Wednesday, 15 October 2014

Diary 15th October 2014

Today, was a quiet day. I was suppose to head onto a meetup, in particular the Vegetarian Meetup in Milanos. Like the other day, I was suppose to go to Umi Falaefel, but didn't bother. I of course cancelled the last minute well in this case.

So I just stayed on in bed. In the middle of the hibernation, I got up for a leak and making room on my box.

Then I got back to sleep and had the following dream.

Am with a group of people. We head into a restaurant. I keep looking at a waiter. He's so brazen. I go to pay .15c and I hand over €1. He gives me no change. I then am writing a review. Clearly it'd be a terrible review I'd be writing.


The Budget 2015 "hangover" has occurred. As traditionally, both Ministers for Finance and Public Expenditure(Noonan and Howlin respectively) took to the airwaves on RTE's Seán Ó Rourke to listen to the public on Radio. There has also been confusion in yesterday's Budget announcement whereby Social Welfare recipients and Tax Payers receive €100 off their Water Bill per year and Tax Credits respectively. It was my understanding yesterday, that EVERY single Social Welfare recipient despite there allowance, will receive it. However it has come to my attention that this is NOT the case. Those on the Disability Allowance, Fuel Allowance and obviously if you have the Household Benefits Package will receive. Jobsekker Allowance, and Jobseekers Benefits will NOT be eligible to receive the Water Allowance. This has also come tot he Tax Credits. In order to receive Tax Credit on your Water Bill, you MUST pay the bill, then apply to your local Tax Office and then get the amount off your NEXT bill. The Government will reassure and if needs be change a few things when the Finance Bill comes into force.

U2's Bono has apologized to iTunes for their latest single that was sent to ALL iTunes users. SOme wanted the single BUT others DID NOT.

Serbia and Albania has been charged by UEFA for a Political motivated brawl. Both countries got into a brawl when a flag bearing a "Indigenous" was lowered. A Serbian player took it down. Albania team players were against this, and got into a fist fighting. Serbia have never gotten over the Independence of Kosovo back in '08.

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