Well just about as what about to hit the hay, for to do my common Hibernation, I Instagrammed my pics I take of my undies and posted em to Facebook, Twitter and Tumblr. I usually do this every night, so that I can catch up my undies pics to my Instagram account.
I had downloaded Films to my Box, then when I realised that the box would be full, I deleted them again. So I'll redownload em again at a later date.
I then went to bed pretty late. ie 7pm.
The mammoth task of hauling the Costa Concordia has commenced where it is to be sent away for description. It gives the crew another chance to find a missing person who is from India - Russell Robello. With the reflaoting taking place, THey are hoping to find the last remianing body. It has now been refloated. and took over 8hrs. 32ppl were killed. It hit a reef and capsized in January 2012. Francisco Costino is on trial for Manslaughter.
Pope Francis believes that 1 in 50 priests in are Paedophile. This means taht thte level is about 2% of the Catholic Church.
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