ahahah. We then got ready to head to her place. Where we watched further films of Taken 3 AND Happy Feet 2. So adorable those penguins. awwwww
Saturday, 26 December 2015
Diary 26th December 2015 - St. Stephen's Day
Today was an alrite day. By that I mean, that my Dad's comments relating to my self harm was totally unacceptable. although it didn't help when I was late, but still his comments are getting excessive. Dad had asked me what I get for Christmas. I said that my sis had gotten me Gillette shaving and my Dad asked is it the Razor or the Blades.
So then we headed to the house for a lovely meal, nicer than yesterday's might I add. hahahah. We then headed on back home.
So then I came back and resumed what I missed out on yesterday. I then took pics of my babes +Inflatables Stanescu heheheeh. So precious. So now when I get back from Todd's I'll be going to record my Santa's Christmas Inflatables. heheh.
So then I made my way to meeting Todd for to see Star Wars. Was great seeing him again. heheeh. However we were slightly delayed, due to me looking for my cash, then there was the lack of Luas trams. So we got a Taxi forwards and backwards. hehehe.
So then we headed to the house for a lovely meal, nicer than yesterday's might I add. hahahah. We then headed on back home.
So then I came back and resumed what I missed out on yesterday. I then took pics of my babes +Inflatables Stanescu heheheeh. So precious. So now when I get back from Todd's I'll be going to record my Santa's Christmas Inflatables. heheh.
So then I made my way to meeting Todd for to see Star Wars. Was great seeing him again. heheeh. However we were slightly delayed, due to me looking for my cash, then there was the lack of Luas trams. So we got a Taxi forwards and backwards. hehehe.
Friday, 25 December 2015
Diary 25th December 2015 - Christmas Day
Well after a horrible night of lack of sleep consistently. several thoughts of which some included my sis of which I won't go into details. On my part thou was that my thought was my mother telling to fuck off out of her life kinda thing. This continued on for the night.
Then I was due to get up for mass for the very first time since I came out. However it wasn't to be. hahahaha.
So then it was time for my ritual self harm, nothing new. Then I headed on out to meet Dad n my sis for to head up for the annual Christmas Dinner. We then sat down for dinner. I wasn't too impressed with the dinner. The dessert mmmmmmmmmm was lovely. I brought the Christmas Cake AND the Red Velvet Cake. I got this exact cake in aid of Marriage Equality, last April when my sis and Mom were celebrating Maureen's birthday. So we then looked at Mrs Brown's Boys: The Christmas Special. Twas hilarious.
I then came back. It was my intention to stay up like I would on a Sunday Night, however it wasn't to be. hahahah. This was because I actually grew tired from all the going around my babies. +Puppys Stanescu and +Inflatables Stanescu I'll explain.
When I got back, it was my intention to do a Christmas Message from Puppys and Inflatables. To do this, I had to first find em, which was by means pretty quick, heeheh, but then on the video, I showed my viewers each Puppy etc., likewise the Inflatables. Some inflatables thou had to be blown up thou again. Hence my tiredness. So I just hit the hay. Then after the video, I took pics of my puppys as well, just before I went to bed. I was too tired to take pics of my beloved babes Inflatables.
Then I was due to get up for mass for the very first time since I came out. However it wasn't to be. hahahaha.
So then it was time for my ritual self harm, nothing new. Then I headed on out to meet Dad n my sis for to head up for the annual Christmas Dinner. We then sat down for dinner. I wasn't too impressed with the dinner. The dessert mmmmmmmmmm was lovely. I brought the Christmas Cake AND the Red Velvet Cake. I got this exact cake in aid of Marriage Equality, last April when my sis and Mom were celebrating Maureen's birthday. So we then looked at Mrs Brown's Boys: The Christmas Special. Twas hilarious.
I then came back. It was my intention to stay up like I would on a Sunday Night, however it wasn't to be. hahahah. This was because I actually grew tired from all the going around my babies. +Puppys Stanescu and +Inflatables Stanescu I'll explain.
When I got back, it was my intention to do a Christmas Message from Puppys and Inflatables. To do this, I had to first find em, which was by means pretty quick, heeheh, but then on the video, I showed my viewers each Puppy etc., likewise the Inflatables. Some inflatables thou had to be blown up thou again. Hence my tiredness. So I just hit the hay. Then after the video, I took pics of my puppys as well, just before I went to bed. I was too tired to take pics of my beloved babes Inflatables.
Thursday, 24 December 2015
Diary 24th December 2015 - Christmas Eve
Well today not bad a day.
First off the dreaded dreams, no better. hahahah. One of them being, a relative of mine Michael Doehrty, I spot him entering a premises and I say his name aloud as in MICHAEL. I throughout he was going into a gay place like the Outhouse or something, so then he goes into the premises and then closes over the door slowly.
Then another dream being I introduce my birth sister to my foster family in Ireland here. hmmm, says I to me sis, 2016 will be a very interesting year. hahaha.
Then I got up eventually got up for to see Barry, however that wasn't to be. So that said before I headed out, I did my ritually self harm, I then headed onto to the city to see if I could get Vegan dinners at least, but to no avail.
So then I headed on back to my sis. On the way to my place thou to get my sleeves, I was cycling along Wicklow St., to get back onto Nassau St via Grafton St., this cop looked at me sternly, until I got off the bike. I then got off my bike. Then I got a sudden rush of thoughts of the cop touching me or more so attempting to arrest me. I said to him go and find my rapists would ya. I then scream out this cop is ASSAULTING me to the people etc., etc., So then after that thought passed, that I then saw the cop in question going up to the beggers. There were two of em, one of them was beside an ATM an the other elsewhere. At both Beggars, the cop goes up to both of em and empties out the paper cup with their coins, which I found remarkable.
Then onwards nearer my sis, I then was beeped at, by a bus driver aka Dublin Bus, he was wanting to get ahead, however there was a car in my way so I had to head on further outta. hahaha. I said to myself, there's nothing I can do.
So I eventually arrived at my sis' place. Whereby I did further self harm of my arm by means of biting etc., Although she was in the lavatory, I was doing this. As the last time, it scared her when I did the self harm in front of her.
First off the dreaded dreams, no better. hahahah. One of them being, a relative of mine Michael Doehrty, I spot him entering a premises and I say his name aloud as in MICHAEL. I throughout he was going into a gay place like the Outhouse or something, so then he goes into the premises and then closes over the door slowly.
Then another dream being I introduce my birth sister to my foster family in Ireland here. hmmm, says I to me sis, 2016 will be a very interesting year. hahaha.
Then I got up eventually got up for to see Barry, however that wasn't to be. So that said before I headed out, I did my ritually self harm, I then headed onto to the city to see if I could get Vegan dinners at least, but to no avail.
So then I headed on back to my sis. On the way to my place thou to get my sleeves, I was cycling along Wicklow St., to get back onto Nassau St via Grafton St., this cop looked at me sternly, until I got off the bike. I then got off my bike. Then I got a sudden rush of thoughts of the cop touching me or more so attempting to arrest me. I said to him go and find my rapists would ya. I then scream out this cop is ASSAULTING me to the people etc., etc., So then after that thought passed, that I then saw the cop in question going up to the beggers. There were two of em, one of them was beside an ATM an the other elsewhere. At both Beggars, the cop goes up to both of em and empties out the paper cup with their coins, which I found remarkable.
Then onwards nearer my sis, I then was beeped at, by a bus driver aka Dublin Bus, he was wanting to get ahead, however there was a car in my way so I had to head on further outta. hahaha. I said to myself, there's nothing I can do.
So I eventually arrived at my sis' place. Whereby I did further self harm of my arm by means of biting etc., Although she was in the lavatory, I was doing this. As the last time, it scared her when I did the self harm in front of her.
Wednesday, 23 December 2015
Diary 23rd December 2015
Well today started off with a disappointment. Again I couldn't get out of bed. Me thinks its because I'm surviving on Green Tea. and of course Chrisps, which is shortly on their way out too.
So that said I got up slightly later than anticipated. I then headed to meet Edmund for some bizarre reason I kept calling him Edward. I even put it on the card. Like wtf, like, or as the American's puts it "ikr(I know right)", hahaahah. So that said I then headed on off to meet him. It was slightly later than anticipated. I first went to AIB to withdraw cash. However the machine said "Unavailable", so I checked to ensure its not the wrong card. I went inside to try and figure out what up. Then afterwards, I was assured its the right card. So I went to the teller to withdraw. Then I went to meet Edmund eventually. hahaaha. When I arrived another guy RuairĂ was there. I never met him. So Edmund then said that he had to go for an event of "Anti-Christmas", of which I took serious. Like I would imagine there are people against it. Like Atheists, for Meat reasons and animals etc., etc.,
So then I headed on back home. On the way, I wanted to get vegan dinner for myself for Christmas Day, however it wasn't to be. I wanted to get stamps of trying to post two cards I left behind, in Ireland. Then I realised that I had the stamps with me all the time. But not the cards. I then came back home.
I was watching a few TV shows, then I headed on back out to first the Outhouse. I had planned on going to the Down to the Earth to see if I could get more Vegan Dinner food. As time was NOT on my side, I then headed to the Outhouse to deliver MORE cards. ahahha. I left them with Jamie. I chatted for a bit. heheheh. I then headed onto meet Todd for to see Star Wars. heheheh. Twas a pleasure seeing him again after all this time. I was disheartened to learn thou that he has been suffering depression as a result of his mother a few years ago, when he was back in Irl and she was over there, ie the US, that he couldn't be with her. Something to that effect. So then I told him of my diagnosis. etc., I ain't sure if its official thou. He brought up a soar spot of which was by no means his intention. How was he know. So I did a bit of self harm in the cinema toilets, the biting of rubber type and I saw something unusual so then I continuing having at it. Then after the film, I headed with him to his place.
I was lookinh aty my emails, sure whats' new. hahahaah. I then came across a very interesitng article whereby it was desceribing an art Technostaglia whereby it'd releave our wonderous Dial-Up days, theren there was the ENcarta. God be the day, I'd go every week over the Dial-Up update Encarta on a Friday ngiht while looking at the Late Late or whatever with Mom n Dad. My Dad or Mom would wanna get the phone however it'd take it up the Internet. hahaha. Ahhh mememories.
So that said I got up slightly later than anticipated. I then headed to meet Edmund for some bizarre reason I kept calling him Edward. I even put it on the card. Like wtf, like, or as the American's puts it "ikr(I know right)", hahaahah. So that said I then headed on off to meet him. It was slightly later than anticipated. I first went to AIB to withdraw cash. However the machine said "Unavailable", so I checked to ensure its not the wrong card. I went inside to try and figure out what up. Then afterwards, I was assured its the right card. So I went to the teller to withdraw. Then I went to meet Edmund eventually. hahaaha. When I arrived another guy RuairĂ was there. I never met him. So Edmund then said that he had to go for an event of "Anti-Christmas", of which I took serious. Like I would imagine there are people against it. Like Atheists, for Meat reasons and animals etc., etc.,
So then I headed on back home. On the way, I wanted to get vegan dinner for myself for Christmas Day, however it wasn't to be. I wanted to get stamps of trying to post two cards I left behind, in Ireland. Then I realised that I had the stamps with me all the time. But not the cards. I then came back home.
I was watching a few TV shows, then I headed on back out to first the Outhouse. I had planned on going to the Down to the Earth to see if I could get more Vegan Dinner food. As time was NOT on my side, I then headed to the Outhouse to deliver MORE cards. ahahha. I left them with Jamie. I chatted for a bit. heheheh. I then headed onto meet Todd for to see Star Wars. heheheh. Twas a pleasure seeing him again after all this time. I was disheartened to learn thou that he has been suffering depression as a result of his mother a few years ago, when he was back in Irl and she was over there, ie the US, that he couldn't be with her. Something to that effect. So then I told him of my diagnosis. etc., I ain't sure if its official thou. He brought up a soar spot of which was by no means his intention. How was he know. So I did a bit of self harm in the cinema toilets, the biting of rubber type and I saw something unusual so then I continuing having at it. Then after the film, I headed with him to his place.
I was lookinh aty my emails, sure whats' new. hahahaah. I then came across a very interesitng article whereby it was desceribing an art Technostaglia whereby it'd releave our wonderous Dial-Up days, theren there was the ENcarta. God be the day, I'd go every week over the Dial-Up update Encarta on a Friday ngiht while looking at the Late Late or whatever with Mom n Dad. My Dad or Mom would wanna get the phone however it'd take it up the Internet. hahaha. Ahhh mememories.
mental health,
self harm,
Tuesday, 22 December 2015
Diary 22nd December 2015
Today I was due to get up for to go to the bank to get Statements sent out to me, and then onto the Credit Union for again the bank Statements. I need these two documents for the Disabsiltiy Allowance.
Then I got up, showered for a bit, I then realised that I would not be able to go up to Mom n Dad's as initially planned. So while showering, that said, I was there more so biting my arm and the scratching. I got rid of the puss or whatever ya having urself. hahaah
So I went to my Doctors Appt. I waited around as I was late for him. So then eventually he saw me, he asked me questions as per the form. Then he offered that I go get my wounds seen to.
Then I got ready to go and see my sis. We chatted and chatted. heheehhe. As the night wore on, so was my mental health. After last night's events whereby Dad had said to my Uncle that I was only going up their JUST for food, that went through me. He probably was making it a joke, however I have been in reality feeling the pinch aka the vibe. So this got the better of me, so as well as my sleeves, I just bit on me arm, like I did so this morning. Then throughout the night with my sis, my arm was paining. So I just continued and continued. Then while I was getting something for my sis, going up the steps, my back began to kill me with the pain. So I bit on the arm, comepltelty to "reroute" the pain of the back to my arm. And would u believe it actually did. I remember in the past, if ever something was paining or that I would receive pain like an injection or whatever, that I would bit the arm, so that like I said above it would deter the pain or reroute.
Then I got up, showered for a bit, I then realised that I would not be able to go up to Mom n Dad's as initially planned. So while showering, that said, I was there more so biting my arm and the scratching. I got rid of the puss or whatever ya having urself. hahaah
So I went to my Doctors Appt. I waited around as I was late for him. So then eventually he saw me, he asked me questions as per the form. Then he offered that I go get my wounds seen to.
Then I got ready to go and see my sis. We chatted and chatted. heheehhe. As the night wore on, so was my mental health. After last night's events whereby Dad had said to my Uncle that I was only going up their JUST for food, that went through me. He probably was making it a joke, however I have been in reality feeling the pinch aka the vibe. So this got the better of me, so as well as my sleeves, I just bit on me arm, like I did so this morning. Then throughout the night with my sis, my arm was paining. So I just continued and continued. Then while I was getting something for my sis, going up the steps, my back began to kill me with the pain. So I bit on the arm, comepltelty to "reroute" the pain of the back to my arm. And would u believe it actually did. I remember in the past, if ever something was paining or that I would receive pain like an injection or whatever, that I would bit the arm, so that like I said above it would deter the pain or reroute.
Monday, 21 December 2015
Diary 21st December 2015
When I came home last night, I reorganised my Decorations from putting the snowman behind my tv to the Bathroom window instead. However I went to get a cuppa tea for myself, ahem that's Green Tea to you and me, hahahaa, however the kettle wouldn't work. So I quickly looked into the fridge n freezer, and to my surprise and shock, I quickly said to myself, "No no no, this can't happen", cause I've got buckets of vegan food frozen that I need when I get out of my starvation mode whenever that'll happen, anyways my point being, I only reasied that I had disconnected the WRONG plug as BOTH my freezer AND my kettle. Which esp my Kettle would be VIP, oh boi.
Well after several days of how to download a Tumblr video, NOT GIFs, but Videos, I finally found a solution thanks to YouTube user:
Following is the method. (For Chrome). The above video works for Firefox,
Open up tubmr. PLAY the video. Mute if necessary.
Then press CTRL + SHIFT + I(NOT L)
Click on Network
Click on Media
Double Click on Video link that appears.
The right click and save as per norm.
Now how simple is all that. hahaah. Thanks budddy(As Screeh powers puts it: Buuuuuuuudy). heheh
Then afterwards, I then went to meet Seamus. I last saw him last year for Interstellar(Review here), however as I later learned I actually met him since. heheheh. While we had a lovely chat, I had told him of my recent events. I could tell him he was shuck up about it. Then again he was having his own personal issues too. The fact that he don't wanna go near the SYstem, kinda worries me. I'll ask my sister about it. He belives that they stuff meds down ur throat. I said jst insist on THERAPY ie talking. He wasn't having't none of it.
