Monday, 29 February 2016

Diary 29th February 2016

I was there’s for a few hrs trying to work out why I was having three runtsstic ACC. It only dawned on me that I was using runkeeper for comparison. Haha. Whats happening here, is that I was trying to figure out why all my latest updates on the Fitness was not regarded. I had been using my Nexy. I then found out that I had created a new account on the Nexy, which is an awful shame. hahaha. So I was there trying to figure out on my Lappy, why I was having THREE accounts??? Couldn't put my head together. haahah. So that said I only realised that I was actually looking at RunKeeper instead of Runtastic. hahahah.

I was looking at the election coverage for the whole day after finishing Knots Landing. What a momentous occasion, to see Fine Gael being reduced in numbers but more so Labour being wiped out. ONe's thing for sure. That Fine Gael/Labour is no more. As John Bowman (Former RTE Broadcaster) puts it, we have "more question than answers"

And then there infamous pedophiolia guy. Hmmmmmmmm. This triggered me big time in relation to my dreams. As per will be told. What happened was that I was chatting to this Filipino guy. We were getting on great til he brought about sex with a minor. He told me he loves it and THEY love it. I kept repeating to myself that its not possible as they ain't mature. etc., etc., So the short of it all, I reported the convo and reported the convo to Facebook and of course Unfriended him and Blocked him and when Facebook told me "We're sorry this has happened to you, it may AFFECT you" that went through me. This caused my 37hrs sleep. 

So as I said to Sarah last week that only for POlitics or Current AFfairs, my life would be empty. hahaaha. 

Sunday, 28 February 2016

Diary 28th February 2016

After some weird dreams, I got up and started my spell or marathon of looking at Election 2016 the Coverage of it. 

My sis popped down to do her downloading. After a while, we headed to Centra so that she could get stuff, and we headed back home to my place. Then afterwards we both headed off again, again this time to her place. On the way I saw Liam Mulready. It was unreal. hahaah. LIke the last time I saw him was in Junior Certificate in Rosmini. hahaha. He walked the exact same way as I last saw him except this time with earphones, so perhaps he mightened have seen me let alone heard me. I don't know. A memory came back thou to me. ONe time I was advised by Mom n Dad to get over my shyness to get in with Liam. As I was a shy kid growing up. They had somehow met LIam or perhaps met his folks of which they know now. However there plan was thwarted as I was following him around, and hence he reported me to my folks. AFter that I don't remember. eheheh. Then another time as I write this particular paragraph another memory pops in. In order for me to get up in time for Mass or something, or Easter Sunday, I remember my Mom "answering" a doorbell, of which it was "Liam", and Mom had said to me that LIam gave me an Easter egg, or something and I replied with "Ahh isn't that nice of him". hahaahah. 

So then we headed onto Tescos, to get milk, and then headed to her place. We looked at Cameron Dallas' Expelled movie. It wasn't too bad a movie. However Cameron himself awwww, so precious. 

The way MOm n Dad LIE to me, don't help me. AS I said to my sis, I get anxious because of I can’t handle the truth. Which is truth. HOWEVER I will have to be told anyways. 

Saturday, 27 February 2016

Diary 27th February 2016

Today was quite and what a day or as someone would a MOTHER of a day. hahahaah. 

WHilst going through the History of the Constituencies of the Republic of IReland, and in particular PRE-Irish Free State(now known as the Republic of IReland), I saw Queens County Constituency for the United KIngdom and Kings County Constituency for the United KIngdom. So I began to investigate this further. When I looked closer I saw the QUeens COunty is NOW Laois and Kings County is NOW OFfaly. How amazing is this and interesting. hahaha. 

Looked at the election coverage for the whole day as well as the lead up to it. What I mean by that is I hadn't seen teh current affairs in the LEAD up to it. hahahah. I signed up to Twitter’s SMS feature of which I thought I had it enabled. So that said I got an SMS saying that Eoin Ó Broin of Sinn Féin got elected. When I read it, I was so sure it was Eoin O' Farrell my mate. ahahaah

So throughout the day, I got myself some grub as in dinner of which Sausage, BUrgers and LAsagne was on the menu. hahahah. It was unfortunate that I burned the sausage and burgers. Hahaha. I still ate them hehehe they ain’t cheap. 

