Thursday, 26 September 2013

I went along to an Open Evening of LGBT Empowerment. It was quite interesting. It should help me to deal with my homophobia. It may or it may not. You never know.

But for some strange reason, after I left my friend +Brendan Eoin O'Farrell as I was traveling down Donnybrook anyways, I said I might pop into Maureens for a few mins considering the time(around 10pm evening). However when I went to the house Sr. Brid answered(by means of talking through the window) however as I couldn't hear her, I just left. I thought she was saying "A bit late don't ya think" or maybe she was asking who I was, I responded err George.But either way I left.

After Maureen's I travelled along da Quays an d said why not try Todds and see what happens. As his car wasn't there, I headed on home.

So then I travelled along Alfie Byrne Rd, Malahide then Griffith Ave., I decided to see if I c Ailish and Noels when I got thoughts saying I'm sorry etc., etc., and see what would come about. But as I there car werent there, I headed on home.

Now I was an hr and a half travelling. The fact that I even thought of visint Maureen, AIlish and Noel - that must mean something. Am I ready or what??? THen on the other hand, may be it was fate telling me that Im not. Who knows. Ill try another day.

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