Well I was slightly groggy, nothing major to shout about as one would say. I was to be up for Mom as she was collecting me to get my dosh ie Dole, but more importantly to get my documentation for the Citizenship. It is required that I produce 3 Proof of Residence for the years of 2007, 2008, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 and 2014. Hence 15 Proof of Residency to be printed off. Mom collected me, headed to Dole. I then headed first before the Post Office to the Clean Freaks to get my laundry done. Then I headed into the Post Office. Then to the Bank to lodge my money into the Bills account, as I like to call it. heheheh So we continued onto the house. As it happens, as it was lovely and nice day, Dad was doing the Hedge. So instead of the above of which mom was disappointed, the above being Citizenship documents, I helped out with dad. Collected the trimmings etc., WE took a break. Sat for a few minutes. He was telling me, that his and Mom's Medical Card are being reviewed and maybe taken away off them. Initially the Threshold was 1400 per week, then it was brought down to 1200 and now as Dad puts it: "Noonan"(Current Minister of Finance TD(Fine Gael) has brought it down to 900 per week. SO if you earn including Pensions, Savings etc., over 900 a week, you are NOT entitled to a medical card. I asked if it would impact on his finances or whatever. He said no. But the distress is a big deal.
So then we continued. WE did mulching. etc., While mulching, we came across Lillys that he had cut down initially before I arrived. When he was mulching the lily's, it became so watery. Normally when the greenery or whatever is mulched, it stays dry and just gets shredded. However with the lilys, it became like as I described it as "Guacamole". I actually became a bit queasy as it was so watery like as if it were shit etc., Even picking it up. I know its just a flower, but imagine out of a flower, to become "Guacamole" kinda consistency....So then we settled down to dinner. At dinner, we were discussing various topics. One such topic being the Older methods of testing a patients Diabetes Sugar intake. As Dad puts it "Ain't this a delightful convo". It was described that in the olden days, Doctors used to have to put their index or some finger into Urine and taste it. If it was sweet in taste, they had diabetes etc., I then invited them along to the Dublin Gay Pride Parade. hehe. Hopefully they'll turn up somewhere along the route.
So after dinner, we tidiyiend up teh garden and headed on inside for a nice cuppa tea.
So then afterwards, Mom dropped me home. I showered(took a few NSFW pics in undies wet - first time for me). Is it normal to find your self hot??????hmmmm ponders Stanescu. So then after a quick photo session, I headed onto my sis. Twas a great visit. We had a nice cuppa chaa. hhahaha. After Mom had told me about Jack(Noeleen's kid(Noeleen being Eileen's Daughter)) and about Silvia(Michael's kid(Michael being Eileen's Son)), I then began to ponder. That if either of em came out gay or lesbian or whatever, that Eileen would make their lives HELL. So the further I began to think or as one would say, "The more I think about it, the more it makes sense". So then shortly before we went out for a walk, I then said to my sis, that I bet Eileen was involved in my homophobia. and that she's vicious. If she can give that face brrrrrrbrrbrb<<<<<shrugs shoulders>>>>>, even the sight of it makes me wanna vomit. We then headed out for the walk. I was getting myself a soya milk(mmmmmm Soya milk.) in a shop, when I went to pay for milk, I got my change(Notes from the clerk, and the coins from a machine). Says I to the clerk, "Is that mine" me chuckling. Never have I done this before. I continued on saying "I thought I'd seen it all". hahahah. It was unreal. hahaha.
I was then on my way home from my sis, when I came across a shop front listing the types of groceries that they sell. I was actually quite shocked to see that one of the types is "Rape". Now I know this is actually Rapeseed Oil kinda thing. But I can only imagine what a person who has been raped by an assaulter etc., Like think about it. Someone gets raped, then they go to a grocery store and they think in their head, "Oh, my I might be raped if I go to a store that has Rape in store. I might even consider mentioning it to someone. I will consult my sis, my mates and my folks about it. See what happens.On my way home and even when walkign with my sis, I was looking at cute guys BUT at the same time looking at what they were, and putting it on my phone. I then said to my sis, that my slownesss or "late bloomer" tends to bother me at times. Like as she puts it, nothing can be done. I told her I ain't ashamed of being gay, BUT beign slow, yeah thats a differnet ball game.
When I was doing my finances ie paying my bills weekly via AIB App, I accidentally typed in €110 in the box to transfer the said amount to UPC. I will contact UPC tomorrow and HOPE TO GOD, they will transfer 100 back to my Bank Account. Cause I need it for my rent.
Brian Crowley has been expelled from the Fianna Fáil Parliamentary Party for switching from ALDE to ECR in Europe. It has been found that ECR is actually a RIGHT WING Party int he European Parliament. ie "Homophobic, Racists" etc., et.c, The Irish politicians have nothing better to blame but the Leader of the FIanna Fáil party ie Mícheál Martin TD. Personally I believe Brian collected over 180,000 votes in the European Elections for a personal gain. But as one Tweet from the Vincent Browne was read out to us, "You don't work for the party, BUT the constituent". I think that's brilliant tweet.
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