Friday, 26 February 2016

Diary 26th February 2016

Well today is the day that the country went to the polls to vote the 32nd Dáil ie General Election 2016. However thou I was unable to vote to have my say, as I was too late to apply for voting as I had applied for my Citizenships, of which I got by the way a few weeks ago. But that said because I applied for the citizenship too late I was unable to have my say.

So putting that aside, I was due to go and see Deadpool, however as I went to bed too late, of midday, I was due to get up for half 8, yet after 8hrs sleep was unable to.

Thursday, 25 February 2016

Diary 25th February 2016

I'm in a sinn féin led govt whereby they've won the general election. They next then there eye on bringing the 32 counties. Hmmm

I get dreams of Barry my friend hanging around with me, and wonders off quite alot. Then of Emil acting like O' Farrell in terms of shouting at a child or whatever and me being embarrassed AGAIN!!!!. 

While taking a leak I ensure there is space for Campaign Daily on the Box. While doing so I look at a repeat documentary on What Do Women Want presented by Maia Dunphy.  I spot a hot guy(s) cause there were two of em. The segment was about fame then back to work. Senator mark caldy was on the tresure islands  reality show. Now he's a Senator. Awwwws

So then I eventually woke up. ahhaahah. It was quiet funny. I went to pick up my baby or my +Furry Babys Stanescu Sammy. And I wasn't looking where I was going. ANd of course he had to bring the TV with him. awwwww. But that said thou, the fire was on, so yeah I got worried, and threw him. awwwwww. Nevertheless he landed safely on his butt. hahahah. 

I then started my errands: of which was the following: 

An Post - Dole
Cineworld - Movie
Folks - Fix printer
Meetup GayDublin

So I then got started. I collected my dosh, then I headed onto the bank. Then afterwards on the way back to the bike, I saw Sarah. Had a lovely chat. Haha. I asked her if she was Vegan first then I asked her if she found vegan pancakes and she said her mother made them for her as her sister n herself are lactose intolerance or at least digestive issues

I then on the way to the cinema, saw an advertisement for ADIFF(AUdi Dublin INternational Film Festival instead of JDIFF(Jamesons Dublin International Film Festival). wow. APparently AUdi must have taken over Jamesons sponsorship. ahahah. Then I again I should have known as it would be advertised on TV. EVery year they always advertised. Yet this year, it never crossed my mind. hahaha. So I went to see my precious babe Dylan an aspiring actor or whatever. 

I then headed up to the folks. But FIRST thou getting the cable required for me to fix the printer. hahahah. I went to PC WOrld, nothing, so I went to Maplins. THey were most helpful. I brought up three of them. THey all looked the same, BUT the M were different. hahahahah. So I arrived. Got a meal. Then Replaced the cable, and bodabing bodaboom. hahah

Went to Front Lounge to go to a Meetup known as GayDublin, a new group. I was told they are at the end of the Room. So I asked around. THe barman was suspicious. So I headed out. I was disappointed but at the same time meh. I was indecisive as in making up excuses if it were all females or even 1 male. Like at the end of the day only 4 were going. 

So on the way home, I counted 5 homeless ppl. I was gonna give money, but then I just remembered that I actually do give money anyways to MQI(Merchants QUay Ireland - homeless charity whereby they help the homeless by putting them up for the night or whatever). 

Wednesday, 24 February 2016

Diary 24th February 2016

First it was yesterday whereby someone screams my name in English GEORGE with a bit of an echoie voice and now This. The latest behind I'm at home in my apartment. I look out the window. There is a young lad outside looking constantly inside. He rings the doorbell. He says drink this and the smell immediately throw it left, towards left and it explodes. I mean like wtf.

So then after failing to sleep a proper min 8hr sleep, which I only slept 4hrs, I had to get up to go and get my Medical Cert from Fairview Medical Cert. When I arrived it was just on the dot of half 5. heheeh. So I was lucky in that respects. haha. But that said I asked when the Receptionist gave me tude, what time does the Surgery closed. She said half 5. She also noted to me that I she was the one who left the voicemail to collect my Cert. She said that I'm suppose to collect my Medical Cert on a TUesday. However thou me ignoring her tude, I noted a patient came in for an appointment for 6pm, So if they close at half 5??????

