Saturday, 23 May 2015

Diary 23rd May 2015


As I was passing Barneys pub, on the way to meet O' Farrell in Ballsbridge Hotel, I remember I met Séamus in there with the group 20Somethings meeting a religious pilgrimage, whereby we met there to discuss a pilgrimage to Jerusalem. Mom understandably forbade me to go there with the conflict that was ongoing at the time.

Well what a day it turned out to be. After a historic vote, Ireland voted in favor of Marriage Equality. Citizens came home in their droves from all over the world to cast their vote that they are elegible. It was history in the making. I mean like IReland is the only country who voted by Popular Vote whcih means that Citizens of the country vote for a change to the Constitution ie Bunreacht na hÉireann. Over 1m citizens voted in favor of Marriage Equality. It was passed by a landslide. Vincent Brown himself had a special results show Live in the George. Or as he puts "iconic" gay bar. As such it was my intention to go their. Then onto Dublin Castle. However I had gone to bed too late, So I wasn't able to get out. So I instead planned on going to Mom and Dad's to celebrate with the Eurovision. However they themselves were in from Calum's First Holy Communion in Wexford. I headed on afterwards to the George for the Eurovision. Never expected such crowds. Like it was described as "Four Paddy's Day". So I then headed to O' Farrell where I was to meet Daniel whom I hadn't seen since the Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat(Review here). So all in all, we couldn't do anything. We were basically me anyways walking around for 3hrs. I was paying for it with my feet, and still am. I had thought about the Boilerhouse, but I'd need the cash for Dad's Father's Day gift or clothes in Penny's. I then headed home and did the Eurovision Night on my TV. hahaah

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