Monday, 27 January 2014

Diary 27th January 2014

As I stay up for the night or a phrase I've come to love "I pulled an all nighter". Everyweek I do this, as I'd be afraid that I would miss the appointment. I have the Physcotherapist appointment everyweek for about 50mins, talking to a person relating to my recent trauma(which happened a few yrs ago)

I proceeded to tell him everything as noraml. As I had an eventful week, I told him everything that happened within 20mins. My mouth went dry, tears coming outta me eyes. For the first time, my Phsycothereapist asked me if I was alrite. I had told him how upset I was when I was told that my sis was in the hosp(phicatric) then to top that off, I only recently found out that my Papi of whom I adored and came v close to was actually homophobic all along. When my mom was homophobic(she's not too bad now) and me AUntie, the words were bad, but was alrite to deal with in the long run, but me Papi and they coldness and the way he said it, that was like a bullet through me heart. Think about it, When I was coming out my mom was doing all the talking adn da bullying and my paps never said a word etc., I actually thoguht he was fully for me, just men don't talk - thats the reason I didnt think he was agaisnt me. But all along is was playing me for a fool.

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