Wednesday, 5 March 2014

Ride Along

I went along with a mate of mine, to the most anticipated film. I totally enjoyed the film. The plot of which I would give, if I could, two items thou spelt out to me one of which was a bit of a disappointment. Oh don't get me wrong, it was totally enjoyable and comic ie very comedy assessment. The issue of Gun Control cropped up(which namely exist in the US). The character Ben(Kevin Hart), said and I quote "confident". In that he felt more confident if he had a gun on his persons.
Secondly is the part of which I was disappointed with. Ben overheard and SAW James(Ice Cube) actually making fun of him. Part of the film was where a "126" and where there was a guy who was of drunkenly disorderly. When Ben was trying to control him and arrest him etc., he was made an ass of. That was grand didn't mind. However that same guy was actually an actor hired by James so that James could get rid of Ben altogether. But what really bothered me, was Ben knowing he was being made fun of and actually seeing it in front of him(the others didn't know he was there watching all along), was half way getting into telling James that he knows that he was being made fun off, BUT did not tell him. The girlfriend told Ben that the Code 126 is used for rookie ie newbies etc., but the fact that he didn't have the balls to confront James(of which he actually attempt it).

So bottomline: 2 issues

  • Have the balls to COMPELTELY make the person know you know you are being made fun off or whatever
  • Secondaly  owning a gun, does it make you more confident????

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