Sunday, 14 February 2016

Diary 14th February 2016 - St. Valentines Day

I was dreaming of Patrick BArrett(a former mate of mine before he found out I am gay) and I are taking pics of the Artane Boys Band coming down Clonliffe Rd., Patrick calls me up towards Drumcondra while still taking pictures. So when I got up, I was visibily upset as I had lost a good friend. So I have 5 Duckys, one of the Duckys can be called Patrick. So far I have Ducky, Baby, and NOW Patrick. heheeheh.

Normally I get up to my sis as per norm on a Sunday. However she wasn't herself. I pray that she gets well soon. So instead Mom had invited me up to keep Mom n Dad company. hehehe. So while there we were chatting away. Had a nice meal. I fixed Mom's phone by taking off selatape she had on. The previous time Mom rang me before I was going out, I was literally shouting down the phone trying to figure out what she was saying. hahahah. So it was found she had sellatape on it, as her Phone cover was falling off, something like that. I advised her aswell to call into Three(her cell phone carrier) that she see if there is a plan whereby she can ring ANY network. She kept admiring and complimenting my hair. hahahaha. So I took a few selfies WITH glasses and WITHOUT glasses on her phone and my Lumy.

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