So moving on, I went to my sis to hand her groceries. I revealed to my sis that without the General Election that I have nothing. I love Elections. Its a "buzz" as one would say. Like my next "buzz" will be the Brexit aka British InOut Refernedum. We had a chat. It was brief as I had to head onto to hand in my Cert. hahaha. 

So I came back and headed to bed to catch up on much needed sleep.

Tuesday, 23 February 2016

Diary 23rd February 2016

WEll today was quite interesting. heheeheh

It all started when I didn't bother getting my Medical Cert required for my Injury Benefit payment. I got a text off my sis telling me that Dad wants me to go up to him to sort out the printer. I went up their, Following is what I troubleshooted the steps.

  • I went through the Maintenance tools as provided by the Drivers. 
  • Secondly, Checked the cables by means of blowing into the ports on BOTH the printer AND the computer. 
  • And lastly I reinstalled the printer. 
And unfortunately the above methods didn't work for me. Dad and my sis who was printing stuff for our Aunt, wasn't printing properly. It would print partially etc., 

So my next plan was to head to my sis where we chatted mainly. She got a Chinese. I didn't bother. I wanted to keep the cash for the clothes. mmmm. hehhe. While I was surfing Facebook, I saw that a friend of mine had posted on his profile that Mary Lou McDonald a candidate for Dublin Central in the General Election 2016, I was so overwhelmed to the point I actually got emotional with excitement. And not only that the guy who was beside Mary Lou(could be her Party colleague - I ain't sure), sang I wish I was in Carrickfergus, I even got more emotional with this. And I've saved the best for last, that this particular evetn as part of her campaign was held in the OUthouse. hahahaha. 

Monday, 22 February 2016

Diary 22nd February 2016

WEll today was not that busy a day. I resumed my duties in relation to me tidying up the kitchen RUBBISH. heheeh.

I then answered the door twice, might I add in one day. Twice more than normal hahaah, ie I never get any calls to the door. I thought it'd be Candidate for Dublin BAy North, but as I said to Ailish the other night, I NEVER got one so far of a candidate asking for my Number 1 vote. So that said the two that called to the door, FIrst was An Post devliering my two babies the +Inflatables Stanescu in the shape of Guinness Red and the REgular Guinness. Awwww. I was delieverating of whether I should get em or not. I was basing my decision on Veganism aka GUiness ain't vegan as it contains fish parts or wahtever in the making of the drink. BUt the fact that I WOULDN'T be eating em - awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww I decided to get em. PS The delviering guy aka An Post was a pig. I mean Its not like I was naked or whatever, yet he just may as well through at me.

My second door bell was a guy wanting to sell electricals. Says I to meself "More than likely STOLEN". I said no to the Electric Blanket, and he replied how about this other. I said no to all.

Sunday, 21 February 2016

Diary 21st February 2016

Well what a day after so little sleep of about 4hrs if even that. hahaah. Although I did get a bit of sleep heheeh. I was due to visit my Mom in hospital between 3-4pm as I understood it was the Visiting hours. However it wasnt too be. hehehe. Lemme explain in detail. heehe.

So I got up eventually after so little sleep due to me going to bed late. hahaha. Then I got up and ready. So I cycled up to my Mom with me leaving around 3.34 when I should have been up at 3.15. hahhaah. I arrived at 3.55pm, so I was very tight. I dropped in, however she was asleep. So I was about to head off when I got a call from Mom to say if I was dropping up to her. So I popped up to her. Was great seeing her. hheeheh. I spent a good hour with her. Then I headed on off home.

I headed on home to get a few things for my sis. heheeheh like my Sleeves, my Green Tea. I then got a few things in Groceries namely milk. I was ecstatic to learn that they sell VEGAN wraps. mmmmm

Saturday, 20 February 2016

Diary 20th February 2016

Today was not bad a day. Although a bit of a shock, but yet was quite cool. hehehe

My day started off with me getting up to get ready for Ailish and Noel as per my monthly schedule of meeting up with em. heheeh.

