Well what a day today turned out to be. hahahaah.
It all started off with when Mom banged and rang the doorbell around 10ish to ensure I get up. I ignored of course. I wasn't gonna be bothered with Social Welfare. I had enough of a headache with em. Then I got up around eventually at 1ish instead of 12ish due to leg trouble. So while showering and getting rid of the beard, My doorbell rang yet again. Again it was Mom. I told her not to be bothered with it. I'll go in MY time, and get in touch with her.
I then got ready, headed to An Post, I was distraught to learn that there were no funds for me. I got so teary, that I didn't know what to do. So I rang Mom, let her know of the update, then afterwards,
I headed to Dr., to get my certificate. While there, I peeved off with the ticketing system. The ticket machine was at 36 when I got in, and the Gadget where you collect the ticket was at 34. So it didn't make it sense when my number was NOT called. So I went up and a woman and here kid came in from the cold outside, yet HER number was called, like what gives!!!!!. So I jst queued up behjind her, to ensure I GET called. So I asked for my certificate.
I then headed onto Social Welfare in Kings Inn St., I went to Desk 29 and ask for Member of A Team. I waited for a few minutes. I submitted my certificate and he looked at it. He asked if I had sent in my Bank Details. I had hoped to continue collecting the payments in the Post Office. However it wasn't to be. He mentioned this delayed the payment in question. So he then asked that I send my certificate from now on to Social Welfare in Store St., A member of staff asked how my back was considering the complaint, I kinda know him alrite. I told him he hasn't been the best lately. We then joked about him making out that he's 25. hahaah. Whether the was taking the mikky I ain't sure. When I went to sign the signature, firstly it brought up my NAME issue YET again!!! hence why I went back to my Romanian name ie Georgian Stanescu and secondly the guy commented how fancy the pen is. I told him its Nico's 60th Anniversary Takeaway in Ireland or whatever in Irl. He told me he knew Nico Boroso or whatever. hahaah. What a small world. So he reassured me that all should be well now. I asked if I were to get my Rent Allowance. He explained when you change over to a new Benefit, that ALL payments are stopped and suspended. Then you will be reinstated, something like that.
I then headed onto Store St., Social Welfare. While I was not impressed with the people that were there, I handed my envelope to a guy, I ensured that he put it somewhere.
So I then headed up to my folks. ehehheh mainly to go and see how Dad is after his flu/cold. Had a nice meal with em,
I then headed back to my sis in my place. Where we had a meal etc., well my sis' takeaway at least, We had many a laughs. ahahaha. Here's one for ya. hahahah. Her face expression was priceless. hahaha. She was atop a table, I asked her to hold Champy +Inflatables Stanescu and she replys "Ok", as much to say she' wasn't unsure. I then pulled it with her falling in tow. It was priceless. hahaha. The laugh I got. ahahah. Her expression was that she thought she was falling on concrete or carpet in my case which could be dangerous. However she was falling on inflatables, cause that's who takes up my floor space. Awwwwwwww. Then we headed to her place stopping by Tescos to get Butter. Then moving onto hers. Again we had many a laugh there too. hahaaha. Now it was with great regret to inform yee all thou, that there was a scene at the begging of a movie K9-11 whereby a character reminded me of a vicious dream i had relating to ISIS in recently, that shook me completely. It was completely unexpected. So it was a good thing I had my Sleeves and rags etc.,with me. heehhe. So I had a good meal at em. Or as the saying "let em rip", or "let em at it". So then it was also with great sadness that my sis had a hip displacement, something like that. She's getting there. God speed, sis, God Speed sis. You're a fighter. I stayed with her longer to ensure her safety and taht she was able to get around. I told my sis during the night, that I'm PURPOSELY gonna get "fat", not obese or anything but to go in January when I go after Christmas to work my calories off etc., in Westwood. aahah.
REmembering a night my sis and I and also my Aunt(MAudy) who was llookign after us while our folks were out. I remember that we were both looking at Causlty or as used to say "Casuty". We were looking at a partiducalr episode. Where a character died or something. I inisntalnyl fell in love with him, ie GAY. hehehehe. Then also playoing a game called Duke Nukem BUT more so DOOM, and then ALSO playing a CD Music disc called Robson & JErome's Unchained Melody etc., etc.,.
Trhought out the night, as I said abotuve when I saw a particualr scene I reacted qutie badly, I told her of my quitting COffee cold turkey FORCEFULLY(As I had none left), she put it down to withdrawels and teh ISIS in the dream, being playng negativilty.
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