Wednesday, 18 June 2014

Diary 17th June 2014

Today's event, was A Pride to Remember.  I got up and showered. Got ready. Had a bite to eat. Then I headed on towards the event. My first stop was An Post. Got my dosh. She had a bit of a tude I found, perhaps she never knew I was gay. haha. She being the proprietor Sandra from the time, she mentally abused me over being too late. So with that in mind, as I have lost my bank card, I manually put the money in the account in AIB in question. Then I was due to pop into Scribbles to top up my O2 Money from the cash my folks gave me, however I left my O2 Money card behind. So then I headed onto my event in Dublin City Archive. When I arrived, I was greeted by a wine reception by our good friends BareFoot wines. Beautiful. I had a Rosé. Twas lovely. I recognsie a guy who used to live across the road from me. He mustn't be into me in anyway or form, as I had messaged him on FB and on Grindr, and no reply. We were introduced to the event by Chairperson of Dublin Pride, in turn introduced Toni Walshe(Curator of the Irish Queer Archive) treated to a slide show of the History of Pride Movement.

Main points

1974: 41 yrs ago Pride movement begins

Gay News later changed to Gay Times, Oldest longest running newspaper

Publication of 7 essays
Creating  safe spaces, and be themselves. Just like the Outhouse. Its the only safe haven for me. Again WHY THE HELL, DID I NEVER HEAR OF IT WHEN I WAS COMING OUT. It opened in 2005, I came out in 09.

Gay in inverted commas prejudiced.
June 28th protest from justice dept to British embassy on merrion rd

1978 - 1988
David Norris takes his case
Eventually winning to European courts of human Rights

Irish gay rights movement set up in world cup
Belfast n trinity

Gay switch bord
Tell a friend was used instead of Dublin gay switchboard because in those days the word "Gay" was not accepted and hence was forced to rename to Tell A Friend

Homo social club

Hirschfeld center Ireland's gay n lesbian center, located in the now Temple Bar was a "safe space" for gay people.

Gay rights now
Ar aidgh leis an agóid

Park warden asks group of ppl to move on. No gay rainbow at all.

Murder of Declan Flynn in 83
Clear  of queer defendant

March of Declan murder
1st annual gay pride

foundation of GLEN

Cllr Brendan Lynch

Embrace trans ppl. First year that Transgender people were included in Dublin Pride. Up until then it was just LGB(Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual)

Renamed to LGBT minus "ed" so from lesbian gay bisexual transgendered to lesbian gay bisexual transgender.

So after the event, I got talking to a few people. I was introduced to Jamie and his partner Jeff. Jeff just before the event ended, made a good point in that his home country Australia, has the Mardi Gras. Which is actually would you believe it, Gay Pride Downunder. I had heard of it alrite. But never knew it was spoz to be Gay. Then again, I kinda knew it was to do with gays, because of the way they dressed up etc., It has something to do with Businesses and Financial gain out of the whole thing. His point was that Gay Pride is for US, not the companies or whatever. Then we were rudely kicked out of the Library. Just before we got out, I saw Laurence, I hadn't seen him in ages. He has since quit Outhouse,(he used to be a volunteer there). He claims he goes to the cinema quite alot namely the Cineworld. I hadn't seen him there. Yet I go there quite alot.

So then Brendan O' F, Jamie and I headed uptwards the city. Jamie and Jeff(who got married in New Zealand) and Brendan all dispersed. We were with Mark. (I remarked his Nokia XL phone - he obviously didn't know what I was talking about). Brendan, Jamie and I were together and Jeff(Jamies hubbie) and Mark were ahead of us. So we all met at Trinity College eventually from all the talking and walking up and we all dispersed eventually. Brendan headed on home, I headed towards me sis. Jamie and Jeff headed to Smithfield where they r currently living. Mark, I don't know what became of him. hahaah

So I eventually got to my sis. I got her a tea in spar, realising that both C + T (7pm) and Centra(9pm) close earlier. As I had arrived at my sis at half 9, 10. I was surprised thou to see that Centra was still opening at 9pm. We chatted for a bit. Looked at tv shows. Twas a great visit. heeheh. My sis had pointed out thou that because of my outburst with the lassies yesterday. She got a bit concerned of the aggressiveness. Although the girls were int he wrong, I overreacted. I apparently had been storing quite alot of anger, and took it out on the girls.


Two Tornadoes devastates the State of Nebraska. Livelihood hugely affected. Governor of Nebraska State of Emergency

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