Saturday, 31 May 2014

Diary 30th May 2014

Again I failed to get up in time for the Bank. BUT this time I can't blame my Alarm or Poddy. It don't help when I went to bed very late.

I was due to meet Ronan for two films: X-Men: Days of Future Past. Review here. and Godzilla. Review here. I had arrived on time.(Something's quite weird. hahaah). I went across to the Outhouse to see if he was there. I then bumped into O Farrell. I asked that he make contact via FB to Ronan to let him know where I am. I then went ahead got my ticket. While I was waiting in line, I bumped into Cathal and Andrea. Haven't seen theses in ages. Wonderful to see em. As it happens they were seeing Maleficent. Review here. I went ahead saw the X-Men film. Then afterwards, as I was about to head out the door, I saw Ronan. As it happens, he had arrived at 20 past 6. Eitherway was delighted. Throughout the x-men, I have been trying to get and memorise the quotes between Professor X(Stewart) and Professor X(young Charles). I think its quite poignant and relevant to today's society.

"Humanity does this to us."
"Just because someone stumbles and loses their path, doesn't mean they can't be saved."

      As the next film, Godzilla was immediately, I asked that he go into the screen,as I had yet to get the ticket for the next film. When I went down to get the ticket, it was packed as hell. Can't believe. IT was opening night for several movies. A Million Ways to Die in the West. Review will be provided in due course. Jimmy's Hall. I won't be seeing this. and Edge of Tomorrow. Review will be provided in due course. So when I went to get the food, that was packed. I was getting anxious that I was going to miss the beginning of my pet: Godzilla. (Oh did I not tell you guys, I have adopted a pet Monster or Dinosaur. His name is Godzilla. haahahah)So then instead of waiting for the Popcorn/Nachos, I instead went to the Baskin Robbins. Even that had a queue, but not as long. So bottomline, Got my sorbet(Dairy-Free) then headed to the screen to see Godzilla with Ronan. He was most impressed with the movie. TO the point I think he nearly had a panic attack. I even felt his heart. Was pumping like mad. He was shaking like mad. I was getting a bit worried. I thought it was from the flashing and the flash photography, but with Spidey(Review here), it couldn't have been or any other movie for that matter. But eventually it abated. He headed to the Front Lounge, I headed home. I have since been looking at Knots Landing and Dallas. Dallas was in pretty sad state affairs alrite. Really upsetting episode. It featured, April character being killed off because of GREED in the oil business.

So shortly before I went to bed, Maureen calls over. WE chatted at teh door for a bti. I told her that my sis has undergone a sever Mentla Trauma. I must say she was most attentive(quite unualI I say). I explained that my sis is extra-sensitiy due to her BPDBD. I said what she thought over the years, that you must "think before you speak". Not what comes outta ur mind. I then told her on a sperate note, that she's gotta stop ringing the doorbell on a constant basis, c ause the tenenasts are complaingin. And I'm getting angry phonecalls from the landlord becuase of the noise levels. She took the mikky outta of that. She was trying to wake me up. I said I moved out for a reason.

Alex White TD Minister for State at the Department of Health launches his bid for the Leader candidacy.

Google has launched a service whereby you can have yourself the "Right to be forgotten". This came about when a Spanish person wanted to sell his house, I think, but when the company wanted to buy the house, they Googled him and found that he had credit score.

Friday, 30 May 2014

Diary 29th May 2014

Today I was due to get up for about 3ish so that I can put the money in for the Rent Bill. I got up at 1 and sorry that I didn't stay up. However I was tired and groggy and I wouldn't mind that I went to bed earlier yesterday, still I failed to get up for 3ish. Instead, I saw the red light, that was helping me to gauge when to get up. But that didn't help as it was actually recording the 6.1 News and NOT forgetting Knots Landing. I was so pissed with myself. I rang my sis immediately, to let her know my status. I was meeting her to get my Poddy(Oh boy, have I missed you). Then meeting O' Farrell for the film. So I dropped my sis half way down to her gaf, where her fiance is. For privacy reasons, I cannot divulge her location and of course reasons for reasons of Mental Bullying by the folks. So after that, I headed onto meet Brendan. HOPING to god he was still there. I had my music of which I was delighted with. I had missed it so much. Music is my life.

So then I met O' Farrell. Was delighted to see him. We chatted for a bit before the film.
Maleficent. Review here. We then headed off after the film, to his bus. On the way we stopped into McDonalds had a chat. Twas wonderful chatting about my sexing days to him. I had used sex at the time to cope with homophobia. So now that I'm on the bandwagon, why can't I bring myself. It don't help when I have to bring up the Hep B, like considering it ain't that bad. Even if I had HIV which thank god I don't, SAFETY is a key concern to me. Yet stigma is still there. So afterwards, I headed on home.
Finally Marian Harkin returning MEP has been re elected. Congratulations. Delighted for you.
275 votes ahead and a full recheck of over 64000 got underwear yesterday. On my way home, thou, I received a horrific fright. I thought they were gonna attack me. Well actually it was a woman, might I add a pregnant woman. I was listening to my music, as I said it is my life. Or as some would say: "Music is my life". Well as I said, I was listening to my music, she approached me and tapped me on my shoulder. No one can imagine the fright I got. Its indescribable. I replied to her "You frightened the shite out of me(me continuously repeating)" saying nearly shouting the street down to the point that people well cars, nearly was stopping to see what was going on.

I was over the moon to learn that Marian Harkin because the last person to get re-eelcted to MEP.
The following are the Stats for all the Party s in the Republic of Ireland who have been elected to European Parliament:

11 Seats
FG 3
SF 3
FF 1
FF Cope conceeded

3 Labour TDs have announced their candidacy for their Deputy Positions: Following are the TDs
Jnr. Alan Kelly
Jnr. Sean Sherlock
Michael McCarthy
Alex White due to declare for Leader of the Labour Party.

Apple purchases BEATS for $3BN. acquiring because of its Music Streaming service. to compete Spotifly and Dr. Drey has 3 sep companies in Ireland. iTunes service has been decreasing in numbers due to the rise of Music Streaming services etc., such as Spotify, Pandora, etc.,

Three's acquisition of O2 is confirmed by the Commission of Communication of Europe. They have allowed the acquisition of fears of competition decreasing and prices being hiked up. However the European Commission is so far happy with the plans.

The whsitleblower controversy has rosen up again. This time, with the mistreatment that Sgt, Maurice McCabe has been getting.

Thursday, 29 May 2014


One word comes to mind, when it comes to review this film. Revenge. The whole film featured the entire plot on Revenge. I did however enjoy it to its fullest. The plot was Actually a "Prequel" as I like to call it, to the childhood story The Sleeping Beauty. Actually come to think of it, it was actually in he trailer. But anyways, the film featured an evil witch or fairy known as Maleficent(Jolie). She comes across a young lad Stefan(Copley (Later becomes King)) stealing something. They bond in friendship at the very least. After awhile, he gets "too used" to her if you know what I mean, and so unfortunately for Maleficent, he "steals" her wings. Hearing the cries and obviously painful back of which the wings were attached, went right through me. I feel Oscar worthy. From my understanding, the reason being, he stole the wings was, the Stefan's father the King, King Henry(Cranham) was on his death bed and said to his sons, anyone who kills Maleficent, will be "worthy" to his heir ie will take over his Throne ie becoming King. So hence the reason why Stefan stole the wings. So in revenge, Maleficent finds upon a bird known as Diaval(Riley) who turns into(well turns him into a human) and Maleficent asks Diaval to be "my wings" as hers was taken. So while he is doing his spying on course, he finds out and of course passes on the information to Maleficent, which is that there is to be a Christening or a "baby party" something like that. I joked to my friend beside me, why didn't I get such a celebration. haahah. So anyways, Maleficent in the mean time had found out. So she arrives during the Christening. And casts her spell hence the Chidlhood Tale: Sleeping Beauty. So while Aurora(Fanning) the new baby of King Stefan and his wife Leila was growing up to be of a beautiful girl, Maleficent was rethinking her spell. She even went as far to try and break the spell and reverse it. She had grown bondage to her to the point Aurora thought Maleficent was her "Fairy Godmother". Jolie's reply: "What" was priceless. haahha. We all had a great laugh, through out the movie too. Aurora found out the truth from the 3 fairies (Flittle(Manville), Knotgrass(Stautnon), Thistletwit(Temple) who reared her. SO naturally Aurora ran back to her pappy, namely the King. He hid her in the dungeon for fear of the spell being brought alive. However it is with great regret that she didn't pay heed and actually headed out and the Spell was enforced when she touched the needle. Maleficent  felt this and as such was a poignant moment. The 3 fairies brought Aurora back and put her on the bed, where Prince Phillip(whom Aurora met, while he lost his way to King Stefan) was hoped to be the true love to break the spell. He passionately kissed her, but sadly didn't work. So Maleficent, went up and spoke to her while she was sleeping. It was the true love of Maleficent that brought her out of the sleep. That was really heartwarming. So after a battle, all was well and saved.

Overall a hgihly recommended film.