So then my next plan was to go to the Outhouse as I was hoping to give Joyce her card. I again got the card mixed up completely. So then when I arrived Bernard was there. He gave me a gift as well. I do things traditionally ie Christmas wise. heheeheh. So we chatted about Star Wars. Again, I will be publishing a review very soon due to high demand in seeing the film.
So then I headed on up to Mom n Dad's primarily to fill out the Disablilty Allowance form. HOwever it wasn't to be as Gerry Brady my Godfather and my Uncle called by and then Siobhan Coffey and her fiancé called by too. I hadn't see Siobhån in years. I saw James few months ago when he was helping Gerry with fencing or something. So instead, as I hadn't gotten sleep yet as per my norm, I then headed on off to home and more or less went to sleep completely.
Well after several days of how to download a Tumblr video, NOT GIFs, but Videos, I finally found a solution thanks to YouTube user:
Following is the method. (For Chrome). The above video works for Firefox,
Open up tubmr. PLAY the video. Mute if necessary.
Then press CTRL + SHIFT + I(NOT L)
Click on Network
Click on Media
Double Click on Video link that appears.
The right click and save as per norm.
Now how simple is all that. hahaah. Thanks budddy(As Screeh powers puts it: Buuuuuuuudy). heheh
Then afterwards, I then went to meet Seamus. I last saw him last year for Interstellar(Review here), however as I later learned I actually met him since. heheheh. While we had a lovely chat, I had told him of my recent events. I could tell him he was shuck up about it. Then again he was having his own personal issues too. The fact that he don't wanna go near the SYstem, kinda worries me. I'll ask my sister about it. He belives that they stuff meds down ur throat. I said jst insist on THERAPY ie talking. He wasn't having't none of it.
So then my next plan was to go to the Outhouse as I was hoping to give Joyce her card. I again got the card mixed up completely. So then when I arrived Bernard was there. He gave me a gift as well. I do things traditionally ie Christmas wise. heheeheh. So we chatted about Star Wars. Again, I will be publishing a review very soon due to high demand in seeing the film.
So then I headed on up to Mom n Dad's primarily to fill out the Disablilty Allowance form. HOwever it wasn't to be as Gerry Brady my Godfather and my Uncle called by and then Siobhan Coffey and her fiancé called by too. I hadn't see Siobhån in years. I saw James few months ago when he was helping Gerry with fencing or something. So instead, as I hadn't gotten sleep yet as per my norm, I then headed on off to home and more or less went to sleep completely.
Sunday, 20 December 2015
Diary 20th December 2015
Today was quite a day, hahahah. As part of my usual self harm routine, I this time, went atop the old wound in the middle of the M. Throughout the day, it started paining me like a bitch.
So then afterwards, my sis came down for her weekly downloading. heheheeh. We had a great laugh. While she was downloading, I was putting up the Christmas lights for the outside. hahahaha. Twas most enjoyable. I was ecstatic today unlike last night. I was feeling crap. Then when I saw Sister Sister, I began to feel happy etc., Then afterwards, I then realsied that with the help of my sis, that I'll be able to afford cash for tomorrow's meeting at the very least Seamus. I hope to meet Seamus tomoz. So with the help of my sis I only realsied that IB(Injury Benefit) - as I was only paid a one week payment, will be paid into my bank account, I'll withdraw that for myself, as SWA(Supplemental Welfare Allowance) will be lodged in during the week as part of the check, I received last week for the TWO week, including Christmas Week. And that payment will pay for my Rent for two weeks. So yeah, As Father Jack says: "I'm a happy camper", haahaha.
So then we both headed on. We got takeouts, then afterwards onto her place. I was looking at the Annual Bumper issue of the RTE Guide, in which it has TV listings etc., for the Christmas period. I was marking off stuff I wanted to record. Then afterwards, there was a quiz in the magazine, in which I was testing my sis. We had a ball. I went extactic when I got two questions right in the quiz.
Following are the two questions that I went exstatcit over:
So then afterwards, my sis came down for her weekly downloading. heheheeh. We had a great laugh. While she was downloading, I was putting up the Christmas lights for the outside. hahahaha. Twas most enjoyable. I was ecstatic today unlike last night. I was feeling crap. Then when I saw Sister Sister, I began to feel happy etc., Then afterwards, I then realsied that with the help of my sis, that I'll be able to afford cash for tomorrow's meeting at the very least Seamus. I hope to meet Seamus tomoz. So with the help of my sis I only realsied that IB(Injury Benefit) - as I was only paid a one week payment, will be paid into my bank account, I'll withdraw that for myself, as SWA(Supplemental Welfare Allowance) will be lodged in during the week as part of the check, I received last week for the TWO week, including Christmas Week. And that payment will pay for my Rent for two weeks. So yeah, As Father Jack says: "I'm a happy camper", haahaha.
So then we both headed on. We got takeouts, then afterwards onto her place. I was looking at the Annual Bumper issue of the RTE Guide, in which it has TV listings etc., for the Christmas period. I was marking off stuff I wanted to record. Then afterwards, there was a quiz in the magazine, in which I was testing my sis. We had a ball. I went extactic when I got two questions right in the quiz.
Following are the two questions that I went exstatcit over:
- Which country won this year's 60th Eurovision Song Contest. My sis said Russia and I said Sweden
- This year's Rose of Tralee represented which Irish county. My sis said Wicklow and I said Meath.
My sis googled the above two questions and everytime she showed a face. I just went excastatic my slapping the magazine on my head. As my baby Dane DeHanne who played Harry Osborne in Amazing Spiderman 2: "I don't know how, I don't why". I most certainly NOT gloating. Like saying Oh you're a looser or whatever. NOT my style. I just overreacted, I don't know why. But one things for sure, I just got excited. hahah.
Then I headed back to my place. And would you believe it, I put the snowman in the Bathroom window. hahaha. Of course I left up the blind. Like who wants to see a guy taking a leak or taking a dump. hahaahah. I wanted to keep up the idea of having ALL windows be advertised. I guess what am I trying to say, that I've never decorated my bathroom, which ain't the done thing, as far as my folks are concerned. So I just put up my Snowman in the Bathroom and checked if the public on the street can see off the streets, however it wasn't to be. That said thou, that the tenants beside me can see it when they pass my place all the time. hahaah.
Saturday, 19 December 2015
Diary 19th December 2015
Today didn't pan out the way I had hoped.
I was due to go into NARA(National Animal Rights Assocaition) leaflet handing of Christmas REcipes IDeas in St. Stpehen's Green. However it wasn't to be as the Alram never went off the time I wnated.So I saw the time being 13.42, I said that's far too late. We were to meet at 1 and then they disperse. So yeah by the time I would have got in, I'd be lost.
My next plan was to go to Vegan Infomation Table in Westmoreland St., So that liekt he above reason didn't pan out either.
Then the next plan was to meetup with Edmund, EVelyne and Glo aka Vegan Ireland at their usual stand, however that wasn't to be.
So I then with all the above plans collapsing, I decided against getting stamps for teh Irish cards.
So then I slept on, had a hurrendous dream where my favorite character in Ros na RĂșn SĂ©amus Mhicil Tom who is played by Diarmaid Mac An Adhaistiar gets killed with heating floors. I'm in a room, and the floor is over heating. I see someone noticing the bump on one of the floor tiles. So I see teh character. I shed several tears for him. Diarmaid himself thou passed on recenetly in July of this year. ANd for this year's Christmas episodes, Ros na RĂșn will be laying Seamus to rest ie writeing him out of the series.
My sis called down with Mom, to hand me a takeout. heheeh.
So with that in mind, I eventually got up after such a horrendous dream as I said, then I did more self harming in the means of scraping the OTHER side of the letter 'M' I scraped on.
So then I got up and I got ready for the PLAN of the night. hahahaah. I was to meet Eoin and the gang for to see Star Wars: The Force Awakens(Episode VII). Although before hand I was to go to the Outhouse to go and see if I can see Joyce to hand her her card. However I had gotten Joyce and Severn mixed up, which was a shame, as I couldn't give Severn his card. He was totally embarrassed thou, god love him thou. So then getting back to Star Wars, I was gonna go to Down to Earth, however it wasn't to be as time wouldn't be on my side. heheeh. I then headed to meet the gang. Then we all headed on up to the most aniticapted movie in the unvierse. heehehe
I was due to go into NARA(National Animal Rights Assocaition) leaflet handing of Christmas REcipes IDeas in St. Stpehen's Green. However it wasn't to be as the Alram never went off the time I wnated.So I saw the time being 13.42, I said that's far too late. We were to meet at 1 and then they disperse. So yeah by the time I would have got in, I'd be lost.
My next plan was to go to Vegan Infomation Table in Westmoreland St., So that liekt he above reason didn't pan out either.
Then the next plan was to meetup with Edmund, EVelyne and Glo aka Vegan Ireland at their usual stand, however that wasn't to be.
So I then with all the above plans collapsing, I decided against getting stamps for teh Irish cards.
So then I slept on, had a hurrendous dream where my favorite character in Ros na RĂșn SĂ©amus Mhicil Tom who is played by Diarmaid Mac An Adhaistiar gets killed with heating floors. I'm in a room, and the floor is over heating. I see someone noticing the bump on one of the floor tiles. So I see teh character. I shed several tears for him. Diarmaid himself thou passed on recenetly in July of this year. ANd for this year's Christmas episodes, Ros na RĂșn will be laying Seamus to rest ie writeing him out of the series.
My sis called down with Mom, to hand me a takeout. heheeh.
So with that in mind, I eventually got up after such a horrendous dream as I said, then I did more self harming in the means of scraping the OTHER side of the letter 'M' I scraped on.
So then I got up and I got ready for the PLAN of the night. hahahaah. I was to meet Eoin and the gang for to see Star Wars: The Force Awakens(Episode VII). Although before hand I was to go to the Outhouse to go and see if I can see Joyce to hand her her card. However I had gotten Joyce and Severn mixed up, which was a shame, as I couldn't give Severn his card. He was totally embarrassed thou, god love him thou. So then getting back to Star Wars, I was gonna go to Down to Earth, however it wasn't to be as time wouldn't be on my side. heheeh. I then headed to meet the gang. Then we all headed on up to the most aniticapted movie in the unvierse. heehehe
Friday, 18 December 2015
Diary 18th December 2015
Today was not bad a day. Although the day started off with me doing a bit more self harm, obviously not as severe thou as the recent events. However firstly it all started when I went to take a leak heheeh then I saw that as I had eaten bacon(I think) that I could not live with the guilt. However I had throughout the day yesterday felt crap etc., and continued on the night etc., I just had to release my emotions somewhere.
So after a horrendous start, I then got ready and dressed. Then I was to head up to Mom n Dad's to go and give them their presents. It was lovely. heheheh.
Then I continued on to meet Barry, however on the way, I learned it wasn't to be. As he had only come home late if I recall. So then moving on, on the way to the OUthouse, there was a car ie a Taxi to be precise. THere must have been a deb or some forme of party or even a hen. or wathever. But the poitn being is that the car was forawrding etc., adn stop etc.,e tc., So the taxi driver was stopping the car, and srtaing ie costing it as if the car was in a beating music kinda. I said to them AFTER I apssed them, WEIRDOS, haahahah. At least the taxi. jhahahahah. I headed to the Outhouse. ehehhe. My main aim was to give out more cards. When I arrived, there was great buzz. I was overwhelmed. Yesterday was very emotional for me, hence the self harm above, that said I was delighted with today's events. ehehehe. When I arrived, I was wanting to write cards, and realised that I had left my cards n behind. At first I thought I left them in Mom and Dad's but no. So I quickly left to go and look for em. I was Penny's NO, I was in EuroGiant, NO - although I did get a Christmas Tree(3 ft high - awwww). I was in Aldi's and when I went to pay, for my cards and the convery belt started to act up. Possibly teh salesperson was leaving the foot on the pedal. I ain't sure. hehehe. So I said to her that it probbably is a Software issue. hahaha. I then headed back to the Outhouse. Whereby I enjoyed further laughs and talks. Michel who also is patron or whatever. He thought I had left for to go upstairs to Men's Night. When I arrived, Patrick and a group were in the Cafe. I asked has Men's night moved AGAIN hahaahah. Patrick said they've split. heeheh. I took that as serious to the point I thought all the night that Men's night was JUST men's night down in the cafe. However when I asked if Bernard is around they told me they's upstairs, whoopise. heheheeh. I then went upstairs, and wow theys' there are. ahahaha. Was great seeing them all. hahaah.
So then we all were kicked out. hahaha and then afterwards, relaised my grey scarfy has gone missing - ohhhh no!!!!(Character from Family Guy - the Jewish guy). I looked in the Outhouse, rang Mom n Dad AGAIN!!!!! haahah, no not their. As Homer Simpsons says "Oh, Scarfy, where art thou!
On the way home, I wanted to get pics of teh Star Wars themed Dublin Spire. heeheh
So after a horrendous start, I then got ready and dressed. Then I was to head up to Mom n Dad's to go and give them their presents. It was lovely. heheheh.
Then I continued on to meet Barry, however on the way, I learned it wasn't to be. As he had only come home late if I recall. So then moving on, on the way to the OUthouse, there was a car ie a Taxi to be precise. THere must have been a deb or some forme of party or even a hen. or wathever. But the poitn being is that the car was forawrding etc., adn stop etc.,e tc., So the taxi driver was stopping the car, and srtaing ie costing it as if the car was in a beating music kinda. I said to them AFTER I apssed them, WEIRDOS, haahahah. At least the taxi. jhahahahah. I headed to the Outhouse. ehehhe. My main aim was to give out more cards. When I arrived, there was great buzz. I was overwhelmed. Yesterday was very emotional for me, hence the self harm above, that said I was delighted with today's events. ehehehe. When I arrived, I was wanting to write cards, and realised that I had left my cards n behind. At first I thought I left them in Mom and Dad's but no. So I quickly left to go and look for em. I was Penny's NO, I was in EuroGiant, NO - although I did get a Christmas Tree(3 ft high - awwww). I was in Aldi's and when I went to pay, for my cards and the convery belt started to act up. Possibly teh salesperson was leaving the foot on the pedal. I ain't sure. hehehe. So I said to her that it probbably is a Software issue. hahaha. I then headed back to the Outhouse. Whereby I enjoyed further laughs and talks. Michel who also is patron or whatever. He thought I had left for to go upstairs to Men's Night. When I arrived, Patrick and a group were in the Cafe. I asked has Men's night moved AGAIN hahaahah. Patrick said they've split. heeheh. I took that as serious to the point I thought all the night that Men's night was JUST men's night down in the cafe. However when I asked if Bernard is around they told me they's upstairs, whoopise. heheheeh. I then went upstairs, and wow theys' there are. ahahaha. Was great seeing them all. hahaah.
So then we all were kicked out. hahaha and then afterwards, relaised my grey scarfy has gone missing - ohhhh no!!!!(Character from Family Guy - the Jewish guy). I looked in the Outhouse, rang Mom n Dad AGAIN!!!!! haahah, no not their. As Homer Simpsons says "Oh, Scarfy, where art thou!
On the way home, I wanted to get pics of teh Star Wars themed Dublin Spire. heeheh
Thursday, 17 December 2015
Diary 17th December 2015 - Dad's Birthday
Today wasn't too bad. Although it was by no mean any better, but at least its something.
My day started off with my heart outta me mouth literally. Like the Sabrina epsidoe whereby she has a Secret Admirer, and her heart is literally beating OUTSIDE her body, (now oblivious not the real heart - ahaha, that would be just grotesque. )
Anyways moving on as one would say, Mom collected me. I had checked my post. I received three letters. One from Social Welfare, the other two from friends for ie Christmas Cards., So I opened the Social Welfare, and it stated that I had not signed as per required. So then I opened the other two. I had received scratch cards. Then I scratched them and was shocked that I had won €25. Cause the last time I won so high was when I had gotten a scratch card from Colette.
So then onwards, and upwards, we headed onto Social Welfare. Today's idea was to get a more clear idea. I was deeply disheartened when Mom was told to get out three times., I felt for her. Me heart was higher in me mouth as per above description.
So then afterwards Mom drove me back to her place. I helped Dad briefly with the lights in the garden. Then I headed on back to my place.
