Monday, 13 October 2014

Diary 13th October 2014

I was due to go to the last PDC Course last night ie Monday night, however as I wasn't in the mood, I didn't bother. I was going to go after the break, but was too late. So I just left it.

While getting ready for my hibernation after clearing the Sky Box with preparation for Budget 2015 RTE's coverage. While playing with my Puppies, I exclaim to myself"Human's lie to each other, causes conflicts" etc.,etc., So much evil in this world. As my puppies, can't talk, likewise my inflatables, blankies, and scarfies my Mental Health will be in safe hands. Otherwise my mental health will always be compromised due to my sensitiveness.

So then I got to sleep and had quite a dream. I'm meeting a group of people for a meal in a restaurant. As I live and breed, Dad, Eileen and Brendan are having a meal right beside my cubicle too. Then I move onto apply for some Government thing. Then I move back to a house, where i'm getting food. Fish and chips are taken out of freezer. As I'm a Vegetarian turning Vegan. I see Maura Coffey(My Dad's sister in law) there too.
My sis and I are in my Dad's car along with Mum and Dad(duhhh - he's the one driving - heeheh) are going to someplace. My sis gets agitated when we have to pass Dolores(Mom's school friend) and Ailish's(My sis' nemis, my Mom's Sister's Daughter) gaf.
Next am on a horse, riding to someplace, whereby am entering a DIY store. I make note of several beams vandalizes and other times broken with too high a lorry.


A document from the Vatican, has urged OTHER Christian's to accept Gay people. Quoting the letter: "Homosexuals have gifts and qualities to offer the Christian community". Gay Rights all over the world, in particular Ireland. GLEN(Gay and Lesbian Eqauilaity Network.

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