Monday, 21 December 2015

Diary 21st December 2015

When I came home last night, I reorganised my Decorations from putting the snowman behind my tv to the Bathroom window instead. However I went to get a cuppa tea for myself, ahem that's Green Tea to you and me, hahahaa, however the kettle wouldn't work. So I quickly looked into the fridge n freezer, and to my surprise and shock, I quickly said to myself, "No no no, this can't happen", cause I've got buckets of vegan food frozen that I need when I get out of my starvation mode whenever that'll happen, anyways my point being, I only reasied that I had disconnected the WRONG plug as BOTH my freezer AND my kettle. Which esp my Kettle would be VIP, oh boi.

Well after several days of how to download a Tumblr video, NOT GIFs, but Videos, I finally found a solution thanks to YouTube user:

Following is the method. (For Chrome). The above video works for Firefox,

Open up tubmr. PLAY the video. Mute if necessary.
Then press CTRL + SHIFT + I(NOT L)
Click on Network
Click on Media
Double Click on Video link that appears.
The right click and save as per norm.

Now how simple is all that. hahaah. Thanks budddy(As Screeh powers puts it: Buuuuuuuudy). heheh

Then afterwards, I then went to meet Seamus. I last saw him last year for Interstellar(Review here), however as I later learned I actually met him since. heheheh. While we had a lovely chat, I had told him of my recent events. I could tell him he was shuck up about it. Then again he was having his own personal issues too. The fact that he don't wanna go near the SYstem, kinda worries me. I'll ask my sister about it. He belives that they stuff meds down ur throat. I said jst insist on THERAPY ie talking. He wasn't having't none of it.

So then my next plan was to go to the Outhouse as I was hoping to give Joyce her card. I again got the card mixed up completely. So then when I arrived Bernard was there. He gave me a gift as well. I do things traditionally ie Christmas wise. heheeheh. So we chatted about Star Wars. Again, I will be publishing a review very soon due to high demand in seeing the film.

So then I headed on up to Mom n Dad's primarily to fill out the Disablilty Allowance form. HOwever it wasn't to be as Gerry Brady my Godfather and my Uncle called by and then Siobhan Coffey and her fiancé called by too. I hadn't see Siobhán in years. I saw James few months ago when he was helping Gerry with fencing or something. So instead, as I hadn't gotten sleep yet as per my norm, I then headed on off to home and more or less went to sleep completely.

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