WEll, what to say about today's entry. heheeh. I woke up with such a sweat and/or fright. I was dreaming about my beloved inflatables. hehehe. I am in a room with Dad sitting in the armchair and Mom beside him. I ask him and Mom, where are my inflatables. I had two. One with a Blue coloring, which in REALITY, I do and another one. They were both at Mom and Dad's armschair. I was looking at em so lovingly. When I turned around etc., maybe at TV or whatever, I turned around to the armchairs and I asked nicely "hey guys, where's my babes, precious or whatever ur having urself. When they refused to give them to me or hand em over, I let out such a scream and I asked for them again. They gave them to me again, eventually. But with such a scream, I woke up in a sweat. And it took alot out of me that I went back to sleep.
So after such an eventual night, I woke up and got up eventful. I then headed to the Outhouse. Where it was Men's Night every Friday night from 7pm to 8pm. When I arrived, there was a box like outside the Outhouse. Then I read that it's Culture Night. So I continued up to the room, which is located at the Library, where Men's Night is. Quite funnily, my shyness kicked in. By that I mean, I was offered a chair, as I was standing, I thought there was some one else etc., So I eventually finished up on my cell phone. And listened to what others had to say. Another lad joined with us, Cathal. We chatted for a brief period and also with Con. Con was saying he's heading off to Brazil for a few months. I then said that I was heading off to New York to live. And the rubbish that came out of Con's mouth. I never mentioned the word Israel to anyone. As I later said to Brendan O' F, I never bring up a topic, If I don't understand it or whatever. Con had said that America hates Israel or whatever. I said alrite.... except, I never said such. The amount of crap that comes out of people, is just unreal. hahaha. Then Cathal and I were chatting together. And he mention that the name of the Culture Night that was being held int eh Outhouse, was putting him off. ie Katies Party or something like that. Bernard reminded him that there were men at the event. He then said that he's Anti-Lesbian. Now I've never personally heard of them. Its unreal you know. He then said that they hate men, now perhaps he meant that they ain't attracted to men, maybe I'm wrong, WHo knows. hahaah. The two Indian lads that were there last week, one of them clearly still shy, was asking for his other mate, whom I found out the name Edward or Ed for short. He was then offered to move up closer. He was quite disgusted. Whcih I don't get. But anyways. hahaah
So with such delightful conversation, I then headed off with my mate Brendan O' F, to see The Giver(Review here). So after the film, I told him of the above convo with Con and I and Cathal. I told him, that I won't be getting to know him. hahaah.
Scotland Votes NO, as in they want to stay in the United Kingdom. British Prime Minister David Cameron has promised as part of his campaign for to stay within the UK, that more powers will be devolved to the Scottish Parliament. It was a 55% to 45%. 84% was the highest turnout in 63 years. Alex Sammond has announced his resignation. He becomes the first High profile casualty of the historic vote.
Dublin City has been chosen to be the Host Nation by UEFA(U...European Football Association) in 2020. The games will be played in the Aviva Stadium. Dublin will play host to 4 games.
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