Saturday, 24 May 2014

Diary 23rd May 2014

Well today is Election Day as my American buddies call em. Technically thou, we are electing 11 MEPs for the European Elections and over 300 seats in the local authroires.

I got up very groggy, very tired. I felt like staying on, but I really wanted to vote in the Elections. So eventually I got up. Walked on a very wet rainy night. On my way over, I was listening to voicemails. Maureen wanting me badly etc., then Mom wanting gossip etc., etc., So I decided to pop up to em the Folks I mean afterwards. When I arrived at the Polling Station to cast my vote, my heart was pumping, was getting very nervous as I was worried that I would make a mistake or even a little dot that shouldn't' be there. My vote would be casted as Spoilt ie Vote would not be counted. This would have been my second time. My first time was back in '09 with my Pops. I didn't vote in the European Election. as I didn't have the papers sent off to Romania in time. So at the time I was only eligible for the Local Election. That said for this years Local and European Elections, I was delighted as I had all my paper work for both European(to be sent off to Romania - so that I don't double vote in Romania(yeah like that's gonna happen - hahaha))and the Local Elections all done in time. So I approached a table and handed my Voting Card. The person told me to go to a different name. I was then given to Ballot papers one European and one Local Election Ballot Papers. A list of names and the candidate pics appeared on both papers. I gave my preferential vote to Paul Murphy(Socialist Party) and Bríd Smith(People Before Profit). I judged my vote based on the Voting Debates on both Prime Time and Vincent Browne. For the Local Elections, my vote was slightly difficult to make up my mind. I gave Brian Hayes(FG) my 5th preferential vote. But my number 1 was given to Sinn Féin. I gave votes to People Before Profit I never heard of the guy, BUT the party I'm trusting thou. So I put my ballot papers into the big black box. Just about when I was about to go home, I bumped into a person whom I did canvassing for in Fine Gael. Pat Molloy. He's behind the scenes. I hardly recognised him. Thou he recongised me. I asked for his name, likewise he asked for mine. Imagine, I've come along way from Canvassing, Supporting Fine Gael. I even went along to a meeting of Fine Gael when Minister of Health launched his Heath Manifesto of Universal Health Care(Which I thought was exciting at the time). Nowadays, I've no interest in Fine Gael. I'm now into Sinn Féin etc., So when I realsied that I had left my ID behind, I went to the station of where I initially signed in, and asked. I asked that wait til the next voter was ready, as I may have left it at my Voting Station. Then i checked my Breast Pocket. So I said to the staff, that I'm just a dumbass. haahah.

So then afterwards, I then made my way up to Mom and Dads. I stayed there for a few hours. We chatted and chatted. Got a grub from Mom. WE all expressed grave concern for my dear Sis. Before hand politics was a big shoe in, in that Politics on my part was discussed. Told em about Theresa etc., So they dropped me home.

So I have been chatting with Anthony Garcia and Khurram(both from US and UK respectively). Great laughs is being had. Anthony says with his Friends with Benefits says that the guy says to him pulled his pants down and says "get busy". I had a hearty laugh. Then with Khurram, he invited or at least extended an invitation to travel with him to Birmingham. I said when "pigs fly", he says Ok Ill look out. ". Another hearty laugh.

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