Wednesday, 28 May 2014

Diary 28th May 2014

Well how to start, is kinda quiet difficult. I guess, just say one word that's in me mind. Then I'll be able to start the Entry. I know: "ANGER". I was to get up for half 3ish so that I can lodge my money for the Rent into the Bank. As I have lost my Bank Card yet again. Its never ending as they say. I have no way of lodging my cash without a human. The Bank machinery opens til 9pm. Which would be ideal, however it needs a card. Whereas the staff can use Lodgment Slips to lodge my cash in. Reason for my not waking up in time was: Mom banging on my door, as if there were an emergency or whatever. My heart was pumping like mad with the fright. Then I went back to sleep, I really wanted to check the time, there was something recording arlite. But didn't have any energy. As I had gone to bed late PLUS didn't sleep a wink the previous night. Then I saw the red light again. I then got up, when I realsied that it was just after 6pm. Groggy as hell, and even seeing blue lights.

So then I set about meeting Todd and heading off. Twas a lovely pleasant walk. I was meeting him for to see the movie: X-Men: Days of Future Past; Review here. When I arrived at his place, He had forgotten the time of the film. He got it mixed up. But rest assured after a bit, we headed off to the most anticipated film. While there, I asked the staff, if they have any dairy free ice cream. As I wright this, I could have asked if they do sorbets, but anyways. They didn't have Guacamole. So I asked for 2 Cheeses instead. He gave me, 3 instead of the Salsa. He acknowledged the mistake, was about to take it back, but realsiing the time ie the film had started already, I said don't worry about. Leave it.

Maya Anagelou has passed on. I first came across her piece of writings on Facebook. I Know Why The Caged Birds Sing. RIP. She is survived by her . National Book Awards for Services to Literature. Her son described her as a "Warrior for Equality, tolerances and Peace. US President Obama's sister is named after her.

Minister for Social Protection Joan Burton has announce her bid for the Leadership of the Labour Party.
Minster for State at the Department of ..... Alex White TD has announced his candidature for the Labour Party. So one thing's for sure. It will NOT be a soal contest. When Eamonn Gilmore TD, went up for election, he was the sole runner. No one contested him. His previous successor Minister for Communications, Natural Resources, & Energy Pat Rabbite TD, he had a contest. He was up against a few people, if I can recall.

Gabrielle McFadden who won the By Election of Longford-Westmeath has been welcomed to Leinster House(Dáil) after the death of her sister Nickie(who had MS - Motor Neuron Disease. May she Rest In Peace). Twas an emotive and at the same time a happy day for the McFadden Family.

"I prefer to be looking at the vote, INSTEAD of for the Vote. "Marian Harkin MEP -  to be commenting on the Recheck of the Midlands North West Constituency. It could into days for the vote to be finalised. Never has it happened to this extent int he history of the State.

Shortly before I finished for the night, I have been uploading pics to my sex Facebook. I'm turning in earlier than normal, as I want to try and get to the Bank before 4.

Diary 27th May 2014

Well after the weekends Elections of which more to be provided in due course., I failed to sleep. I use the Sky Box's red light NOT the standby but the Recording to help me navigate the time to wake up. I knew I was recording the 1  o clock news. I went off around 9. Morning Edition starts at 9 finishing at 11. So I would have seen the red light for 2 hrs. However after that, there was no red light, I  still failing to sleep. Mom was to collect me for 2pm. So I when I saw the red light for the 1pm, I was to get up and shower and get ready. As I have no alarm because Sammy ain't around, and Poddy I left behind in my sis' place last Sunday. So I've no alarm, and have to risk in getting up late or whatever.

So that said, I had to get up and shower for 2pm. Dad collected me and of course Mom. There was a mis communication. I had understood we were going to GNIB but Mom had other plans. She had plans to go to The Citizenship center on Gardner St., So Dad dropped us off, eventually we arrived. When I went in, I was required to fill out an information. The place in question, is actually questionable. The smell etc., The staff questionable too. I was told it was a Government Agency. Sure what else would ya expect. hahaah. After I had filled out the information required, we were quickly called. So that's a plus. So the clerk went through the information.  So bottomline, I will not have to wait a further 5 years. I will however be required to re-apply for citizenship. However it was pointed out to the clerk, that I was brought in here ILLEGALLY. Why the cops haven't caught us I'll never know. I sure hope this don't dampened my hopes of applying for America.

So after that both Mom and I., met Maureen to get my Glasses fixed in Specsavers and to see if anything could be done for my Cell phone. With Specsavers, we waited around. Eventually they got round to me, didn't have to wait too long.
So then we got to Burger King. We had a bite a grub. Chatted variously. I find that whenever I'm with Mom and Maureen, that I'm constantly going back to my old days, ie being in on my self, being their "Golden Boys". Is this normal? I don't know. But I did have an extra ingredient. "Cute Guys". Everywhere I turned hot guy, hot guy etc., It was fabulous. However one thing that Maureen brought up was last summer, I met her in Delhi O' Delhi(Vegetarian India Restaurant) for one of our Monthly meetups. I wore very short shorts ie a White(according to her "Quite revealing") I remember telling her at the time, geez that's quite pervy for a Nun. hahaah. The reason I bring this up, is that she brought up again. Now she was advising that I wear shorts that are very long, if at beach, she continued that's alrite. I shall continued to what I wear. If nobody don't like, they know where to go. I can see that I shant be seeing Maureen for awhile. Once a month does me grand. hahahah.
So we all went to O2, to see if anything could be done regards my phone. The sales person advised that nothing can be done to a water damaged phone. Currently If I reboot the phone or power it off or ifi it restarts on its own, it never does so. So I continued if they sell batteries, or at the very least the new SIM card. She gave it to me. However she was a bit hesitant. She asked for ID, of which I provided. She said that the number doesn't match the name. So she called out the number, and it would appear that she mistake my number.

So then Mom and I got the bus home, Maureen went her way. I got off in Drumcondra to get my dole. I then realsied that I had to use the card to get lodge money in. as I have lost my own card again!!!!, I couldn't lodge the money as the Staff hours were closed.

Elections 2014: The Fallout

Brendan Howlin
Alan Kelly

Mairead McGuiness Elected: Or as we say "I deem her elected". I was sad to learn that my sxc babe Simon Harris TD(Wicklow) was not elected.
A Surprise turn Sean Kelly(FG) Formerly GAA(Ireland's answer to America's NFL aka the Superbowl(All Ireland)) President has been elected along side running mate Deirdre CLune(new to the Parliament)

Still awaiting Midlands North West European Parliament Elections Count.
 UPDATE Matt Carty(Sinn Fein) have won a seat in Midlands North-West. One more seat remains.

One Electoral area in the Local Elections which took place last Friday(23rd May), a Councillor was going around canvassing as per normal, and all of sudden, collapsed and died. The Electoral Area, for his area will be destroyed and an another election will be run, in the near future. May he RIP. I'm actually referring to Banning. I'm almost sure he was running for FG.
One thing that Vincent Browne mentions(host of Tonight With Vincent Browne),  is that: "Counts go on and on and on.". He made the point as the Counts for both are still on going. Totallying 5 Days. If it were to be done Electronically, we'd know well by now who are representative would be, instead of waiting around. This was mentioned as a few years ago well before the current government, they had purchased an E-Voting system. Which was never used. Cost a total of a couple of hundred million Euro. Something like that. The current government was forced to dispose of it. ripping it to shreds etc., What a waste.

I'm after discovering a neat little trick with a site. As some of you may know, I'm big into photography. I love saving the pics too to the HDD. I'm very careful thou of sharing it on sites, unless the site or User, has given prior permission. With 500px a Professional Photo Sharing website, where you can purchase photos etc., I am now able to view pics and share them across sites. Perfect for what I was looking for.

So Election 2014: Summary Day 5

Mairead McGuiness (FG) Elected Ireland Midlands North West
Sean Kelly (FG) Elected

Labour Party starts the nomination process:
 Expected to put into hat
   Joan Burton
   Brendan Howlin
   Alan Kelly
   Dominic Hannigan(I'm almost sure he's the latest).

 Todate: Recheck(slightly different than Recount) being called on Ireland Midlands NOrth West Constituency.

My Dad last time I was up with him, rightly pointed out, that a TD from DOnegal(North West of Ireland), was kinda strange seeing his Election Poster int he Leinster. As it happens, from what I gather, we're are still waiting to see if he got elected. Pat the Pope Gallagher(FF).

Monday, 26 May 2014

Diary 25th May 2014

Well I got up naturally, an hour earlier than anticipated. I got several missed calls from my sis. I then rang back. It so happens she wanted to me call up to hear earlier than normal. So with this in mind, I got up showered and "spruced up" for her. I make it my business to look my best when meeting people. Generally for my sis. I can't recall properly if I ever for my mates. Dunno why. Perhaps that I would be late meeting before the film or whatever. So after the shower, Mom pops down with a Chinese of which I gave some to my sis. Then after her, I headed off to see my sis of which I hadn't seen her since my visit to the hospital when I visited her a few weeks ago. I popped into Spar on Philipsburgh Ave., to get a a few Toilet rolls. Then I turned onto Brian's Rd., of which I was looking for Rosie Hackett's house where she used to live. When the Rosie Hackett Bridge was unveiled, I uploaded pics on my Facebook. A friend of mine, posted a Wikipedia Article, I then saw in the article posted, that Fairview was mentioned and that she used to live there. So I looked further and saw that she lived on Brian's Rd., I thought 188. But when I was on the way to my sis via Brian's Rd., I was looking for 188., but the houses began from 148 onwards ie BACKWARDS. So onwards and upwards as one would say. I then popped into Centra to get more toilet rolls. Then across the road from her, I bought more toilet rolls in Maxol.

