Just before I was heading to bed, Dad pops down to take a look at the alarm. I'm their sitting on toilet doing my business when he rings the doorbell. And says I to myself, "crap" the +Inflatables Stanescu. Well I can tell you this much, I never got off the toilet as quick as I did for the Inflatables. Cause the last time he had an issue by means of slashing em. So I hid the majority in the BAthroom and the rest under the covers. There was one thou however that he still can't get around it haha with his face. hehehe.
So after Dad left, I checked my mail of which one was Specsavers and Sky. I knew what Sky was which is a bill increase. Nothing's new in that department. ahhaah. However when I read further, I was delighted to learn that the RTE Player is to come to Sky's Catch Up TV Service which I get free as part of my subscription. I was more than delighted. LIke I won't be recording RTE News or RTE Shows anymore. I just download and Record. Yeahhhhhhhhh happy dayssss.
Well after a restless night, but I must say I did get a few hours wink alrite. hahhaa with the alarm still going off. haahha, I got up for today's meetup ie Cornucopia(Review here) with the Vegetarian Society of Ireland. I used maps to see where it would take me. So I followed it, well I never, I was taken to places which is actually illegals ie illegal turns. It was a great meetup. hehehe. I met up with a few ladies who were there when I arrived. heehheh. On the way, I came across a child and his mother. There was a flace linen curtain and a Vase in front. The Vase being glass by the looks of it. The child was there pulling at the curtain, and I got the fright of me like thinking he'd knock down the vase. As I was going down to get my food I came across Ursula Halligan from TV3. She came out gay a few months ago before this years Historic Same Sex Referendum. She is TV3's Political Correspondent in TV3 News. So I got talking to a few of the women, She was telling me that she lives in MAnchester and is home for the week or something. So I asked if she was going to Manchester Pride or if she's ever been or something. She said "I ain't gay". I said ya don't' have to be gay. Just like ya don't have to be a vegetarian to eat vegetarian. So long as you're NOT against Gay people etc., Then I was about to head off, when I got talking to Vinny, of which I realsie he was actually Albanian, well who knew. hahaah. I then was asked by Gerard where I Was from, ie he was keen on my accent, So I dubbed him Accentology the study of accents. haahah. Then we all agree that the prices are exorbitant. So I was explained thou which obviously one factor is the location ie Grafton St, where Rent prices are quite high and another of which I learned was that the food is cooked at 40C, so to keep the ntirietnwts instead of loosing them. Gerard whom I was chatting too BEFORE going home was talkign abotu PUppy Famrs.I referred hims to NARA and ARAN. ARAN has been around for several years. He was saying there;'s hundreds of them. I said ARAN can help. His arguement was that its far too much. Mine was ya have to inject a virus. To do so ARAN being the virus, it will evnetually pull em all down. Other topics discucessed were Remembering our school days. I did Plough and hte Stars for LEaveing Cert and Home ALone for Junior Cert
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