As I had yet to pay my rent, I lodged my €35 that was supposedly for my Driver's License Application.

So then I headed on up to Ailish and Noel. We chatted. Showed Noel my Nexy and my GoPro. heheeh. A great chat was had by all. heheeheh

So then I popped into Dad who clearly was very lonely. Afterall his wife is in the hospital, of which I realised that had they not found out the cause of Mom's Virus etc., I was clearly getting very upset. AFterall Savita Halappanavar died of a Septicemia ie INfection of the BLood. Dad was telling me Mom's relative died of the same except his was not detected properly. Navan General Hospital has been severely downgraded. So they placed him induced Coma and sadly never came out of it.

Friday, 19 February 2016

Diary 19th February 2016

Well what a day, it turned out to be. hahaahah. I had gone to bed around 5ish in the morning. I didn't sleep a wink. Could it be becuase of Finance, or that I was meeting MAureen. I guess nobody will know, NOT even me. heheeh

I first started off with by going to the bank to sort out my Rent issues. So my first errand was to withdraw from the Credit Union. Then I headed to An Post to get my normal cash. On the way to the bank I only realised that I left my cash witch was to form part of the Rent. However as I said to myself "ya fuckin ass". I was mad at myself that I had left the cash behind which is in my safe.

So with that I rang Ailish to see if I could call up tomorrow night Sat, as per my norm once a month. Then I decided that on the way to Ailish, that I can go and lodge money then I'll head to her place.

So then it was time to get up for to meet Maureen my aunt. I had only learnt that my Mom had gone into the Hospital. She was brought up by Dad on Wednesday Night. She thought she'd be out the next day hence why she never said anything. So that said, Maureen told me as she's still there and will be for over the weekend. She had diarrhea and vomiting. This was caused by Blood Infection and something with the liver. So I expect to go and see her on Sunday with my Aunt and Sister.

ANyways Maureen and I trodded along to Govinda's.hehehe. I warned her thou that these are against gay people, that they are highly Christian crowd. Then we were chatting away. I had a lovely scrumptious Broccoli Soup, Bread, then the main dish being Rice, with Lentil Sauce on it and of course some pastry yolk. Oh and one last thing, it's VEGAN. mmmmmmmm

Thursday, 18 February 2016

Diary 18th February 2016

Today didn't go to plan. Awwwww, HOWEVER thou, hahaah I got up eventually.

I was suppose to go to first get my dosh then put it into the bank. I then was supposed to go and investigate why I haven't received any letters or packages. hehheeh. So I decided that I go and do that BEFORE I meet my Aunt(Nun) which is tomoz.

So then I got ready to go and get ready for to see Goosebumps with Andrea. hahaha. Twas great to see him. I again had ideas of me being in yellow shorts and white tank tops as reported yesterday. hehehe.

Wednesday, 17 February 2016

Diary 17th February 2016

Today was a quiet day. heeheheh.

After some dreams, of which I cannot recall, I then headed onto Cineworld. heheeh to go and see Star Wars for the LAST time, oh!!!! noooooooooo. hahahaah. Throughout the film, I was of course mouthing the quotes, hahhaah, and then of course myself dressed in the WHite tank top that has a pic of Minions on it. heheheh and of course my Yellow shorts. Now this has been going on for several years, whereby I think I'm in the future in terms of SEXINESS. hhehehe.

Tuesday, 16 February 2016

Diary 16th February 2016

Slept like a babe except the constant dreams of whatever like a few months ago. 

I then got up and ready for my appointment. I was advised to distance myself from the abortion debates. Like that will happen!!!!. I asked what about the marriage equality. Hmmm. Sure ur not conflicted. It was yes all the way. But with the abortion I am conflicted. I was told that I was suppose to receive a referral letter from St. Vincent's Hospital in Fairview ie my next door neighbor hahaha. . I asked if I could just talk to the team only, however she said the Team only dispense Meds etc., She also told me that she is in GP Training and that her next assignment is to "Deliver new babys" in the Rotunda Hospital. I wished her well in her new role. 

So then I collected my medical cert. Then I headed onto Store St. to post it.