I got myself ready for the evening in terms of putting on my Christmas Undies and Jumper on. I couldn't find the undies. So I put on others I bought in Aldis on Sunday. I then headed onto Store St., seeing as I said above, that I forgot to sign my signature. Then I went onto Aldis to get more cards. Then I finally arrived at the Outhouse. I was due to be at the Christmas Party between 4-6. However that said, the fact that I arrived slightly late, at least I had seen others, so I wrote my cards and handed em out. eheheh. Then I was advised that I go and get a secretary. hahaahah. In fact Patrick had reminded us that the politicians ' Secretary used to send us Christmas Cards. hahaahha. So then James who also their, was also telling me how Windows 10 had failed him when he went to upgrade. So for waht ever reason I was trying to comapre that he hates Microsoft, whiel I hate Social Welafre. He was most appolgoetic for the way he went on about Windows 10. I kinda understood what the acutal issue was. Something about Widnows 10 not accpeting his backups or whatever. So I offered him how about he go and download Recuva to go and attmept to recover the files. etc., So I shall also offer him Ubuntu in terms of attmepting to access his files as well. Searson was also their. Was great to see him. He wanted to see my self harm cuts. WHen I went to take my jumper off as I was getting warm, I several times attmepted to hide my self harm. THat said, I also didn't care. So it all depends ont eh person.
My day started off with my heart outta me mouth literally. Like the Sabrina epsidoe whereby she has a Secret Admirer, and her heart is literally beating OUTSIDE her body, (now oblivious not the real heart - ahaha, that would be just grotesque. )
Anyways moving on as one would say, Mom collected me. I had checked my post. I received three letters. One from Social Welfare, the other two from friends for ie Christmas Cards., So I opened the Social Welfare, and it stated that I had not signed as per required. So then I opened the other two. I had received scratch cards. Then I scratched them and was shocked that I had won €25. Cause the last time I won so high was when I had gotten a scratch card from Colette.
So then onwards, and upwards, we headed onto Social Welfare. Today's idea was to get a more clear idea. I was deeply disheartened when Mom was told to get out three times., I felt for her. Me heart was higher in me mouth as per above description.
So then afterwards Mom drove me back to her place. I helped Dad briefly with the lights in the garden. Then I headed on back to my place.
I got myself ready for the evening in terms of putting on my Christmas Undies and Jumper on. I couldn't find the undies. So I put on others I bought in Aldis on Sunday. I then headed onto Store St., seeing as I said above, that I forgot to sign my signature. Then I went onto Aldis to get more cards. Then I finally arrived at the Outhouse. I was due to be at the Christmas Party between 4-6. However that said, the fact that I arrived slightly late, at least I had seen others, so I wrote my cards and handed em out. eheheh. Then I was advised that I go and get a secretary. hahaahah. In fact Patrick had reminded us that the politicians ' Secretary used to send us Christmas Cards. hahaahha. So then James who also their, was also telling me how Windows 10 had failed him when he went to upgrade. So for waht ever reason I was trying to comapre that he hates Microsoft, whiel I hate Social Welafre. He was most appolgoetic for the way he went on about Windows 10. I kinda understood what the acutal issue was. Something about Widnows 10 not accpeting his backups or whatever. So I offered him how about he go and download Recuva to go and attmept to recover the files. etc., So I shall also offer him Ubuntu in terms of attmepting to access his files as well. Searson was also their. Was great to see him. He wanted to see my self harm cuts. WHen I went to take my jumper off as I was getting warm, I several times attmepted to hide my self harm. THat said, I also didn't care. So it all depends ont eh person.
Wednesday, 16 December 2015
Diary 16th December 2015
PS This blog post contains GRAPHIC content by means of self harm. Well what a day today was.
It all started when I got up for to help Dad with the garden Christmas lights. That was no bother.
However thou I was also due to hand in documents that I had gathered over the past few days from my GP Doctor, my landlord etc., and of course bills etc., etc., and I handed them in. So Mom n I headed onto my Social Welfare. Well what happened, I never thought in my wildest dreams that this would ever happen to me as I'm about to explain. So I handed in my stuff. I was getting impatient waiting around due to the security's guy management of the ticketing system of the Supplemental Welfare Allowance. When I got their in the end, the guy asked what Payment am I awaiting for. I said that I'm on IB(Injury Benefit). He said that ain't permanent. I knew that. So he then suggested that I go onto Disability Allowance, HOWEVER He went to ask someone in the background of which I overheard. I got visibly very upset, and the guy relayed the message to me. He said I should go back onto JSA(Job Seeker's Allowance). So to get that, I go to Intreo which is NEXT door tot the main building. I went their. The woman their told me that to get that, I should get a FINAL Cert from my GP to get my JSA back. So then armed with this information, I went back tot eh guy, told him this and he told me, here's a check. Come back to him Wed 30th with a Letter from JSA stating that I have OPENED a claim, and that he'll pay me, while I await my claim for JSA.
So armed with this info, I told Mom. I told her "Brace yourself". So visibly I was getting further upset with water eyes. So with the check, I went to the bank in AIB. After that, I said to Mom in the car on the way home to Griffith Ave., "I'd do anything to have a sleeve". So I held one of my Scarfy. Mom said "don't you dare. He's too good". Something to that affect. So then jst about we were near home, I literally broke down crying, very upset, and of course my sleeve stuffed in my mouth. awwwwwww. It was all getting too much for me. So then when I came home, Mom got me a cuppa of coffee, and continued to break down. My sis n my Dad were outside doing the lights, they didn't know what to do. Mom comforted me, crying herself. She kept insisting, everything will be alrite. Like my issue is STABILITY. Dad gave me some more money, to tide me over for the next few weeks. I was just so devastated. Continued to be hysterically crying. I continued expressing, "I was almost sure it was all over., I could have sworn it would be all over. "
So then I decided to get ready for to meet my mate Searson. However I had gotten a message Saigon that due to weather he won't be able to make it. So I went instead to plan on getting my sis' Floppy doggy n my new puppy called Kathleen. awwwwwww. However it is with great sadness that I regret to inform you, that due to my increase urges that I self harmed in the shower with a Swiss Army knife. I basically scratched until their was a bit of blood, then I continued at it, then after awhile I literally bit it. I basically went back to my habit in Romania, whereby I bit on my skin when I am stressed or whatever. In Romania, ie the orphanage, I used to bite on my skin, and then one the Matrons or whatever they call themselves, gave me a comfort rag. Hence the sleeve. eheheh.
So then I got dressed, went to get Floppy and Kathleen. Then I headed back to my sis to deliver her Floppy. Then I headed onto meet O' Farrell. Now I hadn't seen Brendan in ages. So was great to see him. However as he had brought up what's NOW a trigger, I self harmed again in the bathroom, by means of biting the injury, I had done previously in the shower, but the biting in question occurred in eh bathroom. So then afterwards, I headed back to my sis to collect my Kathleen and headed on back home. heehehe
It all started when I got up for to help Dad with the garden Christmas lights. That was no bother.
However thou I was also due to hand in documents that I had gathered over the past few days from my GP Doctor, my landlord etc., and of course bills etc., etc., and I handed them in. So Mom n I headed onto my Social Welfare. Well what happened, I never thought in my wildest dreams that this would ever happen to me as I'm about to explain. So I handed in my stuff. I was getting impatient waiting around due to the security's guy management of the ticketing system of the Supplemental Welfare Allowance. When I got their in the end, the guy asked what Payment am I awaiting for. I said that I'm on IB(Injury Benefit). He said that ain't permanent. I knew that. So he then suggested that I go onto Disability Allowance, HOWEVER He went to ask someone in the background of which I overheard. I got visibly very upset, and the guy relayed the message to me. He said I should go back onto JSA(Job Seeker's Allowance). So to get that, I go to Intreo which is NEXT door tot the main building. I went their. The woman their told me that to get that, I should get a FINAL Cert from my GP to get my JSA back. So then armed with this information, I went back tot eh guy, told him this and he told me, here's a check. Come back to him Wed 30th with a Letter from JSA stating that I have OPENED a claim, and that he'll pay me, while I await my claim for JSA.
So armed with this info, I told Mom. I told her "Brace yourself". So visibly I was getting further upset with water eyes. So with the check, I went to the bank in AIB. After that, I said to Mom in the car on the way home to Griffith Ave., "I'd do anything to have a sleeve". So I held one of my Scarfy. Mom said "don't you dare. He's too good". Something to that affect. So then jst about we were near home, I literally broke down crying, very upset, and of course my sleeve stuffed in my mouth. awwwwwww. It was all getting too much for me. So then when I came home, Mom got me a cuppa of coffee, and continued to break down. My sis n my Dad were outside doing the lights, they didn't know what to do. Mom comforted me, crying herself. She kept insisting, everything will be alrite. Like my issue is STABILITY. Dad gave me some more money, to tide me over for the next few weeks. I was just so devastated. Continued to be hysterically crying. I continued expressing, "I was almost sure it was all over., I could have sworn it would be all over. "
So then I decided to get ready for to meet my mate Searson. However I had gotten a message Saigon that due to weather he won't be able to make it. So I went instead to plan on getting my sis' Floppy doggy n my new puppy called Kathleen. awwwwwww. However it is with great sadness that I regret to inform you, that due to my increase urges that I self harmed in the shower with a Swiss Army knife. I basically scratched until their was a bit of blood, then I continued at it, then after awhile I literally bit it. I basically went back to my habit in Romania, whereby I bit on my skin when I am stressed or whatever. In Romania, ie the orphanage, I used to bite on my skin, and then one the Matrons or whatever they call themselves, gave me a comfort rag. Hence the sleeve. eheheh.
So then I got dressed, went to get Floppy and Kathleen. Then I headed back to my sis to deliver her Floppy. Then I headed onto meet O' Farrell. Now I hadn't seen Brendan in ages. So was great to see him. However as he had brought up what's NOW a trigger, I self harmed again in the bathroom, by means of biting the injury, I had done previously in the shower, but the biting in question occurred in eh bathroom. So then afterwards, I headed back to my sis to collect my Kathleen and headed on back home. heehehe
Tuesday, 15 December 2015
Diary 15th December 2015
Today was not bad a day. Nothing outta the blue occurred. hahahaah.
It all started when Maudy rang my doorbell heavily. So I went back to bed. Then I got up eventually. I had a doctor's appointment for the doctor to fill out a form that is one of the requirements of the Supplemental Welfare Allowance.
So then onwards and upwards to collect my rent allowance of which was Double Pay and then I headed onto to the bank to lodge money for the bills. I then continued onwards to hand in my Certificate to Store St., I then headed onto home to get ready for my sis tonight.
I was looking for various items. heeheh. Then on the way to my sis, I went to get pressies for Colette, and my Dad for his birthday AND for Christmas too. Then I headed onto her place to wrap up the pressies AND at the time had hoped to Address the envelopes. However it wasn't too be as last night, I had created a Report in my Access contacts database and exported that into a PDF and saved it on OneDrive. However even that didn't work, as it would not show up on my phone. So that was a bummer.
I was watching IrelandAM on my TV. They are currently have a competition of whereby the viewers have to guess "What's In The Box", in the lead up to Christmas. The presenters give out clues on the hour of the show. Today's clue's so far is as follows: Sir Walter Ralaeigh introduced this, into Ireland. The second clue was that They are categorised as Queens, Records and the Rooster are all varieties of what Vegetables. and the final clue of the competition: This veg is more fondly known as The "Spud" in Ireland. Now I thought Sir Walter Raleigh introduced the Tobacco in Cigarettes. Well who knew about the spud, hahaahha. of course the answer is Potato.
While going through my blogs I subscribe to, one Blog post was of interest that brought great memories of my Cell Phones usage. heehhe. It was based on what PRE-Android phones ie NON-smartphones. My very first phone was a Panasonic GD35. I remember I didn't want a mobile phone at all. heheeheh. However Mom n Dad insisted if they wanted me for anything. I got it for my State Examinations aka Leaving Cert year. I remember that I was actually wanting the phone so that I could text. I would only get the numbers of guys I found cute. ehehhe. Now obviously I wasn't out or anything. But hey. I even went as far if they know how to text instead of calling. Then I also remember that I had only gotten Nokia 3510i, which was a color screen. I remember walking home from some place late at night, I had the phone on display. I held it so tight. I had only finished a class of the ECDL. I really adored this one very much, til it got stolen. So I bought another one. Even that went down a manhole. I was working for a company Noel Hughe's company - my relative I see on a monthly basis. heheeh. , ahahah. Another one got stolen. I then got myself a Nokia 7310, something like that. This one was not bad. It was a very highend one. My former friend Noel Kenny, recommended it. I remember that when I was looking up specs, that a USB is was a vital thing where I wanted to connect to the computer.
It all started when Maudy rang my doorbell heavily. So I went back to bed. Then I got up eventually. I had a doctor's appointment for the doctor to fill out a form that is one of the requirements of the Supplemental Welfare Allowance.
So then onwards and upwards to collect my rent allowance of which was Double Pay and then I headed onto to the bank to lodge money for the bills. I then continued onwards to hand in my Certificate to Store St., I then headed onto home to get ready for my sis tonight.
I was looking for various items. heeheh. Then on the way to my sis, I went to get pressies for Colette, and my Dad for his birthday AND for Christmas too. Then I headed onto her place to wrap up the pressies AND at the time had hoped to Address the envelopes. However it wasn't too be as last night, I had created a Report in my Access contacts database and exported that into a PDF and saved it on OneDrive. However even that didn't work, as it would not show up on my phone. So that was a bummer.
I was watching IrelandAM on my TV. They are currently have a competition of whereby the viewers have to guess "What's In The Box", in the lead up to Christmas. The presenters give out clues on the hour of the show. Today's clue's so far is as follows: Sir Walter Ralaeigh introduced this, into Ireland. The second clue was that They are categorised as Queens, Records and the Rooster are all varieties of what Vegetables. and the final clue of the competition: This veg is more fondly known as The "Spud" in Ireland. Now I thought Sir Walter Raleigh introduced the Tobacco in Cigarettes. Well who knew about the spud, hahaahha. of course the answer is Potato.
While going through my blogs I subscribe to, one Blog post was of interest that brought great memories of my Cell Phones usage. heehhe. It was based on what PRE-Android phones ie NON-smartphones. My very first phone was a Panasonic GD35. I remember I didn't want a mobile phone at all. heheeheh. However Mom n Dad insisted if they wanted me for anything. I got it for my State Examinations aka Leaving Cert year. I remember that I was actually wanting the phone so that I could text. I would only get the numbers of guys I found cute. ehehhe. Now obviously I wasn't out or anything. But hey. I even went as far if they know how to text instead of calling. Then I also remember that I had only gotten Nokia 3510i, which was a color screen. I remember walking home from some place late at night, I had the phone on display. I held it so tight. I had only finished a class of the ECDL. I really adored this one very much, til it got stolen. So I bought another one. Even that went down a manhole. I was working for a company Noel Hughe's company - my relative I see on a monthly basis. heheeh. , ahahah. Another one got stolen. I then got myself a Nokia 7310, something like that. This one was not bad. It was a very highend one. My former friend Noel Kenny, recommended it. I remember that when I was looking up specs, that a USB is was a vital thing where I wanted to connect to the computer.
Monday, 14 December 2015
Diary 14th December 2015
Well so far not bad a day, heheheeh. As per my weekly schedule, I didn't go to bed. heheh. But as well as that, I was doing my catchup on TV shows. So I did my recordings. I was to go to the bike shop to go and have it repaired specifically the brakes.
So Mom collected me at the bike shop and brought me up to there place to get documents printed off and finished off the documentation for the Supplemental Welfare Allowance form. SO that said, on the way up to Mom n Dad's, Mom wanted a few of HER errands done. One of the errands was to post letters that Dad had written to his relatives and friends for Christmas. Well one I was most NOT prepared for. I was sifting through the cards and all had stamps on the envelope. Now what I find most surpirsing is that he was POSTING to a neighbor of his ie Ailish n Noel. Now he's wasting money of .70c on a stamp when they live next door. So my point being is that he is harping on about me wasting money on Westwood, yet he's doing the EXACT same thing. Kinda ironic if u ask me.
