Friday, 28 February 2014

Diary 28th February 2014

I got up today feeling very nice and grand. I was initially suppose to see the new movie Ride Along with my mate, B. O'F. He told me on WEdnesday that he was going to the Fine Gael Ard Fhéis today. So he wasn't sure if he could make it tonight. So I initially made plans to go and see The Lego Movie on me own then and see the new Ride Along movie. HOwever it wasn't meant to be, as he wasn't able to come out. So I went along to the Lego Movie and throughout the movie I was beginning to feel down, and felt that throughout the night.

So onwards to the Outhouse, where I bumped into an old mate of mine B.J. O' S. Twas wonderful to see him. WE chatted about movies, pro - choice: Referring to the Savita Hallapinavaar(Excuse the spelling). Then he asked me how I was feeling. Somehow I spewed whatever was on me mind. Which I can't understand. This has happened to me in the past. Whereby the last time, I was at a meetup of Gay Dining OUt(if I can recall), and shortly after the meal, somehow I came out spewing with my probolems relating to my homobpohbia. Now this is a guy I never met, technically a stranger, yet I came out with this stuff. It was the same with B. I know B from the past alrite, however as I hadn't seen him in ages, I still came out with this crap. Why this happens. I don't know at all. Will have to consult my therapist no Mon. Anyways as usual I get sidetracked. One thing that struck me was the phrase or metaphor that he came up with: "If my uncle were my Aunt, she'd have balls. "(My apologies if misquoted). But from what I understood, he was saying, try and resolve the issue at hand, but if its unresolvable, try and move on. When he explained this, I persisted, but I can't move on without moving to another country as my fam are like a magnet. He said that his fam have disowned him, something like that, of which he don't mind one bit. But for me, I was wanting this, like when I was doing the blocking on two occasions, but with their magnetism etc., It just not is possible. He then asked me if I had in the past contemplated suicide, I had said yes on a few occasions. He then went onto say is it possible that they are only looking out for you. I said not a chance. That they have a heart of brick. I gave the example that my mom would never forgive me, if I were ever involved in a car accident. He just didn't know what to say. So with that before the time was up for the OUthouse to close, he headed off. I felt, god Georgie u and ur big mouth. I hope to god I'm wrong, but that said, in my opinion he couldn't wait to get out of my presence.
As I felt worse now than when I first came into the outhouse, I proceeded to head up to Men's Night(which is now held in the Library part of the Building). I had a fantastic time. All I need is a bit of company friends and mates. B. S wasn't around, B. O'F was at the Árd Fhéis. I wasn't in the mood to be alone in the apartment, very early in the evening. So with this in mind, I went up to Men's Night. Twas a wonderful and very hearty discussion. One thing that cropped up thou was the connection of Easter Eggs and the true story of Easter ie Crucifixion of Christ. etc.,

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