I then finally saw my sis. Hadn't seen her in a few weeks as one would say. WE chatted for a bit. But not as long as normal. We chatted about the ongoing family issues. So then we dispersed, she got a taxi back to her fiance to be. Then I realised that I left my Poddy and Earphones behind. My phone wasn't working properly cause somehow water was got all over it. Hopefully Sammy will be alright. I'll give it a few hours.

SO I popped up to Moms and Dads as I had left her place earlier than normal. We were looking at the Local and European Elections live coverage. Dad explained some terms such as Transfer of Votes. I understood some of it. He also explained Tallymen, Exit Polls. I understood Exit Polls to be, when the voters have finsihed voting, some are asked who did they vote for. That sort of thing. As regards the Tallysmen, from what I understand, they are the men who are looking at the Ballot Papers as they get opened from the big box. However we were all shocked that Bríd Smith(People Before Profit Alliance) wasn't voted in. So afterwards Dad left me home.

Ronan my mate Skyped me. I was a bit apprehensive at first, as I have a fear of chatting in person over a computer let alone on the cell phone. I have no problems chatting to my sis on the phone and family(aheam) But twas wonderful. So now am looking at tonight's Election 2914 Live coverage., that I had recorded. However, when I had arrived home, I was very distraught to learn that my Sky Box, had a technical fault, and had not recorded anything in relation RTE 9 and the Election Coverage. I had to restart the system. When I came in and not seen the Recording light, I just had assumed that either I ran out of space, or that the program was finsihed. As it happens, the Counts were still ongoing til about 2am this morning. Sammy thou still not waking up. Pls pray he does. I'll keep yee guys updated.

Election 2014:

Both Lord Mayors: OIsin Quinn (Dublin) and Galway City Mayor both have lost their seats.

Fianna Fáil, Sinn Fein, Others doing extremely well at Local Level.

Fine Gael/Labour Govt, completely wiped out in the Midterm Elections. In the words of Barack Obama "Change is gonna Come". And so far I think it has. Sinn Féin Ireland polling well. Fianna Fáil digging up out of the grave. So change defo needs. Oh and my fav the Indos and Others. So as Catherine Murphy TD(Ind) says "We(The electorate ie the voters) punished them (the politicians) at the Polls". We are going to continue to punish.

Bríd Smith(People Before Profit Alliance) sadly was not vote ie did not get a seat int eh European Dublin Constituency. Considering she did extremely well in the TV Debates. Got her point across. As they say you can expect surprises alrite.

Lynn Boylan(SF) Elected European Dublin Constituency
Former Olympic Gold Medal Kenny Egan has won a seat for Fine Gael's South Dublin County Council.

So another exciting evening in the Elections field.

So in summary Elections 2014
 Labour Complete wipe out.
 Brid Smith eliminated
 Emaonn Ryan(Greens) requests a recount
 Lynn Boylan(SF); Biran Hayes(FG), NEssa Childers(Esker Chidlers (President of Ireland -                            Granddaughter(Ind)) All elected to European Parliament of Dublin Constituency
 Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael overall did extremely well int eh Local Elections. Many congratulations to all involved.

Sunday, 25 May 2014

Diary 24th May 2014

I eventually got up for a toilet break from a very sad dreams. MY sis and Maureen(Nun) dying or dead. Now what does this say to you. Really weird. I got up to clear space for the Elections 2014 live coverage. Last night I was deciding on wheter I should meet Maureen or not. And whether to go to Alishs and Noels or to just simply do nothing but TV. In the end, I ended up going up to Aislih and Noel's. I then went back to sleep. Then eventually I got up and got myself ready for Ailish and Noel's visit.

I trailed my way up to Ailish and Noel's. I popped into Moms and Dads first to get the Citizenship documentation. It was revealed that Mom thought we were gonna reapply for the Citizenship. I said no, I'm applying to the GNIB, so that I can get the citizenship.

So afterwards, I then headed inside into Ailish and Noel's. Twas lovely to see em. We chatted for a bit. For a few hours. Twas pleasant.

So now I'm home enjoying 7th Heaven. Then the big ball games of Elections 2014.

"Words can really hurt a person" - Mary(7th Heaven)
One of the aspects of an episode of 7th Heaven, was that a young boy wrote to Erica Camden but Anonymously. Eric wanted to know who the kid was but was met with a VERY interesting meaning to the word anonymously: "Kids like me all over the world are suffering ". He continued "The man upstairs will take care of all of us". Asked the Reverend "Have a little faith".

Day 1: Of ELection 2014: As you can see a long day of COunting, what great outcomes. I'm just so excited. I hope I'll be able to sleep. hahaah

Gabby McFadden(FG) on course to win Longford-Westmeath By-Election. Taking over her sister who
sadly passed away from MS(Motor Neuron Disease).

Dublin - West By Election: as a result of Patrick Nultys(Labour) resignation as a result of having admitted to sending illusive terxts/images to women and girls(correct me if I'm wrong)
Ruth Coppinger(Socialist Party) wins the Dublin - West By Elelction.

Sinn Féinn expected to do very well in both Local and European
It is suggested by Fine Gael TD Leo Varadkar that FG V Sinn Fein: may go into governemtn in the next Genreal Election as a result of Labours whipe out int he Local and UEorpean Elelctions
Labour PArty suffers heavy losses, has been bruised very badly. They say the smallest party in Govt will always do very badly.
Fine Gael also doing very poorly. Yeah u's heard me. hahaah. Fianna Fail crawling up.
Mary Hannafin I can confirm has been elelcted to one of the COuncil Seats in Dun Laoughaire. Katei Feeny to be confirmed.

SO in SUmmary
Dublin West: Ruth Coppinger
Longford Westmeath: Gabby McFadden

 Fine Gael DOWN
 SInn Fein UP
 Others UP

Im so delgihted. Overwhelmed.

Saturday, 24 May 2014

Diary 23rd May 2014

Well today is Election Day as my American buddies call em. Technically thou, we are electing 11 MEPs for the European Elections and over 300 seats in the local authroires.

I got up very groggy, very tired. I felt like staying on, but I really wanted to vote in the Elections. So eventually I got up. Walked on a very wet rainy night. On my way over, I was listening to voicemails. Maureen wanting me badly etc., then Mom wanting gossip etc., etc., So I decided to pop up to em the Folks I mean afterwards. When I arrived at the Polling Station to cast my vote, my heart was pumping, was getting very nervous as I was worried that I would make a mistake or even a little dot that shouldn't' be there. My vote would be casted as Spoilt ie Vote would not be counted. This would have been my second time. My first time was back in '09 with my Pops. I didn't vote in the European Election. as I didn't have the papers sent off to Romania in time. So at the time I was only eligible for the Local Election. That said for this years Local and European Elections, I was delighted as I had all my paper work for both European(to be sent off to Romania - so that I don't double vote in Romania(yeah like that's gonna happen - hahaha))and the Local Elections all done in time. So I approached a table and handed my Voting Card. The person told me to go to a different name. I was then given to Ballot papers one European and one Local Election Ballot Papers. A list of names and the candidate pics appeared on both papers. I gave my preferential vote to Paul Murphy(Socialist Party) and Bríd Smith(People Before Profit). I judged my vote based on the Voting Debates on both Prime Time and Vincent Browne. For the Local Elections, my vote was slightly difficult to make up my mind. I gave Brian Hayes(FG) my 5th preferential vote. But my number 1 was given to Sinn Féin. I gave votes to People Before Profit I never heard of the guy, BUT the party I'm trusting thou. So I put my ballot papers into the big black box. Just about when I was about to go home, I bumped into a person whom I did canvassing for in Fine Gael. Pat Molloy. He's behind the scenes. I hardly recognised him. Thou he recongised me. I asked for his name, likewise he asked for mine. Imagine, I've come along way from Canvassing, Supporting Fine Gael. I even went along to a meeting of Fine Gael when Minister of Health launched his Heath Manifesto of Universal Health Care(Which I thought was exciting at the time). Nowadays, I've no interest in Fine Gael. I'm now into Sinn Féin etc., So when I realsied that I had left my ID behind, I went to the station of where I initially signed in, and asked. I asked that wait til the next voter was ready, as I may have left it at my Voting Station. Then i checked my Breast Pocket. So I said to the staff, that I'm just a dumbass. haahah.

So then afterwards, I then made my way up to Mom and Dads. I stayed there for a few hours. We chatted and chatted. Got a grub from Mom. WE all expressed grave concern for my dear Sis. Before hand politics was a big shoe in, in that Politics on my part was discussed. Told em about Theresa etc., So they dropped me home.

So I have been chatting with Anthony Garcia and Khurram(both from US and UK respectively). Great laughs is being had. Anthony says with his Friends with Benefits says that the guy says to him pulled his pants down and says "get busy". I had a hearty laugh. Then with Khurram, he invited or at least extended an invitation to travel with him to Birmingham. I said when "pigs fly", he says Ok Ill look out. ". Another hearty laugh.