So moving on, then I started the printing on at home in their place. I in the meantime rang Sky to move over to Sky Broadband. However as I had forgotten the number one possibility of the cause of delay: aka Christmas. So what I mean thou is that when I was signing up, They would have to come out to install Fibre. If I were to go Standard, there would be no Engineer required, However as I wanted the Fibre, I was required an Engineer. And even with that, I would have to wait few more days to gain access to the Internet with Sky Broadband. So then afterwards, I headed back to the kitchen table to get soup etc., I then rang Franky, again, and he this time answered the phone, yippppppeeeeeeeeeeee as Zelda Spellman from Sabrina says it - hahahaa. So before I headed on off home, Dad asked if I had cash for the bike repair. And I said I unfortunately didn't. so what a lecture that came outta of him. He said that me buying presents is silly or something to that affect. I was looking at Mom getting a bit anxious and I told Dad, look just quit it, for Mom's sake. I told him, I would NOT have gone near him had Social Welfare not gone near me. Even if it were during the year, I still would not have gone near him cash wise I mean. So I then headed on back home to be in time for Frnaky. Then when he came, he brought teh form back home. I had hoped that he fill the, form out there and then, however it wasn't to be as it was to do with the Accountant.
So Mom collected me at the bike shop and brought me up to there place to get documents printed off and finished off the documentation for the Supplemental Welfare Allowance form. SO that said, on the way up to Mom n Dad's, Mom wanted a few of HER errands done. One of the errands was to post letters that Dad had written to his relatives and friends for Christmas. Well one I was most NOT prepared for. I was sifting through the cards and all had stamps on the envelope. Now what I find most surpirsing is that he was POSTING to a neighbor of his ie Ailish n Noel. Now he's wasting money of .70c on a stamp when they live next door. So my point being is that he is harping on about me wasting money on Westwood, yet he's doing the EXACT same thing. Kinda ironic if u ask me.
So moving on, then I started the printing on at home in their place. I in the meantime rang Sky to move over to Sky Broadband. However as I had forgotten the number one possibility of the cause of delay: aka Christmas. So what I mean thou is that when I was signing up, They would have to come out to install Fibre. If I were to go Standard, there would be no Engineer required, However as I wanted the Fibre, I was required an Engineer. And even with that, I would have to wait few more days to gain access to the Internet with Sky Broadband. So then afterwards, I headed back to the kitchen table to get soup etc., I then rang Franky, again, and he this time answered the phone, yippppppeeeeeeeeeeee as Zelda Spellman from Sabrina says it - hahahaa. So before I headed on off home, Dad asked if I had cash for the bike repair. And I said I unfortunately didn't. so what a lecture that came outta of him. He said that me buying presents is silly or something to that affect. I was looking at Mom getting a bit anxious and I told Dad, look just quit it, for Mom's sake. I told him, I would NOT have gone near him had Social Welfare not gone near me. Even if it were during the year, I still would not have gone near him cash wise I mean. So I then headed on back home to be in time for Frnaky. Then when he came, he brought teh form back home. I had hoped that he fill the, form out there and then, however it wasn't to be as it was to do with the Accountant.
Sunday, 13 December 2015
Diary 13th December 2015
Well today was fairly quiet. Nothing major to report.
I was with my sis for most of the day. I had gotten up for my sis and more so fairly early for to get my Christmas Undies in Aldis in East Wall. So that said I also got pressies too. So then I came back to my sis in my place. I went to put up decorations ie the lights too. eheheheh. Then shortly afterwards, I got severe back pain sharp pain. So I was literally crippled for a few hrs. My sis when we got to her place, offered me Ibuprofen. I just had to take her up on the offer. I then told her that there;s a very strong possibility that I had slept walk. As I had old pillows atop Oneie my +Inflatables Stanescu . Now the weight of the pillows made it impossible for Oneie to start floating around or to be even budged. Yet when I woke up, there he was at the end of the bed, as much as to say that I had pushed it. It also was a contributory factor to my back pain I mean the potential sleep walk. Then we walked to her place, stopping in Tescos on the way. On the way, we bumped into Brendan who used to work as barman in Kennedy's, whcih I think he still is there. I just ain't. hahaha. Then onwards, we then looked at comedy, heheeheh. While doing so, I got another memory back. In this instance, I had bought my sis a doggie. She calls it Geoffrey. Both my sis n I were in town at the Annual Christmas Stalls in Henry St., when I bought it for her. Its also the same day, when I also asked Dad for MY savings aka €1000 at the time with him, He kept asking me "No Mom, I want him to tell me", and his growing voice tone was nerving me, So I remember telling everyone, I'm not gonna bother ie ruining the day for my sis more so. So then I remember Mom had a word with Dad and he gave in in the end, thereby allowing me to get my €400 gadget which was an Archos media device something like that. Then when my sis n I came home, the amount of crap that came out of Dad's mouth when I told him the price in front of the Kelly's(The neighbors).
I was with my sis for most of the day. I had gotten up for my sis and more so fairly early for to get my Christmas Undies in Aldis in East Wall. So that said I also got pressies too. So then I came back to my sis in my place. I went to put up decorations ie the lights too. eheheheh. Then shortly afterwards, I got severe back pain sharp pain. So I was literally crippled for a few hrs. My sis when we got to her place, offered me Ibuprofen. I just had to take her up on the offer. I then told her that there;s a very strong possibility that I had slept walk. As I had old pillows atop Oneie my +Inflatables Stanescu . Now the weight of the pillows made it impossible for Oneie to start floating around or to be even budged. Yet when I woke up, there he was at the end of the bed, as much as to say that I had pushed it. It also was a contributory factor to my back pain I mean the potential sleep walk. Then we walked to her place, stopping in Tescos on the way. On the way, we bumped into Brendan who used to work as barman in Kennedy's, whcih I think he still is there. I just ain't. hahaha. Then onwards, we then looked at comedy, heheeheh. While doing so, I got another memory back. In this instance, I had bought my sis a doggie. She calls it Geoffrey. Both my sis n I were in town at the Annual Christmas Stalls in Henry St., when I bought it for her. Its also the same day, when I also asked Dad for MY savings aka €1000 at the time with him, He kept asking me "No Mom, I want him to tell me", and his growing voice tone was nerving me, So I remember telling everyone, I'm not gonna bother ie ruining the day for my sis more so. So then I remember Mom had a word with Dad and he gave in in the end, thereby allowing me to get my €400 gadget which was an Archos media device something like that. Then when my sis n I came home, the amount of crap that came out of Dad's mouth when I told him the price in front of the Kelly's(The neighbors).
Saturday, 12 December 2015
Diary 12th December 2015
What a busy day it turned out to be.
I was initially supposedly go to the Dublin Ukulele Group or Collective. However I couldn't find em. So I quickly checked the Facebook page. As it happens due to the weather, they cancelled it. Now when I went in it wasn't too bad. However I since learned the weather was really bad earlier in the day when I was in Bed. hahaha. So I took the Opportunity in actually getting a bit of the Christmas shopping. As Ailish later on said and Dad always says to me, Christmas ain't gonna wait for me. So that said, I decided to continue USING my Rent money. I had told Dad yesterday that I do have the Rent cash, which at the time, I did, however Christmas is around. So I went around firstly down the Christmas Stalls on Henry St., then came back up then headed to collect my bike to go and "collect" my Christmas Dinner. However it wasn't to be as they didn't have any to sell. Then I looked around and found some fabulous items. Like my Vegan Butter, i see was there, my Violife, awwwww yeahhhhhh. I then headed on off to the Christmas Market outside the Bank of Ireland. Looked around there. On my way to collect my bike, I went to see if Edmund, Evelyne and Glo(Gloria) from Vegan Ireland were there with their stand of Anti-Fur against Barnarndos selling fur. So as they WEREN'T there, I decided to ask if the cute bunny rabbit is made of fur. I went in their with a shameful face of a betraying back more so, and at the same time, frightened that one of Vegan Ireland might catch me in their. When I went in their, all I could see was dead animals with the amount of fur. Considering its a charity shop, I thought they'd sell ANYTHING, like my sis' teddy which I bought from St. Vincent De Paul, was sold into St. Vincent De Paul hence where I bought it. So when I learned that the bunny rabbit WAS made of fur, I was totally distraught. So with that behind me, I then continued onwards towards the north of the city. Looked around.
So then when I was finished with all the looking and shopping, I came back home, afterwards, wrapping up presents etc.,
Then afterwards, I headed up to Ailish n Noel's as pers schedule. We had a great chat. We chatted about their family and my love or more so pining for em, like Kathleen, etc., etc., Then when Ailsih asked about my birth Mom, I started to get a bit agitated nothing major of course, but still. I asked if I were to be diagnosed ewit whatever, would they think anything differnet and when Noel said "You're one in a million", I felt so wanted, in all my life.
So witht aht said, I headed on back home. heheeh.
I was initially supposedly go to the Dublin Ukulele Group or Collective. However I couldn't find em. So I quickly checked the Facebook page. As it happens due to the weather, they cancelled it. Now when I went in it wasn't too bad. However I since learned the weather was really bad earlier in the day when I was in Bed. hahaha. So I took the Opportunity in actually getting a bit of the Christmas shopping. As Ailish later on said and Dad always says to me, Christmas ain't gonna wait for me. So that said, I decided to continue USING my Rent money. I had told Dad yesterday that I do have the Rent cash, which at the time, I did, however Christmas is around. So I went around firstly down the Christmas Stalls on Henry St., then came back up then headed to collect my bike to go and "collect" my Christmas Dinner. However it wasn't to be as they didn't have any to sell. Then I looked around and found some fabulous items. Like my Vegan Butter, i see was there, my Violife, awwwww yeahhhhhh. I then headed on off to the Christmas Market outside the Bank of Ireland. Looked around there. On my way to collect my bike, I went to see if Edmund, Evelyne and Glo(Gloria) from Vegan Ireland were there with their stand of Anti-Fur against Barnarndos selling fur. So as they WEREN'T there, I decided to ask if the cute bunny rabbit is made of fur. I went in their with a shameful face of a betraying back more so, and at the same time, frightened that one of Vegan Ireland might catch me in their. When I went in their, all I could see was dead animals with the amount of fur. Considering its a charity shop, I thought they'd sell ANYTHING, like my sis' teddy which I bought from St. Vincent De Paul, was sold into St. Vincent De Paul hence where I bought it. So when I learned that the bunny rabbit WAS made of fur, I was totally distraught. So with that behind me, I then continued onwards towards the north of the city. Looked around.
So then when I was finished with all the looking and shopping, I came back home, afterwards, wrapping up presents etc.,
Then afterwards, I headed up to Ailish n Noel's as pers schedule. We had a great chat. We chatted about their family and my love or more so pining for em, like Kathleen, etc., etc., Then when Ailsih asked about my birth Mom, I started to get a bit agitated nothing major of course, but still. I asked if I were to be diagnosed ewit whatever, would they think anything differnet and when Noel said "You're one in a million", I felt so wanted, in all my life.
So witht aht said, I headed on back home. heheeh.
Friday, 11 December 2015
Not bad a movie. You will most certainly be entertained with Conchata Farrell's comic action like one line was fantastic. "I haven't been this hungover since the Pope died",. We all got a great laugh from this. She bring's her Two and A Half Men character onto the big screen. The genre of the movie is Horror/Comedy. The visual effects wowwww, but more importantly, the plot was quite simple to follow.
The plot being as I said above, was that a young boy wishes the OPPOSITE of wishes. In that mayhem ensues when Max's family tree comes, ie the Aunts, Uncles, Cousins etc., So in a fit, he rips up Santa's letter and throws into the sky, hence where Krampus comes and causes mayhem. IN the end, it is found that Max receives a Bauble with Krampus on it. We all thought it was a dream, however when its realised that it wasn't, who knew. Something tells me a SEQUEL might be on the cards.
Diary 11th December 2015
While getting ready I saw a piece on RTE's Prime Time that the ISIS video on that had a group of victims with their hands tied up. And a bomb LITERALLY sent to them. Oh the thought of it makes my spine shivers. Although RTE did warn the viewers alrite.
Then my last item before actually bedding, I installed my first Lampshade aka the Santa Lampshade. hahaahah. I was well chuffed. I should list it as a Facebook Life Event.
Before going to sleeping, I was looking up the Outhouse Facebook page. I saw an interesting story and it had on it, that St. Vincent De Paul had "stand down committee". I googled this. Couldn't find anything. So there's me thinking wondering if they's homophobic. If they were I would tell them to take a hike with their help and if they asked why I would tell them am gay.
Twas a wonderful start to the day. heheheh. Both my sis n I headed on off to our folks to get decorations up. Initially I was to go up for to print my bills off as part of a requirements of Supplemental Welfare Form application. However it wasn't to be. Eitherway Dad n I got the testing of the garden lights completed. heehehe
Then we sat down for a cuppa. I got a fit of the giggles. I was chatting about whatever then onto when my phone showed "SVP stand down committee". I asked the fam what did this mean. From what I understood it means to resign.
So then Dad dropped us home. I continued on with the decorations.
So then I headed on off to meet Barry for to see Krampus(Review here). I went to Outhouse first to see if anyone would recognise my glasses. heheehe. Then afterwards, I got a lovely card from Patrick. heehhe. Then I headed to meet Barry. I find that he's changed lately. Like for e.g if I didn't understand he'd get "Keithed", what that means is that he'd get pissed off. Like we were talking about his Pops back ie it kills him when he tries to cut up logs. I didn't hear him too clearly, yet he continent to sayin "you know like cutting down threes etc., etc.," something to that effect. I find that anyone I touch or get to know that they start getting "tired" of me. Its happened to a few people in my life now - hence my potential diagnosis the Dependency Personality Disorder. I asked Barry if he heard of this. He rebuked badly about it. Yet he's heard of Borderline, alrite. He knows a few people who has Borderline. So I'll distance myself with him for awhile. I'll continue to hang out with Andrea, who even asked where have I been.
Then my last item before actually bedding, I installed my first Lampshade aka the Santa Lampshade. hahaahah. I was well chuffed. I should list it as a Facebook Life Event.
Before going to sleeping, I was looking up the Outhouse Facebook page. I saw an interesting story and it had on it, that St. Vincent De Paul had "stand down committee". I googled this. Couldn't find anything. So there's me thinking wondering if they's homophobic. If they were I would tell them to take a hike with their help and if they asked why I would tell them am gay.
Twas a wonderful start to the day. heheheh. Both my sis n I headed on off to our folks to get decorations up. Initially I was to go up for to print my bills off as part of a requirements of Supplemental Welfare Form application. However it wasn't to be. Eitherway Dad n I got the testing of the garden lights completed. heehehe
Then we sat down for a cuppa. I got a fit of the giggles. I was chatting about whatever then onto when my phone showed "SVP stand down committee". I asked the fam what did this mean. From what I understood it means to resign.
So then Dad dropped us home. I continued on with the decorations.
So then I headed on off to meet Barry for to see Krampus(Review here). I went to Outhouse first to see if anyone would recognise my glasses. heheehe. Then afterwards, I got a lovely card from Patrick. heehhe. Then I headed to meet Barry. I find that he's changed lately. Like for e.g if I didn't understand he'd get "Keithed", what that means is that he'd get pissed off. Like we were talking about his Pops back ie it kills him when he tries to cut up logs. I didn't hear him too clearly, yet he continent to sayin "you know like cutting down threes etc., etc.," something to that effect. I find that anyone I touch or get to know that they start getting "tired" of me. Its happened to a few people in my life now - hence my potential diagnosis the Dependency Personality Disorder. I asked Barry if he heard of this. He rebuked badly about it. Yet he's heard of Borderline, alrite. He knows a few people who has Borderline. So I'll distance myself with him for awhile. I'll continue to hang out with Andrea, who even asked where have I been.
Thursday, 10 December 2015
Victor Frankenstein
I travelled along tot eh film with a friend of mine. His synopsis of the film: "Interesting", which no doubt so true. The Visual Effects, class. Oh and the baby, mmmm MUSIC. It was fantastic. BUT not what I had quiet expected. Like Frankenstein being the MONSTER turned out to be the story of its CREATOR aka Victor Frankenstein(McEvoy). As I said and I'll say it again, I don't care for body parts being tested or even being shown on TV, as I said to my mate, thank god I had finished my nachos.
We meet Igor(Radcliffe) and his new boss Victor Frankenstein. Victor found Igor in a circus. They together try to create a monster ie LIFE from a dead body. Something to that effect.
We meet Igor(Radcliffe) and his new boss Victor Frankenstein. Victor found Igor in a circus. They together try to create a monster ie LIFE from a dead body. Something to that effect.
Diary 10th December 2015
Today not bad a day, by means of being business. hahaha.