Went into a very heavy sleep whereby Taoiseach Enda Kenny was being inaugurated. The place I was located amongst others looked like a church gallery where singers are normally

While so I was hanging out with Noel Hughes. Then at the same time we was on a bus to Ryus Hospital where my friend had escaped to. So I went in their. Came out shaken. It was like primitive times. 

I then headed onto my sis. We chatted invariably. haahaha. Then I was getting anxious over have NO income for myself for TWO whole weeks due to me mixing up new bills. 

Monday, 15 February 2016

Diary 15th February 2016

Was looking up General Elections Candidates for 2016. Was shocked to see a guy who btw is a "Looker" or very cute, is actually a member of the Munster Council for Communist Party of Ireland. Technically he's an Indo ie Independent.  Why are all the cuties, something very dangerous or whatever?

I finally got round to started my clothes tidying up. hahaaha. I had been putting it off as I it was all over the place. But I got round to dismissing my procrastination. I have two sets. One being what the laundry company had done for me and the other being what was yet to be used. So bottomline I have divided the two up now. So now from now on I shall use the NON laundry clothes first.

Sunday, 14 February 2016

Diary 14th February 2016 - St. Valentines Day

I was dreaming of Patrick BArrett(a former mate of mine before he found out I am gay) and I are taking pics of the Artane Boys Band coming down Clonliffe Rd., Patrick calls me up towards Drumcondra while still taking pictures. So when I got up, I was visibily upset as I had lost a good friend. So I have 5 Duckys, one of the Duckys can be called Patrick. So far I have Ducky, Baby, and NOW Patrick. heheeheh.

Normally I get up to my sis as per norm on a Sunday. However she wasn't herself. I pray that she gets well soon. So instead Mom had invited me up to keep Mom n Dad company. hehehe. So while there we were chatting away. Had a nice meal. I fixed Mom's phone by taking off selatape she had on. The previous time Mom rang me before I was going out, I was literally shouting down the phone trying to figure out what she was saying. hahahah. So it was found she had sellatape on it, as her Phone cover was falling off, something like that. I advised her aswell to call into Three(her cell phone carrier) that she see if there is a plan whereby she can ring ANY network. She kept admiring and complimenting my hair. hahahaha. So I took a few selfies WITH glasses and WITHOUT glasses on her phone and my Lumy.

Saturday, 13 February 2016

Diary 13th February 2016

Well my latest dream is of me being asked to choose who I will be voting for in the General Election 2016. I'm given a list of Political Party. I still don't know who to vote for. hahahah. Its being held by the Irish Times AND the Red C Poll, who are the Polling company that does Political Polls.

I then got up for to see Star Wars. hahaahh. I unfortunately lost my hat. Awwww. During the film, Maura rang me. So I rang her back afterwards. I was delighted to hear that she had won money on the scratch cards I got her. heheheh.

Friday, 12 February 2016

Diary 12th February 2016

I am there walking to a village in Co, Tipperary. I spend the whole dream with my sis trying to figure out the exact name. hahaha. We are with two old fogies or bachelors who try to help me remember. hahaha. I pop into a Centra look around. This is now on my own. Then I walk back from this village back to Dublin to my sis. heheheh. I remember thou, that I continue walking on my own down passed the village. I encounter a main road.

So then I got ready quick as lightening. heheheeh as I couldn't' afford to miss this payment. As I was in debt of over €200. So that said I got hot on me tails. heheehe. I was quite surprised thou when Niall who is the other proprietor, actually said "Good Evening", hmmmmm. So then afterwards, I headed onto the bank to lodge money in.

Then I came back to watch a movie and then quickly I headed back out as I wanted to look for Tracksuits ie Matching stuff in Pennys. hahahaah.

