Friday, 18 July 2014

Diary 18th July 2014

Well today, I had plans to get my haircut, then to see How to Train Your Dragon 2(Review will be provided in due course). So then I woke up again later than anticipated. It was around quarter past 8 when I realised it would be too late to get to the cinema for the Transformers(Review here) at 8.45. So I just left it, and took to the bed.

While sleeping, I relaised that while looking at Dawn of the Planet of the Apes(Review here) I had forgotten to mention that I was seeing a white shadow constantly. I kept looking at a person I thought was getting up and down. ie another view of someone following me. Possibly my Mother????

I received word and a vicious look from my Mom(fostered one) when I turned down a birthday pressie from them. I explained to my sis last Sunday, that I can't accept anything off them, as when my Dad goes to pay by Credit card,he jokes to the salesperson, I guess Ill have to pay. Something like that. Now my sis has explained she can easily stand up to him, by saying "I have the cash etc., etc., ". But my naivety won't let me stand up to him IN FRONT of the sales person or anyone one else or even on his own.

Also for reasons UNTIL after my Birthday(23rd of this month), I cannot give any heads up in case something happens until after that date. I was speaking to a relative last month via email just a general chat. Now when he said in the email and I quote: "Is this your email adress <email_address>". I said obviously duhhhhhh. Like when u receive an email from someone, their email appears in the FROM field. He's an Information System analyst aka he knows everything about computing. So why he ask such a dumb question???If he does look up my email on Google or whatever, he'll come across the Blog here and Wordpress tooo. If he does, then the event may be forcibly occurred on the 23rd. Or whenever. I know to some of yee, this particular paragraph may be a bit worrying or just simply non-nonsensical. But stay tuned over the next few days. It will become clearer to u.

I was chatting to a mate of mine in US(Indiana). A shocking revelation has come alite. In that, in Indiana anyways(not sure about the whole) uses the British System in distance ie Miles. Yet in Ireland we use KM for distance. Considering Ireland is Britain's neighbor, we actually use a different system. hehe


Up to 100 AIDS researchers and Activists were heading to a International AIDS Conference in Australia

189 Netherlands
42 Malaysia
28 Australia
12 Indonesia
9 UK
4 Germany
4 Belgium
3 Philippines
1 Canada
1 New Zealand
1 Ireland(From Dublin, living in Western Australia for several years). She was only coming home from Dublin to Austrlaia. She came home for a visit. Sr. Philomena Tiernan - A Catholic Nun. of Irish Decent, based in Sydndey. She was on retreat in France.
1 Hong Kong
1 ?

It has been found that a member(Glen Thomas) of the World Health Organisations was also onboard. As well as a Real Estate agent(Albert Risk) in Australia
Euth Lang was amongst those a prominent Dutch AIDS researcher was amongst the group of delegates en route to the Conference in australia.
Cor Pan was travelling with his GF(Natayy Tull). He posted a pic of the Plane on his FB joking "If the plane disappears, this is what it looks like". More than likely he was referring to the missing Plane MH370(the one that appeared back in March 8th - and still missing)

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