Sunday, 25 May 2014

Diary 24th May 2014

I eventually got up for a toilet break from a very sad dreams. MY sis and Maureen(Nun) dying or dead. Now what does this say to you. Really weird. I got up to clear space for the Elections 2014 live coverage. Last night I was deciding on wheter I should meet Maureen or not. And whether to go to Alishs and Noels or to just simply do nothing but TV. In the end, I ended up going up to Aislih and Noel's. I then went back to sleep. Then eventually I got up and got myself ready for Ailish and Noel's visit.

I trailed my way up to Ailish and Noel's. I popped into Moms and Dads first to get the Citizenship documentation. It was revealed that Mom thought we were gonna reapply for the Citizenship. I said no, I'm applying to the GNIB, so that I can get the citizenship.

So afterwards, I then headed inside into Ailish and Noel's. Twas lovely to see em. We chatted for a bit. For a few hours. Twas pleasant.

So now I'm home enjoying 7th Heaven. Then the big ball games of Elections 2014.

"Words can really hurt a person" - Mary(7th Heaven)
One of the aspects of an episode of 7th Heaven, was that a young boy wrote to Erica Camden but Anonymously. Eric wanted to know who the kid was but was met with a VERY interesting meaning to the word anonymously: "Kids like me all over the world are suffering ". He continued "The man upstairs will take care of all of us". Asked the Reverend "Have a little faith".

Day 1: Of ELection 2014: As you can see a long day of COunting, what great outcomes. I'm just so excited. I hope I'll be able to sleep. hahaah

Gabby McFadden(FG) on course to win Longford-Westmeath By-Election. Taking over her sister who
sadly passed away from MS(Motor Neuron Disease).

Dublin - West By Election: as a result of Patrick Nultys(Labour) resignation as a result of having admitted to sending illusive terxts/images to women and girls(correct me if I'm wrong)
Ruth Coppinger(Socialist Party) wins the Dublin - West By Elelction.

Sinn FĂ©inn expected to do very well in both Local and European
It is suggested by Fine Gael TD Leo Varadkar that FG V Sinn Fein: may go into governemtn in the next Genreal Election as a result of Labours whipe out int he Local and UEorpean Elelctions
Labour PArty suffers heavy losses, has been bruised very badly. They say the smallest party in Govt will always do very badly.
Fine Gael also doing very poorly. Yeah u's heard me. hahaah. Fianna Fail crawling up.
Mary Hannafin I can confirm has been elelcted to one of the COuncil Seats in Dun Laoughaire. Katei Feeny to be confirmed.

SO in SUmmary
Dublin West: Ruth Coppinger
Longford Westmeath: Gabby McFadden

 Fine Gael DOWN
 SInn Fein UP
 Others UP

Im so delgihted. Overwhelmed.

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