Then I headed onto the Outhouse where I encountered Gerry. I was telling Gerry of the above dream. He thinks it may have something to do with my recent trip to Leixlip. David and I talking about Batman V Superman. I had taken issue with two Superheroes FIGHTING each other while David had taken issue with an Alien(Superman) and Batman(human) would be fighting. Superman would win in a split second. Then I went upstairs to see the guys above in Men's Night. Ronan and the gang were talking about Star Wars and Rey etc.,

Then I headed onto the Cineworld to see Dad's Army. When I went into the screen, there was nothing on screen when at least ads or trailers/previews should have been shown. Then when the film came on it had subtitles some had no issues, I personally meh!!!, don't mind the subtitles, but reading every single line.... but there was a few against it. I felt a war would break out. hahaaha. Was given a free ticket. haahaah even FREE iMAX, mmmm

Thursday, 11 February 2016

Diary 11th February 2016

Shortly before I went to bed, I was charging my new Nexy(Google Nexus 9). I had the charging atop Ducky. Then I got a sudden image of whereby my place would be burnt alive, as the case it was seen in the last few weeks, whereby a charger went alight as it was ontop of MATERIAL. So with this I decided against it and put Ducky elsewhere. awwwww

Then I went to sleep. And when I got up to take a leak, I realised that I actually forgot to get my Social Welfare. Considering I'm in debt of over €141, how I acutally forgot to be up in time for it? hmmmm. Just can't get my head around it.

So then it was time in actual time to get up. However I had gotten so cozy, that I just decided to sleep it out. hahahaha. LIke I was far too late for my Social Welfare. Goosebumps was only realsied in Cinemas. I was due to go and see Goosebumps aswell.

So when I got up then eventually which is 1am, I noticed that one of my programs I wanted to record Prime Time dedicated to General Election 2016, only to realise that it ran out of space. ANd added to that the 12.30 News Bulletin clashed. Oh boi!!!!!.

Wednesday, 10 February 2016

Diary 10th February 2016

Well my first port of call was to get up. hahaha. I listened to voicemails. One was Fairview Medical Center(my GP surgery) telling me I had forgotten to collect my Medical Cert for my Injury Benefit. The other voicemail was Mom telling me she had found my Passport. Well what a gleam that came outta me. hahaah.

So I set about getting my Medical Center. While there I was there writing my card and obviously collecting and signing my Medical Center. There was a patient there commenting on my scratch cards which was a birthday present for my Aunt. She also mentioned that she loves the Telly Bingo show where the Declan the presenter used to dress up in Drag etc., She is known as Veda in The George. The lady was saying twas a shame that Declan was forced to cut down on the dressing as a girl or Drag as it "was great craic". Twas lovely. hahha

Then I headed to the post office to go and get the card Registered. I had arrived at 17.29 which the Post Office closes at half 5 on the dot. The proprietor asked me what do I want. I said to register a letter. She wanted to tell me the system is closed, however she said instead "Give me the bloody letter". Granted I arrived late, but for her to say that to a customer!!!!!. haahahah. As I said to my sis, she always pisses me off. Ever since she gave out stink to me, of accusing me of "scratching my arse", etc.,e tc., She has disliked me. hahaah. If she took the time to "Get to know me", however she's just too judgemental.

So then I moved on to Mom and Dad's to go and collect my Passport that Mom had told me. hahahah. I was over the moon. I had turned my place upside looking for it for several weeks. hahaha.

So then I went onto Store St Social Welfare to drop in my Medical Center. heheheh. On the way, thou, I encounter a motorbike with Fat wheels. I was admiring it, then afterwards, I got the willies, that it could be in use or whatever in gangland killings.

So then I came back home to get ready for tonight. O' Farrell rang me to know if I were interested in seeing Spotlight with him in Rathmines. I told him that I had smuggled my sleeves into Cineworld so that I could bite on it as the film was playing. I told him I only saw it as it was up for the Oscars 2016. So then I headed on off to Cineworld to see Star Wars. Before thou, I wanted to give my new GoPro camera a go. However it didn't have any SD card in it. hahaaha. 'twas a shame. hahahah.

WEll I unpacagked my Google Nexus 9 tablet. heheheh. Well the amount of System Updates, from Android Lollipop 5.0.1 to 5.0.2 to 5.1.1 then a few small System Updates and then the Mother of a Android Marshamellow 6.0.1. OH boi.

Monday, 8 February 2016

Diary 9th Febraury 2016 - Pancake TUesday(Shrove Tuesday)

Well after a dream of whereby I leave my Cineworld card behind while I'm very close to the cinema, and then also my Dad's friend who is currently in hospital with a Brain ANurism. In the dream, he dies and I of course cry my eyes out in reality.

