So I got up pretty early after my hibernation. haahah. I then in the middle of looking at my currents affairs program got a call from Sky, wanting to me to sign up to Sky HD. I previously used to be with HD, however as my TV didn't support it, I was wasting money. However they have introduced an offer of €5 per month for a year and NO Contract. I thinks that's a great offer, however I just don't see the point in it, as its a waste of money, if my TV don't support HD. Then shortly before ending the call, he asked if I would wanna sign up to Sky Broadband and Phone. I said "Oh, Lord no". I'm perfectly happy with my service from UPC. So we left it at that.
So after a few hours of listening to yesterday's news and Current Affairs, I checked my Bank Account was in debt of 64(My Sky Bill). So I headed to the Post Office to transfer from my An Post Savings to the Bank Account.
So now I'm about to head out to see my mate O' Farrell to see 22 Jump St., Just before I headed out, I noted a charger for my phone. Says I to meself, How is it I have been charging my phone the whole day, yet the charger that I just saw was never touched. I then put two and two together and wondered could that be the reason my cell phone wasn't charging with my sis last Sunday. I was trying in vain, but to no avail. My charger wouldn't budge. Firstly I'll be seeing Maleficent. Review can be found here. Just want that quote so bad. haahah. While on my way over to meet Brendan, this jeep was turning into North Circular Road from Ballybough Rd., He was turning onto North Circular Road, while the pedestrians was still at amber. In fact just going onto Amber. I was nearly knocked down. So I pointed at the traffic light for the Pedestrian gesturing them that they are wrong. Also but seperarlty while I was checking into Cineworld, as my phone is on the slow side, I decided to go ahead and checkin via Foursquare. Foursquare, however, has introduced a new app. SO with this app, I am now able to see if a friend on my Foursqaure is at a particular location WITHOUT actually checkin. SO I saw that Brendan S was at the Outhouse. So I decided to head their and have a look. Low and behold I saw that Brendan was at the Outhouse. Twas great to see him. Brendan O' F thou had been stood up by his date. So I jokingly said "Oh this is your date, you could do better". hahaha. So I then headed onto Maleficient. When I got to the screen, I noted that the film hadn't even started let alone the trailers, or ads. I even had to ask if I was in the right screen. It so happens that the clerk when I was getting the ticket, actually gave me a later time. Eitherway, I was able to briefly see Brendan back at the Outhouse. I got my green tea. Beautiful as ever. I then met Brendan O' F at the cinema to see 22 Jump Street. Review here. So after the film, I dropped Brendan to his Luas stop. I then decided to do my cycling route I use to do, when I was cycling. It brought fond memories of Meetups to Cornucopia. The Vegetarian Meetups I used to go to. As I was feeling quite low today, I had told Brendan before he got on the Luas that I like listening to all forms of music NOT the same, but a VARIETY of music, such as pop, dance, etc., I exclaimed to him depends on my mood. Well while on my way home, I was listening to Andrea Rieu. Which helped my mood to a certain degree.
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