Friday, 23 May 2014

Diary 22nd May 2014

Well today;s day started off with me trying to sleep. I was twisting and turning til the cows came home. I thought the alcohol would help. It did for a certain period. Thankfully there's no more alcohol in my abode as one would say. I kept checking my phone and Poddy(iPod), the time was going slow. Getting up and waking up every few hours. Its most infuriating. Grrrrr. No dreams to report thou. So that's a blessing in disguise.

I got up eventually, showered and got ready. I was to go along to the Meetup Group: Cineworld Craicheads for to see the film X-Men: Days of Future Past. Brendan joined me. Ahem Brendan O' F, i'm referring to. heeheh. He was visibly moved and emotional(well me hearing him beside me). I since have found out. Review here.

After the above film, instead of going off with the group, as they do after every movie, I headed to the Outhouse first. Had a nice few minutes to myself. Brendan went with the group to The Church(Pub btw - hahaha). I've recently gone onto and taken to Green Tea. My first tea was Wild Raspberry, then Camomile and today was Early Grey. It's a new experience but loving and enjoying it.

I then popped along to see my babe movie Godzilla. Review here. I describe Godzilla after reasliing he was actually saving the world  or whatever as a babe. Or as Meet The Robinsons, Big Body and SMALL arms. Gawd I just find it so cute. Now in the movie Godzilla is a monstrosity. But eitherway, I just find it adorable. and the sound effects.

So on my way home, I went home. Raining. MY Sammy hasn't been behaving the whole day. I was wanting to post via IMDB like I do for every new film, I go to see. But the phone was very slow, IMDB constantly crashing etc., So I have been looking at Dallas and Fair City. Fair City has been promoting and making aware of Mental Illness, which is disturbing, but needs to be done. And just about when I close up, I was looking at European Election Debate with Vincent Browne. Our pal Thereasa from Catholic Democratic proclaims that the Gay Liberation Front movement of the 70's exclaims that Family is to be "demolished". The whole panel were up and wore and later learned that Twitter likewise. She wants the Contraception Pill withdrawn because of the "Oestragoen" aspect of it. I admire my babe's Simon Harris' comeback to thte Gay remark on the Gay Liberation Front movement of the 70's wanting family to be demolished. "I live in a Republic. He continued "We look after EVERY citizen" OMG Like.
Another very good point alrite, made by the American guy Jan Van De Ven(Direct Democracy Ireland) made a very good point, in that people who are being sent to Europe will actually change Ireland's future. Its their job. Afterall why are we voting for them. The rest of the panel, say otherwise.

X-Men: Days of Future Past

I thoroughly enjoyed the film. The Wolverine character(Jackman), provided the best of laughs. My babe Lucas Hill(Actor name - not sure of the character name in the film) was special as always is. heeheh. The plot from what I could gather Wolverine was sent back in time from the future by Charles(Stewart). Now the film did go backwards and forwards from the future to the past and the past to the future etc., You had to keep you're eye on the screen. NO Question of it. I was most impressed with the action by Fassbenders character Magneto. But the cleptomaniac character towards the begging, Maximoff who by the is very cute provided great laughs and comical aspects of the film. The film continues to realise the audience that Mistique was wanting to kill Trask for a reason of which I don't have too much memory of. Trask is a company owned by Bolivar Trask(The small guy).

Bottommline, film most enjoyable, comical, BUT keep an eye on the screen. If you look away, you've lost the plot to the film. I was able to keep any eye on the characters etc.,

Wednesday, 21 May 2014

Diary 21st May 2014

Funny thing is that I got to sleep early yesterday. From now on, I shall be documenting what I eat etc., Cause its something to do with my food intake that my sleep is not working properly. So while sleeping, my dream was as follows: Quite weird if you ask me. Crina living in a big house. I wanna go home but it's too dark. Mom n dad arrive with 2 pet dogs of a large size.
Ailish her nemesis arrives says stuff. Thou she was out of it. She arrives on a bus load with Michael couldn't see anyone else. We wave. I say to myself wonder is she gonna say something she'll regret. I then say to Crina "That's history in the making". Her reply "They can go to hell". Nothing knew. hahaah. Something like that

So afterwards, I eventually got up, with no difficulty. I get ready to meet Brendan. On the way, I see my Barber Frank. I say to him "How's she cuttin me"(Slang way for how are you). His reply "Short" found it quite humorous.
As I approached the Cinema, I noticed a group of foreign students outside an English Language school. Says I to meself, don't tell me theirs another school closing down. I felt like asking them, have the closed down or what??? Pity I didn't.

It was my intention that I go to Cineworld, and if he's not their, I'll pop into the Outhouse. As it happens, Is saw Brendan O' F., going into the cinema, so I caught up with him, and got my tickets. We went up to the cafe bar, for a bit of chit chat. Chatted about various things. One item we were talking about was the Local and European Elections. WE were talking about using your vote. He asked about the Polls. I said Polls are no good. Like currently Sinn Féin are doing extremely well in the Polls. MY reply: "At the end of the day it all depends on the day ie the voting day. ". I was very well chuffed when he told me "My that's a very Political way. "hehehe. I was very well chuffed. So there I was saying to me self, imagine a first Gay Politician, that's already existing, how about a Gay Head of State ie US Gay President etc., I was very well chuffed and still am. We then headed in to see the movie: Godzilla. Review here.

So after the film, WE both headed on over to the Outhouse. We chatted further. Bumped into Bernard. Was lovely seeing him. So after the Outhouse closed up for the night, We then headed on towards the new bridge that opened up yesterday. On our way, we noted how lovely and never knew some businesses for eg There's a sex shop on the quays, I think there's two of em. I recognised the underwear brand Andrew Christin. So delighted. Though the Price was a big let down. What would you expect from a brand. I do however wish and perhaps some day will be paying them a visit. WE also saw quite alot of activity on the quays. ie renovating Super Value etc., We then arrived at The Rosie Hackett Bridge which only opened up yesterday as a Public Transport Bridge.  I then walked him to his bus stop and then headed off.

While doing my nightly social activity, Tumblr now amongst them. I was looking at a figure beside Drafts. and it says I have quite alot. I had forgotten that I had these enabled via IFTTT(If This Then That). So that everytime, I favorite a video on YouTube it saves the video as a Draft hence the figures. . So I then I was looking at the posts and two were of quite interest. The Eurovision from 1956 - 2014 and the The Life and Times of JR. Ewing in Dallas(The Original Series: 1980). Awww memmoreis.

Tuesday, 20 May 2014

Diary 20th May 2014

Shortly before I headed to sleep or more so because of my twisting and turning and attempting to sleep, I was chatting to few guys. One being Jordan Dunbar. I recognized him via his Instagram. He was on my old Facebook I think. Eitherway I somehow remember him. Another guy I was chatting too as well was Jan from Czech Republic.This was the guy i had met from my days of homophobic abuse. I met  him on Grindr and I just thought to ask him if he was Jan from Czech and to my surprise and joy it was. After 3 years, its unreal. hahaha

When I eventually got to sleep, this was a particular dream, I had. Being held in custody for 3 days. I comply. On my way home from somewhere it's pouring out of the heavens. I go ahead instead of waiting around. I then go slightly a different route. I bump into a building that had to do with soccer but it's actually modeling. Now the dream featured  weird items such as painting your body with highlights. Now i doubt that actually occurs. But one thing that really came out an am I gonna investigate via my favorite and best friend Google. Can an android phone take pictures automatically like the way they do in modeling

Eventually I got up. I first checked post for Crina like I always do, cause sometimes she gets her old post their and me too. It twould appear that the tenant opp the Romanian has moved out. The landlord's lacky is there. Decorating etc. He notes my new bike and asks how much money it cost without me revealing the cost. He expresses by saying I have alot of money. I say I wouldn't say that if i were you. This is the same lacky I've  had a few run ins with him. Namely the abuse I endured.

I then went onto to my Quarterly Sign-On. I first headed there. My next sign on is not til next August. Of which this time, I had the times right. yipeeee. So with this in mind, it was my next duty onto the Post Office.

I was approaching my next agenda namely the Post Office to get my weekly Payment. I then realised that I left my Post Book required to transfer funds to Bank acc for Increments, Loan, and my OVER Debt O2 for the phone. But because of that, I headed back. Now Mom in the mean time, rang me to find out where I was so she could help bring home my laundry. Now I don't blame her, I was wanting to do my walk of which I love. BUT Stanescu here left his card behind. And so she brought me to An Post. I then went across the road to AIB as I have lost my Card YET AGAIN. Grrrrrrr. Cute guy in the Bank was in the queue. He was dropping coins. He was clearly getting embarrassed as it happened a few times. Thou he was very cute, slightly taller. Darker skin possibly a Spanish. Well at least a Latino. Wearing a Tshirt with "Your Guide to Mustache". Normal trousers ie NOT Jeans or Trackies or Tracksuit Bottoms. Just trousers. What a babe.

I then went to Clean Freaks after seeing my babe hahaha to collect my laundry. When I went in, Luke the manager or owner or whatever he is, told me that the system was down, and I wanted to change my name to Stanescu instead of Coffey.

