Monday, 20 October 2014

Diary 20th October 2014

I was looking at TV for part of the day.

I then headed onto sleep for a few hrs.

While sleeping, I had the following dreams.

Sexy Simon Harris TD telling me to be back on time. Something like that.

My sis telling me that her brother was shot in the head. We're on a Malahide Roundabout. My sis gets lower down on a pavement while looking at something.

Bryan Dobson announcing that one of their reporter is to retire in a place in Germany.

Dream of my Dad dieing and telling some people.

So question for yeee guys,  how do you STOP dreams from occurring.
E.g. I was congratulating a guy on his relationship on FB and realsied two guys were on my Friends list. They were pointing out to the guy that he's rushing and jumping from relationship to relationships etc.
Another E.g. A girl I know who's from Romania who is gay was nearly jumped on by a druggie.
SO my point being, is how does your day contribute to dreams. Like there was no drugs, love , same sex etc., etc., NOT in my dreams YET, a sexy politician(who is real - Simon Harris), who is playing my Dad. etc., Then there is 2 dead (My sis' bro and our Dad). So where's the connection. As I see it, its lost.

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