Not bad a day today. The weather being very halloweeny Autumny feeling. Yep there's the Georgian coming out. The reason I say this is, although I love the summer relating to me wearing shorts, others have issues with me wearing it. I don't know why but it does bother me. So with the Wintery feeling and Autumnal yeah love it. hahaah.
So before going to bed, I couldn't' find my sex phone to go and put the alarm on for me to get up for. So instead, I used my Sammy and Sammy 2 phones to ensure I get up. Then shortly before i actually got up, I realised but what happens when the sex phone goes off ie the Alarm from yesterday. Then I'll be able to locate it. heheehh. I was delighted.
So then I got up and then headed with my head held high as I was keen on learning the Bees and Veganism. LIke what.... So I was to meet the Dublin Animals Rights Group for to see a screening of Vanishing Bees. I was quite alarmed to learn a few items. Although the film focused on UK, USA(mainly) and Italy. In Ireland the Government launched a Pollination Plan last week, ensuring the survival of the Bees. So I was keen to learn how does this actually help. In the film, I was surprised to learn that my beloved WAtermelon cannot be because of the survival or the Vanishing of the BEes. Who'd have thought or thunk it. hahaha. Various theories are said to have contributed to the vanishing. One was being the interviewee being a smartass blamed it on RUssia. But the real culprit is actually Pesticide. Now while Pesticide is a good thing for the plants and crops to get rid of insects that are poisonous or whatever, the bees thou however actually "affects their nervous system, and orientation" and hence cannot find their way back to the hive. Then I got thinking but what happens if the pesticide has been tested on animals, how does it make the Apples or whatever the crop is make it vegan then. ...
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