Tuesday, 28 October 2014

Diary 28th October 2014

Today, I was due to meet Mom for to go to the LGBT Friendly restaurant Foam Cafe(Review Here). So Mom collected me and left her car at the Bus Terminus. We hopped on the bus. As we were passing, there was an auld fogie in the field or something, and waved at us. Now whether he was drunk or high or whatever, it brought great memeoreis. In that everytime, I got on a bus as in a school trip or something, I would see people waiving at us. Or even how about this, that everytime, my Dad n I would go down "Home" as he would put it, as he's from Meath. There would be people be waiving in their cars as in a gesture of a hello etc.,

So we got off the bus. And my THANKS to Google Maps, told me exactly what bus to get, where to get off, and obviously the directions to Foam. I was most overwhelmed I had heard about this service recently launched by Google a while BUT in the States.

So after the restaurant, we got the bus back home. We had a nice chat. As per always. heehhehehehe. I got off the bus earlier for my place.

I then headed onto my sis. WE had a nice heafty and deep chat. I can quite tell ya that. My dreams have been of negative. Nothing new. In relation to my Uncle. This time round my Uncle Brendan(Eileen's hubbie(Eileen being my Mom's sister). As I had left my Passport ie with my Social Welfare Card behind in my sis' place, I couldn't get my dole.

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