Tuesday, 24 November 2015

Diary 24th November 2015

Well what a day today turned out to be. Like just WOW. Twas just unreal. Like it all started off when I got up around 1ish, showered, then I headed on off to the Dr.s Appt for 2.50pm. I was looking for items before heading out. I found them in the end.

I was called eventually, then the Dr., told me that all I need to do is to collect it, without the Dr., While that's all grand, however LAST MINUTE, really pissed me off.

While waiting around, I then was hoping to go to Social Welfare BEFORE 4pm, as they close. THe last time, the A -Team member of staff told me to hand my certificate to a guy on floor and to mention A-Team to the person, however there was no one around, There was the security guy at the Door, of which he would be a FLoor guy aswell, I don't like the cut of him, far too rude etc., So then I headed on up and waited for a ticket number as per norm, of which I didn't mind, however thou when I went to the desk, I was then told to go and fill the form up completely then bring it back to them. Says I to meslef, "wow, way to go Stany, bring in an EMPTY form, hahaah", that's the only laugh I got throughout the day, hahahah.

Then afterwards, I headed on up to An Post directly and got my dosh. However just as I went into An Post, something was telling me what happens if... well as it happens that was the case, well the Rent Allowance was taken.

But I didn't realise this until I was failing to count MINIMUM €200 to be lodged into the machine. I then realised CRAP I actually realised they actually took it off me. I confirmed this with my reciept from SociaL Welfare. So I just  lodged €140 into the bank. And even that I STILL didn't have enough for the Rent, as my previous Debts were paid off, namely the Loan DD from last Friday(20th Nov), so that was a no no. I then was left thinking n thinking to how to meet the missing €80 for the BILLS alone, let alone myself.

So armed with ONE bad news, I was about to be  hit with ANOTHER bad news, which I won't get too detailed, but here goes, When I arrived home from the bank, I arrived to whats described as a NEW bed, hahahah. Now what I mean is that I had received new Duvet, Duvet Covers, Pillows and Pillow CAses. and not forgetting THROW(awwww) and of course the Electric Blanket. NOW what you ask me, HOW can this have been done while I was out, hmmmm. My sis was down for downloading, BUT my Mom brought my sis and obviously herself down to do the bed up. Now while I can appreciate all the hard work of my sis and my Mom for purchasing the goods, I still disputed the fact, that I didn't want it especially the Electric Blanket for Electrical reasons ie cost reasons of the bill, yet she still went in. When my sis was telling me all of this, I was visibly very upset. Now obviously I know, I know, I'll continue to say and say again, but that said Mom didn't even ask my permission to enter my property ie my Flat. She's hated from Day one. We get that, but to do this. That's so cruel. like such Deception.

So then my sis obviously stayed with me, for moral support and of course her wonderful thing known as downloading. hehehe. We chatted, had fun, looked at yesterday's news. We saw a new series Blindspot. AS part of the fun, a TV ad appeared for selling Tablets(computers) in Harvey Normans. I only realsied that Tablet serves as the medicinal AND the computer gadget aka Samsung Galaxy Note series or the iPad series etc., I even said to my sis "here have a look at the TV", I even paused the ad just to show. Just goes to show you, what you learn. hahaah. We got a takeout, and while eating, I noticed that there was meat in the Wrap, of which I didn't take, obviously. I then ensured that the bed clothing were VEGAN, ie nothing from an animal, otherwise, I would give it to her. While in my gaf, I got the sudden urge to bite my "Towely", namely made of the Arm warmers and the beach towel of which I warp the arm warmers with a beach towel and I just bite it as if it were a Sandwich. heheheeh. I was just so upset that I wanted to cry it out, but as my sis said one stage, "I'm all cried out", So I just bit it as if it were Violife Cheese sandwich, mmmmmmmmmmmmm. It brought back my childhood sleeve habit I used to have. Now I haven't bitten my sleeve in sometime. Back when I was living with my folks, I would bite the sleeve almost every single day or whatever,. especially when I was coming out, that my jumpers would be made into Rags, ie NOT wearable to the public anymore.

I then brought her back to her place, had further chats and cups of tea. Again further chats were had as I said. My sis wanted to get this sorted out, ie the finance at the very least. As I said above, Social Welfare cut off my Rent Allowance. So both of us did calculations. So to surmise finally, I will be ringing Rents Unit tomorrow, and if I get it back, I'll only need borrow €80 from the folks OTHERWISE, I will have to borrow €120 per month from my folks to meet the missing €80. I use to put in€220 into the bank for BILLS alone, however as a result today, that ain't gonna happen for the foreseeable future. So when I got home, I told my sis, I won't be able to afford the Electric Blanket AND the portable Halogen Heater that my Pops got me. Obviously I have been using it this past few days ESPECIALLY during the cold spell. But I can't afford it with the cost of electricity. So my sis clobbered our heads together to figure something out, which ALL depends on the phonecall, which I'll be making it tomoz. Then when my sis told me that she will be going for a few 40 Winks, I understood she meant she WINKS 40 times, but she actually meant for 40mins, aka 1mins PER wink, WOW. Whats even further worrying or whatever is that I should have known this YEARS ago when I was young, ie LATE DEVELOPMENT. I then headed on home after the wee hours of the morning.

Why did my Mom NOT put me up for adoption INSTEAD of Orphange, likewise my sis, hmmm. THis question I asked myself while getting Crisps for my lunch BEFORE starting today's news, ie watching it. I'm almost sure my sis told me, I just can't quiet recall it.

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