Mom then treated me to a Brekkie in Andersons of which was actually enjoyable. So then she dropped me home and she headed off. I then was looking at Dallas and Morning Edition. Then I got myself ready for my visit to my sis. I got the food that I wanted to give to her. When I arrived, she apparently wasn't there. I rang her, messaged her on FB, obviously rang her buzzer., to no avail. I was saddened that I was getting anywhere. So I headed back. I rang the hospitals to find out if there was any patient by my sis' name. I couldn't get through to them at all. I have since spoken to her, and delighted to say to you all, that she's fine, thou she did take a turn via Epilepsy, hence why she wasn't able to see me today. But I'm thankful that she's safe now.

So as I didn't get to see my sis tonight, I instead have been looking at the Prime Time Election Debates. Both for Midlands-North West constituency and now I'm on South Constituency Deabte. One of the Candidates from the Midlands-North West debate, however did point out one interesting, in that, a separate group of candidates were put with one presenter and another group for another presenter. I find that that's actually true. With Vincent Browne yesterday  he had them all in one panel.  One panel and ALL Candidates.

"We're not running to be Bishop, we're running to be MEP". This quote is from my babe Simon Harris TD(Fine Gael) running for Ireland South European Constituency in the European Elections. The context of this was when the Catholic Democratic candidate said about a piece she saw in the Irish Independent, Simon Harris immediately belittles her with the above quote by saying the above quote and continuing on saying "Thats not true, not true, don't believe anything you read in the newspaper, you're scaremongering people. Scaremonger." Her reply "Take it up with the Irish Independent", his then reply "Ill take it up with you after the debate"

While surfing and going through Google+ Notifications(59) which ain't normal. Of which I will explain in due course but while I was going through em, I saw the below warning. It simply states to slow down on my activity on Google Networks. Now I don't understand how this has happened. Could it be that I have far too many notifications. ???I have since disabled individual notifications. When I logged onto my gay Google+ account after several months actually almost a year, I was given an attempt or option to subscribe to notifications from individuals in a Circle. or there wording Subscribe to Circle. So that would mean, that if a person who is in a circle that is subscribed to Ill get those notifications. I decided that I try it over on my other Google+ account. Twould appear that wasn't the most wisest of ideas. I've since disabled it.

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Monday, 19 May 2014

Diary 19th May 2014

I have noticed of late, that if I continue on sleeping that I dream, be it visual or whatever. Here's the latest example. I'm at a conference of some form, I come across a person of whom I least suspect. Which is none other than Noel Kenny. A person I met back in '04 with my other mate Alan Doyle. I met Noel at a college course PC Special Training in Drumcondra. At the time, I wasn't out. I have since come out to both of em. Alan was grand about it. Noel however I find very difficult to comprehend even. I did notice ever since I did come out, that he's been telling nothing but lies, upon lies. etc., Like the time, he lied about Alan and himself at The Simpsons Park, in the US. He blatantly said he's never been there etc., And what's even stranger is the fact that he himself is gay, of which I found out about it, via Facebook. He was at the time helping out at Belfast Pride. I since have been told that he's been seeing someone from Waterford. He was also responsible(thou I didn't help), when I lied to my ex in seeing him. I wanted a cry on the shoulder. He had at one stage expressed an interest in Cam Sex or a Fuck, I can't remember which. I had told Keith(my ex), he obv wasn't happy about it. When he heard that I was meeting(through my lies), we broke it off. Anyways, I'm getting off topic, the reason I mention Noel is that mysteriously, I had dreamt about him, would you believe it or not guys, he was coming from Phoenix, Arizona. I mean like how crazy is that. I expressed int he dream to him, Boy I was just thinking about Phoenix.

When I signed onto my Gay version go Google+ which I have a separate account for more gay posts ie hot guys undies etc., after a long spell(twould appear not since July '13) when my depression kicked in. Google+ offered me to Subscribe to get notifications. Of which of course I went along with it. haha. I didn't mind it. But then I went to disable em, and Google notifys me saying not only will you not be getting any notifications from the User, but also if they mention you, you don't get notification. So am at a loss as to whether I should disable notifications or not. I tried it on my Google+ of this account, I did note however, that I have been notified when someone mentioned me. But that was from a Follow page. As with a User, I still ain't sure.

So for the past few hours, I have been looking at the COlbys, still trying to figure out the characters. I find that one episode(which is about 50mins) is very long drawn out. Somethings about it. The fact it only lasted two seasons, kinda speaks volumes

Then onto my Current Affairs: Namely the News Bulletins(mmmm) and now onto the European Election Debate with Vincent Browne. ITs very good. I find Paul Murphy(MEP) for Socialist Party very good. and BRid Smith. Paul clearly knows his stuff. Like here's an example. When it was mentioned that Martin Shultz(Scuse the spelling) that he was running for European Commissioner something like that, someone exclaimed who is he????? Now if you running for a European Job, I think it would be advisable that you go and do your Homework. I mean seriously...

Diary 18th May 2014

Well today I was to go and visit me sis. However she wasn't available. Well she has since told me, that she's now engaged to be. Well the below post I put up on my Facebook speaks the truth.

Exactly. I have preached this a thousand times, to my folks and aunt in particular. Words Are Poisonous. So because of this my sis, met someone in a hospital. And is now Engaged(Well soon to be). Only for my folks and their big mouths esp my Pops, they drove her to a person who HOPEFULLY will be heartiest and kind to her, but I have some reservations. So congratulation Mom and Dad, you drove ur dear DAUGHTER to a life of misery(I would hope for her sake it will be happy)

Photo: Good advice for any marriage, relationship or friendship.

So after I got up from an interesting phonecall which relates to the above. 

Yeah you could say everything's expensive alrite. For me, personally I barely live by. I of course can afford my bills. BUT a good dear friend of mine, made me realise that I cannot continue to be paying a certain individual of which shall remain nameless on a constant basis.

The above quote or saying, is something that got started when I was chatting with my mate Ronan. How it started was he asked me when I was thinking of seeing Godzilla. I said sure of course. Then I just put it out there, that if he has the cash or not. His response was not something I quite expected. His quote not mine. "I hate people paying for me so I am going to try my dammed hardest". I was gobsmacked when he said this. I then paid more attention to the convo more than usual, as I can relate. I really appreciated him saying this. I know Brendan S, has said this to me in the past, but I never really paid much attention. It takes a person with logics to drill it into me. If only the person in question, was as attentive as Ronan is.

I was looking at Fair City earlier on, when I noticed a character I know from Ros na Run. The character I recognised was Louse Doyle otherwise known as Leah Egan(her real name). In Ros na Run if I'm not mistaken, Leah Egan also plays in Ros na Run as a Garda. Now, I don't the rules and regulations of having both jobs. Its a possibility that she could have transferred over to Fair City.

Saturday, 17 May 2014

DIary 17th May 2014

I was falling asleep at the computer. So horrifying and yet annoying. So I closed up. Went to sleep for a few winks. However I received several loud bangs at my door. Maureen wasn't as bad initially. But when Mom came, I thought hell came to her she received bad news or something. So as a result of me not getting my beauty sleep, I decided to stay on.

I was due to go to the Tarzan Movie and then later on get my glasses fixed.

So instead of I was getting dreams. One quite interesting one thou however: My sis and I are in a classroom somewhere in the States. And in front of the whole class and one or two other staff members, the teacher tells my sis that she must go to Texas, no wait how about Phoenix, Texas. Now I can't quite get the significance of Phoenix. Considering there are 50 states in the US. North America comprises of US, Canada and I think Mexico(Not sure how he fits in). Now it is then revealed that the reason being is my sis Gay and Foreign. I says, sure I'm the same as in Gay and Foreign. And not a peep out of any of em. Weirdly my sis ain't budging either. So if its not Gay and Foreign, could it be because of her Mental Illness. So i then in reply saying that I could sue your asses for discrimination. Ahem i'm referring tot eh Educators or Teachers as we call em over here.
I decided to find out what is in Phoenix, Texas. I asked a friend of mine, if there was such place in Texas but he wasn't sure if there was. I know a Phoenix in Arizona, but Texas???

So anyways I have been looking at 7th Heaven. As with any episode, there's always something that stands out. For this week, it would be the fact that I never knew there was such thing as Internment Camp. Its really amazing that you can learn quite alot from TV. There was an episode on 7th Heaven whereby there was a survivor from internment camp survivor. She was Japanese. It was featured that if there was a Japanese person or even a person perceived to be from Japan or whatever was put into this Internment Camp. Where they were stripped(not sure about Clothing), but any property or whatever they had, it was taken off them.
So yeah, TV film etc., is my future. I learn via TV aka NOT text. Same with sex. I don't know how to perform, so I take tot he Porn Collection I have and I practise.

