Saturday, 27 February 2016

Diary 27th February 2016

Today was quite and what a day or as someone would a MOTHER of a day. hahahaah. 

WHilst going through the History of the Constituencies of the Republic of IReland, and in particular PRE-Irish Free State(now known as the Republic of IReland), I saw Queens County Constituency for the United KIngdom and Kings County Constituency for the United KIngdom. So I began to investigate this further. When I looked closer I saw the QUeens COunty is NOW Laois and Kings County is NOW OFfaly. How amazing is this and interesting. hahaha. 

Looked at the election coverage for the whole day as well as the lead up to it. What I mean by that is I hadn't seen teh current affairs in the LEAD up to it. hahahah. I signed up to Twitter’s SMS feature of which I thought I had it enabled. So that said I got an SMS saying that Eoin Ó Broin of Sinn Féin got elected. When I read it, I was so sure it was Eoin O' Farrell my mate. ahahaah

So throughout the day, I got myself some grub as in dinner of which Sausage, BUrgers and LAsagne was on the menu. hahahah. It was unfortunate that I burned the sausage and burgers. Hahaha. I still ate them hehehe they ain’t cheap. 

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