Friday, 19 June 2015

Diary 19th June 2015

Today, I was half thinking of whether to go to Outhouse or not. However, I wanted to keep the cash for the Saturday Night Gear Ireland PRIDE Event. So I just took to the bed. While doing so, I was thinking about an episode of World's Strictest Parents whereby they were going through the Top 10 Tantrums in the series. One tantrum featured a guy being forced to tend a church of NOT his belief. I was totally appalled by his forcement. His adopted family for the series, wanted him to attend a church. "I don't want to attend a church of a god I don't believe in". Now my take on this is, I personally don't believe in forcing a religion on one's self. The guy being featured, he was being asked to attend a church of possibly Christianity of some form. Christianity as aw hole, features several variants e.g include Roman Catholic, Protestant, Church of England, Church of Ireland, Orthodox, etc etc., I was reared Roman Catholic but born an Orthodox back in Romania. Now there are other religions e.g Muslim, Islam(I ain't sure if Muslim is the same religion etc.,), Now if a person in my personal opinion is asked to join a congregation is OUTSIDE Christianity, I am totally against that. e.g You could be a Catholic and you are asked to join a Muslim faith, now while I personally have nothing against Muslim people what I am against is being asked to attend a Muslim Service.


A Memorial in UCD has been held in memory of those who lost their lifes specifically those who went to UCD.

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