A quote for you all from the mother of the series, played by Catherine Hicks, "Smile, Baby, Smile" saying to my babe Simon(her onscreen son)

Friday, 16 May 2014

Diary 16th May 2014

Slpet like an angel. However the groggyness still a worrying factor. My Da picked me up for 10am. When I arrived, I head a loud speaker type ie an announcement sort of thing in a near distance. Dad explained it was the annual Sports Day that my old Secondary School(High school) was having. I kept hearing the announcer and kept thinking could it be my old PE Teacher well in 1st yera. I got down to painting. Dad wanted me to
paint the ballistrades aka the Balcony while he himself was doing flowering ie sowing flowers in the front. We both took a break. While doing so, Dad asked about the other PE Teacher I used to have as well. Mr. MacMahon. Then the Euro school  memoirys came flooding in. Thinking it was my old teacher Mr. Gallagher but after finding out via voice wasn't sharp enough i then was actually thinking of a rte sports guy 0 Des Cahill. Then Dad asked  about the other PE teacher Mr. MacMahon. Memories came flooding in. The time my sis n I were to go to Euro school. Mom n dad gone out. Crina didn't want to go to euro school. So we had gone  to a strangers house of which i knew from Primary School. When we came home  Mom and dad has cycling helmets. However we were punished by means of slapping. I remember trying to run. But as my bedroom was very small no much means of escapism.   Maureen with tears rolling out of her eyes exclaiming she can't stop the slapping . we had done wrong.
Afterwards, I had read in the Irish Language newspaper Faoinse, something about a Minister and Attack. Dad explained it was to do with Dinny McGinely - which he's currently Minsitery of State at the Department of Gaeltacht. Dad went on to explain that Dinny is actually related to Jimmy, who sadly has passed on, he was our neighbor for several years. I was in awe. ie Shocked. I hadn't heard Jimmy's name in years.

While doing the painting, Dad as I say was int eh front. I was takign a few selfies by means of  a pose modeling kinda way. Some came out great. I of course with a beautiful hot day, worked shirtless.

Shortly before we dispersed., We were chatting about Outhouse and I brought up the Golden Girls night. Mom couldn't understand why I was into it, considering its a series based on old women hence: "Golden". She thought I'd be into guys or men. Which of course I am. But with Golden Girls, there was an extra ingredient. LGBT. I explained to Mom and Dad of course, that there was a study done in 2005 by a college in the States. It explained that the LGBT Communitys were the biggest audience more so than the straight counterparts. Mom was in complete awe to learn of this. I gave here a few examples. Namely Blanches' Brother comes out Gay; Dororthy's friend(I think), Jean is a lesbian, the women thought Pat(her partner) was a dude. Another example: Sophia exclaiming that she "wouldn't love any of her kids less" if they were to come out gay etc., Mom said perhaps she was forced to say it, ie in script. I said be that as it may, if she was UNCOMFORTABLE in saying it, she probably would refuse or whatever.

Then Mom dropped me home. Well initially I told them, I wanted to go to the Post Office to lodge money from my Savings to Bank for my Christmas Loan in Credit Union. However I realised that I had actually left my Savings book and Bank card behind in my flat. So I said not to bother - namely becuase I thought I'd be finished Dinner later than half 5, when the post office closes. As it happens, We were finished up altogether. So I said to them, I wanna go tot he post office to pay off. So Mom dropped me to my gaf then to the Post Office where I withdrew from Savings then direct to the Bank.
So then, as I wanted to top up my O2 Money card as well, I headed to Scribbles to top it up. Then I got ready for tonight's Premier of Godzilla. Review here. I joined my group clan Cineworld Craicheads. So on my way over to Cineworld, I came across a hot guy, scorching hot Latino, wearing a White tank top that's short and Black shorts very short. Mmmmm. Oh boy. He looked smooth too. A friend of his, was looking at me too but in the derogaptry. hahaha. Like I mean the Latino was a scorching hot. DAmnnnnn.


Well words cannot express my enjoyment of the film. It lived through to its name. I was at the edge of my seat. Like constantly eating the popcorn. Like its never happened to me before. I actually found it scary cause when the film was finished, the popcorn was all over me instead of my mouth. My heart was pumping. It was sad though that they killed off the Cranston actor early in the film. Waiting for the actual Godzilla monster took an hr, I timed it just in case it might be like Pompeii. Review here. Like we were waiting for almost 2 hrs, before the volcano erupted. So for the first hour, the film explained the plot of the whole film, which basically is as follows. The monster Godzilla came to be as a baby eating Radioactive. Something like that. He fed on that for the whole of his life. Now there's a bit of confusion on my part. In that I know about Godzilla, but 2 monsters also appeared apparently a Hubbie and Wifie. Godzilla towards the end of the movie, was actually a hero in that he was SAVING the citizens in that Godzilla kills the two other Monsters. I will have to clarify this as the times I go to see it, increases haha. The effects of the film excellent. The roars of the Monsters. oh boii. HOT DAWG. Highly recommended the film.

Thursday, 15 May 2014

Diary 15th May 2014

I got up, for the first time in a while very tired and groggy. So far no dreams. So that's cool. Pops collected me to go to Physiotherapy.  The route he took, brought back memories of me canvassing for for one of the politician who was going up for the 2011 General Election(In which we elect TDs to the Parliament(Dáil Eireann). WE then passed a church where there was a community hall in which another meeting I went along to representing Fine Gael too.  In this instance the meeting was actually to convince Voters to Vote YES on Lisbon(Can't recall the year - although there were two Referendas on Lisbon - I can't recall which Lisbon I was at the meeting for). Pat Gilroy a well known Dublin GAA Football Manager was present. In which his view was to vote for Jobs etc.,

So in the end, we arrived at the Physiotherapy. The Dr. asked that I do exercises well technically he showed me how its done, via me. In that he got me to do the exercises so I'd know what to do when I'm doing it on my own(hahaah like thats happens). The exercises in question that he asked to say hold your stomach but don't move anything else, something to that effect. I found that quite difficult to do. So then afterwards just before finishing up the session, teh Dr. asked is there any point in continuing. I said not really considering, if I do the exercises I should be cool. He suggested thou that I should pick up a sports. Personally I'm not into sports let alone watching it. I told him that I have been walking quite alot. But he meant something to the effect that I do it as fitness or at least a routine kinda thing.

So then we headed back to his place, to finish off the painting from yesterday. I basically was just holding the ladder for him. Simply put. While we were having breaks, I had told them(both Mom n Dad) about the Lactose Intolerance guy yesterday saying that he forced it upon himself in that he took Dairy milk like a whore. Dad simply says "No two people is the same". Then we both went up on the garage where I took a few selfies and of course helping him. He painted the pots that are on top the garage roof.

Then Mom dropped me home. We were gonna do flowering ie sowing flowers, however plans changed, so we just left it, I've to back up to em tomorrow(Friday). I showered, got myself ready for Noah. Review here. When I arrived, I was told that the movie for 9pm wasn't on. This has happened on too many an occasion, whereby the Site states a film and time. Then its found that the cinema in question don't have it. This last occurred back earlier in the year. So to move on, the guy offered me 1 of 5 movies to choose from. The Amazing Spiderman 2. Review here. Pompeii. Review here.  Bad Neighbors. and Godzilla. As I was going to be seeing Godzilla in iMAX with Cineworld Craicheads, I decided to leave watching Godzilla. As per my Pompeii review, I was not going to be sitting 2 hrs in a movie theater wondering when the hell will that Volcano go off. I had no interest in Bad Neighbors. So I decided to  see my babe. He misses me terribly. awwwwwww.
The showing wasn't starting til 9.30. So I decided to pop over to the Outhouse. As I had left my Soya milk behind, I decided not to trust Dairy EVER, so I decided tot try a new item. Herbal Tea. Twas a lovely tea. My first time having one. I had Wild Raspberry herbal tea.
I then headed back on over to the Cinema where I enjoyed watching my babe. He's something else alrite. As Davey Wavey says: God Damn. mmmmm. However in the movie, scene of burying Gwen, I got a shocking thought in that I die and leave my puppys to whoever and they rip them apart. Twas a shocker. Never in my wildest did I expect that. To try and get rid of the thought, My precious' (Garfield)clothes is what I was looking at.
On my way home, I was thinking of how to setup a FB Account whereby I say that Georgian is in a relationship with ..... My Puppies and my Inflatables. BUT the only problem is: I'd have a hard time figuring out which, Sammy or Patch, Champy, Stocky, Onie, etc., etc.,

Wednesday, 14 May 2014

Diary 14th May 2014

Firstly I showered. Got rid of every hair  I could think of. Namely the chess, arms and legs. Mom collected me for me to help Dad Paint  the railings. We had a bit of a chat first over a cuppa tea. Dad somehow brought up my sis' past (yet again): This time relating to her being a "jailbird". When she was young, she used to get in trouble with the authorities. It was found that it was part of her Personality Disorder, namely Borderline Personality Disorder. He had said something in the line of, that she's paying a visit to all the hospitals, something like the way she used to paying a visit to all the police stations. Why can't he just move on. They ask us to move on????? I felt like saying to him, she had to find solace somewhere. ????????

We then moved on to discuss the winner of the Eurovision Song Contest 2014 which was won by a Transgender person Conchita Wurst. Once again heartiest congratulations to her and her country Austria. She did them proud. Dad had mentioned that the papers refer to her as Transvestite. It was my understanding that a transvestite is a person who dresses up as the opposite sex or something like that ie a Drag Queen.  or a King for that matter. Twas quite a debate. I shall seek advice on the term before commenting further.

My job wasn't too bad. I was first to clean and scrape, then to actually paint. While painting, few people passed by that Dad knew. I knew only one person Pauline from next door to AIlish and Noel the neighbors of the folks. I haven't seen her in years. She got defensive(which is quite a bit weird if you ask me) when I told her that you can get a job in the States namely New York, much easier than getting one here. She also mentioned that I was "lying on the job" a skit of which I didn't take too kindly by way of replying to her saying: I fail to understand. She even mentioned this to Dad by saying George don't understand "lying on the job". The reason I didn't take to kindly was my back was killing me, as I had to get up earlier than normally. Even thou I went to bed slightly earlier.
When I had first started, Dad basically in a round about way of saying, as I didn't turn up, that he had done a lot of painting without me. My reply was simple. As i didn't get a call i assumed he didn't want me. Mom had previously on the way home from the Mater from visiting my sis, said on my voicemail that Dad would ring me with the time to collect me.