So then eventually I got up, as I had a few errands to do, such as getting a card for my dad's Sister in Law Maura(Dad's brother's wife). I went to Scribbles first to get the pressie and card. heheeheh. I saw a few teddies, of interest, hmmm. However with the price tag, I said I'd leave it.

So that said I then headed off to the GP to get my Medical Cert. However as time was not on my side, the GP was closed which I was shocked as I thought it'd be closed around 6ish, it actually closes around half 5.

So then I headed on into town to get my sis' teddys she wanted. Then I was looking everywhere for Vegan Pancakes. So I popped into Holland and Barretts in Ilac Centre and the sales person told me, that there's no such thing, as Veganism ain't as popular as Vegetarianism. However that said, I can still make them BUT I want it READY-MADE. hahahaah. Then afterwards, I then headed on up towards my folks. I had gotten a voicemail of my Mom, to come up to them for to have Pancakes as today is Pancake Tuesday aka Shrove Tuesday. I was looking everywhere for Pancakes and this reminded me of Sabrina who "I want Pancakes", hahahaah. Mom reminded how Pancake Tuesday came about. It is a Christianity thing, whereby people give up something or do something they've been putting off on the long finger. In relation to Pancakes itself, its a starter to Lent whereby they eat everything before they begin the actual fasting at hand. Quite interesting to learn. haaha. Then I headed on off to my sis. We looked at Mike and Molly. Great comedy. hahaah

Diary 8th February 2016

Well today was a quiet day. hahhaha. Well as per my norm TV shows etc.,

I also was getting my dinner too. hehehe. Did a bit of tidying up as the rubbish was in my way of the Oven. So I got the cooking going. hahaha. However thou, I soon realise that the soup I wanted to cook up was frozen obviously BUT, that I wanted there and then. However I have to defrost it first. :(

While I was doing a tidy up in the living area, I noted a brand new heater that wasn't even opened. hahahhah.

Also It was my intention to start on the Reinstallation of Windows 8.1 but firstly Windows 10. However when I got there, I came across my Norton product I purchased in PC World recently. I was wondering the price of €39 instead of €109 etc,. So I looked it up Apparently I got €55 off as part of the January sales.

Then I was also gonna open up my new GoPro which will be used for recording videos of my whereabouts on the bike and then the Opening of packages like I did with my Lumia phone. hahaha.

I was going through some music videos and James Corden who has videos of Music artists with Carpools. When I go to Thumbs up a Video ie a Like in Youtube, I have it setup so that Twitter receives a tweet saying I have Liked a video. However on Facebook recently, it posts several times, and I just can't for the life of me understand!!!!

Sunday, 7 February 2016

Diary 7th February 2016

Well I had a half half good and bad night. What I mean by this is that I had a dream whereby I was being diagnosed with cancer of the Colon which my Uncle Reggie went with, then I was diagnosed with heart cancer(which I don't think it exists - to my knowledge anyways) also diagnosed with the head, something like that.

So then I got up. As my sis wasn't well upstairs, I didn't go to her immediately. So looked at Rebellion and the start of Superman 4. Then I got the call to head to her. So I got my cereal AND her cigs. Then onto her whereby I kept her company.

Saturday, 6 February 2016

Diary 6th February 2016

Well I endured quite harrowing severe thoughts last night. Not the best of the lot as they say. This all was sparked when I went to see Spotlight yesterday. Then more of a thought occurred when I got it through my thick skull that I may have been abused as a child over here in Ireland. How this came about was that a memory came back to me when I remember I went to the CHildren's Hospital complaining of my willy being very soar. There was white stuff coming out of it, ie cum. Now normally cum only comes out IF and only IF it is jerked off. Now I don't recall myself ever doing it at a very young age. Cause the cum that it's not cleaned out would result it in being very soar. I will have to get this double checked thou.

So then I eventually got up. And headed to the cinema for to see Star WArs. Then I headed on up to Mom n Dad's to see how Mom is and of course to give back bags and lunch boxes. heeheh

Friday, 5 February 2016

Diary 5th February 2016

Twas a nice and quiet day. hahahaah.

