Well after just a few hours sleep, I got up with a view of seeing Sex Tape(Review here) with the Best Buddies Meetup group aka Arwin's group. On my way, I bumped into Dave(who works behind the counter in Outhouse) and his friend. He too works their, Just can't think of his name. He was saying that there prob is a bunch of em, outside the Outhouse as they were closed. So I rerouted to pass the Outhouse to see if there was anyone. They all had gone.
I then went onto the cinema. Great to see it lively and bustling. Got my food and headed onto the screen. Was looking for Arwin. So I sent him a quick message just to let him know I was here. ie Checking myself in the Meetup. So he saw me. Then after the film, it was revealed that he had fallen asleep in the middle of the film. He had been at a previous meetup of a someone's birthday. So we all met outside. Had a bit of a chat. Then we all dispersed. Arwin and I headed on home. He lives close by me. So then shortly before I left him as he was quite tired, I had previously asked him, if I could add him on FB, I just couldn't remember if I actually did ask him. But eitehrway, I did ask him if he has any issues with gay people or gay rights etc., etc., Now considering his home country religion is Muslim a good chance. Am only guessing here, anyways, I was quite taken aback with his answer. His reply is he stands for Equailtiy. "If I help a poor person, don't mean I'm rich, likewise gay, If he sees a gay person in trouble and helps, don't mean he's gay.". So I said, cool, I think we'll be alrite. Ahem that his until he has to head off home due to his Visa restrictions of the Republic of Ireland.
I was chatting to a guy on Grindr. Imagine my first hook up in years. We were very close to closing the deal. heeheh. I obviously told him of my hepatitis status. BUT what stopped the meetup was his hairy chess. I ain't into a guy who has hair on his chests.
While surfing on Grindr too, I encountered a profile with an Aids symbol(In his case HIV), and I looked at his profile. I was very intrigued in what I saw. His quote NOT mine: "Seriously fellas, If you ARE going to message to ask questions: HOW I got it doesn't matter! But I'll give you a heads up lads: I didn't catch it licking stamps. AND Yes I'm OK.". I just had to chat to him. I have taken a shine to him. He has helped me in ways no guy can understand. By that I mean, that I'm slowly accepting my hepatitis B. Now this came from a guy who has HIV. He goes through the same stigma I go through, possibly worse. He is what I would call an Inspiration. I wrote back to him, and he said "Thanks fella". He reminded me that MOST guys are vaccinated against it or at least they should have been. I asked him, should I tell guys who I wanna have sex with or to just wait til I find that special guy. Bottomline must I tell of my status with causal sex OR wait til I have the relationship. His answer: "Grey area". He continued on by saying that "I think everybody responsible for their sexual health".
2 twin children have been found dead last night. It was then found that another person body has been found not too far from the twins bodies. It has been thought that it was a murder suicide. Now from my perspective, it is of my opinion that the older guy was suffering from depression, something like that. Now it is a possibility that the reason, that he couldn't talk about whatever was troubling him was one word STIGMA. Like my folks even would say it to me and to my sis, when I was battling depression. Oh get over it, or get out and about etc.,e tc., Its the likes of these that make people go physcotic or whatever. Bottomline, GET OUT THEIR AND TALK TO A PERSON YOU TRUST
Largest Dinosaur to ever walk the earth has been found in Argentina. It is thought to have been known as DreadNoughtis(aka Fearing Nothing) Shraanee as a plant eater. It would have weighed 65tonne. 11meter neck and a powerful 9meter tail. Measure 26meters in length
Dr. Martin Drennan , Bishop Of Galway is under fire for his comments on radio. He was referring to allocating money for Amach LGBT in Galway City. that was decided by the St. Vincent De Paul. Dr. Martin didn't want a Catholic Charity organsiation allocating money to an LGBT Group as it goes against the ethos of the Church of which he's a member of. No surprises there considering their past history of the Church.
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