Well after a hibernation period, I got up with a great view of a wonderful day ahead of me. I then got ready for my evening's socialising.
I first popped into the Outhouse. Met up with O' Farrell. There we attempted to converse with 2 women. 1 being a person who is learning English and the other whom O' Farrell told me is Irish teaching the other one. O' Farrell was trying to tell the one who is learning English, that you can say "Je besoin de" which is French for "I need". They compeltly ignored him. I told him, that's ignorant on their part. Compelteply ignorant. Then shortly afterwards, another guy came round. He apparently was a German representing PinkNews a German LGBT Radio, something like that. He was wanting to know how many trucks were on the Parade etc., etc., O' Farrell found that quite strange. So he questioned his authenticity.
So onwards the two of us went to the Cinema to go and see Transformer 4: Age of Extinction. On the way, I initially asked him, what is his definition of the term "Bisexuality". As Sven was behind me at the time of the question, I told him when we were on our way when Sven wasn't with us, why I asked the question. I explained that Sven had told my sis last Tues that Bisexuality was searching for Personality instead of Gender. Something like that.
So after I came home, I have been looking at TV and my sis called round after her appointment for a cuppa. Twas nice having her hear. hehehe.
Leo Varadkar(FG) - Minister for Health
Alan Kelly(Labour, Deputy Leader) - Minister for Environment and Local Government
Jan O' Suillivan(Labour) - Minister for Education and Skills
Paschal Donoghue(FG) - Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport
Charlie Flanagan(FG) - Minister for Foreign Affairs
Alex White(Labour) - Minister for Communications, Energy & Natural Resources
Simon Coveney(FG) - Minister for Agriculture & Defense
Jimmy Deenihan(FG) - Minister of State
Heather Humphreys(FG) - Minister for Arts Heritage & The Gaeltacht
James Reilly(FG) - Minister for Children & Youth Affairs
Jed Nash - SUper Minister at the Department of Jobs
Richard Bruton(FG) - Minister for Jobs, .......
Francis Fitzgerald(FG) - Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform
Brendan Howlin(Labour) - Minister for Public Expenditure
Michael Noonan(FG) - Minister for Finance
Joan Burton(Labour, Leader) - Minister for Social Protection
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