Well what a day today it turned out to be. It started HAPPY but ended on a sad(ish) note. I'll explain in due course. First and fore most, I haven't gone to sleep yet. Secondly, I started showering after a month. eheheheh. Shaved my stache off - awwwwww. Well at least it was for a good cause. Movember ie Men's Mental and Physical Health aka Testicular and Prostate Cancers.
Today is actually World AIDS Day. So for that Dublin's Mansion House was holding an event, in that they were launching a Report on Stats etc., So I popped along to it. On the way I noted the amount of homeless people. 2 beside each other and 1 another one elsewhere. Says I to meself, how did the homeless crisis get so bad. Like literally. There was a woman at the event who couldn't stop coughing. She either has cancer or something, cause it was persistent. One of the speakers from Concern Worldwide made a wonderful speech, "HIV is equal to HOPE IS VITAL". I think that's a wonderful quote. So then on the way home, I was reading the pamphlets I had gotten from the event. Lord Mayor of Dublin Christy Burke(Ind) was too ill to open the event.
Today when I got up from my sis, well technically before I headed off to to the above event, I came across MORE shit coming up in the shores. So I rang my landlord Franky(Its what I call him - NOT to himself, just me - heehehe). Nothing knew, it went to voicemail. Literally, as I live and breath, I came across Mom's car to pick me up so that both my sis n I would start the decorations with our Pops. It was totally unreal. As I was coming home from the event above which was 11am on the dot, Mom was parking up. I was totally amazeballs. Like seriously. So Mom brought me up, Dad n I started the decorations, MY sis came up too and did up the tree and other decorations.
So after such a wonderful day, All the memories of happiness came flooding aback when I used to live at home with the 3 of em.
Positive One: http://positivenow.ie/
T: http://positivenow.ie/
F: https://www.facebook.com/PositiveNowIreland
Dublin AIDS Alliance: http://www.dublinaidsalliance.ie/
T: http://www.twitter.com/DUBAIDSALLIANCE
Y: http://www.youtube.com/user/DAAest1987
Dublin City Council: http://www.dublincity.ie/
T: http://www.twitter.com/dubcitycouncil
F: http://www.facebook.com/dublincitycouncil
P: http://www.pinterest.com/CityofDublin/
Y: http://www.youtube.com/dublincitycouncil
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