I had initially wanted to go into Pennys in O' Connell St., and to get teddys for my sis in EuroGiant. However, I had horrific diarrhea BEFORE going to bed and in the middle of the night.

So with this, plans were to change. So instead I actually went to the Outhouse and then to the cinema. heheheh. The lads all congratulated me on getting my citizenship of which I obtained last week. George said a phrase "You can't get a bog out of a man, BUT you can get a man out of the bog". So I was welcomed with open arms. heheheh. I had asked Stephen whom was also there as a British Citizen would he be allowed to vote in the upcoming General Election 2016. Con confirmed that Stephen will not be allowed as he is NOT resident in ROI. hehehe.

So onwards to the next place of interest ie the cinema to see Spotlight. I of course had my sleeve with me, in the bag, of which I smuggled him in. hahahah

Thursday, 4 February 2016

Diary 4th February 2016

Well I got up in the afternoon, to look at the most anticipated aspect and that is the General Election 2016 Campaign. eheheeh

So afterwards, I then got ready to head out. My first port of call was to get my Rent Allowance and the Basic Supplemental Welfare Allowance. I then put the money into the Bank. However it wasn't adding it. So I just put a basic amount in, as I do like a bit of pocket money. So then I looked closely at the receipt, and it noted that I was being deducted cash for to pay back the moneys I owe them. I was told in January to go back to them, with a LETTER, and then that they would come to an agreement with me. However that wasn't to be.

So then I popped into Gerry. I had a fit of laughing when I asked Gerry how his mother is and his reply being "Vampires don't get colds or flues". Well what a laugh. hahaahah. He made a good point thou relating to General Elections Campaign. He was saying that the shorter the campaign the less "boring" it becomes. or less "daunting".

Then I headed on to my sis to see how she is. I told her of the above SW issue.

Then it was time to head on off to the city to do a bit of shopping. I headed to PC World in Jervis to get my gadget for the GoPro which is a stand kinda thing. However it wasn't to be. So I got replacement gadgets for the GoPro and a Norton Security. heheheh.
So then I headed to Tescos in Jervis to look for Vegan Pancakes. Couldn't find em. So I got Butter instead. So my next place was to head to LIdls. On the way I encountered  Dealz and thought to ask if there was Vegan Pancakes. However that wasn't to be. So I headed into Lidls. Got a few grub.  I then headed into Tescos on Parnell to see if they had any Vegan Pancakes. There they didn't. But got stuff for myself. hehhe. Then onto Aldis, where my foot saved my fall. hahaha. There they didn't know Vegan Pancakes. I then was to go to EuroGiant, where I was reliably informed that they closed at 9, however they were closed around half 8. So I don't know what happened. hahaha. So I popped into Pennys to get more clothes. However I couldn't find any Small trousers anywhere, not even shorts. hmmm I was surprised. I'll try again tomorrow. hehehe.

I then headed onto the Outhouse, where I got myself a Raspberry tea, and a chat. Then it was time for to see Ride Along 2. heheeh

Wednesday, 3 February 2016

Diary 3rd February 2016

Well today was fairly quiet. As I  had stayed longer than anticipated. It was anticipated that I head to bed straight AFTER the Superman films. However I was adamant that I wanted to get all coverage on the Dissolution of the 31st Dáil, so I waited to see if THe12.30 on TV3 or the 1 O' Clock on RTE1, and as they didn't extend I headed on off to bed.

When I went to take a leak, I quickly checked to ensure I had enough space.

Tuesday, 2 February 2016

Diary 2nd February 2016

My sis called down for a period. Then she headed back home.

I went to collect my Medical Cert. and dropped it at Store St., Looked at further TV and then got ready for to see my sis.

However she herself wasn't feeling well. So I didn't stay too long.

Monday, 1 February 2016

Diary 1st February 2016

I spent the day looking at much missed shows. hahahaha. Last week, I was in bed with the flue or virus. Take ur name at it. hahaahah. I also was doing a bit of tidy up in the kitchen by means of washing all the dishes.. heeheheh.

THat was my whole day spent. hehehhe.