Well today was quite a day. hahahah. After my hibernation, mmmmmmmmmm, I was to get up for half 2 so for to get ready for my doctor's appointment. However I had to get up slightly earlier as the rubbish that was against the door, where I left it yesterday, I spent time in moving some of the rubbish. And putting stuff away. hehehe
So I headed to my drs appointment for to get him to fill out a Medical Report for the Driver's LIcvense. He told me that there's no need for me to get a Medical Reporter as my General Health hasn't changed since my last driver's license issuing. I said what about my back or even my "Lovers" ie the eyes. hahaha. The back he was very against it. He went on by saying "You don't want to drive", I said of course I do. hahahah. So he said don't put it down. So he got me to read letters as per the Eye report.
Then onto Drumcondra to get my big Mother of a savings. I went to credit union, and I said to him I'd like to withdraw from my account and leave a couple of euros to keep the Account opened. So that said I gave him my Member number and he said that's back in the stone age, ie donkey years ago. So with that in question he asked for security questions. Apparently I had left out the digit 4 in my membership number. hahaha
Then onto An Post to get my Rent Allowance. While waiting there was a kid with his mother and brother or whatever. And the kid told the clerk that he'd wish to put €10 into the account. So adorable to look.
Then onto my Medical Cert to be put into Store St., Then onto my infamous Specsavers debacle. As reported on Sat, Maudy was making a racket. So I brought in the glasses for to drop them in for repair. I rang Maureen to find out what exactly did she tell the Supervisor. Cause I did get it for €33.50 which my aunt had said. She told me that she had said to them I'm a good Customer. Says I to her for a person whom the MOTHER pays??? how am I a good customer? She then answered it was in relation to that I give them custom ie walking in etc., etc.,
Then onto Easons for to get +Inflatables Stanescu R2D2. However I was distraught to learn they ain't selling anymore. None in the warehouse etc.,e tc.,So then I asked if my Easons Voucher is working anymore she put likely no. As there is no balance. I in the meantime purchased a 1916 Magazine. While the salesperson was doing up my purchase a noise or something was heard. Says I to her perhaps a "Ghost", haahaha.
So then just passing a Garda Stop van, I decided to try my luck and see if he could fill out my NDLS form, he said he's no stamp, which is required.
So I continued onto Pennys to get the stuff I failed to have enough for the last day. Then Mom rings me, while on the way to H&M, she brought up my Mom, my birth Mom. She was saying there's nothing can be done, until I brought up Andrea. I started to get teary. So I said to Mom am here in the City, so with that she changed the subject.
So then I headed to Tescos on the way to sis to get a few goodies. Then I headed onto my sis, of which I brought my sleeves - awwwww. Then while I was on the way up to my sis, I described this to my sis. I had two Neck Scarfies on the middle of the handlebars. While gaining momentum or speed, the scarfies were "flying" and eventually flipped over. I thought this was so adorable. Says I to me sis that If I had my GoPro, I would have recorded this and shown it to her. hehehe. She then noticed my Sleeve agitation, hahaah. Reason being its all non-too familiar. aka Social Welfare and an odd time my Mom but defo SociaL WElafre. As reported, I will be faced with a €400 bill of owing them back money they overpaid me in the coming weeks. My sis and I did a few calculations. So following are the calculations:
IB 84.50
SWA 101
RA 77
So the above I normally get would be 265 approx.
So with the deductions. The highest I can afford to payback would be €50 a week to SW. Which would last two months. So following is what would be the week WITH deductions
IB 84.50
SWA 51
RA 77
So that brings it to 191. That's just bare minimum for Bills. So I would be having for myself about €10 a week, I would double it when I want to see a film in iMAX ie for the iMAX Fee AND the food of course. When I go to iMAX I LOVE food in their ghahaha. It adds to the movie. or as they say "Be a part of the movie".
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