Wednesday, 5 February 2014

Diary 5th February 2014

My dream was quite interesting. I had dreamt about a guy whom I know very well from Facebook. Breandan O' F had told me about him previously last week. The dream consisted of very simply a breakup. Which was kinda sad, but very interesting. hahaah.

Well today was a quiet day. My plan initially was to go to a protest being held by USI Ireland to protest against Russia's anti-Gay Laws in particular the Shochie Winter 2014 Olympic Games. That was due to start at 11am at the Russian Embassy. As I went to sleep around 7isham, I failed to get up. Then again, I shud have been able to, like I have slept for 3 hrs sometimes, and done a full days work(so to speak). Was exhausted. I later on got up around half 5 as I was to meet my friend Todd from the US to see Jack Ryan: The Shadow Recruit. Although living in ireland's several years. I was to meet Todd for 9 in his place. then we walk to the cinema which is only a stone's through from his place.

While I was in the shower, my alarm went off. I was gonna wait til I was finished and ready. However as I heard doors opening, I said to myself, I better turn it off, in case someone thinks my place is being broken into. So I turned it off, then I had to dry myself off and get dressed. I started to fold up my shorts(part of my big cleanup). Then got my brekkie.

Then I proceeded to head out to meet my mate. Before I headed out, I got a call from my other mate Brendan O'F. So we all met and got our food and tickets. I found that the Large Nacho meal I normally get in Cineworld, is far better value in Odeon than in Cineworld. Like think of this. For 9 in Cineworld, you get a large Drink, large Nachos(2 dips); for an extra .45c in Odeon you get large Drink, large Nachos(3 Dips; So clearly Odeon wins out in Food in patricular the Cheese dip was hot and the Nachos so very tasting. mmmmm. So after a little debate with the staff and the wonderful service I receieved too, onwards we all went to see my too hotties. During the film, I asked Todd, what he thoguht of Jack Ryan(Pine), and my other hottie Aleksandr(Character). TOdd's response was very funny but yet true. He loved when the character was topless with just jeans. He's scorching hot. However, it was funny when he said the face was not attracting enough. hahaha.

USI Link:



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