Thursday, 9 July 2015

DIary 9th July 2015

Well what a night I endured. So it has now come the time for me to warn yee all of the GROTESQUE dream of Animals.


I am in a farm environment. I am trying to get this cow off my bike. Which its attached onto a wood something like that. His legs were touching me or there was something that was on me I felt uncomfortable. Now as I understand I think the cow was dead or something I can't remember that bit. However in order for the "thing" to get off touching me, I got a few fireworks stuff and stuffed the fireworks in the cows ass. When it went off, the imaginable occurred. I bet you I'll be scarred. It splattered everything, brains, etc.,etc., body parts. yaddy yaddy yadda. Something warm was touching my butt. I didn't want to look what it was. So I moved forwards to try and get away from it.


So with the above dream, ever since I became involved heavily in Veganism, ie looking up videos etc., etc., of the stuff which I'm not gonna get into incase it damages yourselves and more so triggers me, I've been getting these kinds of dreams.

So with that dream over, I got up late, not bothered getting my dole. I woke up to several missed phonecalls, well 3 from my Mom. So she popped down to me. I got up at 9pm, I was disappointed to learn that the iMAX of Jurassic Park has been taken down. There was a time that Cineworld's iMAX used to leave some films for a very long time. They don't do it anymore.


Survivors of Symphsiosotomy(whereby a woman's pelvis was PURPOSELY broken for to deliver a baby, as such they have a life time debilitating conditions, are being asked "for the impossible" e.g receipts for incontinence pads, etc.,etc., e.g receipts for prescriptions over 60 years ago

Dublin City Council has announced that they will be €18m in deficit if they are not financed for the homeless. They are trying house the homeless

Aoife Beary has been taken off the Critical List She was one of the 7 who was severely injured in the #Berkeley tragedy. She has started to wake up from an Induced coma.

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