Exactly. I have preached this a thousand times, to my folks and aunt in particular. Words Are Poisonous. So because of this my sis, met someone in a hospital. And is now Engaged(Well soon to be). Only for my folks and their big mouths esp my Pops, they drove her to a person who HOPEFULLY will be heartiest and kind to her, but I have some reservations. So congratulation Mom and Dad, you drove ur dear DAUGHTER to a life of misery(I would hope for her sake it will be happy)

So after I got up from an interesting phonecall which relates to the above.
Yeah you could say everything's expensive alrite. For me, personally I barely live by. I of course can afford my bills. BUT a good dear friend of mine, made me realise that I cannot continue to be paying a certain individual of which shall remain nameless on a constant basis.

The above quote or saying, is something that got started when I was chatting with my mate Ronan. How it started was he asked me when I was thinking of seeing Godzilla. I said sure of course. Then I just put it out there, that if he has the cash or not. His response was not something I quite expected. His quote not mine. "I hate people paying for me so I am going to try my dammed hardest". I was gobsmacked when he said this. I then paid more attention to the convo more than usual, as I can relate. I really appreciated him saying this. I know Brendan S, has said this to me in the past, but I never really paid much attention. It takes a person with logics to drill it into me. If only the person in question, was as attentive as Ronan is.
I was looking at Fair City earlier on, when I noticed a character I know from Ros na Run. The character I recognised was Louse Doyle otherwise known as Leah Egan(her real name). In Ros na Run if I'm not mistaken, Leah Egan also plays in Ros na Run as a Garda. Now, I don't the rules and regulations of having both jobs. Its a possibility that she could have transferred over to Fair City.
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