Today was not bad a day. Although the day started off with me doing a bit more self harm, obviously not as severe thou as the recent events. However firstly it all started when I went to take a leak heheeh then I saw that as I had eaten bacon(I think) that I could not live with the guilt. However I had throughout the day yesterday felt crap etc., and continued on the night etc., I just had to release my emotions somewhere.
So after a horrendous start, I then got ready and dressed. Then I was to head up to Mom n Dad's to go and give them their presents. It was lovely. heheheh.
Then I continued on to meet Barry, however on the way, I learned it wasn't to be. As he had only come home late if I recall. So then moving on, on the way to the OUthouse, there was a car ie a Taxi to be precise. THere must have been a deb or some forme of party or even a hen. or wathever. But the poitn being is that the car was forawrding etc., adn stop etc.,e tc., So the taxi driver was stopping the car, and srtaing ie costing it as if the car was in a beating music kinda. I said to them AFTER I apssed them, WEIRDOS, haahahah. At least the taxi. jhahahahah. I headed to the Outhouse. ehehhe. My main aim was to give out more cards. When I arrived, there was great buzz. I was overwhelmed. Yesterday was very emotional for me, hence the self harm above, that said I was delighted with today's events. ehehehe. When I arrived, I was wanting to write cards, and realised that I had left my cards n behind. At first I thought I left them in Mom and Dad's but no. So I quickly left to go and look for em. I was Penny's NO, I was in EuroGiant, NO - although I did get a Christmas Tree(3 ft high - awwww). I was in Aldi's and when I went to pay, for my cards and the convery belt started to act up. Possibly teh salesperson was leaving the foot on the pedal. I ain't sure. hehehe. So I said to her that it probbably is a Software issue. hahaha. I then headed back to the Outhouse. Whereby I enjoyed further laughs and talks. Michel who also is patron or whatever. He thought I had left for to go upstairs to Men's Night. When I arrived, Patrick and a group were in the Cafe. I asked has Men's night moved AGAIN hahaahah. Patrick said they've split. heeheh. I took that as serious to the point I thought all the night that Men's night was JUST men's night down in the cafe. However when I asked if Bernard is around they told me they's upstairs, whoopise. heheheeh. I then went upstairs, and wow theys' there are. ahahaha. Was great seeing them all. hahaah.
So then we all were kicked out. hahaha and then afterwards, relaised my grey scarfy has gone missing - ohhhh no!!!!(Character from Family Guy - the Jewish guy). I looked in the Outhouse, rang Mom n Dad AGAIN!!!!! haahah, no not their. As Homer Simpsons says "Oh, Scarfy, where art thou!
On the way home, I wanted to get pics of teh Star Wars themed Dublin Spire. heeheh
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