Monday, 6 July 2015

Diary 6th July 2015

Well after a fabulous afternoon out in Terenure yesterday for the Vintage Roadshow, I decided to take a break. ahhaah. I only did the trousers as part of my weekly tidy up of the flat. Then I started the long haul of my Android Apps Updating. Things were quite unusually slow today in terms of the Backup on the Lappy and Sammy being slow, which is quite normal, now that I think about it. ahhaah. So now I started the Android Updating procedure around 4am, its now almost 12hrs and still updating apps. So yeah quite slow. hahah. I guess its to do with many factors including the amount of apps installed etc., etc., So now it'll be time for me to do the final upgrade. hahaha. The most update I've been looking forward for several months, in particular since Christmas. Lollipop has arrived on my Android device of Sammy 2. When I changed Carriers ie Networks Operators from Three to Meteor, I thought that delayed things. After several hours of downloading updates of Android Apps, I started the Android Lollipop Update. It failed, so I put it down to the space, so I made space on it the memory and then it still failed, so I let the battery get higher charge. So still failing I continued to search Google and saw that some are saying, to Wipe the Cache Partition via Recovery AND/OR to try the Upgrade again.


Yesterday Greece voted No yesterday in a historic Referendum. The Greeks were fed up with the Austerity. Also whats so WEIRD is that the guy who PUSHED a No (Oxi) vote, Minister of Finance Yanus Varoufakis, resigned. Euclid Tsakalotos was later announced as Varoufakis' replacement.

Clery's Gordon Brothers are being investigated by the Liquidators over their conduct.

Former Labour Leader and Minister Pat Rabbitte has announced, he will NOT run in the next General Election. He was 26 years in NATIONAL Politics. First elected in '89 for the Worker's Party, went onto form Democratic Left which later was merged with the Labour Party. He was elected the Leader of the Labour Party in 2002. He was a Junior in the Rainbow(Fine Gael/Labour), Coalitiion. He was most recently Minister of Communications, Energy & Natural Resources until he was sacked by his NEW Leader of the Labour Party: Joan Burton. He was active in Local Politics and an active Trade Unionists hence the Labour Party ie the Workers Party. Its fair to mention is was active in Student Politics. Former President of the USI.

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