So afterwards, we had a grub or bite to eat. Then, I headed back. Mom who dropped me back, wanted to get milk in Spar, so I got myself my babe Soya milk. hahaha.

So I got home, relaxed for a few hours, before heading to see Transcendence. Review here. I went to get my new found fame of Sorbet(after learning they now sell(which has been for awhile now) Dairy free Sorbet). I asked the sales person for the usual. And he asked if I have Lactose Intolerance. He stated that he has it as well. I said in a friendly that we should join forces to set up a club or something. hahaha. So then he went on to say that he himself "forced" himself to have it. Which I found peculiar. To each is their own.


Well only one word comes to mind when it comes to review this film. I was half looking forward to seeing this film which is 7 why I left it til late to see this film. Confusion is the word I would see in this film. I wouldn't be in a hurry to go and see the film. The plot I found very confusing. A guy is shot with a bullet that contains some Radioactive materiel that eventually killed him. His mind however was saved. As Captain America: The Winter Soldier(Review here) puts it: "Science could not save my body, however the mind..."Its something to the same affect. In that Science could not save the body full of radioactivity. They however connected his brain to a AI(Artificial Intelligence). I also gathered that the controversial topic was enabled int he film. Namely NANO Technology and Stem Cell Research. It would amazing to see such advancedment in technology. However like anything else, there' will always be trouble. Johnny Depp's Character that was curing people which would be wonderful however is also starts to become dangerous. So to combat all this RIFT attmepts to prevent this. So sadly Johnny's onscreen wife(Rebecca Hall), is shot, to save her and mankind, she attempts to transfer the virus from the injection initailly to the computer to shutdown Johnny's Comptuer ie his mind. So bottomline is if you're ever bored and want to do something with your time, this film, might be up your alley.

Tuesday, 13 May 2014

Diary 13th May 2014

After a nice night of sleep with the exception of course me thinking having a wet dream, it was actually my bladder gave out. This has happened slightly too many times with in the recent weeks. So when I got up after the events, I went to check the post. and I noticed that I got something by way of a gift from the Government of Ireland(well Local Authority). Am talking about, I got my Voting Card, required to place my vote in the upcoming Local and European Elections. I was delighted as I kept checking the site and the site kept failing to show that my details had been registered. Eitherway, am very happy.

So with that in mind, I headed to An Post to get my weekly payment on a nice and lovely sunny day. Then afterwards, I headed to RYan's Hardware to get my new Laundry Basket(Wicker). I headed to Scribbles to top up my O2 Money. I really miss getting my Inflatables. My inflatables want me and love me. No one wants me for sexually. Ever since that guy back in early April said "No thanks", I have lost my view of sex well in Ireland. Perhaps in America they might be the same, I'll never know. Or they might be nice about it. As long as Protection is enforced, I don't mind. So instead I do teasing, that does it for me. Unfortunately I'll never have a blowjob, with another human being let alone a fuck. or even a solo wank with another human being. So then afterwards, I headed to Tescos with my Wicker basket in tow. My biceps were getting soar but bulging so I took my jumper off and felt very sexy. Its my intention to feel sexy. But actually having sex now that's a whole different ball game altogether. I then put things away from the shopping in Tescos.

I then made my way to the Mater Hospital Misercordiae(Love that name -  the time I was in the Mater for my back problem, I asked a member of staff how you pronounce it. )My sis is in their due to mental illness abuse and that's only putting it likely. When I arrived at the new Wing of which I saw when I was cycling home one time. I arrived on time, however due to me getting lost in the new wing, I was getting frustrated. I went onto a lift, of which I eventually learned it was only for staff and it was refusing to take me to 5th floor where me sis is. So eventually a member of staff came to my aid when they were bringing a patient to a floor. So when I got off the 5th floor, I was getting even further frustrated in that I was actually in the WRONG wing. I wasn't able to gain access to some floor. So I was going up and down stairs, still trying. So when I was about to give up in that I was gonna text her(my sis) and tell her I'm running outta of patience, I asked a member of staff where is her ward. I was then told I was in the wrong section altogether. She's in the OLD ward and I was in the new ward. So eventually I found her hahah. We chatted. Its all we ever do. heheeh. I simply said to her, something has to be done. Like she's been ending in hospital or whatever for several weeks now. Which is quite out of the norm.

Monday, 12 May 2014

Diary 12th May 2014

Well today was to be of a quiet day. I had seen Mom yesterday whom told me that Dad might need me weather permitting for painting the railings.

So I intended to get up for 5ish as my Box was low. So I have been following the Guerin Report. Seriously the Irish Politicians is like a soap story.
 The Garda Commissioner Resigns
 The former Minister of Justice was found that he broke the Data Protection Laws.
 Frances Fitzgerald formerly Minister of Children and Youth Affairs has now been made and promoted to Minster of Justice, Equality and Law Reform.
The Morning show I follow Morning Edition, was all very hyper.

Mom rang me to say that Dad would give me a time to be collected. I had the idea of getting rid of every single hair on my body, namely the chess, legs back and beard. So that I could look  sexy while working with my pops. However as he never rang me let alone let me know the time so I just didn't bother showering ie to get rid of the hair.

Sunday, 11 May 2014

Diary 11th May 2014

I got up without hesitation. Slightly on the groggy side, but nothing major to the report.
I was looking at the news. When I started to get the cramps and then the diarrhea that I have been having for the past few days due to possibly the Lactose Intolerance or perhaps the severe stress I was under in the dreams I was having the week gone past. So eitherway I made my way over my sis.

We were the whole night listening to a recording she had made while her Aunt(Nun) was visiting her. Some points of which I shall be making were quite disturbing to hear. Throughout the recording, I kept hearing the kettle going off. I had understood she was boiling the kettle and then getting a cuppa. But actually she was forgetting to get the cuppa tea. If found that hilarious. hahaah. My folks had expressed an interested in a grand child by my sis meeting someone no matter her gender. But the only problem is as I understand that anyone who has a Mental Illness or Disorder, their child may be taken off them. The person must have been psychiatric in the clear for a minimum of 10yrs. However that said, it is with great regret, that she won't' be able to bear a child because of the mental torture she has been receiving over the years. So its quite ironic to say alrite. Maureen on the recording states that the withdrawing from her life n dat of the folks too would help her in overcome the problems. This by far is the worse that I found disturbing. Considering we've been in their lives for 22 yrs almost. And to say good bye. Best wishes. I compare it to a relationship. The fact of the matter is that don't want to acknowledge any wrongdoing. It would actually be worse in my opinion.
Then towards the end of the recording, when she was going up the steps and going back in from the car(Mom had popped down to her while Maureen(Nun) was there) twas not bad an idea of hearing on the recording her footsteps, going up the steps, closing the main door, closing her own flat door etc.,.
So before I left, she asked which aspects did I find disturbing, and I said the above are the points I found quite distressing. In particular the aspect where Maureen was under the illusion to just say good bye and not hold accountable. Then before we dispersed I had mentioned  to her that my friend Todd, had mentioned that I possibly got Hepatitis B via an STD aka a sexual assault in the orphanage. He has mentioned this in the past.

Now while also listening to the recording, I was at the same time trying to install Foursquare. As on my home screen, the icon that was on the homescreen was dimmed out as much to say that the Foursquare app is either not installed or the SD Card isn't mounted properly. I usually move the apps to the SD card. I restarted the phone to ensure the SD Card was mounted. Still failed to get it to work. So then I went into my App Drawer and it was still dim. So I was left baffling. This has happened in the past to other apps. I tried reinstalling via Play Store. Several attempts were made but failed all attempts. So I did a quick Google search. And I was recommended to uninstall the app, and try again. Of which  I did. And eventually it got installed.

Saturday, 10 May 2014

Diary 10th May 2014

As I was annoyed last night that my On Demand service wasn't working yesterday at all, I had to delay all my recordings and put the News on hold. BUT Low and behold, just as I was closing up for bed time, it came back online.

So then after my sleep, I started with the news I had downloaded last night, and the excitement of the Soap that we have these days in our Parliament.

It was my intention of going to the Dublin Food Co-Op I have been threatening to go to for awhile now. On my way, I met Brendan S. He was heading to see Pompeii. Review here. I kinda gave it away as per my review. I was really hoping that he would actually go and see the film and get HIS opinion. However time will tell. So then I onwards towards the Dublin Food Co-Op. It pelted rain. I mean like literally the heavens opened. I was asking a few people where is COombe St then the Dublin Food Co-Op. I had gone into a restaurant which was actually closing up. She told me where to go. It was an awful shame, that Maps had failed me hence why I had to ask around where it is. I then was greeted by a greeter. She receptionist gave me a guest card. I initially looked around. All I could see was food that you can eat there and then. I was wanting food that is vegan and you can bring home. So eventually just before they closed up, I bought a few items and jam. However that said, I had mistaken Dublin Food Co-Op to be of ONLY Vegetarian and Vegan dietary foods. I was disappointed with it. Eitherway, I got a few things. I shall be getting organic jams for Dad for Father's Day. So my next return will be June Bank Holiday.