I went into Social Welfare(my new home - hahahah) to get them to write me a letter as part of a requirement for Application of Supplemental Welfare. While waiting around, My number was 144. I noted Desk 29(Information Desk) was at 128 and says I to meself, on my ticket it said that I was Number 9 in the queue. And says I to mself hmmm, 9 + 128 does NOT equal 144. More so about 14 or whatever. Then I looked the other side of the pillar and noted 135 was the ticket number, I then said ahh yeah that's more like it. hahaah. I then continued to wait around. Not a budge out of the two of Desks. So eventually Desk 28(the one with 135), got moving on up with numbers. Then when 128 was finished, they closed up completely. There was a guy at 135 and he finished his business there, but when the next number was about to be called he went up instead. He was required to fill out a form or whatever. Afterwards, I saw the guy leaving in a huff saying: "fill out another form; me bollicks". So then eventually it was my turn, by golly was he so cute. Like wow. He wore a pollar tshirt and whatever trousers of which I wasn't able to see. I was jstu drawn to his eyes(awwwwww). Then we got down to business(now, now, hahaha). I asked for teh said letter, and he asked why I took a while looking for a job, and still am. I told him that I have Mental Health difficultys. So we left it at that.
I came back home, and looked at TV, while doing so I was cleaning up rubbish, and then I started the decorations.
So then I set off again on my merry way. This time to meet Andrea for to see Victor Frankenstein(Review here). Beforehand thou, I paid a visit to Lidl, Tescos, all to see if there's anything I can find for to go to have for Christmas Dinner. and MORE so DESSERT. mmmm like Mince Pies, Cake etc., etc.,Then onto Pennys to get a Christmas Jumper and Undies. mmmm. and of course some Star Wars merchandise.
I went into Social Welfare(my new home - hahahah) to get them to write me a letter as part of a requirement for Application of Supplemental Welfare. While waiting around, My number was 144. I noted Desk 29(Information Desk) was at 128 and says I to meself, on my ticket it said that I was Number 9 in the queue. And says I to mself hmmm, 9 + 128 does NOT equal 144. More so about 14 or whatever. Then I looked the other side of the pillar and noted 135 was the ticket number, I then said ahh yeah that's more like it. hahaah. I then continued to wait around. Not a budge out of the two of Desks. So eventually Desk 28(the one with 135), got moving on up with numbers. Then when 128 was finished, they closed up completely. There was a guy at 135 and he finished his business there, but when the next number was about to be called he went up instead. He was required to fill out a form or whatever. Afterwards, I saw the guy leaving in a huff saying: "fill out another form; me bollicks". So then eventually it was my turn, by golly was he so cute. Like wow. He wore a pollar tshirt and whatever trousers of which I wasn't able to see. I was jstu drawn to his eyes(awwwwww). Then we got down to business(now, now, hahaha). I asked for teh said letter, and he asked why I took a while looking for a job, and still am. I told him that I have Mental Health difficultys. So we left it at that.
I came back home, and looked at TV, while doing so I was cleaning up rubbish, and then I started the decorations.
So then I set off again on my merry way. This time to meet Andrea for to see Victor Frankenstein(Review here). Beforehand thou, I paid a visit to Lidl, Tescos, all to see if there's anything I can find for to go to have for Christmas Dinner. and MORE so DESSERT. mmmm like Mince Pies, Cake etc., etc.,Then onto Pennys to get a Christmas Jumper and Undies. mmmm. and of course some Star Wars merchandise.
Wednesday, 9 December 2015
Diary 9th December 2015
Well it was a nice and positive day, for once in me miserable life. hahaha. It all started when I got up for Social Welfare. Of course it started off with my Mom ringing my bell, to get me up outta bed. hahah. That said, I continued onto Social Welfare to go to Supplemental Welfare Office to hand in my form.
So I waited around as needed. Then my number was called. I then handed in my form. The Officer then proceeded to tell me that as I was NOT in a job, that I wouldn't not be entitled to it. However he quickly changed his tune when he inputted my PPS number into the Pulse system. He told me that I required specific documentation. He said that my Landlord has to fill out a form AND the Doctor aswell. So I rang the relevant parties ie Doctor Kelly for an appointment AND my landlord. My landlord said he'll ring me before the Weekend to come out to fill out the form.
I then headed onto first pay Franky for BOTH rents, weeks ie €260. So I did my business. Then as htere was too long a line, well more so there was a couple, who had little to know English, AND there was an elderly man at both machines. There was one staff member helping both of them. So I jstu stayed until my cell allowed me to transfer funds. As it did, I didn't bother waiting around. So when I went to transfer, the AIB site asked me to input a message to the Recipient of the Funds aka my Landlord, I simply put "Apolgiesi for the delay, blame the social welfare".
I then headed onto collecting my glasses. I was delighted with em. However the minute I put em on, I immediately got ditzy ie dizzy. heheheh. Even as I write this I get oncurring headaches.
I then headed with delight but still being cautious. I then headed on off to my next test. As I said to my sis, I'll go to Drumcondra An Post just to piss them off. Seeing as they's piss me off. Why not. Well as it happens, there was a different guy altogether albeit, I know him, alrite, but still. So I just went about my business. Well LOW and behold my cash was there, the €155 that am owed for TWO weeks. I was so happy. So I got stamps, cards AND my most important TV License stamps.
So then I headed to my sis, as she wanted me to collect a package for her. I then headed off to her place collected a slip of paper, I had parked my bike at Charlemont Rd., so that I could just simply head off quickly instead of the usual place of whereby I park it at the gate. However when I came out I got the land of my life when I thoguht my bike was stolen. Well the laugh I got outta of it. hahaha.
So then off to Lomond Office to the sorting office. The guy was most rude. He went as far as to say is she my shagging friend. Something like that. I told him its none of his business. I told him, she's my sister. But he didn't believe it, so I just headed on off.
I then headed on up to my folks. To mainly to hand the bag back to em AND to see my new glasses. I had a nice meal. When I arrived, Dad was in Pauline's doing business. So we looked at the news then of which both were sleeping or dozing. It was a bit abnormal that Dad closed his eyes. heheeh.
Then I headed on home in torrential downpour of wind & rain. I was soaked to the skin. So I showered to avoid getting a cold.
So I waited around as needed. Then my number was called. I then handed in my form. The Officer then proceeded to tell me that as I was NOT in a job, that I wouldn't not be entitled to it. However he quickly changed his tune when he inputted my PPS number into the Pulse system. He told me that I required specific documentation. He said that my Landlord has to fill out a form AND the Doctor aswell. So I rang the relevant parties ie Doctor Kelly for an appointment AND my landlord. My landlord said he'll ring me before the Weekend to come out to fill out the form.
I then headed onto first pay Franky for BOTH rents, weeks ie €260. So I did my business. Then as htere was too long a line, well more so there was a couple, who had little to know English, AND there was an elderly man at both machines. There was one staff member helping both of them. So I jstu stayed until my cell allowed me to transfer funds. As it did, I didn't bother waiting around. So when I went to transfer, the AIB site asked me to input a message to the Recipient of the Funds aka my Landlord, I simply put "Apolgiesi for the delay, blame the social welfare".
I then headed onto collecting my glasses. I was delighted with em. However the minute I put em on, I immediately got ditzy ie dizzy. heheheh. Even as I write this I get oncurring headaches.
I then headed with delight but still being cautious. I then headed on off to my next test. As I said to my sis, I'll go to Drumcondra An Post just to piss them off. Seeing as they's piss me off. Why not. Well as it happens, there was a different guy altogether albeit, I know him, alrite, but still. So I just went about my business. Well LOW and behold my cash was there, the €155 that am owed for TWO weeks. I was so happy. So I got stamps, cards AND my most important TV License stamps.
So then I headed to my sis, as she wanted me to collect a package for her. I then headed off to her place collected a slip of paper, I had parked my bike at Charlemont Rd., so that I could just simply head off quickly instead of the usual place of whereby I park it at the gate. However when I came out I got the land of my life when I thoguht my bike was stolen. Well the laugh I got outta of it. hahaha.
So then off to Lomond Office to the sorting office. The guy was most rude. He went as far as to say is she my shagging friend. Something like that. I told him its none of his business. I told him, she's my sister. But he didn't believe it, so I just headed on off.
I then headed on up to my folks. To mainly to hand the bag back to em AND to see my new glasses. I had a nice meal. When I arrived, Dad was in Pauline's doing business. So we looked at the news then of which both were sleeping or dozing. It was a bit abnormal that Dad closed his eyes. heheeh.
Then I headed on home in torrential downpour of wind & rain. I was soaked to the skin. So I showered to avoid getting a cold.
folk's visit,
sis visit,
social welfare
Tuesday, 8 December 2015
Diary 8th December 2015
I awake from a weird but frightening dream. I had two other frightening dreams, but I just don't recall em. The one I do recall is as follows. I'm in a room with a female friend of mine. A knock or a doorbell is heard. I go to answer. He holds me hostage. My friend comes to my aid when she threatens to shoot the guy.
So I awaken, supposedly to have done a few jobs from yesterday. So my first job was to go to Social Welfare to go and hand in my Supplemental Welfare Allowance form. So I went to Desk 29 as per my usual routine for Questions or as I call em "Information Desk". He told me to go to Desk 31, for the Community Welfare Officer. So I went over there and queued up. The security man gave me a ticket. So I waited. While waiting thou, I noted thou that time was not on my side, when I went to check the time. It was 14.52. Now I had a Dr.'s appointment made for to get back into the Psychiatric services due to my ongoing anxiety issues goings on and my return to sleeves as well.
So then afterwards, I left the social welfare, as like I said, time was not on my side, So I raced towards the doctors to get to the appointments. I first got my Inter Cert then went to the Doctor, Doctor Kelly. So he asked what can he do for me. I basically wound it down to go to back to Dr. Kilduff. So he asked that I elaborate. I told him that my income has been disrupted, etc., etc., and that I just can't deal with it well as others would. I told him of my sleeve comfort AND my banging of my head to get solace and comfort. So he suggested that I perhaps have Anxiety and OR Personality Disorder. He explained that it would be very difficult to diagnose as "I fall within the cracks".
So afterwards, I headed onwards to head towards to go to Social Welfare IN Store St., I went in and the security guy told me to go and put it in the letter box. Now last week, I did the exact same thing well more or less handed it into a guy.
Then I headed onto An Post in Drumcondra to see if my €155 was there for me to collect which is my two weeks worth of Rent Allowance. However it wasn't to be, added as well saying "You don't get money everyday".
So then I headed to my gaf to get my sleeves AND my sis' food and then headed to her place. We watched plenny of comedy of means of Mike and MOlly and King of QUeens.
So I awaken, supposedly to have done a few jobs from yesterday. So my first job was to go to Social Welfare to go and hand in my Supplemental Welfare Allowance form. So I went to Desk 29 as per my usual routine for Questions or as I call em "Information Desk". He told me to go to Desk 31, for the Community Welfare Officer. So I went over there and queued up. The security man gave me a ticket. So I waited. While waiting thou, I noted thou that time was not on my side, when I went to check the time. It was 14.52. Now I had a Dr.'s appointment made for to get back into the Psychiatric services due to my ongoing anxiety issues goings on and my return to sleeves as well.
So then afterwards, I left the social welfare, as like I said, time was not on my side, So I raced towards the doctors to get to the appointments. I first got my Inter Cert then went to the Doctor, Doctor Kelly. So he asked what can he do for me. I basically wound it down to go to back to Dr. Kilduff. So he asked that I elaborate. I told him that my income has been disrupted, etc., etc., and that I just can't deal with it well as others would. I told him of my sleeve comfort AND my banging of my head to get solace and comfort. So he suggested that I perhaps have Anxiety and OR Personality Disorder. He explained that it would be very difficult to diagnose as "I fall within the cracks".
So afterwards, I headed onwards to head towards to go to Social Welfare IN Store St., I went in and the security guy told me to go and put it in the letter box. Now last week, I did the exact same thing well more or less handed it into a guy.
Then I headed onto An Post in Drumcondra to see if my €155 was there for me to collect which is my two weeks worth of Rent Allowance. However it wasn't to be, added as well saying "You don't get money everyday".
So then I headed to my gaf to get my sleeves AND my sis' food and then headed to her place. We watched plenny of comedy of means of Mike and MOlly and King of QUeens.
Monday, 7 December 2015
Diary 7th December 2015
While looking at Sunday AM, they did a peace on ChristmasFM. The Christmas Radio whereby they only play Christmas tunes. I remember there was one Christmas, whereby I was playing the Christmas tunes, WHILE putting up my decorations in my old bedroom at home, at the same time from Christmas FM, possibly also the song Winter's Tale as well while I went down to dinner or something.
Well what a wholeheartedly emotional today turned out to be.
First off was a user on my Facebook account, got me blocked for so called profanity. ie,, So my sis or my self posted a pic of an puppy or something like that. This user posted in HER native tongue, which is a pet peave of mine, that I HATE. So after awhile, I replied to her, firstly DEFENDING my sis' honour and secondly that I hate when someone speak THEIR native tongue, expecting us to Google Translate. The fact thou she has PLENNY of English, yet she had the gaulls to speak in her tongue"!!!!, So when I confronted her, I logged back onto Facebook and I was told that my comment had been reported for Profanity or whatever and that I would be blocked for 3 Days from posting. THEN I tried Poking. Same to no avail. !!!!!.
Then it was time to start my day, just before I headed to my appointment of Employment's Support Officer Christine, I received a letter from Social Welfare stating that my rate for Illness Benefit is €84.50. Now thats a hella lot lower than my original rate. So then I continued onto the appointment. Christine asked me how's tricks. So I just had to let rip what was going on. She just didn't know what to say. She recommended that I go to Citizenship Information Center in O' Connell St., for advice etc., and to investigate about the Supplement Welfare Allowance.
So armed with this information, I then rang my sis and my Mom. Mom invited me up to there place for to settle this once and for all. Its been going on far too long. So then I got started by heading up to Mom and Dads BUT with doing my errands first.
Firstly was to go to An Post to check if their was any cash AND to get stamps. No surprise there was NO cash. So I got my stamps. Then I rushed back home, and then got and posted my cards. Then afterwards, I headed up to Mom n Dad's. Mom was going to collect my sis when I had arrived. I had told Dad, that the sleeves were getting the worse of the treatment and the towellys. To the point they ain't being worn anymore in public let alone his house. The whole time I was up there, I was being treated as if I returned back tot eh family tree. ie when I had blocked Mom n Dad previously and I'd come back, that I would be welcomed back and treated as such. So the whole day we were balancing between Decorations AND sorting my issue out as well. So Mom drove my sis and I to Social Welfare in Kings Inn St., My sis and I were for once treated to a lovely guy. He explained everything. Few questions still hanging. But still its something. So we headed back. Filled out the Supplemental Welfare Allowance form. So hopefully that'll come through. Now my sis and I calculated a few things. It was confirmed that yes indeed I will be getting €84.50 + my Rent Allowance has now been added back. I collect him at the post office and the €84 will be sent to the bank automatic. So adding €84 + €77 will get my €161. Still missing out on €101. So hopefully I'll be able to get it. So the Supplemental Welfare Allowance will balance it for me. Then afterwards, Dad and I got MY decorations down. hhaahaha. So Mom left them down to myselace. heheeheh.
Well what a wholeheartedly emotional today turned out to be.
First off was a user on my Facebook account, got me blocked for so called profanity. ie,, So my sis or my self posted a pic of an puppy or something like that. This user posted in HER native tongue, which is a pet peave of mine, that I HATE. So after awhile, I replied to her, firstly DEFENDING my sis' honour and secondly that I hate when someone speak THEIR native tongue, expecting us to Google Translate. The fact thou she has PLENNY of English, yet she had the gaulls to speak in her tongue"!!!!, So when I confronted her, I logged back onto Facebook and I was told that my comment had been reported for Profanity or whatever and that I would be blocked for 3 Days from posting. THEN I tried Poking. Same to no avail. !!!!!.
Then it was time to start my day, just before I headed to my appointment of Employment's Support Officer Christine, I received a letter from Social Welfare stating that my rate for Illness Benefit is €84.50. Now thats a hella lot lower than my original rate. So then I continued onto the appointment. Christine asked me how's tricks. So I just had to let rip what was going on. She just didn't know what to say. She recommended that I go to Citizenship Information Center in O' Connell St., for advice etc., and to investigate about the Supplement Welfare Allowance.
So armed with this information, I then rang my sis and my Mom. Mom invited me up to there place for to settle this once and for all. Its been going on far too long. So then I got started by heading up to Mom and Dads BUT with doing my errands first.
