Sunday, 2 March 2014

Diary 2nd March 2014

TOday I got up quiet and serene. I headed down to see Crina as my weekly visit. When I arrived, Mom was there. WE chatted for a bit. Mom specified two items. She is under the illusion that I wanna move out. SHe has been asking my sis to look up's Property website). She hates where I'm livin, however she ain't the one living. I am. She is due to go to a viewing tomorrow(Monday). I say let her make an idot of herself. She hasn't listened. Well now she can go to all the viewings. THe only time I will ever move out is to New York. Not any other apt. Before she headed off, she told me that after my psychotherapy, that me Pa will be collecting me to get a new bike. However as pointed out in the following blog entry I can't allow my Paps to purchase a new bike for me. Not within my conscious. So as I said to her that I wanna be able to purchase it myself. In reply she said that I wouldn't want to fool Dad. I said back to her, that its up to her to fool him or not. I asked that she pass on the message.
Twas a nice visit and pleasant. However when I was browsing my Facebook on my Mobile device, I saw a quite interesting post that a friend of mine, had posted. It was in relation to Tim Cook, Apple's current Chief Executive(CEO). One thing that blew my mind was that he's actually gay. I wanted to double check this just to ensure that the post was actually true. To my surprise and happiness he is. Crina was wondering what was going on, like why was I so happy. Like think about it, the world's most powerful guy on earth: the Chief Executive of a very successful company is actually gay. Oh my god. Ama so happy to hear of this and still am.

When I got home, I continued to find out why I can't update or download my Android apps or install new ones. Or why it is so slow. My next troubleshooting method was to move the apps to the SD card and see would that do anything. I did Number to A(Apps names beginning with a number and letter "A"). I deleted cache, and data. Still to no avail. Im gonna do the next method. Which I am dreading, but something has to be done. I removed my PRIMARY Google account. It worked for awhile until I re added it back, back to square one.

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