I then left to go back. It was no better rain wise. The lady who showed me where to go initially bumped into me and said to me I see you bought  a few items. So I headed back towards the Outhouse while waiting for one of two films. On my way, there was a cyclist there rushing like mad. He left his bike outside. He had an item on his backpack while cycling on the sidewalk. Now I felt that was very dangerous. He could have popped an eye out or whatever. However he slowed down deeply. Anyways, he stopped outside a shop and it said something like Model Shop. Didn't I think it was something like Modeling agency as in Clothing, Underwear or whatever. But it was actually just a planes trains etc., modelling. So I eventually arrived at the Outhouse, ready to fall. hahaha. Had a nice cuppa tea. Was chatting to David. He said to me that Brendan wasn't sure whether or whether or not to go to see Pompeii. I really wish I hadn't opened my gob. He prob got the willies judging from my reaction. I was chatting to another guy as well. I have chatted before to him. He's very nice and decent.

So then I popped along to the cinema. I first went along to my babe Anthony Mackie. He's such a darling and a babe. Even the way he stands and the clothing he's Waring. Ahem the movie I'm referring to is Captain America: The Winter Soldier. Review here.

Then afterwards while waiting around for the next film. I headed out and have a looksie in the shopping malls such as Jervis and Ilac. However majority of shops were closed. I just looked at the models. I find that the shorts for this year, are a bit bland, as I said not too long ago that the style on offer was very bland. Well a few weeks later, still the same. Ill keep an eye out. So when I arrived back at the cinema, I bumped into another good mate of mine. Brendan O' F. Brendan was seeing Frank. Apparently a film about the lead character(Fassbender), has a mental illness and he was hiding it via  mask. I found that quite interesting. So we both went to our individual films. I was popping along to see my other babe. Just far too many babes. You know that. hahaha. My other babe being of course Andrew Garfield and his film The Amazing Spiderman 2. Review here. So then after the film, I met up with Brendan again. We headed off. We hung around til 2am so that he could get his 2am Nite link service home. 

Friday, 9 May 2014

Diary 9th May 2014

I got up slightly early after last nights events ie the party. I was exhausted. Despite the fact that I had the diarrhea and then being very quite as the night progressed. When Dad left me home last night, I was trying to figure what I had left behind. As it happens it was my phone charger. Again!!!!. So with this in mind, I throttled up along to em, with a view of getting the charger. When I arrived, I heard a bang from the garage. Dad answered the door. Mom was with her sissies and at the Gallery as per normal every Friday. Dad was putting together a new Water Butt as because of the new Water Charges that are starting in the Autumn. So after a wee chat, we walked the garden, and the hammock. I headed off home.

ON the way home, I bumped on the way home, to Mom. We chatted for a bit. I then continued on home. It was my intention to start the Current Affairs and News. But first I needed to use OnDemand to download TV shows from Sky. However OnDemand wasn't working. I restarted both the Router and the Sky Box and Sky Wireless Router. It still wouldn't. So to this date, after several house, I'm still waiting.  A hell of alot has happened on the Political World. I can't access it. I just want it so badly. hahaha. I'm currently watching Knots Landing, however after each episode, I'm gonna try and gain access to the OnDemand.

Diary 8th May 2014

Totally unrelated but  here goes

I'm  watching Ros na run. Characters Micheal, Caitriona and hunk Rory. Said to be Realtíns pops. In the show it is shown that Micheál is having trouble keeping up with his bills n repayments etc., . Rory who hasn't been on the soap for several yrs accuses Micheál of being a bad example. I in a fit throw something at TV.

I'm in a restaurant. A guy speaks to me n and if I'd like white coffee. I say I never had one. So I order tea instead. When the guy speaks to me I order white coffee. Brendan O' F acts strangely.

I'm in my old bedroom where sadly Crina had passed on. My aunty (nun) comes over at 1am which is kind of strange. She brings over mikados i say I don't want cause of egg and milk. She then asks if I wrote something nice. I attempt to show her but I breakdown  instead.

James Mulligan and John Ross are told off in a shopping mall.  The two are unrelated. I know James personally but John Ross from the new Dallas. Crina and I  are shopping when all this is happening. We happen to bump into em

Then separately I'm in a dream whereby I'm traveling with a group of people and  are under siege in that many of our fellow travelers are  shot dead. Those who survived the siege are living to tell the story. I'm with one of the survivors other than myself and he/she are telling me their versions of events. When we both look outside the door we realize that his/her pet dog actually heard what owner went  through. Talk about loyalty. The dog literally in front of our very eyes and puts his head in a puddle of water n drowns. I literally break down. And think there  humans out there n maltreating there pets. The above dream n thousands of examples prove otherwise.

I eventually woke up from my hibernation and very vivid dreams. I woke up around 5am with terrible pains in my stomach. I looked up the Internet while in the toilet to see what could be done. It was suggested Dried Toast; of which I made plenny, but to no avail. So it was also suggested to get anti-digestant something like that of which it don't matter as it was in the middle of the night. It was also suggested Banana. Of which I don't take at all. and last but not least; severe stress can cause diarrhea. So then I figured what exactly was the cause of this. The severe stress could have been the dreams that got really viscous well vivid like seriously loosing my sis, and a dog drowning in my very own eyes. Its the Lactose Intolerance that I have could also be a possibility as I did a full glass of Baileys Cream. Then I realised normally if it were to be 8hrs after the event. But the diarrhea started almost 14hrs after me drinking the Baileys. So it could have been the stress of the dreams I was wonder. The more I think of it the better.

So when I eventually got up, I got up around quarter past 10, of which I didn't want Mom dropping me to my appointment of physiotherapy. However by the time I had gotten dressed etc., I was too late. Mom was waiting for me outside. So Mom dropped me down. We arrived slightly earlier. However it was the wrong building. So Mom treated me to a cuppa tea and a Rose bakery which is of gluten free. Preferably I wanted diary free. So I said where's this Thunder Bakery. They said its at the corner, but "we're better". I don't know what stopped me from going to them. However the Bakery had started the order. So I just stayed there. So I brought the stuff to Mom's car and ate and drank the tea. The minute that started, my stomach continued to pain and ache.

Considering the physio, I just had to pray that nothing would occur. So the Physiotherapist started with a few questions. Then the actual physiotherapy started. Examinations of all sorts were being done. For some bizarre reasons when the physiotherapist asked about the "sensation" on my legs, I started to make a sexual gesture. Now picture it guys. I am shirtless and in my shorts. So that was a reason, then another reason He asked me to stand straight and and stand normal as one would say. With my top off of course, he brought down my shorts slightly to get a visual of the hips. Again I felt a sensation sexually. hahaha. It was found that my right side of the body is lower than the left. haha.

So then Mom told me that she was going to drop me home, and then pay Crina a visit. However there was a a disagreement between my sis and Dad. So My sis don't want to speak to either of em. So when I arrived Maureen was there. She left in Mom's car and then headed off. I said I'd stay with Crina. We both went to Strand house. She had an appointment there. While we were waiting for my sis' appt, she bumped into a nemesis of hers. Well she told me, that's Erica. Two words came outta me mouth out in public. "Fuck Off". I don't think she was one bit surprised of my reaction. So then while she was at her appt, I went off to get my charger and get my phone charged up. And personally I also wanted to get rid of any sensation of my diarrhea too. So when I got back, the nemesis "threaten" me well Crina, but asked me to pass on the message. I had told her that I don't know the girl you're talking about. I said if you have any issues with anyone contact he gards or the authority. I am not in a position to get involved. She continued to barage saying that my sis had been giving her number out and her "gaf" address etc., I said that you will have to contact the gards. etc., So we headed to a Sorting office. She had to collect stuff. Then back to her place. etc.,

So then I headed back home., to get ready for tonight's party with Mom, Dad, Ailish and Noel. Ailish had a recent fall at a confirmation last week. And as such Mom and Dad thought it'd' be nice to invite her in for her birthday and throw a party for her in her honor. So with this in mind, I headed to Thunders Bakery in Drumcondra, to get a Apple tart(Dairy Free) for Mom and Dad and Rose(Gluten Free) and a Jam pack for Ailish and Noel. Mom was suppose to collect me for 6pm, and my phone being very low charge, I couldn't ring em. So in the end, Dad called down for me. WE all had a nice hearty convo. Crina was certainly missed, no doubt. Dispite the current disagreements, she still wouldn't have come along anyways with Alish being there. While the night was lovely and heartwarming, Ailish made a very good point while talkeing about one of her relatives. She was saying that one of em is very out going while with her friends, and very in in her self ie shy. I then compared it with me. In that I'm exactly the same. I felt I didn't have much to talk about. Very low key. No doubt.

Diary 7th May 2014

Well it was my intention to go to the GNIB again!!!! hahaah and then to go and see Tarzan as I had missed some of it last week. However I was exhausted. As per normal my legs were giving out. However something different was a miss. In that I was actually able to get outta bed. But just didn't have the motivation. So I just continued sleeping. I then eventually woke up at 6ish, then continued on around 7am. Then hell came to me at 7am, and ocntintued right til I was suppose to get up for 10.15am