Firstly was to go to An Post to check if their was any cash AND to get stamps. No surprise there was NO cash. So I got my stamps. Then I rushed back home, and then got and posted my cards. Then afterwards, I headed up to Mom n Dad's. Mom was going to collect my sis when I had arrived. I had told Dad, that the sleeves were getting the worse of the treatment and the towellys. To the point they ain't being worn anymore in public let alone his house. The whole time I was up there, I was being treated as if I returned back tot eh family tree. ie when I had blocked Mom n Dad previously and I'd come back, that I would be welcomed back and treated as such. So the whole day we were balancing between Decorations AND sorting my issue out as well. So Mom drove my sis and I to Social Welfare in Kings Inn St., My sis and I were for once treated to a lovely guy. He explained everything. Few questions still hanging. But still its something. So we headed back. Filled out the Supplemental Welfare Allowance form. So hopefully that'll come through. Now my sis and I calculated a few things. It was confirmed that yes indeed I will be getting €84.50 + my Rent Allowance has now been added back. I collect him at the post office and the €84 will be sent to the bank automatic. So adding €84 + €77 will get my €161. Still missing out on €101. So hopefully I'll be able to get it. So the Supplemental Welfare Allowance will balance it for me. Then afterwards, Dad and I got MY decorations down. hhaahaha. So Mom left them down to myselace. heheeheh.
job support,
social networking,
social welfare,
Sunday, 6 December 2015
Diary 6th December 2015
Very mixed emotive feelings today. What I mean is that it all started off, just before I went to bed, I checked my Online Bank site, and I noticed that my Debt had been lowered from 100 to 30. So while I welcomed, this its not what I was promised or what I had expected more so. I had only gotten €70. Again I repeat, I am extremely worried about finance and cards etc., etc., and not forgetting pressies. and most imrportantly bills and Rent. That's yet to be paid. My rent will be paid on the double. :(.
So then I got the sleeve(nothing new - awwwwww) and whatever way I did in terms of having at at it, my neck hasn't been any better. So after my sleep, I woke up with a sharp pain in my neck. So then I woke up and got up for my First event of the Chrsitmas Season of concerts. Dublin Gay Men Chorus was to hold their Holly & THe Ivy concert in the Pepper Canister Church aka St. Stephen's Church. So while showering, I heard my doorbell ring. NEver did I thiought that it was my sis. heheeheh. So I let her in and contitneud showereing.
I then headed onto the concert. While it was most enjoyable, I was disheartedned that it had no decoraitiosn let alone a tree nor a crib. There was a wonderful resoudning rendition of O Holy Ngiht. it was so emotive. I even got teary. I even asked my sis why this is so. heheeheh. My LUmy let me down big time. I had about 2GB on Phone and SD Memory. Yet it contitned to say to me that I was outta space. So as such some videos got corrupted. Stany was none too pleased. hahah. During the concert, I got a thtrought taht I just take as much Ibuprofen to stop the pain of my neck. It was that bad. I then in the thought, am asked by Beaumont or whatever by Phsyciatric Staff why did you do this. I tell em SOCIAL WELFARE. While at the concert, I was telling Patrick and Eddie whom I joined for the concert, that I along with Dad n my Sis used to go round to churche's in the area, and look at cribs. Awww memeories.
On the way back to my sis from the concert, who was in my place, I stopped off at Supervalue in Talbot St., I was getting Christmas Cards for my mates on FB, and I noted €2.99 for TWO boxes ie €6. Hwoever the sales guy charged me €3 for both of em. When I broguht this issue to light a guy behidn me said some thing "....mate" as in don't be questioning it or hurry up or wahtever. So fearing for my neck problem, I was on the constant look out BEHIND me up to the bike.
Then I came back to my palce, Went to Centra in Fairview then onto Four Star PIzza. I enquried abotu Vegan BAses, he didn't understand. But he did know Gluten Free thou. So I contitneud onto my sis' palce with herself of ocuse. Whiel at her palce, I was applying for a new AIB Card, as I had lost mine. Which I will need now as I don't have a PIN Number anymore AND that I need to withdraw for myself, in terms of personal income. heehhe. I then also realsied that having a NEW Card number which I hadn't reaslied this, that I will be able to use a NEW card for to use on PayPal. PayPal had blocked my old Card. My sis had told me that a friend of the family, had been in contact with my birth mother. and as such was advised that I stay away from my mother for father reasons. What I mean is that if I were to look for her, that she'd be beaten up or soemthing. Before going to bed last night, I had told my sis, that regarding the Aboration Referendum that may be coming along in the next Governetm, that if a woman, decides an aboration becuase of DS(Down Syndrome), I'm agaignst that. If a woman has an aboration becasue of FFA(Fatal Foetal Abnormality - No chance of life in or outside womb), that woudl be acceptable. BUT int he case of a woman being raped, teh mother wouldn't want no contact with rapist, or attempt to grow a rapists' child, BUT with the child.....Now where my mother comes in is that, I have come to terms(potatnetially) that my mother may have been raped and that the fahter don't know. That she had the kid. Something to that affect.
So then I got the sleeve(nothing new - awwwwww) and whatever way I did in terms of having at at it, my neck hasn't been any better. So after my sleep, I woke up with a sharp pain in my neck. So then I woke up and got up for my First event of the Chrsitmas Season of concerts. Dublin Gay Men Chorus was to hold their Holly & THe Ivy concert in the Pepper Canister Church aka St. Stephen's Church. So while showering, I heard my doorbell ring. NEver did I thiought that it was my sis. heheeheh. So I let her in and contitneud showereing.
I then headed onto the concert. While it was most enjoyable, I was disheartedned that it had no decoraitiosn let alone a tree nor a crib. There was a wonderful resoudning rendition of O Holy Ngiht. it was so emotive. I even got teary. I even asked my sis why this is so. heheeheh. My LUmy let me down big time. I had about 2GB on Phone and SD Memory. Yet it contitned to say to me that I was outta space. So as such some videos got corrupted. Stany was none too pleased. hahah. During the concert, I got a thtrought taht I just take as much Ibuprofen to stop the pain of my neck. It was that bad. I then in the thought, am asked by Beaumont or whatever by Phsyciatric Staff why did you do this. I tell em SOCIAL WELFARE. While at the concert, I was telling Patrick and Eddie whom I joined for the concert, that I along with Dad n my Sis used to go round to churche's in the area, and look at cribs. Awww memeories.
On the way back to my sis from the concert, who was in my place, I stopped off at Supervalue in Talbot St., I was getting Christmas Cards for my mates on FB, and I noted €2.99 for TWO boxes ie €6. Hwoever the sales guy charged me €3 for both of em. When I broguht this issue to light a guy behidn me said some thing "....mate" as in don't be questioning it or hurry up or wahtever. So fearing for my neck problem, I was on the constant look out BEHIND me up to the bike.
Then I came back to my palce, Went to Centra in Fairview then onto Four Star PIzza. I enquried abotu Vegan BAses, he didn't understand. But he did know Gluten Free thou. So I contitneud onto my sis' palce with herself of ocuse. Whiel at her palce, I was applying for a new AIB Card, as I had lost mine. Which I will need now as I don't have a PIN Number anymore AND that I need to withdraw for myself, in terms of personal income. heehhe. I then also realsied that having a NEW Card number which I hadn't reaslied this, that I will be able to use a NEW card for to use on PayPal. PayPal had blocked my old Card. My sis had told me that a friend of the family, had been in contact with my birth mother. and as such was advised that I stay away from my mother for father reasons. What I mean is that if I were to look for her, that she'd be beaten up or soemthing. Before going to bed last night, I had told my sis, that regarding the Aboration Referendum that may be coming along in the next Governetm, that if a woman, decides an aboration becuase of DS(Down Syndrome), I'm agaignst that. If a woman has an aboration becasue of FFA(Fatal Foetal Abnormality - No chance of life in or outside womb), that woudl be acceptable. BUT int he case of a woman being raped, teh mother wouldn't want no contact with rapist, or attempt to grow a rapists' child, BUT with the child.....Now where my mother comes in is that, I have come to terms(potatnetially) that my mother may have been raped and that the fahter don't know. That she had the kid. Something to that affect.
Saturday, 5 December 2015
Diary 5th December 2015
Today was overall a neutral day. By that I mean, a negative AND a positive. My day started off when I was failing to continue sleeping at 5ish. I had awoken after another dream of ISIS. This time, I'm in a room, then the French kill one of ISIS' own and they in turn kill one for the French's.
So I woke up in horror to my new baby Christmas. I then just stayed on in bed, hoping to sleep, but just couldn't. So I then began to plan out of night. It was my intention that I go to see Krampus in Cineworld. However, I wanted company. So I started ringing around. I rang Ronan, - His excuse was he was rehearsing for a play, something like that. Then Andrea - His excuse he was going to a party or something with his Italian friends. However the welcome I got was unreal. heheeh. I was bemused. He said HEY, something like that. He has in the past thou asked for me, indicating he knows something's not up. I then continued ringing Todd. His welcome was not appreciated. haahah. I then went to ring my sis. In the meantime thou, I had got a call from my Mom, inviting me up to her place as she was worried about my place getting flooded.
So then I headed on up to Mom and Dads. On the way thou, I headed to Tesco to look for Vegan Mince Pies puddings etc., etc., However that wasn't to be. So I continued onto, Mom and Dad's. I had a nice meal and chat. Dad fixed up my bike. The brakes wasn't working. Then I headed onto my sis. She was feeling lonely like myself. heeheh. We chatted further. While chatting to her on my phone BEFORE going into Mom n Dad's I got a quick flashback of a nightmare I endured while lviign with Mom and Dads a few years ago. I was doing a AAT Course(Accounting Course) at the time, one night, I woke up when I was actually boxed in the face. And that particular night, I stayed up, and NEVER went back to sleep.
So I woke up in horror to my new baby Christmas. I then just stayed on in bed, hoping to sleep, but just couldn't. So I then began to plan out of night. It was my intention that I go to see Krampus in Cineworld. However, I wanted company. So I started ringing around. I rang Ronan, - His excuse was he was rehearsing for a play, something like that. Then Andrea - His excuse he was going to a party or something with his Italian friends. However the welcome I got was unreal. heheeh. I was bemused. He said HEY, something like that. He has in the past thou asked for me, indicating he knows something's not up. I then continued ringing Todd. His welcome was not appreciated. haahah. I then went to ring my sis. In the meantime thou, I had got a call from my Mom, inviting me up to her place as she was worried about my place getting flooded.
So then I headed on up to Mom and Dads. On the way thou, I headed to Tesco to look for Vegan Mince Pies puddings etc., etc., However that wasn't to be. So I continued onto, Mom and Dad's. I had a nice meal and chat. Dad fixed up my bike. The brakes wasn't working. Then I headed onto my sis. She was feeling lonely like myself. heeheh. We chatted further. While chatting to her on my phone BEFORE going into Mom n Dad's I got a quick flashback of a nightmare I endured while lviign with Mom and Dads a few years ago. I was doing a AAT Course(Accounting Course) at the time, one night, I woke up when I was actually boxed in the face. And that particular night, I stayed up, and NEVER went back to sleep.
Friday, 4 December 2015
The Good Dinosaur
Well the film in particular was Good, its all I could say, when asked how was the film. It was good, but NOT bad. ie Just Right. That said the plot was quite simple, music thou was outstanding. I totally enjoyed it. There was a bit of sadness and emotion as shown by audience memebers. I totally enjoeyd the wonderful quotes when Arlo has "fears" when Poppa states "You have to get through your fear to see the beauty on the other side." Then Butch
The plot as I said was quite simple. It tells teh story of if teh asteroid had NOT extincted the Dinsaurs 65million`years. Mama and Papa are doing farming by means of their back etc., and of course the tails. It tells teh remamrekable story of how an APastorairus meets the human "scritter" Spot. So Arlo is part of a family of Momma(McDormand), Poppa(WRight), Children include: Arlo(Ochoa), BUck(Scrbiner) and LIbby, Arlo goes throguh lifes ups and downs. ARlo being the odd ball int eh family.
The plot as I said was quite simple. It tells teh story of if teh asteroid had NOT extincted the Dinsaurs 65million`years. Mama and Papa are doing farming by means of their back etc., and of course the tails. It tells teh remamrekable story of how an APastorairus meets the human "scritter" Spot. So Arlo is part of a family of Momma(McDormand), Poppa(WRight), Children include: Arlo(Ochoa), BUck(Scrbiner) and LIbby, Arlo goes throguh lifes ups and downs. ARlo being the odd ball int eh family.
Diary 4th December 2015
Twas an alrite day. Nothing major to report.
My day started off with meeting Mom to get new glasses. I got my eyes tested. My first port of call was to get my eyes tested at a machine. Then for further scrutiny. I then advised them of my eyes balls paining me when they go to do the air pressure. However because of the tears in the way and of course the cataracts, that I had to go and do the air pressure again.
ISIS enters my head once more when while being examined the eye obviously, we hear sounds and then the thought being she tells me to get undercover and not a eep outta me.
Then Mom treated me to a meal in Cornucopia. While there Mom and I were chatting hehehe, and I said I'd like to invite Mom into my life. heheheh and she replied by her saying inviting me into her life. I then said "oh you have been for 20 years" . hahha
Then I was trying to get water working, and I said to mom in front of waiter that he's taking the micky of me when he said to rub your hand in front of the machine. hahahah. I had hoped that Mom would get to see the LOVELY desserts they have. I have come to realise that I love Cornucopia's DESSERT NOT the main dishes. This is the SECOND time, I've left it behind. While there, I was due to get my Social Welfare back payments etc., however its with great regret(NOTHING new), that I didn't get it, still waiting. However my mental health ain't waiting. So my sleeves are their to hand. awwwww.
So then I came home and my sis was downloading. Then I headed on off to the cinema to go and see The Good Dinosaur(Review here). I decided to use the €80 I had left supposedly for Rent, but Dad's €400 will work for that for BOTH weeks. I then started my Christmas Shopping OFFICIALLY. hahaha. I got my sis her pressie. Then onwards to Pennys to get my Christmas Undies of which I couldn't get them MAINLY because of the wet weather.
So then I headed onto Outhouse. ehehehe. I learned that if Dinosaurs were NOT made extinct that Humans would not have been created. Thats such fascination. There were women screaming with laughter or whatever. I said to Jaimie, you can see why we don't like women, haahaha. David who works behind the counter was telling me, that his Crhstims is not as enjoyabel as it was a few years ago. As people die or waphtever or move on. Like his ideal chrisrtmas was when he'd invite pepoepl to his place or rwahtever and have a lash. However as people move on or wahtever, yeah you can see why.
My day started off with meeting Mom to get new glasses. I got my eyes tested. My first port of call was to get my eyes tested at a machine. Then for further scrutiny. I then advised them of my eyes balls paining me when they go to do the air pressure. However because of the tears in the way and of course the cataracts, that I had to go and do the air pressure again.
ISIS enters my head once more when while being examined the eye obviously, we hear sounds and then the thought being she tells me to get undercover and not a eep outta me.
Then I was trying to get water working, and I said to mom in front of waiter that he's taking the micky of me when he said to rub your hand in front of the machine. hahahah. I had hoped that Mom would get to see the LOVELY desserts they have. I have come to realise that I love Cornucopia's DESSERT NOT the main dishes. This is the SECOND time, I've left it behind. While there, I was due to get my Social Welfare back payments etc., however its with great regret(NOTHING new), that I didn't get it, still waiting. However my mental health ain't waiting. So my sleeves are their to hand. awwwww.
So then I came home and my sis was downloading. Then I headed on off to the cinema to go and see The Good Dinosaur(Review here). I decided to use the €80 I had left supposedly for Rent, but Dad's €400 will work for that for BOTH weeks. I then started my Christmas Shopping OFFICIALLY. hahaha. I got my sis her pressie. Then onwards to Pennys to get my Christmas Undies of which I couldn't get them MAINLY because of the wet weather.
So then I headed onto Outhouse. ehehehe. I learned that if Dinosaurs were NOT made extinct that Humans would not have been created. Thats such fascination. There were women screaming with laughter or whatever. I said to Jaimie, you can see why we don't like women, haahaha. David who works behind the counter was telling me, that his Crhstims is not as enjoyabel as it was a few years ago. As people die or waphtever or move on. Like his ideal chrisrtmas was when he'd invite pepoepl to his place or rwahtever and have a lash. However as people move on or wahtever, yeah you can see why.
christmas shopping,
eye exam,
Thursday, 3 December 2015
Diary 3rd December 2015
Well today was not bad a day. I had gone to bed quiet early. hehehe. Today was the day for the decorations to commence. Oh boi. heheeheh. Dad collected me slightly earlier than anticipated. heheeh. I was there handing him my TV to see if it can be salvaged ie the stand aspect, in my underwear. I was looking for my other sock. hahaha. So Dad and I drove to collect my sis.
