Thursday, 16 January 2014

Dairy 16th January 2014

Shortly after I got up, I got a visit from my landlord to test the Firearlarm, as per regulation of the Industry. HOwever due to my depression, I was very nerve racking. I hopped into the shower. ANd all I could to think of was him evicting me or raping me or whatever. Thats all that was going through me mind. But all in all, he was calm about the mess of my place.

I headed onwards to Lidls to get a few clothing items that were on sale. However as with all Stanescus as late per usual. They had a few left alrite. So I got a few. I also got a pressie for me sis before going to Cinema in da poind store. aka The EUR Store.

Then onwards to the Cinema, where I went to see Walking with The Dinosaurs: The 3D Movie. I have a review of it here.

Then after the cinema, as I had a spare time before seeing my sis, I went to the Outhouse. And saw my friend BRendan Searson. Twas lovely to see him in such spectacular ghetto. I thought he was on a date or something. HOwever it wasnt to be. He explained what was going on.

Then I proceeded to head to my sisters's place. I was in Dorset St Lower heading towards Drumcondra Rd., Lower when I didn't see the door of a car opened ajar in time, and crashed into it. The Driver was parking the car and was getting out. He never saw me. It didn't help when I didn't have any lights to help him, however that said, he should have seen a cyclist let alone myself, considering it was very bright with lights etc., Anyways I fell off the bike and crashed onto the ground with the bang on da noggin. I wasnt the best after it. Still amint. The driver was left shaken, so I told him not to bother giving me his number. POssibly for insurance reasons or da Cops. That said, I was at fault too, so I didnt want anyone involved. But the cursing I did. Twas unreal. A woman and the Driver helped me off da road as I was blocking traffic.

That said I still managed to arrive in one piece to me sis. WE chatted and looked at K-9: A Christmas Tale. Twas very nice. But too long drawn out. Not my cuppa tea.

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