First off, my dream. I'm in this empty space. my landlord sees me in his van. I help him to back out the van. He is trying reverse his van out of weirdly Cian Park onto Drumcondra rd, which he bumps into a pole then goes and tries again. In the same dream, he is with me in empty room. I say with surprise "ain't this room smaller than the one am in. " Then in my imagination, I imagine the room divided into 3. The dream ends when the 3 NOW rooms are all filled in, and the living room is filled up with couches and so on and so forth
Well as with any Tuesday, I had a busy day schedule. Mom rang my door bell several times. Of which I didn't answer, Crina thou rang my door bell, of which I DID answer the doorbell. She was saying that she's the subject of being a piggy in the middle. I told her its quite simple, simply don't do what she asks of you. In this case, Mom asked Crina to get me up so that we could all go for dinner. I had things to do of me own accord. I told Crina to not let Mom get to you. I said to Crina, that if she doesn't want to do something for say me, then don't do it. I guess its easier said than done.
While I was getting ready, Mom rang me, to see if she could help me with the Duvet(in bringing it home from the dry cleaners). She asked me whats going on(She was referring to what the landlord had threatened me eviction. last week.). I said there's nothing to worry about. He just wants me to clean up my place. So she went onto say that Crina said otherwise. We continued onto bicker to each other. Funniest thing I've heard in a very long time. It was just such a laugh. She said that "I have been looking for a place for you". I asked her when did you start looking for it. She said back in Aug '13, when Crina moved out. I told her that I had no interest in moving out EVER. The only time I will be moving out is for the US. I went onto say that I had told her umpteen times. Yet she ignored me. So unfortunately she's learning the hard way. She said that "she's quite a fool". I said that's not my problem. Crina told her hundreds of times, I told her umpteen. Yet she never listened to either of us. So she continued to say and I quote "There's alot of lieing going on. " And in reply I quickly said "Well now you know how it feels like with my homophobia. Nothing but lies going on. "She was just gobsmacked and just didn't know what to say.
So with the idea of having the funniest thing I've heard in a long time(Mom saying I've been looking for a place for you), I headed onto the Post Office to get my weekly amt. I asked the clerk, If there was a way I could pay in increments instead. She said there was a solution alrite.
So with this in mind, I headed to Ryan's Hardware to get a bulb for the bathroom. He explained to me how the environmentally friendly bulbs work. Twas quite interesting. He explained it that the bulb is say a 60w, but works as 15w. I found this quite interesting. He said that "ain't he pretty". heehhe. I had to laugh. Perhaps he saw my pink watch. I did however recalled to myself, when I was wanting to mend the watch the way he was apbrupt.
So then I headed on home, just a few yards away from home, I realsied that I had forgotten to get the Duvet. So onwards back to Clean Freaks. When I went into the shop I said "Take 2" and he said no. I said Damn. What up with this? I asked would a payment be required. He said no. He went onto explain that they had to re wash it as it had a smell. So Ill try again on Thurs.
So then afterwards, I went onto Thunders to get a Mothers Day gift for Mom. So I got Mom a twin pack of Jam. Hopefully she'll like it. Twas lovely to see an American serving me. Her accent gave it away.
Then onto Tescos to get my Fairy Liquid stuff for the dishes. Then I saw the card, So got that. While inside I saw a Tanora Orange Soda based on Tangerine, I said I'd give it a go.
Then I headed home, now with everything for Mother's Day, my bathroom bulb everything BUT my Duvet.
So for the past few hrs, I have been looking at news. I was sad to hear of the passing of one of Fair City actors. Ar dhéas Dé go raibh a h-Ánam Dhíolas. So shortly Ill be heading to me sis.
So onwards then I headed to me Sis. Lovely to see her again. Normally I would see her on a Thurs, but as Ill be going Aldis, and Lidls to get stuff but this time early in the morn, I will be heading to bed afterwards after staying the night. Through out the night, I was thinking of making it more permanent. As Tues is the day am awake early, anyways. We both looked at Mike & Molly for the night. Wonderful it was as always. Great comedy in it. One of the issues it spelt out thou was that in order to get married in a Catholic Church at least in US anyways, not sure about here in Ireland, that 2 conditions must be met. 1 being, that you must be a practicing Catholic ie going to mass every week or whatever and secondly if you intend to bring children to the world, that you must raise them Catholic. I was gobsmacked when I heard of this. I had understood that the child can pick his her own religion or be atheist for that matter.
When I got home, I attempted to do my ordinary things on Lappy such as FB, Transferring files between HDD, downloading Android Apps via Web Browser(sending the apps to Sammy(Mobile Device - Smartphone)). Either it wasn't my night for computing or something but, Lappy wasn't behaving himself. Here's a sample of the trouble I had for the night:
- Sound Not Working until after awhile despite no sound buttons or whatever muted
- When clicking on right hand side(near the clock) ie the System Tray, nothing would happen. Just the Right click button would work.
- The media player I use or my files is called GOM Media. He hasn't been himself of late. Everytime I go to open a file up in this player, I get a window, with no video file loading. Instead it crashes. Then an error is produced. Something like "The RPC Server is not available"
- With simple commands such as right click or left click etc., a very long lag between each command. Then when its ready does it so quick.
- Transfer Rates so painfully slow. Cannot believe it. I attempted to move over files of such as 7GB to a different hard drive from the C Drive. I folded in. As I wasn't gonna wait hours for it to move over. But it took over 7 hrs just to move over that amount of files. I couldn't restart the Windows Explorer service as I needed it for to transfer the files.
What a nightmare I endured. Lappy not well tonight. Hopefully tomorrow he'll be grand.
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