We then went to the house. We took down the decorations outta the attack down to my sis' old bedroom.
Then afterwards in order to get my glasses for free the test at least, I was required to fill out a form and then hand into Ballymun HSE Health Centre. So Mom dropped me there in treacherous weather conditions. I was then told that the form would be sent back out to me, which prob wouldn't arrive til Tomorrow or Monday. As I needed it for tomorrow's Eye appointment. I then made out by saying "I kinda like needed for tomorrow's appointment.". So the receptionist, put me onto a person likewise same thing, and then the person came down to me to go and stamped what she needed and then gave the form back to me.
So then Mom and I drove back. I continued on with the decorations. hehehehe. My sis was doing the tree, while I was with Dad.
So Mom dropped me back and my sis too. It was unfortunate thou that Dad and I couldn't sort out the TV. As it happened, the Bezel part of the TV had literally BROKEN completely. So I ain't sure exactly what happened.
We then went to the house. We took down the decorations outta the attack down to my sis' old bedroom.
Then afterwards in order to get my glasses for free the test at least, I was required to fill out a form and then hand into Ballymun HSE Health Centre. So Mom dropped me there in treacherous weather conditions. I was then told that the form would be sent back out to me, which prob wouldn't arrive til Tomorrow or Monday. As I needed it for tomorrow's Eye appointment. I then made out by saying "I kinda like needed for tomorrow's appointment.". So the receptionist, put me onto a person likewise same thing, and then the person came down to me to go and stamped what she needed and then gave the form back to me.
So then Mom and I drove back. I continued on with the decorations. hehehehe. My sis was doing the tree, while I was with Dad.
So Mom dropped me back and my sis too. It was unfortunate thou that Dad and I couldn't sort out the TV. As it happened, the Bezel part of the TV had literally BROKEN completely. So I ain't sure exactly what happened.
Wednesday, 2 December 2015
Diary 2nd December 2015
Well what a day so far that has happened all within 3-4 hrs. So mind blowing as I'm about to explain.
It all started when I went to my sis' aid. As reported she had done up her hip or slipped or whatever. And she needed my aid. So I went to meet her in An Post. And then afterwards, she on the way wanted a break. So I suggested to sit down somewhere to rest. However she and I went into Green Land Café for a cuppa. Then we continued our journey on wards to her place. While there, I got a sudden realisation that we would be visited by Mom. As it happens, that exactly happened today. This is about the third time this has happened. I was gobsmacked. Like the first was when I knew Social Welfare were gonna take something off me, which happened, then YESTERDAY when they took EVERYTHING off me, and now this!!!!!!
So Mom dropped down for to drop shopping down to my sis which she didn't know I was there. So that said, we went to the car. We had a brief chat. She was on her way to see Colette her sister who as I also reported suffered a MiniStroke. She is currently residing in a Home place kinda thing. Mom wanted to find the facts relating to my NEW benefit known as Injury Benefit which as I understand is NOT permanent. So both Mom and my sis encouraged me to go onto Psychiatric services to get onto Disabsilty Allowance. However while I again STRESS Mom meant well and STILL does, that she mentioned a soar spot. Even my sis said that I went pale as yellow. My sis reassured me that I don't have to divulge EVERYTHING. So that would mean I leave out +Inflatables Stanescu , +Puppys Stanescu and my Sleeves. mmmm to ALL btw. What I'm saying here as long as I'm getting Dsiabslity Allowance, that I have to engage with the State ie get a Diagnosis of Depression or whatever.
Well after a harrowign day but more so a REWARDING day by helpign my sis. Twas a great Rewarding experience. heheeheh. AFterwards, I was checking my Sex email account which I avehnt'y for awhile. One email was troubling thou from Google. It stated and I quote "New sign-in from Internet Explorer on Android". Now firast things first AUTOMATICALLY this don't make sense. Android and Microsofot(deveopers or makers of Internet Expleorer) do not fit in the same sentence wella t the very least Internet Explorere. FOr Legal reason this cannot be done. YET I got an email as such. So I clicked on the link. It then went onto say WINDOWS PHONE. AGain FURTEHR confused. Now obfiously Internet Expleore is the defualt browser on WIndwos Phone. So Google advisedthat I checkq ue out my Public IP Addres(Whcih obvious I will NTO provide). If you're the Governemtnet you have your own Tools etc., But anyways, my poitn being I attmepted to find out "What is my IP". Google provides a wodnerful tool to find my IP ADdress from the Carreir or ISP. Now on the 27th I was with Barry then before then, I was going to ligterealry repor my account being HACKED. LIek to reset password or wahtever.
It all started when I went to my sis' aid. As reported she had done up her hip or slipped or whatever. And she needed my aid. So I went to meet her in An Post. And then afterwards, she on the way wanted a break. So I suggested to sit down somewhere to rest. However she and I went into Green Land Café for a cuppa. Then we continued our journey on wards to her place. While there, I got a sudden realisation that we would be visited by Mom. As it happens, that exactly happened today. This is about the third time this has happened. I was gobsmacked. Like the first was when I knew Social Welfare were gonna take something off me, which happened, then YESTERDAY when they took EVERYTHING off me, and now this!!!!!!
So Mom dropped down for to drop shopping down to my sis which she didn't know I was there. So that said, we went to the car. We had a brief chat. She was on her way to see Colette her sister who as I also reported suffered a MiniStroke. She is currently residing in a Home place kinda thing. Mom wanted to find the facts relating to my NEW benefit known as Injury Benefit which as I understand is NOT permanent. So both Mom and my sis encouraged me to go onto Psychiatric services to get onto Disabsilty Allowance. However while I again STRESS Mom meant well and STILL does, that she mentioned a soar spot. Even my sis said that I went pale as yellow. My sis reassured me that I don't have to divulge EVERYTHING. So that would mean I leave out +Inflatables Stanescu , +Puppys Stanescu and my Sleeves. mmmm to ALL btw. What I'm saying here as long as I'm getting Dsiabslity Allowance, that I have to engage with the State ie get a Diagnosis of Depression or whatever.
Well after a harrowign day but more so a REWARDING day by helpign my sis. Twas a great Rewarding experience. heheeheh. AFterwards, I was checking my Sex email account which I avehnt'y for awhile. One email was troubling thou from Google. It stated and I quote "New sign-in from Internet Explorer on Android". Now firast things first AUTOMATICALLY this don't make sense. Android and Microsofot(deveopers or makers of Internet Expleorer) do not fit in the same sentence wella t the very least Internet Explorere. FOr Legal reason this cannot be done. YET I got an email as such. So I clicked on the link. It then went onto say WINDOWS PHONE. AGain FURTEHR confused. Now obfiously Internet Expleore is the defualt browser on WIndwos Phone. So Google advisedthat I checkq ue out my Public IP Addres(Whcih obvious I will NTO provide). If you're the Governemtnet you have your own Tools etc., But anyways, my poitn being I attmepted to find out "What is my IP". Google provides a wodnerful tool to find my IP ADdress from the Carreir or ISP. Now on the 27th I was with Barry then before then, I was going to ligterealry repor my account being HACKED. LIek to reset password or wahtever.
Tuesday, 1 December 2015
Diary 1st December 2015
Well what a day today turned out to be. hahahaah.
It all started off with when Mom banged and rang the doorbell around 10ish to ensure I get up. I ignored of course. I wasn't gonna be bothered with Social Welfare. I had enough of a headache with em. Then I got up around eventually at 1ish instead of 12ish due to leg trouble. So while showering and getting rid of the beard, My doorbell rang yet again. Again it was Mom. I told her not to be bothered with it. I'll go in MY time, and get in touch with her.
I then got ready, headed to An Post, I was distraught to learn that there were no funds for me. I got so teary, that I didn't know what to do. So I rang Mom, let her know of the update, then afterwards,
I headed to Dr., to get my certificate. While there, I peeved off with the ticketing system. The ticket machine was at 36 when I got in, and the Gadget where you collect the ticket was at 34. So it didn't make it sense when my number was NOT called. So I went up and a woman and here kid came in from the cold outside, yet HER number was called, like what gives!!!!!. So I jst queued up behjind her, to ensure I GET called. So I asked for my certificate.
I then headed onto Social Welfare in Kings Inn St., I went to Desk 29 and ask for Member of A Team. I waited for a few minutes. I submitted my certificate and he looked at it. He asked if I had sent in my Bank Details. I had hoped to continue collecting the payments in the Post Office. However it wasn't to be. He mentioned this delayed the payment in question. So he then asked that I send my certificate from now on to Social Welfare in Store St., A member of staff asked how my back was considering the complaint, I kinda know him alrite. I told him he hasn't been the best lately. We then joked about him making out that he's 25. hahaah. Whether the was taking the mikky I ain't sure. When I went to sign the signature, firstly it brought up my NAME issue YET again!!! hence why I went back to my Romanian name ie Georgian Stanescu and secondly the guy commented how fancy the pen is. I told him its Nico's 60th Anniversary Takeaway in Ireland or whatever in Irl. He told me he knew Nico Boroso or whatever. hahaah. What a small world. So he reassured me that all should be well now. I asked if I were to get my Rent Allowance. He explained when you change over to a new Benefit, that ALL payments are stopped and suspended. Then you will be reinstated, something like that.
I then headed onto Store St., Social Welfare. While I was not impressed with the people that were there, I handed my envelope to a guy, I ensured that he put it somewhere.
So I then headed up to my folks. ehehheh mainly to go and see how Dad is after his flu/cold. Had a nice meal with em,
I then headed back to my sis in my place. Where we had a meal etc., well my sis' takeaway at least, We had many a laughs. ahahaha. Here's one for ya. hahahah. Her face expression was priceless. hahaha. She was atop a table, I asked her to hold Champy +Inflatables Stanescu and she replys "Ok", as much to say she' wasn't unsure. I then pulled it with her falling in tow. It was priceless. hahaha. The laugh I got. ahahah. Her expression was that she thought she was falling on concrete or carpet in my case which could be dangerous. However she was falling on inflatables, cause that's who takes up my floor space. Awwwwwwww. Then we headed to her place stopping by Tescos to get Butter. Then moving onto hers. Again we had many a laugh there too. hahaaha. Now it was with great regret to inform yee all thou, that there was a scene at the begging of a movie K9-11 whereby a character reminded me of a vicious dream i had relating to ISIS in recently, that shook me completely. It was completely unexpected. So it was a good thing I had my Sleeves and rags etc.,with me. heehhe. So I had a good meal at em. Or as the saying "let em rip", or "let em at it". So then it was also with great sadness that my sis had a hip displacement, something like that. She's getting there. God speed, sis, God Speed sis. You're a fighter. I stayed with her longer to ensure her safety and taht she was able to get around. I told my sis during the night, that I'm PURPOSELY gonna get "fat", not obese or anything but to go in January when I go after Christmas to work my calories off etc., in Westwood. aahah.
REmembering a night my sis and I and also my Aunt(MAudy) who was llookign after us while our folks were out. I remember that we were both looking at Causlty or as used to say "Casuty". We were looking at a partiducalr episode. Where a character died or something. I inisntalnyl fell in love with him, ie GAY. hehehehe. Then also playoing a game called Duke Nukem BUT more so DOOM, and then ALSO playing a CD Music disc called Robson & JErome's Unchained Melody etc., etc.,.
Trhought out the night, as I said abotuve when I saw a particualr scene I reacted qutie badly, I told her of my quitting COffee cold turkey FORCEFULLY(As I had none left), she put it down to withdrawels and teh ISIS in the dream, being playng negativilty.
It all started off with when Mom banged and rang the doorbell around 10ish to ensure I get up. I ignored of course. I wasn't gonna be bothered with Social Welfare. I had enough of a headache with em. Then I got up around eventually at 1ish instead of 12ish due to leg trouble. So while showering and getting rid of the beard, My doorbell rang yet again. Again it was Mom. I told her not to be bothered with it. I'll go in MY time, and get in touch with her.
I then got ready, headed to An Post, I was distraught to learn that there were no funds for me. I got so teary, that I didn't know what to do. So I rang Mom, let her know of the update, then afterwards,
I headed to Dr., to get my certificate. While there, I peeved off with the ticketing system. The ticket machine was at 36 when I got in, and the Gadget where you collect the ticket was at 34. So it didn't make it sense when my number was NOT called. So I went up and a woman and here kid came in from the cold outside, yet HER number was called, like what gives!!!!!. So I jst queued up behjind her, to ensure I GET called. So I asked for my certificate.
I then headed onto Social Welfare in Kings Inn St., I went to Desk 29 and ask for Member of A Team. I waited for a few minutes. I submitted my certificate and he looked at it. He asked if I had sent in my Bank Details. I had hoped to continue collecting the payments in the Post Office. However it wasn't to be. He mentioned this delayed the payment in question. So he then asked that I send my certificate from now on to Social Welfare in Store St., A member of staff asked how my back was considering the complaint, I kinda know him alrite. I told him he hasn't been the best lately. We then joked about him making out that he's 25. hahaah. Whether the was taking the mikky I ain't sure. When I went to sign the signature, firstly it brought up my NAME issue YET again!!! hence why I went back to my Romanian name ie Georgian Stanescu and secondly the guy commented how fancy the pen is. I told him its Nico's 60th Anniversary Takeaway in Ireland or whatever in Irl. He told me he knew Nico Boroso or whatever. hahaah. What a small world. So he reassured me that all should be well now. I asked if I were to get my Rent Allowance. He explained when you change over to a new Benefit, that ALL payments are stopped and suspended. Then you will be reinstated, something like that.
I then headed onto Store St., Social Welfare. While I was not impressed with the people that were there, I handed my envelope to a guy, I ensured that he put it somewhere.
So I then headed up to my folks. ehehheh mainly to go and see how Dad is after his flu/cold. Had a nice meal with em,
I then headed back to my sis in my place. Where we had a meal etc., well my sis' takeaway at least, We had many a laughs. ahahaha. Here's one for ya. hahahah. Her face expression was priceless. hahaha. She was atop a table, I asked her to hold Champy +Inflatables Stanescu and she replys "Ok", as much to say she' wasn't unsure. I then pulled it with her falling in tow. It was priceless. hahaha. The laugh I got. ahahah. Her expression was that she thought she was falling on concrete or carpet in my case which could be dangerous. However she was falling on inflatables, cause that's who takes up my floor space. Awwwwwwww. Then we headed to her place stopping by Tescos to get Butter. Then moving onto hers. Again we had many a laugh there too. hahaaha. Now it was with great regret to inform yee all thou, that there was a scene at the begging of a movie K9-11 whereby a character reminded me of a vicious dream i had relating to ISIS in recently, that shook me completely. It was completely unexpected. So it was a good thing I had my Sleeves and rags etc.,with me. heehhe. So I had a good meal at em. Or as the saying "let em rip", or "let em at it". So then it was also with great sadness that my sis had a hip displacement, something like that. She's getting there. God speed, sis, God Speed sis. You're a fighter. I stayed with her longer to ensure her safety and taht she was able to get around. I told my sis during the night, that I'm PURPOSELY gonna get "fat", not obese or anything but to go in January when I go after Christmas to work my calories off etc., in Westwood. aahah.
REmembering a night my sis and I and also my Aunt(MAudy) who was llookign after us while our folks were out. I remember that we were both looking at Causlty or as used to say "Casuty". We were looking at a partiducalr episode. Where a character died or something. I inisntalnyl fell in love with him, ie GAY. hehehehe. Then also playoing a game called Duke Nukem BUT more so DOOM, and then ALSO playing a CD Music disc called Robson & JErome's Unchained Melody etc., etc.,.
Trhought out the night, as I said abotuve when I saw a particualr scene I reacted qutie badly, I told her of my quitting COffee cold turkey FORCEFULLY(As I had none left), she put it down to withdrawels and teh ISIS in the dream, being playng negativilty.
Monday, 30 November 2015
Diary 30th November 2015
Well as per my normal schedule of me staying up for the day, I was looking at TV. heheheh. I was looking at Ros na Run. I had 5 1hr episodes making that 5hrs to go through. However when I went to go and calculate the length of time to record on the PVT, I miscalculated the required time. So as such, I was slightly late in going to bed. hahaha. I had hoped around 8 or 9. But it was 1 int he morning by the time, I reached my beddie. heehehe.
