Friday, 2 May 2014

Diary 2nd May 2014

Well after a hibernation period of several hours, I got up slightly earlier than normal.

Maura Coffey rang me on da landline for a bit of a chat, but more so on the technical aspects. She wanted to know why she couldn't get on the Internet. I asked that she go onto Network and Sharing Center and tell me the status(Color) of the Ball. She replied with Greenish and Blue. That then lead me to say that she has Internet Connectivity BUT she can't get access. So then I said its possibly a program or something is blocking access to the Internet. So I suggested that she disable her AntiVirus program. Bottomline, I couldn't' help her as shes on the phone, so can't do much troubleshooting over the phone. So in the end, it was found that she would have to disable as much programs that startsup.

Well today was to be of a very busy day. I was initially to go to the GNIB(Garda National Immigration Beuarau), after I learned with horridly that I have been living in Republic Of Ireland for 22 yrs WITHOUT an Immigration Card aka GNIB Card of some form. I know for a fact that my mother, sis and I(Not sure about Maureen thou), but the point being we three or four were there waiting in line. That I do remember. So what I keep asking myself: "So what the hell were we doing there". But plans changed when my sis wanted me to call up with the food that I don't eat.So I changed plans with as follows: Sis, GNIB and then cinema.

My first port of call was to try the Post Office take 2, after Wednesday's insults to get my TV License as it was due on said date. I was dealing with a different person. I did note however, that the person who left me short of 70 the previous week and also the person who didn't say an inch of a word, never once looked at me. A few weeks ago, I asked one of the staff, if my TV License Booklet will still work as flood damage would may affect it. At the time, the person said(of which I can't recall who it was.)it was alrite. So then I proceeded to show it to the clerk. She had to ring the Properietor of the Office, of which was eventually was grand. I was relieved to learn I didn't have to pay a cent. While doing the administration, I learned that person with the person I was delaying was actually the same name as the person who insulted me big time last Wednesday. Both of em are Sandra. One of the Sandra owne's the License to the An Post along with hubbie Niall. Possibly a family arrangement.

So I proceeded to head to my sis and have a nice cuppa tea. She explained to me that when Mom was on the phone to her, that Ailish had sustained an injury ie fell down a few steps. When my mother was explaining the tragedy, Sis laughed outrageously and hence my mom was very insulted or her wording "disgusted". Mom I mean. While I can understand my sis point of view, there was a lack of sensitivity on her part. She obviously realsies that now. But at the time, Mom was very hurt. So with that in mind, I had realised that I was getting late in meeting Brendan O' F to see the movie Tarzan.

So then I headed out to meet Brendan. As I was wanting to get my dinner aka my Nachos and the Sorbert(dairy-free might I add) we were delayed in seeing the film, but nevertheless we went in and enjoyed it immensely. Review will  be provided, as I was late in seeing the film.

So after the film, as it was my intention to see Pompeii which was also out today, we went to get the tickets, however it was found like a few weeks ago that I couldn't book the 8pm showing as the credits for the current one hadn't finished. We had to wait just 5mins, but at the same time, the film was already starting. So we decided to head to the Outhouse, and then I just had an idea that we go tot he half 10 showing too.

So we both headed to the Outhouse where we had a wonderful chat with Gerry one of regulars of the Outhouse. Lovely to see him. We chatted variously about mixed feelings of our sexuality. Gerry brought up a very interesting area in that Some gay men including himself(I think), when he was young he was turned on by men then women and then back to men. Some are like that. But for me I went onto say that personally I believe that you are born gay. So then it was time to move onto the cinema(well mainly because the Outhouse closes around 10). On our way out, we bumped into Ronan who revealed that he is "heart broken" which we were very disheartened to hear of such.

So then we went onto head to the cinema to get the tickets for Pompeii. We were still early for the film, so we both headed to the Cafe Bar where I treated him to a Pint. While I was getting the order, Brendan recognised Eoghan from CIneworld Craicheads. So we joined up seats and chatted for a bit. The topic of Homo Sapiens of which it came up in the film Tarzan. Review to follow up shortly.

So after the film, the three of us headed off. Eoghan went down the quays where he lives. Brendan wasn't in the mood to walk home(1hr - 1hr.5 to walk to his place). As he clearly missed the last Luas. So he got himself a the NiteLink Bus. With that we waited less than an hour. WE sat inside Spar and chatted. I had brought up the topic of Gay Marriage with relation to Firefox's debacle as announced yesterday. He then brought up that I should be more easier with my mother, as I possibly cause of her age that I can't get her back as one would say.

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