Sunday, 29 November 2015
Diary 29th November 2015
Well today was quite an unusual day. By that the weather played its part. Then the fact that I did banking on a Sunday, which I don't normally. However it had to be done. hahahah. By that I mean that as I need the cash BEFORE Westwood comes in on Tuesday, I wouldn't be able to pay Franky. So I moved swiftly. Initially I was gonna leave it til next Tuesday, however my cash wouldn't allow it ie DOUBLE payment for him. So I said I'd go and do it.
So my day started off with me getting up around Midday, and then heading off after a few tv shows. So then I headed on off to AIB Bank, however I needed change from Kennedy's. Brian asked me if all I was doing was getting change everyday. I then said to him NO, that that's not true. hahaha. to go and get a definition. ahahah. Brian although loved my beard. haahahah. The other Brian(Paula's dad - whom Paula herself was an employee) likes it but sarcastically ie he says when you start growing it, I said the beginning of the month, and he says you mean in the 4years, hahaaha. So then I moved onto the last minute decision, to the Sunday Market in SmallChanges building. heeheh. I found a few gift ideas. heheeheh. When I came out of the Sunday Market, it poured out of the heavens via Winds. oh boiiiii.
Then my sis came to my place for the downloading. We were chatting, and supporting each other. heehheh. Then we went for a bit of shopping. In the meantime, I had gotten a takeout too. I headed to her place then for the night. We had great laughs too.
So my day started off with me getting up around Midday, and then heading off after a few tv shows. So then I headed on off to AIB Bank, however I needed change from Kennedy's. Brian asked me if all I was doing was getting change everyday. I then said to him NO, that that's not true. hahaha. to go and get a definition. ahahah. Brian although loved my beard. haahahah. The other Brian(Paula's dad - whom Paula herself was an employee) likes it but sarcastically ie he says when you start growing it, I said the beginning of the month, and he says you mean in the 4years, hahaaha. So then I moved onto the last minute decision, to the Sunday Market in SmallChanges building. heeheh. I found a few gift ideas. heheeheh. When I came out of the Sunday Market, it poured out of the heavens via Winds. oh boiiiii.
Then my sis came to my place for the downloading. We were chatting, and supporting each other. heehheh. Then we went for a bit of shopping. In the meantime, I had gotten a takeout too. I headed to her place then for the night. We had great laughs too.
Saturday, 28 November 2015
Diary 28th November 2015
Today was a quiet day. I was due to go and see Good Dinosaur. HOwever it wasn't to be as I had gone to bed late. heheeh I had every intention thou to get up for 10ish or the wee hours of the morning. HOwever as I was charging my sex phone, it had been turned off, so I was charging Paddy(iPad), Lumy, Sammy 2. So as such I woke up at 6am the next day. hahaah. So I took a leak, and then I went to clear up a bit of space on my box. ehehehe. Then I headed back to bed. awwww. I had my sleeves, and my blankies to keep me company. Then I reaslied thou now, that if my folks are helping me or lending a hand on my finance, that I'll actually be a looser financially I mean. By that as reported in the Budget 2016, those on Social Welfare will be getting 75% of the Christmas Bonus ATOP their Social Welfare benefit. So what this means is that those on the basic rate like Disability, Job Seekers etc., will get 141 atop their payment. But with me, I won't. I'm storming heaven with tears that I will be able to get the Christmas Bonus. Like PRessies, Cards, Stamps have to be bought you know, and not only that my OWN pocket Money. While obviously Bills are highly important, so is the life etc., just as important. Like my Food intake is also affected too.
Friday, 27 November 2015
Diary 27th November 2015
PS This Post contains GRAPHIC content
Well not bad a day today. Before I do go on thou, I mysteriously actually forgot to mention one fact. On the way home yesterday evening from Social Welfare, I was cycling home in Drumcondra. My bike currently has brake issues. So as such I had to use the wire to brake. But unfortunately it wasn't in time thou. So to make sure that I don't crash into a car or whatever, I purposely crashed into a light yolk that tells cars to stay in lane. A pedestrian looked in disgust. Now there was no need for such a face. I was simply trying to NOT break the lights, so I just stopped suddenly. Like everyone does it.
So moving on, I got a missed call from Mom. My sis had been told that Mom was calling into Social Welfare in Kings Inn St., and as such I was gonna wanna find out what the story was. So when I rang her back, there was no mention of it. So am not sure exactly. heeheh. But eitherway, she rang to say she'd drop down food. She arrived earlier than anticipated. I then got €300 as part of my bills issue with the Income aka the Social Welfare issue. So shortly while trying to sleep: of which it kept me awake more or less, I had a sever thought relating to ISIS(The Terrorist crowd - I don't know what it stands for). The thought being that I am kidnapped by them and they slice me throat on video ie killing me, and they post the video like they have been doing constantly with other victims. My sis and my mates find this video on FB or the INternet or wherever. On the video, they say my name "THis is Georgian Stanescu, he is scum....something like that" and if that wasn't bad enough, the terrorist guy has the knife to my neck and draws the shape of the slice, but I says as I ain't into Pain, he just shoots me in the Back, and as that don't kill me, he shoots me in the Temple ie the head. "
I then headed to meet Barry. I initially was to lodge €80 for this week's rent, however it wasn't to be. Then to get a few things ie the groceries again, not to be. So to make a long story short, I went to the Outhouse then the film. I got a greeting cards and pens in EuroGiant. So then I was gonna write the card in the shop however I said I'd pop into the Outhouse to write the card, how WRONG I was, hahaahah. Barry himself was there. Oh don't get me wrong, I obviously didn't mind him being there, hehehe. but for Card writing? ahhh well. At the end of the day its the THOUGHT that counts. He was most appreciative. I asked Barry about humans growing fangs in particular Romanians and Vampires etc., I first started by asking "Can I ask you a stupid question", I then immediately said to him thats a quote from Mrs. Brown's whereby Winnie asks Mrs. Brown herself. And Mrs. Brown replies "No better woman I know", hahahaa. But anyways moving on, thou, me thinking biting into my skin for self harm reasons or whatever would it grow fangs. I first ensured he WASN'T a vegetarian, and just as well I didn't go into detail as he told me he is actually queasy when it comes to these things. And as such I didn't. Like my sis was grand, so I was able to describe the skin coming off as if I were a cow being slaughtered or whatever. But moving on thou he explained Evolution that would take over 1,000s of years. etc., Like I was intrigued what did he mean.I thought he meant do humans get medication and they change or whatever. But what he meant, if all we had to survive on then perhaps the fangs would grow. Quite interesting. I says. Barry and I went up to men's Night. I corrected myself to Patrick in that I told him the CORRECT time of the Christmas Concert next Sunday week. He described where Pepper Canister Church. So then I was chatting to a guy beside me, for a bit and to others of course. Great chat alrite. heeheh.
So then moving on, Both Barry and I headed onto the cinema to realise that the time online AGAIN has changed. So we left immediately for the film. After the film, we saw a character from the Star Wars film, So we took a few selfies. Then on the way home, I took a few pics of the Christmas Decorations in O'Connell St., then I saw a notice that Cyclists are to be weary that there are NOW Luas lines
Well not bad a day today. Before I do go on thou, I mysteriously actually forgot to mention one fact. On the way home yesterday evening from Social Welfare, I was cycling home in Drumcondra. My bike currently has brake issues. So as such I had to use the wire to brake. But unfortunately it wasn't in time thou. So to make sure that I don't crash into a car or whatever, I purposely crashed into a light yolk that tells cars to stay in lane. A pedestrian looked in disgust. Now there was no need for such a face. I was simply trying to NOT break the lights, so I just stopped suddenly. Like everyone does it.
So moving on, I got a missed call from Mom. My sis had been told that Mom was calling into Social Welfare in Kings Inn St., and as such I was gonna wanna find out what the story was. So when I rang her back, there was no mention of it. So am not sure exactly. heeheh. But eitherway, she rang to say she'd drop down food. She arrived earlier than anticipated. I then got €300 as part of my bills issue with the Income aka the Social Welfare issue. So shortly while trying to sleep: of which it kept me awake more or less, I had a sever thought relating to ISIS(The Terrorist crowd - I don't know what it stands for). The thought being that I am kidnapped by them and they slice me throat on video ie killing me, and they post the video like they have been doing constantly with other victims. My sis and my mates find this video on FB or the INternet or wherever. On the video, they say my name "THis is Georgian Stanescu, he is scum....something like that" and if that wasn't bad enough, the terrorist guy has the knife to my neck and draws the shape of the slice, but I says as I ain't into Pain, he just shoots me in the Back, and as that don't kill me, he shoots me in the Temple ie the head. "
I then headed to meet Barry. I initially was to lodge €80 for this week's rent, however it wasn't to be. Then to get a few things ie the groceries again, not to be. So to make a long story short, I went to the Outhouse then the film. I got a greeting cards and pens in EuroGiant. So then I was gonna write the card in the shop however I said I'd pop into the Outhouse to write the card, how WRONG I was, hahaahah. Barry himself was there. Oh don't get me wrong, I obviously didn't mind him being there, hehehe. but for Card writing? ahhh well. At the end of the day its the THOUGHT that counts. He was most appreciative. I asked Barry about humans growing fangs in particular Romanians and Vampires etc., I first started by asking "Can I ask you a stupid question", I then immediately said to him thats a quote from Mrs. Brown's whereby Winnie asks Mrs. Brown herself. And Mrs. Brown replies "No better woman I know", hahahaa. But anyways moving on, thou, me thinking biting into my skin for self harm reasons or whatever would it grow fangs. I first ensured he WASN'T a vegetarian, and just as well I didn't go into detail as he told me he is actually queasy when it comes to these things. And as such I didn't. Like my sis was grand, so I was able to describe the skin coming off as if I were a cow being slaughtered or whatever. But moving on thou he explained Evolution that would take over 1,000s of years. etc., Like I was intrigued what did he mean.I thought he meant do humans get medication and they change or whatever. But what he meant, if all we had to survive on then perhaps the fangs would grow. Quite interesting. I says. Barry and I went up to men's Night. I corrected myself to Patrick in that I told him the CORRECT time of the Christmas Concert next Sunday week. He described where Pepper Canister Church. So then I was chatting to a guy beside me, for a bit and to others of course. Great chat alrite. heeheh.
So then moving on, Both Barry and I headed onto the cinema to realise that the time online AGAIN has changed. So we left immediately for the film. After the film, we saw a character from the Star Wars film, So we took a few selfies. Then on the way home, I took a few pics of the Christmas Decorations in O'Connell St., then I saw a notice that Cyclists are to be weary that there are NOW Luas lines
Thursday, 26 November 2015
Diary 26th November 2015
Well after a wonderful sleep, although with a few dreams of weird, nothing major to report, hehehe, I had ongoing disappointment and worries with Social Welfare.
Now the day started when I woke up around 12ish and got up. I looked at a few Documentaries. Then I headed on off to Social Welfare to hand in my MR1 Certification form. I went up to Desk 29(by the looks my new home -hahaha). I told the guy of my case. He noted or more so I let him know of why the form was half empty. I said to him I can't complete the form as I don't have a job, he said I shouldn't have filled it out. He asked me for my PPS Number, and he told me that my payment has been suspended. Whether he meant the Rent Allowance, which I already knew or if the Job Seekers itself was suspended. So I asked if I could speak to a member of the A-Team, he was most ignorant, NOT in the right job me thinks. Like He kept moving and moving away, everytime, I attempted to ask him anything.
So I rang my sis and asked her to put me on speaker, so I wont have to repeat myself. It was kinda cool thou putting myself "on conference call", haahah.
So I came back did more recording on TV. Then shortly afterwards, my sis called down with Mom and I had a brief chat with Mom. My sis told me that I'd be getting a bit of help with cash as I've yet to pay for my Rent, ya knowwww. So as part of my anxiety or whatever, I had a wonderful bite of the sleeve, awwwwwwww. I wanted to cry, but just couldn't. So I had a go at my sleeve. He most definitely NOT be worn outside. hahahaa.
I then left my sis back to her place. Mom in the meantime had told my sis while in my place and while getting my sis a cuppa tea, that my Pops would be dropping down the cash to me tomoz while get this my sis at HER home AND my Mom at her weekly Gallery, ie NO WOMEN, to help me or whatever, I said to her under NO circumstances, will I accept Money from Dad on his own, let alone anything. I continued to repeat throughout the night how coincidental was the whole thing. hmmmm. Like he'd talk about Westwood etc.,etc., he'd make me promise that I cancel it, of which I recently learned that's not possible til a year has elapsed, well who knew. heheehe. And not only that I don't need the cash now, as I have his €80 he gave me as part of €150 that me Pops gave me last week. If I don't get paid at all next week ie Tuesday 1st, THEN and only then will I accept extra cash from my folks, BUT ONLY IN WOMEN's PRESENCE.
I was there wanting to post to my Facebook a status relating to a TV SHow I am watching IrelandAM. When I did so, I used the hashtag, of which I have been using all the time.and as such I went about posting it. However when posting hashtags, usually it'd change colors, however this time NADA. I posted a sample status of jst #vegan, and that worked and I only realsied it that I had actually written out the hashtag.
Take a look at the following convo guys. Does she really think I'm stupid......
Now the day started when I woke up around 12ish and got up. I looked at a few Documentaries. Then I headed on off to Social Welfare to hand in my MR1 Certification form. I went up to Desk 29(by the looks my new home -hahaha). I told the guy of my case. He noted or more so I let him know of why the form was half empty. I said to him I can't complete the form as I don't have a job, he said I shouldn't have filled it out. He asked me for my PPS Number, and he told me that my payment has been suspended. Whether he meant the Rent Allowance, which I already knew or if the Job Seekers itself was suspended. So I asked if I could speak to a member of the A-Team, he was most ignorant, NOT in the right job me thinks. Like He kept moving and moving away, everytime, I attempted to ask him anything.
So I rang my sis and asked her to put me on speaker, so I wont have to repeat myself. It was kinda cool thou putting myself "on conference call", haahah.
So I came back did more recording on TV. Then shortly afterwards, my sis called down with Mom and I had a brief chat with Mom. My sis told me that I'd be getting a bit of help with cash as I've yet to pay for my Rent, ya knowwww. So as part of my anxiety or whatever, I had a wonderful bite of the sleeve, awwwwwwww. I wanted to cry, but just couldn't. So I had a go at my sleeve. He most definitely NOT be worn outside. hahahaa.
I then left my sis back to her place. Mom in the meantime had told my sis while in my place and while getting my sis a cuppa tea, that my Pops would be dropping down the cash to me tomoz while get this my sis at HER home AND my Mom at her weekly Gallery, ie NO WOMEN, to help me or whatever, I said to her under NO circumstances, will I accept Money from Dad on his own, let alone anything. I continued to repeat throughout the night how coincidental was the whole thing. hmmmm. Like he'd talk about Westwood etc.,etc., he'd make me promise that I cancel it, of which I recently learned that's not possible til a year has elapsed, well who knew. heheehe. And not only that I don't need the cash now, as I have his €80 he gave me as part of €150 that me Pops gave me last week. If I don't get paid at all next week ie Tuesday 1st, THEN and only then will I accept extra cash from my folks, BUT ONLY IN WOMEN's PRESENCE.
I was there wanting to post to my Facebook a status relating to a TV SHow I am watching IrelandAM. When I did so, I used the hashtag, of which I have been using all the time.and as such I went about posting it. However when posting hashtags, usually it'd change colors, however this time NADA. I posted a sample status of jst #vegan, and that worked and I only realsied it that I had actually written out the hashtag.
Take a look at the following convo guys. Does she really think I'm stupid......
Hello, how's your day? My name is Jill Mary Johnson an Agent from Facebook Inc. Nice meeting you.
I am authorized to send you the friend request by Mr Mark Zuckerberg the Founder and CEO of facebook and me myself is a member of the facebook team.
`Right so you've nothing to do with the grouop The WIld Ones?

Jill Mary
what's that Sir?
you tell me
You work for Mark Zuckerberg

Jill Mary
yes Sir
I am sent to contact you today to pass you a vital information concerning your Facebook account.

Jill Mary
Have any of our Facebook staff inform you about the ongoing international Facebook lottery, And have you been inform about your winnings.?
Yes and that I won €5bn
Thank you so much

Jill Mary
that's not from us Sir
ahhh now
come on
of course it is. hahaha

Jill Mary
not Sir

Jill Mary
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